Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 1029 - What resentment

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind “The Strongest Killer System”, listen to your more suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the public account of the starting point (wechat add friends to add public account input), and tell me quietly!

“Welcome, welcome, Uncle Darren hasn’t seen you in a long time, please come in …”

“I haven’t seen you for a long time. It’s been a few years since you joined the Grey Army. The leader of Josiah can often see it, but you are not common … Look at me, caring about my emotions, it’s too late Bless you all. Congratulations, Tang En … “

“Haha, thank you. Uncle Todalun is your blessing. If it weren’t for you, Josiah and I wouldn’t have happened to happen so well, so please be sure to have a toast.”

“Haha, no problem, I’ll continue with how many cups … But, uh, Brother Tang En, isn’t it a bit bad for me to come here today? Those generals did not receive invitations, but a little head of me came … “

“It’s okay, Uncle Darren, you think too much. Today is just a brief meeting with friends and family of Josiah, not much else.”

“Oh, that’s good, that’s good. Then you’re busy, I’ll go in by myself …”

“Okay, I’ll find you later … Yo, Marshal Omon, why did you come here in person? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone with a blessing …”

“Haha, your boy talked insincerely, old ∈∵, w: ww. Head, but I remember that as long as I was alive, I must come to drink your wedding with Josiah!”

“Success, blame me. It’s okay. But since you’ve left it here, don’t blame me for letting you lie down.”

“Hu blows the air! You guys have the ability to try it! Haha …”

In the evening. The former city hall of the main house of the former city. The wedding scene now.

Needless to say. With Josiah’s current status, whether it is a man in the gray clothing, or an irrelevant celebrity wealthy business celebrity, etc., countless or eager or resentful eyes are watching here, and I imagine that I can Stepped over the low threshold of the city’s main mansion. However, unfortunately, under the arrangement of Josiah’s incomprehensible style, small heads such as Uncle Darren, or those guards and miscellaneous men in the city’s mansion can send her blessings to her. But they have a prominent position, but they can only watch from the outside, so miserable!

Of course, Tang En, as a client, would not care about these miserable grievances. Instead, he was happy. Because standing at the door and acting as a welcome guest, he was only one person. In less than half an hour, he successfully completed the reception and took back all the invitations issued.

If the wedding can be so simple. That marriage seemed good too. Thinking of this, Tang En relaxed and greeted the guards on both sides to close the door. And explain to the other party after the shift will have to go in for a drink or something, go back.

“Boss, congratulations.” As soon as he stepped into the front yard, Harry leaned over like a ghost, with a flattering flattering smile on his face.

He snorted softly, “Let ’s come, the account in the morning hasn’t been calculated with you. If you weren’t happy today, let you taste it now!” Tang En glanced at Harry, who was restless, and waved wildly. Said, “Okay, just say something.”

“Oh, thank you, Boss.” Harry grinned and rubbed his palms awkwardly, then whispered quickly, “The chick came in, and came in from the back door, and already started.”

Needless to say, that chick naturally refers to Becky, “Originally, we thought she would poison poisoning dishes, but she didn’t expect her to be smart. Well, boss, there is something wrong with the napkin on your table, and she sprinkled light weight Hallucinogenic dust. “

“Just a hallucinogenic dust?” Tang En raised an eyebrow unexpectedly, nodding in admiration, “It’s quite smart …”

The so-called hallucinogenic dust is an article that can cause light reactions such as sleepy hallucinations and belongs to the field of pharmacy. It is very common and harmless. Some people in the world even use it as a cheap sleeping pill.

“Yeah, it’s really smart.” Harry nodded in agreement. “If you start to use poison with violent hands, even if it’s colorless and tasteless top-level goods, it’s hard to be foolproof, and it is unlikely to escape your keen perception. All poisons are things that can’t be put to death immediately, and those who see blood to seal their throats are not good. It is easy to make mistakes … But hallucinogenic dust is different. The harm of this thing can not even be compared with the drug, Not to mention that it is lightweight, so it is likely to be confused. In addition, even better, once the wine is compatible with hallucinogenic dust, it is the best effect enhancer without causing doubt. , Other people, even the recruiters themselves, will only think that they are drinking too much, so they will feel dizzy and drowsy. “

Harry explained it in detail, a kind of appreciation to see his peers without a brain. But after listening, Tang En shook his head lightly, and put aside his lips: “Not only that, that silly girl must let me go to sleep first. It seems that this is the rhythm that really beats me a dozen times.”

“Otherwise … Boss, you can just let her cut a dozen swords.” Harry spread his hands and sighed. “When she came in, I hit her as a guard. Do you know what I touched on her?” “

“Oh, it’s not going to be big breasts.”

“It’s really fierce! The cuffs on the left wrist, the dagger in the boots, and several powerful explosive crystals entangled in the belt … The whole arsenal was moved, alas, it scared me out of cold sweat!”

