Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 172

Chapter 171: Gu Master Princess 5

The reason why the old emperor answered Yinglan’s request so readily was to win over her heart, and secondly, it was the most important thing. Looking for the holy medicine with a glimmer of hope, but I knew in my heart that my time was probably running out, so I also thought about establishing a prince to calm the hearts of the courtiers.

right, so he ruined this promise along the way.

Of course, if you think about it seriously, he doesn’t break his promise. After all, he promised Li Yinglan as the crown princess, but who told his son that he couldn’t grasp the heart of his princess? So he should also blame himself for losing the crown prince.

Zhuang Yiming, who had no knowledge of all this, was overjoyed when he learned that his father was really cured by the holy medicine made by his own princess, and he was waiting at home for the imperial decree to make him the prince. .

But he waited for a whole day, and in the end he only waited for Li Yinglan’s book of reconciliation and her will to be named a national teacher.

Zhuang Yiming was almost mad, he didn’t dare to confront his father and emperor, so he went to Baotong Hall to find Yinglan to settle accounts, but at this time Baotong Hall had already been protected by the old emperor’s troops Get up, even if he is the prince, he cannot trespass.

There was a commotion outside the hall, the palace maid reported it, Ying Lan thought about it, and asked someone to put him in.

“Why did you divorce me?” As soon as Zhuang Yiming saw her, he asked his teacher in a bad tone.

Ying Lan looked at him from head to toe twice with strange eyes, and Shi Shiran said: “Don’t you forget what you did to me? alright?”

“You know that I did that because of my father’s order,” Zhuang Yiming was a little weak and defended himself, “Laner, don’t make trouble with me, I apologize to you , would you go and ask the royal father to take back his life?”

“I really like you, and I know you have me in your heart. We’ll be back to what we were before, loving, loving, and being together for a lifetime, isn’t it good?”

“Not good.” Ying Lan rejected him coldly, looking at him pretending to be affectionate, it was really disgusting.

“Why?” Zhuang Yiming’s face became grim, “This king has apologized to you, what else do you want?”

“Haha!” Ying Lan sneered, “I’ll kill you now, and then apologize to you?”

“How can this be the same?” Zhuang Yiming lost his voice.

“Why is it different?” Ying Lan looked at him coldly.

Zhuang Yiming subconsciously said: “You’re fine…”

“I’m fine because I’m capable,” Ying Lan was waiting for his words, and smiled and pulled out the short blade around his waist, “Otherwise I’ll stab you, if you have that ability If you don’t die, I’ll forgive you, okay?”

The sharp dagger gleamed coldly, Zhuang Yiming looked at her seriously, and found that she was eager to try, and actually meant to stab him, so he took two steps back in fright.

“Are you crazy?” He exclaimed in shock, “Even if you make a holy medicine to heal the father, but if you hurt this king, the father will never take his breath away!”

“Don’t you know?” Ying Lan pretended to be surprised, “The emperor will keep me in the palace and make me a national teacher because the holy medicine needs to be taken every three months.”

She weighed the short blade in her hand, and showed an evil smile, “Guess I took your life now, will the emperor blame me?”

Of course not!

Zhuang Yiming has been the emperor’s son for 20 years, how could he not understand his ruthlessness?

If he really died at the hands of this swordsman today, not only will the father not punish her, but he will help her cover up the past, maybe one day the father no longer needs her, and he will kill She wants to avenge herself, but what’s the use of that? He’s all dead.

The position of the prince is of course important, but compared with his own life, it is of course more important to protect his life.

In the end, Zhuang Yiming had to leave Baotong Hall unwillingly, and would not dare to provoke this crazy woman again in the future.

, he doesn’t have to rely on her to fight for that seat on his own.

At the great court meeting three days later, the old emperor appeared on the court with a new image, which shocked everyone in an instant.

