Unlimited Skill Points System

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 - Obtaining Another Skill

He was a disciple of the Green Mountain Sect, with his cultivation having reached Martial Cultivator Level 5. In contrast, Jiaang Lin stood before him at a mere Martial Cultivator Level 1, yet he dared to scorn him. Qi Yuan had never encountered such audacity within the entirety of the Green Mountain Sect!

Despite this, Qi Yuan felt a fire blazing within his chest, his rage spewing forth from his eyes. How could he possibly stand for this?

With an icy glare, Qi Yuan addressed Jiaang Lin, “You foolhardy cur! Do you really think you have the audacity to be insolent before me?”

“Let me make this clear: what you've seen was merely the effort I exert on the common rabble. To me, you're nothing more than a slightly stronger version of the same,” Qi Yuan proclaimed, intent on making Jiaang Lin understand the vast gulf between their strengths. To Qi Yuan, Jiaang Lin was nothing more than an insignificant ant, easily crushed between two fingers.

Qi Yuan's sneer grew as his aura intensified, ready to strike at a moment's notice. He had bolstered his presence to underscore his point, eager to witness the fear he expected to bloom on Jiaang Lin's face upon feeling the overwhelming force of his aura. However, Jiaang Lin's reaction—or lack thereof—was a bitter disappointment. Not a hint of fear marred Jiaang Lin's countenance; he was the picture of nonchalance, as though Qi Yuan posed no threat whatsoever.

In Jiaang Lin's eyes, Qi Yuan could detect only deep scorn and mockery, not the slightest trace of fear.

”What on earth gives you, a piece of trash, the gall to be so brazen before me?” Qi Yuan seethed. In that instant, fierce flames erupted around his fist, transforming it into a fiery projectile that hurtled towards Jiaang Lin.

The villagers gasped at the sight of Qi Yuan's fiery arm. Being mere mortals, they couldn't fathom how a man could be engulfed in flames without harm—surely, this was the work of an immortal!

”Qi Yuan truly is a celestial being!” they murmured among themselves, their eyes wide with awe and fear, while the village chief nearly fainted from shock.

Amidst the commotion, only Qiu Xiya watched Jiaang Lin's silhouette through her veiled eyes, her thoughts a mystery to all.

Suddenly, Qiu Xiya whispered encouragingly, “You've got this!”

Her voice was enchanting, enveloping listeners as if they were immersed in a warm hot spring.

Upon hearing it, Qi Yuan realized that such a melodious voice existed even in this humble village. He had already noticed Qiu Xiya, and his glances towards her were both intentional and casual. Her alluring figure captivated him. Though the two junior sisters behind him weren't unattractive, they paled in comparison to the woman before him.

With this thought, a cold smirk played across Qi Yuan's lips.

“Senior Brother! This woman is quite something. Why don't we all have some fun with her later?”

“Yeah, junior sisters. How about we all play together later?”


“Exactly! Don't think we're unaware that after you've had your fun with that seductive fox, you'd still favor us!”

Qi Yuan's junior brothers and sisters were already fantasizing. Qi Yuan himself let out a lascivious laugh and coldly said to Jiaang Lin, “After I kill you, we'll make sure she enjoys herself thoroughly!”

“What foul talk,” Jiaang Lin's expression darkened as he retorted, “We'll see if you even get the chance!”

Jiaang Lin was now intent on killing. These people were utterly despicable. Their sect was clearly not one of integrity. Today, he would exterminate them all, ridding the people of their menace.

“You dare insult me?”

Qi Yuan's eyes bulged with anger, “You're asking for it!”

In a flash, Qi Yuan's fist, ablaze with ferocious flames, hurtled towards Jiaang Lin with the force of a meteorite.

Jiaang Lin, however, appeared frozen in the face of Qi Yuan's onslaught.

“This is it! The poor kid's going to get beaten to death!”

“Oh no! We saved him, only to lead him to his doom!”