Tang En heard the words for a moment, and then shook his head silently after a while: “Isn’t it just to kill her dead brother, what resentment is it? As for this … tell me to go along with that silly girl’s first plan, don’t let She’s crazy. Then, let her come and punch me. “

“Boss is wise!”


So, ah, people are involuntary. If you can do it, it’s best not to move. If you can cut the grass and kill the roots, try to kill the whole family, otherwise the trouble will not come?

Shake his head, forget it, Daxi days, peace is valued, peace is valued … Tang En quickly packed his expressions, especially when he saw a noble person coming face to face, with a faint atmosphere Some incompetent middle-aged beautiful women. It is a harmless smile on people and animals. He took the initiative to greet him: “Good evening, auntie. Are you looking for Johija? She’s going to clean up in the back room, or should I take you there?”

“No, it ’s good to be accompanied by her father over Hia.” After a pause, the middle-aged beautiful woman looked at the courteous and courteous person in front of him, that is, Tang En, whose face was a bit obtrusive, and her eyes were a little complicated, and she wanted to say Something, but in the end just nodded. “The wedding is about to begin, Don, Eun, Your Excellency …”

“Little Tang, auntie, just call me Xiao Tang.”

“Well, it’s a family in the future, and you really don’t need to be too polite.” The appearance is average, but at least people look honest and polite … Middle-aged beautiful woman, oh. Josiah’s mother murmured secretly, with a smile on her face. But let her know just now. Her honest son-in-law is still regretting that she didn’t kill the whole family. It may be hard to say how she feels …

“It’s almost time, Xiao Tang, let’s get ready.”

Nod from goodness, “OK, I’ll go.”

The wedding has begun. There are no moving and moving movements. I ca n’t see the priest who is kind and friendly, nor the boy or girl who is holding a flower basket and throwing petals … This simple wedding is more like a simple wedding dinner. The only serious process is the highest. Off, Josiah walked around her father’s arm, a charming middle-aged man with two beards and a small beard, walking slowly from behind.

The most beautiful time in a woman’s life is when she puts on her wedding dress.

Tang En didn’t pay much attention to this before, because he didn’t have a woman willing to put on her wedding dress. But now it’s different. Looking at Josiah wearing a holy wedding dress, Tang En was killed by a stunning spike, and instantly became the most loyal supporter of this statement!

This Yujing Huaming is like a girl next door, and she is majestic and arrogant. It is the woman of the legendary queen, is my future wife of Tang En … Oh, thank God for your help!

Perhaps because happiness is too intense, Tang En sincerely expressed his sincere gratitude to the **** who is now ashamed, and then looked at the expression of his clogs in the eyes and the corners of his mouth. With a faint smile, Johia remembered some previous events,

“Classmate, are you looking for a book? Maybe I know the title of the book …”

“I’m a student, but don’t look down on me. I’m still a junior wizard …”

“… It’s better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles? It makes sense and learned again … Don, your thoughts are deep and interesting. Can I come to you often to chat with you in the future …”

“Have you heard of the Grey Army … not rebellion, but reform …”

“Reform is very difficult. It takes a long time to succeed. It may be ten, fifty, a hundred years or more. It also requires many like-minded people to work together. Don, would you like to help me … … “

“Dawn City is gone, Aunt Luosha has gone, and a lot of people have died … I don’t know what happened, obviously everyone was fine, everyone was fine, how did it all become like this at once … Tang, I So tired, really tired, why are you back now … “

“I don’t want to turn over old accounts, really …”

“When I was in Laiyan City, I didn’t like to attend the banquet because I didn’t like to listen to those ladies who slap old accounts and scolded the negative people … Isn’t this their own choice at first? Since they have already made a choice, there are Of course, you have to bear the consequences, don’t you? Oh, I just didn’t expect that … one day, I would become the kind of person I hated the most … But, what else do you want me to do … You said, what should I do How to do it……”

“Don … let’s get married …”

The thunderous applause sounded, countless impressions of memories, such as apathy or kindness, or perseverance or majesty, etc., and the rapid rush of one by one passed from the heart, and finally coincided with this closer and closer true happiness face, The corner of Tang En’s mouth unconsciously raised slightly, and secretly said,


The slender palm like a bamboo shoot stretched out, just like the sunny afternoon in the southern town a few years ago, beside the quiet bookshelf, “Hello classmate, can you meet me? My name is Johia …”

From a practical point of view, this wedding is not high enough in any way. But it doesn’t matter, if people drink water, know if they are warm or cold, as long as the scene is warm enough. Down and Johia are happy as parties. Who can say that the wedding was not a success?

of course. Except for one person, “Hum, let me be happy for the moment, when you will cry!” Bech, wearing a wide-brimmed hat behind the crowd, outside the hall, watched the field pick up from the future father. Tang En, who passed Josiah, had a hateful and dazzling happy smile … and raised his collar. Leaving the corners of his mouth is very disdainful.

