Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 1030 - 1 wave and 30% off

“Well! Sister Becky?”

A surprise greeting greeted Becky, who was about to leave the hall. You know that Becky didn’t even dare to bring a loyal family guard to this assassination, and she did it all by herself, so you can know how careful she is.

But now, apart from that silly Orbs, there are people here who know her? She even called out her name … no doubt, this incident is definitely not within the scope of Becky’s plan.

Immediately, before waiting for Becky to consider whether she should leave here quickly or press the left wrist sleeve arrow to risk the hidden dangers in the bud, the fragrance came, and a pretty and familiar face appeared in front of her. The mouth was full of incredible surprises, “Sister Becky, it’s really you! Why did you come here? When did you come? Why didn’t I know at all?”

After a series of questions, Becky was obviously inadequately prepared and a little dreadful, “Uh … Ann, Annika? You … how are you here?”

Damn, how can I forget this crop!

Becky was extremely regretful and disappointed. She was disappointed that her perfect plan, which had been scrutinized numerous times, did not consider Tang En’s friend Alan’s fiancee, the little girlfriend who admired herself, Annika, to take into account … Big mistake!

Well, this is the difference between professional and amateur. Only rookies will recognize it, ww ▼ w. For their own plans are perfect, old birds such as Tang En have long been numb to the situation of ‘plans ca n’t keep up with changes’. And the key to measuring whether an assassin is a professional is never in perfect planning beforehand, but in the ability to face sudden changes!

obviously. For this. Becky is not yet qualified … but Becky has to be lucky. The misfortune she encountered was an idiot Miss Noble Jiao,

“I? I followed Allen to the wedding, so boring, a bunch of people I didn’t know. Fortunately, God’s help, let me meet Sister Becky, hee hee …” Anika apparently didn’t notice Becky’s unusual look, or noticed, but only when the other side was as surprised as himself, familiarly climbed the latter’s arm. “By the way, Sister Becky, you haven’t told me why you came here … oh!”

Suddenly, she touched Becky’s left wrist subconsciously, “What? Hard …” Becky stretched out her hand and held Anika’s palm to lift her sleeve, removed it, and seemed to carelessly waved, “It’s nothing, just a wrist … Well, I heard that you and Ellen are about to get married, Is the date set? “

Needless to say. The topic turned quite blunt, but it was more than enough to deal with Anika. “Ah! How did you know, Sister Becky!” Anika glared at her words, exclaimed, “I just knew it … In the afternoon, after Allen went out, he came back and told me in person , This time we will be officially married! “

“Uh, I guess.” Am I going to say that I’m haphazard? Wouldn’t it be so coincident … Becky twitched her lips and smiled stiffly, “Congratulations, Anika, you finally got what you want!”

“Thank you … that, I haven’t actually promised him yet …” After thanking her subconsciously, Anika twisted again, a little shy and a little arrogant, but most probably meant happiness, and she probably shared it with her. Thoughts, pulling Becky’s hand and going inside, “It’s a rare encounter, Sister Becky, I’ll take you to meet a few big people. Josiah, have you heard of it? The leader of the gray army .As long as you can connect with her and say a few words, your family’s business in the north will be unimpeded … “

“No, don’t need it.” Becky broke away with tears and tears, and I still need you to introduce Josiah? She is my playmate for more than ten years, and I will talk nonsense … After completely stabilizing my mind, Becky resolutely shakes her head, “Thank you for your kindness, Anika. But I am sorry that I have something important now I ca n’t delay for a while. Next time, I will have a chance next time. “

After a moment, Becky waved Anika, who stopped talking, and took a glass of orange juice from the tray in the hands of the waiter, and gestured slightly, “Sorry, you can’t drink, you know, this glass Juice is my sister’s apology. “The words fell down, and he simply drank his head.