Although everyone didn’t say it publicly before, they all guessed his physical condition more or less, thinking that a national mourning would be held soon, and many ministers even brought forward the marriage of their children to avoid the time was delayed.

And those speculators also began to stand in line, relying on the princes they were optimistic about in order to obtain a dragon’s power, so when the second, third and fourth princes fell a month ago, so many courtiers followed the unfortunate .

But what’s going on now? The emperor has suddenly become so healthy and young. It seems that he can stay on the throne for at least ten or twenty years. He will definitely not easily establish a prince again. Will their previous standing in line be liquidated?

Compared to the courtiers, the princes are the most lost. They thought they would finally have a chance to take the throne, but in the blink of an eye, the father and emperor became young and powerful. How many years do they have to wait?

Now there are only the eldest prince, fifth prince, sixth prince and seventh prince in the court. The first prince is nearly forty years old. Looking at his father, who looks about the same age as himself, really wants to cry without tears. , can he really wait for the day when his father abdicates in his life?

Now that he doesn’t get the crown prince, how many years will he have to sit in the crown prince’s position even if he gets it?

Damn Li Yinglan, she must be against herself on purpose! She made the medicine. She could completely make the medicine less potent, just make the emperor’s health improve and help him get the crown of the prince.

The old emperor sat on the highest place and had a panoramic view of everyone’s expressions. He could more or less guess the thoughts of his sons, and he didn’t care too much. Anyway, he lived in the town.

And the courtiers need to be beaten and beaten. These people thought he was going to die before, and he kept making small movements in private, but he wanted to shock them, but as his body became weak, he slowly became Powerless.

Humph! Now that he has fully recovered, these people know they are afraid!

However, the old emperor did not intend to really move them. After all, the court still needs them to maintain operation, but it is necessary to beat them to make them dare not make any small moves.

As a result, many ministers were reprimanded at the Celestial Court meeting, and some who acted too much were even punished to a certain extent. will be yourself.

The old emperor let out some stagnation that he had saved in the past two or three years, and at the end he didn’t forget to hit a sweet jujube with a stick and said: “This time, my body can recover, and I can endure it all. The holy medicine refined by the national teacher, this medicine can be obtained three times at a time, you will serve me faithfully, and then I can share it with you.”

The ministers were really excited. They heard that the emperor had invited a young woman into the palace to make medicines, but they scoffed, thinking that most of the so-called An Min people were made up by someone, and even holy medicine cannot exist.

After learning that the woman has real skills, they are already thinking about getting closer to her. right?

It turned out that the holy medicine that only the emperor could enjoy, now they also have the opportunity, how can they not be grateful?

Some people still eat as she said, and he will think about how to treat her.

Anyway, he can get three pills at a time, and the effect is only one day, so it is not a waste to use the extra to test.

So soon the period of March came, the old emperor took the medicine again, the remaining one was given to the old minister who was loyal to him, and the other was left for two days for an old **** to take it .

The old **** who tested the medicine for him before did not take any more medicine, and the next day returned to the way he was before. The old **** was a little better, and it didn’t achieve his effect at all.

The old emperor finally believed in Yinglan’s words. After thinking for a long time, he called someone to give some instructions.

Soon Yinglan in Baotong Hall ushered in the imperial decree. The old emperor euphemistically called Dafeng to cultivate talents and arranged ten imperial doctors to learn medicine from her.

She knew in her heart that this was after the old emperor determined that he needed to take the holy medicine every three months to survive, and the solution he came up with was to first move her clansmen out as hostages, and then send People came and tried to steal her teacher, so as not to be restrained by her in the future.

Seeing through his plan, but she did not refuse, she mixed a trace of divine soul power into the so-called holy medicine, and ordinary people would not be able to achieve the effect she refined , the old emperor’s abacus was wrong when he wanted to use it up and throw it away.

Besides, the holy medicine is not only a medical technique, but also a Gu technique. She originally intended to promote the Gu technique in this world.