Becky’s perception is naturally impossible to prevent the orderly progress of the wedding, at least not now. And honestly, there is no need to stop it, because the whole process is fast, very fast …

Tang En and Josiah smiled at each other and nodded salute under the gaze of less than a hundred people around them, and then turned around and turned to face the others, and saluted shoulder to shoulder … The thunderous applause sounded again. Occasionally, there were several whistles, and the wedding was over.

The crowd then shunted. Tang En and Josiah took two tables of friends and relatives to the side hall across the wall, and the rest of the city’s main house guards and miscellaneous staff who came to support themselves remained in the hall. There are also table receptions. Dishes, hilarious …

Okay, as I said before. This is not so much a wedding as it is a daily treat for dinner, and the simplicity is really outrageous!

Becky’s patience was very good. After half an hour, the drunkenness filled the hall, and she watched Tang En wipe the corners of her mouth twice with a napkin, and one of her former girlfriends, Johia, helped him wipe it again and again. After drinking at least two cans of wine, he nodded with satisfaction, walked quietly into the hall, and asked for a glass of orange juice from the waiter. Then he found a guard who was holding a wine glass and looking for someone to fight, and patted the latter. Shoulder.

“You’re … oh, I’ve met you, Master Orbs’ friend, beautiful Miss Robert?” Becky’s first name, and Robert’s last name. It is clear from this point that Beki is indeed cautious enough. The guard with a flushed face and trying to identify Becky’s identity was obviously not drinking lightly, and smirked with a drink of wine. “Oh, it turned out that Miss Robert is also here today. Well, for our beloved leader, we did this. cup!”

It ’s your boss, not my boss. I have to drink it with you … Secretly slandered, Becky unconsciously covered her nose and backed up, and apologized for holding up the juice in her hand. “Sorry, I’m allergic to alcohol. Well, is juice OK? I’ll have a drink with Brother Juice. “

The guards will not refuse. After all, a girl with a good appearance can take the initiative to find a drink. Such honors are not often found, which can be seen from the envious eyes of several other companions on the table. Immediately nodding his head, he drank a glass of wine with a single sip.

Becky didn’t drink slowly. After putting down the empty glass in her hand, she politely smiled again and said, “Yes, can you please help me with your brother? Help me enter the side hall and call Orbs, and say I am waiting for him there. . “Pointed to the corner where drinks and sweets were placed in the lobby.

“Of course, no problem!”

After the rickety guard entered the side hall, a moment later, a slightly thin young man came out of it, looked around, and quickly found Becky waiting in the corner of the hall.

“Sister Becky, why are you here? The wedding is over.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Obbs, something happened to delay the meeting.” Becky helplessly spread his hands, looking like remorse.

“What do you do now?” The thin young man, Josiah’s cousin, Orbus scratched his head and suggested, “Otherwise you can go in directly with me now and fill in the blessing in person. My sister isn’t It’s also a surprise to know you’re here, isn’t it? “

Do n’t be kidding, if you really go in with you, there will be only surprise and no joy … Becky shakes her head and denies it without thinking, and looks back with a bitter smile: “No, Orbs, my sister ’s identity is different from yours now. It ’s better to show up less often. Otherwise, once you are seen by someone you care about, your sister ’s tribe staying in Bran will be in danger … Do you understand? “

Obes certainly understands, and this is not difficult to understand. In terms of the relationship between the Grey Army and Bran today, it is not considered excessive as a hostile country. And even they were all secretly sent by Tang’s brother-in-law from the south.

“So what?” The silly little sister-in-law in Tang En’s mouth heard the words completely. “Sister Becky, how come you came from the south, can’t you even leave a blessing, just go back?”

“That wouldn’t be so.” Becky’s eyes flickered slightly. “Sister has figured out a way, but she still has to trouble you. Well, when you find a suitable opportunity, you can call Johsia to the small garden behind the hall. I’m there Wait for her to send her blessings in person, and you’ll get the best of both worlds. “

“Uh, okay. But … what is a suitable opportunity?”

“Just when no one noticed Josiah, let’s see, your brother-in-law … By the way, what’s his name? Tangen? Well, I think that Tangen has almost drank, so wait When he is drunk, so that everyone cares about him, he won’t notice your sister Johia. “

A stroke of the palm, “Good way! I’ll just wait …”


Looking back in surprise, “Well? What else does Sister Becky need me to do?”

“No. It’s just … Well, it’s all up to you to help Sister Becky this time. Thank you very much!”

“Ha, nothing, and I want to see my sister be happier today ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Well, I promise your sister … will be happy.”

“That’s good, I’ll go first …”

What a lie … Watching Orbus rushing towards the side hall, Becky couldn’t help shaking his head slightly, then sighed softly, and apologized silently in his heart.

Sorry, just as you would think about your sister, I have to avenge my brother who has been dead for many years …

Taking a deep breath, Becky touched the icy sleeve arrow hidden under his left sleeve, quickly adjusted his mood, and walked towards the hall side door. Everything is going well, now wait for that **** **** to fall asleep, and throw it into the net … but just then, stunned,

“Well! Sister Becky?”

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