“Uh, that’s okay …”

Letting go again, Becky, eager to leave, naturally couldn’t give Anika a chance to speak anymore, and she decided to forcefully end this unplanned encounter. After returning the empty cup, I grabbed another cup from the tray next to me. “Today is too rushed and I can’t prepare it. Even if my sister congratulates you on your newly-married couple in advance.” After that, I simply raised my head again. cup……

I have to say that Becky, who has extensive experience in dealing with people, is undoubtedly better than Anika several times. There is no need to make a blunt gesture at all, just a few words and a few hinted actions can convey the seemingly unspeakable firm rejection to the other party smoothly and softly.

Sure enough, when Anika saw that her heart could no longer bear the thought of leaving Becky, she was about to say something about her regretful open mouth, and she glanced over the cup held up by Becky’s hands. Sister Qi don’t, that’s it “

The voice fell, but it was too late, “Well … keke … keke …” A mist of water sprayed out, and the wine was overflowing. The strong and decisive strong woman just momentarily covered her mouth and bowed her back like cooked prawns, her face and even the back of her ears were red and **** at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she coughed again and again.

“Sister Becky, don’t you worry? Don’t scare me.” Anika couldn’t help spraying some of her drink on her body. Anika rushed forward and lifted Becky as she patted the back, while stunning the waiter Ying yelled, “How can you give Sister Becky drinks, don’t you know she is allergic to this?”

The waiter looked innocent: “I really don’t know, and the drink was taken by the lady herself.”

This is indeed the case, and there are several thirst quenching beverages offered at this wedding party. People who like to drink can drink water, such as Becky and others who can’t or don’t like to drink also have fruit juice ice water and so on.

So you can only blame Becky for not paying attention to the tray on the waiter’s hand. Not two glasses of juice. It’s a glass of juice, a glass of wine.

“It’s okay. Cough … Anka, you go back, don’t worry, believe me, cough … I can handle it …” Although her throat was hot and uncomfortable like swallowing red coal, how could Becky still be? Dare to stay here long, lest the movement in the lobby pass to the side hall to let the other party come out to check the alert, quickly got up and pushed open Anika’s arm, turned and rushed outside the hall door.

“Uh. Are you really okay, Sister Becky?”

“You can rest assured … wow …”

Into the night.

The hustle and bustle in the city’s main office gradually subsided with the increasing twilight, similar to the simple process, and the wedding ended a little unexpectedly fast.

The front and back add up to just one hour, and the high tide atmosphere has been mostly cooled. This is not to say that there is anything wrong. In fact, people who attended the wedding dinner were very happy to eat and drink, especially the family and friends of Tang En and Josiah in the side hall. Except for some women who did not touch the glass, Frey, Ferry, Uncle Darren, Marshal Oumen, and Tang En’s future elders, etc., basically one counts as one, all drunk and falling down. Has been carried out of the lobby to rest.

This nearly annihilated posture also made the guards sitting in the lobby miscellaneous and so on. How hard is this? That man, who should be the leader of the “public criticism”, is this properly accounted for now?

This is indeed the case. Tang En is the last one to be carried out, and it seems to be the worst. Although others are drunk and drunk, but they still have some movements. For example, I was not drunk with a few corpse-like struggles, but Tang En didn’t move at all like a corpse, tilted his head, frowned, closed his eyes, and slept. Mess.

I have to say that only from this final result, Becky’s plan is undoubtedly successful. Her lightweight hallucinogenic dust placed in a napkin and the configuration of drinks like effect additives were not noticed by everyone. Successfully overturned the audience. And it hasn’t caused the slightest suspicion. The drunk people just think that they are a little inferior, or secretly whispered that the strength of this wine has grown a lot …

Of course, the people here don’t include Tang En. After being brought into the wedding room by several guards like dead pigs, and being joked a few words similar to the tortured night of the cave house, Tang En pumped out the corners, and then stood up arrogantly after the guards left, and turned over with anger. With a wink, “Oh! Dare to entertain your uncle”

Immediately raised his hand and rubbed his frown, shook his head, rolled over and washed a few cold water faces, and then he exhaled a lot, and felt a lot of relief in his chest.