Perhaps for those who don’t understand, dealing with all kinds of poisonous insects is a bit too scary, but after she learned and understood it, she realized that it was not the case.

Gu can also save people, and can even be applied to many places in life, mainly depends on the people who use them.

And seeing that she did not resist her decision at all, on the contrary, she taught very seriously, thinking that she might really be born in the mountains, and she did not have so many twists and turns. The old emperor finally She lost some of her guard.

However, the hostages that should be held in their hands still need to be held in their hands. After taking the holy medicine again, the relocation of the family was officially put on the agenda. Ying Lan accompanied a team of two hundred people. The army staggered back to Yifeng Mountain.

There are still traces of fire and felling outside the poisonous miasma forest. Ying Lan glanced at it, and then strode in, followed by about twenty people, and it was her life. It is impossible for the old emperor in his hand to rest assured that she is of the Hui family alone.

She didn’t resent these soldiers who obeyed the orders and looked at her, and gave them the Miasma Maru very intimately, in exchange for a grateful look.

“Thank you, National Teacher.”

What’s terrifying in this forest is not only the poisonous miasma, but also many snakes, insects, rats and ants. The people of the Anmin people are naturally not afraid, but these people may not be.

Although it’s not that she can’t save them as she said, it’s best if she can scare them and don’t find trouble for herself.

The faces of the soldiers were condensed. They were not the kind of people who didn’t listen to persuasion. They really followed her closely. Be careful.

Seeing this, Ying Lan slowed down and gave them more time to adapt, and finally saw the entrance to the valley after walking for nearly two hours.

Seeing that she brought the stranger back to the valley, the Anmin people quickly surrounded her, but Ying Lan hurriedly said, “I want to see the patriarch.”

Perhaps her expression was too magnanimous and righteous, and everyone hesitated for a while, but finally gave way.

The old patriarch still stayed in the room, with doubts in his eyes after seeing her, but he didn’t say anything, waved his hands to persuade the clansmen to retreat, and welcomed her in.

Ying Lan asked the soldiers to wait outside. The leader hesitated for a while, but did so. After this journey, they were truly amazed by this young national teacher who suddenly appeared.

“The emperor has made me a national teacher,” Ying Lan said directly after sitting down, “He wants our tribe to move to my fief.”

The old patriarch shook his hand and could no longer maintain his composure, and said, “No way!”

Ying Lan looked at him fixedly, until he calmed down, and then continued: “Patriarch, you should know that when the location of Dark Min Valley is exposed, it is no longer safe here.”

“It’s you,” the old patriarch said angrily, “It’s you who brought in the outsiders, it’s you who brought this disaster.”

“This is indeed my fault,” Ying Lan did not deny it, “but I have already thought of a way to protect everyone, in fact, you also know that hiding can only ensure temporary safety, not long-term plan.”

After a long afternoon of conversation, Ying Lan finally persuaded the old patriarch to agree to move the clan, and then how to get the whole clan to agree, this requires the old patriarch to worry about.

After a brief conversation with Yingying, a friend who came to hear the news, Yinglan took the soldiers out of the valley, because it was a full month away from the capital, and there was still a long way to go. In a hurry to go back to make medicine for the old emperor, she must leave first.

She had to leave most of the people here waiting to help the clan to relocate, while she brought twenty people and rushed back quickly.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and the group had arrived in the suburbs of the capital. After these days and nights, everyone was a little tired, so they decided to rest in the restaurant before heading out on the road.

Yinglan’s followers are the most elite soldiers in the Imperial Guard, all of them seem to have extraordinary bearing, and Yinglan, who is surrounded by the stars and the moon in the middle, is also beautiful, with a With an awe-inspiring air.

“Do you care what they do?” Ying Lan pulled the leader and sat down in a funny way, “It won’t be a little bit of meat after a few glances, they’re just curious.”

“The status of the national teacher is noble, how can these people be despised?” The leader said solemnly.

