Unlimited Skill Points System

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - I will Protect the North Mountain Village

Just now, Jiaang Lin had intended to impress Qiu Xiya, hoping to win her affection. But Qi Yuan's comment had irked him immensely!

“Father? Who do you think you are, calling yourself someone's father?”

Having arrived in this world, Jiaang Lin was uncertain about his parents' fate in the other world. The term ‘parents' held great significance for him, and here was Qi Yuan, audaciously claiming to be his father. How could Jiaang Lin not seethe with anger?

The sheer force of Jiaang Lin's aura, unleashed in a sudden surge, made Qi Yuan and the others' knees buckle with fear. Jiaang Lin's formidable presence, honed to the maximum level of Level 10, could knock out even a Martial Master. But he had intentionally restrained the full impact of his power. Otherwise, a mere glance from him could have left Qi Yuan and his fellow junior cultivators utterly stupefied!

Qi Yuan's bold claim to fatherhood in front of Jiaang Lin was a challenge he wouldn't let slide easily.

“How does this kid possess such an immense aura?!”

Qi Yuan was taken aback by Jiaang Lin's commanding presence, something he had only ever felt from the sect's elders.

Yet, Qi Yuan quickly reassured himself. The cultivator before him was merely trash at Martial Cultivator Level 1. Why should he fear someone whose power was four levels beneath his own?

With his confidence restored, Qi Yuan's sneer returned, and he looked at Jiaang Lin with utter contempt.

“You're nothing but trash. So what if I claim to be your father right to your face? What could you possibly do to me?”

Qi Yuan reached out, aiming to strike Jiaang Lin's face. The smile on Jiaang Lin's face slowly faded, replaced by a glint of murderous intent in his eyes.

“Jiaang Lin…”

In that tense moment, Qiu Xiya cast a concerned glance at Jiaang Lin and called out his name.

Jiaang Lin swiftly turned, his expression softening from one of lethal intent to a radiant smile, as he reassured her, “Don't worry, I'm here to protect North Mountain Village!”

When Jiaang Lin spoke, all the villagers present were rooted to the spot, their hearts swelling with emotion.

Qiu Xiya felt the same, and within her, she began to see Jiaang Lin in a new, grander light. His silhouette seemed to embody reliability itself.

“Humph! You think you can protect North Mountain Village? Who do you think you are?”

Qi Yuan shattered the moment with his sneer. “You still aspire to protect North Mountain Village? Let me tell you, you won't get the chance! Today, I'll send you off to guard the fabled hell!”

“Can you do it?” Jiaang Lin looked at Qi Yuan with a dismissive glance, which turned Qi Yuan's expression frosty.

A disciple of the Green Mountain Sect, Qi Yuan's prowess had reached Martial Cultivator Level 5. And here was Jiaang Lin, merely at Martial Cultivator Level 1, daring to scorn him. Qi Yuan had never encountered such audacity in the entire sect!

Martial Cultivator Level 1 was essentially the lowest tier within the Green Mountain Sect, particularly among martial cultivators of Qi Yuan's age. Jiaang Lin was at the very bottom of the bottom tier, an utter fool with abysmal cultivation talent.

Qi Yuan, a prodigy, had advanced to Martial Cultivator Level 5 by the age of eighteen, a well-known genius within the sect.

Yet now, Qi Yuan felt a fire of rage burning within him, fury blazing from his eyes.

To be belittled by a fool his own age—how could he stand for it?

With a chilling gaze, Qi Yuan addressed Jiaang Lin, “Humph! You truly are oblivious to the brink of death! You think that just because you managed to withstand my palm strike earlier, you have the right to be insolent before me?”

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