Tang En didn’t use the method of stealing beams and changing columns before, to be honest, he didn’t need to. The effect of hallucinogenic dust is good, but in the face of Tang En’s almost innocent metamorphosis, it is still not enough to see, the effect is not even as good as those drinks that Tang En drank … In other words, Even if Tang En didn’t know all this before, and didn’t notice the hallucinogenic dust, Becky’s next stabbing operation will be doomed to fail!

Interlaced like a mountain. No matter how careful and overestimated Tang En’s ability, but she was not good at assassination, after all, she still underestimated the degree of metamorphosis of the so-called first assassin in the world!

However, with a full set of professionalism in acting, Tang En still lay back on the bed obediently, staring at the roof of the room beam with big eyes, and then began to think habitually.

So many people have now been stabbed. Is this considered retribution?

Anyway, where will the silly girl go for the first time? Isn’t it headshot? Well, it shouldn’t be reasonable, it’s obviously not enough pleasure to choke all of a sudden! But if you look elsewhere … will the blood bag not be prepared enough? It won’t be seen by her as chicken blood …

By the way, I should cooperate to respond. Scream? No fan! Then say two lines … died in your hands, my life is no regrets … I think of the run in the sunset that day, that is my youth … pox?

Oops, I ca n’t wait, I ’m really looking forward to it, why have n’t I come yet …

At this time, a few hundred meters away from the wedding room, Tang En’s object, Beqi was hiding behind the thickets of trees near the road, and quietly bowed forward, turning around from time to time, looking extremely professional, and extremely cautious .

Well, extremely cautious … A quarter of an hour passed, she couldn’t even get close to the wedding room a hundred meters. It seemed that I had gone wrong once in the middle, mumbled and went back again, shook his head, and knocked again.

“Don’t turn. Good. Don’t turn again, so dizzy … Strange, I remember this way …”

“Well, isn’t this stupid girl reliable?” At a distance of more than ten feet behind, several figures were hiding in the shadows of the wall. They seemed to be tangled. “No, she should step on it a few days ago.” Well. “

“No, she’s in this state … drinking?” As soon as the words fell, she saw Becky raising her hands and covering her mouth, and she floated a few steps to her feet. Finally, she bent down and bowed her head, wow


“This Nima”

“Just look down on these monks, there is no professional ethics at all!”

For a moment, several people looked at each other and shook their heads silently, and then one of them waved helplessly: “I wanted to do it realistically. But now it seems … well, let me know. Let the patrol team not come over, and the guards are all there Withdraw. I don’t believe she can’t even touch it! “

“It’s too obvious, will it cause her to doubt?”

Pointing at Becky who was vomiting from the waist, “What do you say?”

“… Okay, I’ll inform …”

What happened here was that Tang En, who was lying on the wedding bed, naturally did not know. He only knew that he had waited for about half an hour, and deduced countless times what was about to happen. His brain was so wide open that he was about to spontaneously burn, but Silly girl has been late …

Oh, kind of cautious?

Tang En quickly found a more reasonable explanation, then thought about it and closed his eyes and meditated on the “ killer system ”.

Since the Battle of the Temple Association, Tang En, who is determined to retire, has never gone into the system and met the old housekeeper. Now he is waiting around, so it is better to take the time to check it out …

Another quarter of an hour passed, the small garden in the back hall of the city’s main mansion.

“Hell, I remember correctly, this place is an appointment! Why can’t I find Pei everywhere … she, shouldn’t!” Orbs hurriedly led the way in front of him, his mouth was broken and he couldn’t stop thinking, looking at The surrounding trees and grass swept back and forth, anxiety overflowed in words.