“Had it not been for us, he wouldn't have crossed paths with the Immortal Master from the Green Mountain Sect and met such a tragic fate!”

The villagers were consumed by guilt, convinced that Jiaang Lin stood no chance against Qi Yuan and that his death was inevitable.

Qi Yuan's junior brothers and sisters already bore smug smiles.

But just when everyone was sure Jiaang Lin was doomed, he suddenly let out a sneer and declared, “You think you can kill me with such a feeble attack? In your dreams!”

Skill activated — Evade!

In an instant, Jiaang Lin's silhouette danced before everyone's eyes, as agile as a serpent. Qi Yuan's attacks repeatedly missed their mark, with Jiaang Lin deftly avoiding each one!

“He actually managed to dodge Senior Brother Qi Yuan's attacks!”

“How can this kid dodge an Immortal Master's attack? And come out unscathed?”

Qi Yuan's fellow disciples and the villagers from North Mountain Village were all wide-eyed with astonishment, marveling at how Jiaang Lin could survive Qi Yuan's onslaught!

Initially taken aback by Jiaang Lin's agile maneuvers, Qi Yuan quickly recovered, sneering, “You've barely dodged my attacks, but can you escape my fists? Can you escape the flames that envelop them?”

Upon hearing this, Jiaang Lin glanced down to see his chest clothing reduced to ashes by the flames on Qi Yuan's fist, his skin reddening and beginning to feel a painful burn.

But in a flash, a smile spread across Jiaang Lin's face!


Congratulations, host, for mastering the skill: Fire Resistance!

Fire Resistance: At maximum level, grants 100% immunity to fire attribute derivatives!

Fire Resistance: Current level 1/10. Would you like to upgrade to the maximum level?



“The system is incredibly powerful, providing exactly what I need when I need it!”

Jiaang Lin chuckled and affirmed, “Yes!”


Fire resistance has reached maximum level, with the current skill level at 10/10.

Suddenly, Jiaang Lin felt a refreshing coolness throughout his body. The ambient heat and the scorching intensity of the flames could no longer affect him!

This meant that Jiaang Lin was now impervious to fire, and Qi Yuan's attacks could no longer inflict any real damage on him!

But just as Jiaang Lin was about to counterattack, the system beep echoed once more!


    Congratulations, host, for mastering the skill: Rapid Healing!

    Rapid Healing: At maximum level, capable of instantaneously repairing bodily injuries, even regenerating severed limbs!

    [Rapid Healing: Current level 1/10. Would you like to upgrade to maximum level?]



    “Divine technique!”

    Jiaang Lin's heart trembled with excitement. Now this was a true divine technique!

    A severed arm could regenerate. Did this not mean that Jiaang Lin could regenerate indefinitely? How was this any different from being immortal?

    “Yes! Upgrade to maximum level!”


    [Rapid Healing has been upgraded to maximum level. Current skill level: 10/10.]

    As the system beep sounded, Jiaang Lin felt a surge of warm energy wrap around his chest, and in an instant, the searing pain vanished without a trace!

    Jiaang Lin was ecstatic internally, yet his face remained expressionless as he continued to evade Qi Yuan's attacks. Qi Yuan's frustration grew with each miss.

    The villagers watched as Jiaang Lin effortlessly dodged Qi Yuan's assaults. Initially, their eyes sparkled with hope, thinking Jiaang Lin might possess the power to contend with Qi Yuan. However, as time passed and Jiaang Lin merely avoided the blows without counterattacking, their optimism waned, and anxiety set in once again.

    Qi Yuan's patience was gradually eroded by Jiaang Lin's evasive maneuvers. In a fit of anger, Qi Yuan bellowed, “You coward! You know you're no match for me, yet you continue to struggle!”

    Qi Yuan's taunt caused Jiaang Lin's brow to furrow, and he let out a cold snort. He stopped dodging.

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