Ying Lan smiled lightly, and said nothing. Soon the food was served, and all the soldiers were hungry all the way, and immediately gobbled up.

At this time, the storyteller in the restaurant stepped onto the stage, and with a blow from the sound of wood, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the building, Ying Lan also looked over curiously, she had never heard anyone tell a story before. .

“It is said that this national teacher was born in the mountains and wild. First, with the grace of saving his life, he forced King Kang to marry her as a princess, but not long after that, she suddenly entered the palace, claiming to be able to practice that Immortal Immortality Pill, what’s going on, please listen to me in detail…”

It was because of his merit in saving the emperor that he was awarded the position of national teacher, but in the mouth of this storyteller, it is full of fragrant things. to be lifelike.

And those ordinary people who didn’t know the inside story also listened with relish. The guards all had dark faces and wanted to jump down and beat the storyteller, but they were puzzled. It was the National Teacher who stopped them and did not allow them to act rashly.

“Sir, why do you let these swear words dirty your ears?”

The leader said with an ugly face: “After returning to the palace, the minister will report this matter to the emperor and ask him to do justice for you.”

Ying Lan just smiled at this. She has always spread rumors, refuted rumors and broke her legs. Even if the emperor came forward to clarify, how much could he play?

The mouth of defending the people is better than defending the river. If she is threatened with severe punishment, it will make her reputation worse.

Besides, her position as a national teacher is all based on her skill in refining medicine. Most of the outsiders regard her as a kind of person with those alchemists and the like, plus her surname is different, and her age Too light, it is not uncommon for gossip to flourish.

“Let’s go.” Seeing that they had all finished their meals, Ying Lan said lightly and left the restaurant first.

The soldiers had no choice but to follow her to leave, but in the end they were unwilling. Before leaving, the leader quietly picked up a stone and shot at the storyteller, instantly hitting his front teeth. Broken, a mouthful of blood, this book naturally cannot go on.

Ying Lan saw it but didn’t reprimand, after all, he was also trying to protect himself.

The group soon returned to the palace, and the little leader of the Guards reported to the old emperor the fact that the outside world had spoken badly about the national teacher, but he did not say anything. .

The leader was very disappointed and told Ying Lan about it, she just smiled and ignored it.


The clansmen who rejected her because she violated the clan rules, now everyone has left the valley and has re-accepted her, and the old patriarch passed his son to seal her as the next patriarch, Now her status in the clan is not what it used to be.

This greatly facilitates Yinglan’s movements, how to cultivate the land, how to improve the grain, and all the clansmen follow her requirements, and soon get gratifying results.

The yield of food they planted is twice as high as before, and the food is fragrant and delicious.

In August of the following year, Yinglan sent people to present fresh grains with full grains at the court meeting, as well as the book “Planting Law”, which instantly caused the entire court to shake.

Even an emperor who doesn’t care about people’s livelihood can’t keep calm in the face of doubling the output. After all, larger output means more tax and can feed more army.

She has already sent people to spread her deeds and this book about planting, and no one can take her credit, and Yinglan has become famous because of this. Attack yourself.

Although the old emperor didn’t like her way of doing things on her own, he had nothing to do with her. She had already established her reputation, and she had to rely on her to maintain her health and longevity.

Besides, no matter how high his reputation is, a woman can’t threaten his dominance, so he will pass by turning a blind eye.

However, he was still dissatisfied with this state of being controlled by others, and ordered the imperial physicians he sent to quickly learn the method of refining holy medicine, which made them miserable. , not to mention the more profound holy medicine?

That’s right, Ying Lan told them that refining the holy medicine requires the use of Gu techniques, so they had to learn Gu techniques from scratch.

At first, everyone was dubious, but once Ying Lan let them in, let them see with their own eyes the medicinal herbs and Gu, refining the holy medicine step by step.

Since then, they have been convinced, and they have all immersed themselves in the study of the Gu technique.

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