Can you be in a hurry? Before the wedding was completely over, he dragged Johya to come here, saying that he wanted to give each other a big surprise, but now they have walked around the small garden for three times, but even the shadow of surprise Didn’t see it … Isn’t this a pit game?

However, if Orbs could look back at his sister Josiah’s expression at this time, maybe he could see some clues from it.

Oh, my stupid brother … Looking at the anxious back in front, Johia, who followed calmly, shook her head and laughed. Of course she knew who Orbs was looking for, but it was doomed to no avail. Because if there were no accidents, the person to be found should be in her wedding room at this time … But,

Turning his head and looking away to the back of the city’s main house, Johia frowned slightly. After such a long time, why is there no movement at all?

Attention, just doubt, not worry. The gap between Tang En and Becky was so great that Josiah didn’t even have a little worry. Or, even if she was worried, it was worried that Tang En had a bad taste and accidentally hurt her good girlfriend …

Finally, more than ten minutes later, Josiah called to find the collapsed Orbs, and waved furiously: “Obs, I’ll go back and take care of your brother-in-law. Don’t make such jokes in the future.”

“Uh, but I’m not kidding, really! Sister, you have to believe me … don’t go, sister, I can swear to God …”

“No, I don’t believe that person for a long time …”

Although I still don’t think Tang En will have any accidents, but after so long, there is no movement at all, which is obviously inconsistent with the original script plan. So after getting rid of Orbs, Josiah went straight to the wedding room without hesitation.

Then, outside the courtyard of the wedding room, Josiah saw the Harry people gathered at the gate of the hospital, holding their hair, or holding their heads. His expression was obviously a little broken, and he turned his head subconsciously and looked into the hospital.

“Hold on, you’re about to succeed! Becky, you can! Hold on … weird, what about the door?”

In the courtyard, Becky with crimson faces, eyes closed and stunned, and her mental state was obviously abnormal. She was holding a dagger, shaking it step by step, crumbling forward. Where is the door … think of your tragic elder brother, think of the **** hatred on your body … you have endured so many years, and the layout has been planning for so many days, not just … uh … for revenge at this time Are you cheering up? “

She shook her long hair like a rattle left and right, she didn’t know she had dropped her hat, and she even hit a few long wine slugs … It looked really sad!

It is also admirable. It can be seen that Becky’s spiritual will is indeed quite strong. Even if he is almost drunk, he is still indomitable towards the goal. Well, at this time, she was very close to the door of the wedding room, just a few steps, but you turned your back to the front door of the wedding room, touched the rockery in the courtyard over and over again, and asked where the door was. What do you mean?

“Ma, I can’t stand it … the door is behind you, silly girl!” With a long spit, Harry finally couldn’t stand it anymore and reminded loudly.

“Back? Back … Which side is it?” Becky scratched his head stupidly, and then in Harry’s collapsed eyes, turned around 360 degrees in situ, and continued to touch the rockery … maybe it was the rockery The stone can’t stand it anymore. A moving stone was finally pushed to the ground under the persistence of Becky. With a click, Becky stunned for a moment, then rejoiced, “Haha, finally found it, the door opened … …thank you!”

He waved his hand ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I don’t know who to thank. Immediately, he bumped his head forward,

“Uh, Becky doesn’t”

Boom, the rockery is slightly shaking.咣 When there was a crisp sound, the dagger fell to the ground. Then Becky with her forehead bulging, finally fell down on her back … Ending her twists and turns of revenge!

And at this moment, the ground, the creak wooden shaft turned,

“What voice?” The front door of the marriage room that Becky repeatedly found was easily opened from the inside, Tang En walked out blankly, and looked up to see Josiah and Harry, who were stunned and looked. , Foolishly standing outside the courtyard, watching at his feet …

Slightly bowed, subconsciously bowed his head, and saw a figure lying quietly under the steps in front of the door, with his mouth opened slightly, and he fell asleep sweetly … Bey, Becky?

Helping my forehead, I can’t bear to look directly, “Oh!”


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