Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 171

Chapter 170: Gu Master Princess 4

The old emperor arranged the Baotong Hall, one of the most beautiful palaces in the palace, and left Yinglan to live in the palace. The medicinal herbs, in fact, just couldn’t trust her and put her under house arrest.

Ying Lan didn’t plan to go to Kang Wang Mansion to continue to sit with the so-called Princess Kang, and didn’t care about his scheming, so she made a long list and ordered someone to take the medicinal materials for her. Collect all, and you can start practicing medicine when you have all.

Some of the medicinal materials are useful, but most of them are for her own needs, but the old emperor’s will opens the door for her convenience, the hospital does not dare to neglect, she can do whatever she wants What to give, of course, such a great opportunity cannot be missed.

The Tianshan snow lotus, the thousand-year-old ginseng, the thousand-year-old Shouwu, all of them are rare and precious, and the long gray beard of the hospital is twitching, but I dare not object, only Can arrange for someone to find her.

Lan lived a very comfortable life in the palace.

Gong came to see her, and she also made a look of affection, which was disgusting to see.

“Lan’er, are you still adaptable in the palace?” Even if he could not get an answer, Zhuang Yiming continued to talk to himself, “Just be patient and wait until the holy medicine is used to cure it. After the father, I will take you back to the palace immediately, and we will continue to live as before.”

He began to reminisce about the good life before, until his mouth was dry, he stopped, and he looked at the person in front of him, leaning on the soft couch with his back to him, No response at all.

“Lan’er?” Zhuang Yiming called out a few times without getting a response. He reached out and wanted to pat her on the shoulder, but a venomous snake the thickness of a thumb suddenly appeared in the woman’s hair and was red all over. , grinned at him.

A mass of pure white cotton between the small ears.

Zhuang Yiming’s face suddenly twisted, and he wanted to hit her with his hands, but under the icy gaze of the poisonous snake, he could only slowly withdraw his hand and confront it silently for a moment. He finally walked away helplessly.

“Congratulations to King Kang.”

The palace maids saw him striding out of the palace with angry faces, and hurriedly knelt down and saluted respectfully.

In fact, they have long been surprised by this. According to legend, Princess Kang is a folk woman.

But since Princess Kang lived in the palace, those of them who have seen many things that others can’t see, know that maybe the rumors are wrong, and the King Kang and his wife are not as strong and affectionate as the legends.

Princess Kang did not love King Kang at all, and even hated him very much, but King Kang kept putting down his figure to please the princess and contacting the reason why Princess Kang lived in the palace, it is not difficult to guess why King Kang would Willing to marry a commoner woman.

The so-called beautiful love turned out to be nothing but a power struggle.

Zhuang Yiming didn’t feel the secret contempt of the palace maids in Baotong Hall. After he left, he went to the concubine’s palace angrily, and the whole person was about to explode!

“That vulgar and ignorant country woman, she dares to sleep with her ears plugged while the emperor is talking!” He angrily complained, “How dare she? The son and grandson of the dragon, to suffer such slow treatment and humiliation!”

to lean in front of her?”

“My son doesn’t want it either,” Zhuang Yiming said aggrieved, “but she is now boasting that Haikou can practice the holy medicine to cure her father, the father loves her very much, and even said that she would wait for him to recover. He made her the crown princess, and the son, as her husband, was naturally the crown prince, and even for this, the son had to put down his stature to please her.”

“It’s tomorrow that you want to be wrong,” Concubine Li suddenly smiled after thinking for a while, “Li Yinglan has done a good job in practicing the holy medicine to cure the emperor. The emperor rewarded her and made you the crown prince. Only then can she become a crown princess, you are already husband and wife, husband and wife are one, even if she is unhappy, there is no way to change it.”

Zhuang Yiming understood in an instant: “Yes, as long as she wants to be a prince concubine, she must push her son to the position of a prince, she can’t be a prince concubine alone. , and the son is still an ordinary prince, right?”

But then he became worried again: “But will Li Yinglan, the swordsman, give up his father’s reward in order to hinder his son’s future?”

“But Erchen is not reconciled,” he said indignantly, “That swordsman treated me like this, and Erchen will hold her to the post in the future, and let her share the glory and wealth.”

“Silly emperor, your mind is usually very flexible, why can’t you turn around at this time?” Li Fei reluctantly nodded his forehead, “Who told you to take her as your queen? Is it? When you have secured the position of the prince, that woman will be useless, and then you can do whatever you want with it?”

“What the concubine said was that the son and the minister never thought of it.” Zhuang Yiming’s eyes suddenly became clear, and his mind was unprecedentedly clear, “When she cures the father and the son becomes the prince, I must let her That sword man must not die!”

“Remember to do it cleanly then,” Li Fei reminded, “Don’t let your father see the fault, lest he be unhappy.”

“My son understands,” Zhuang Yiming said with a sinister smile on his face, “Let’s call this swordsman crazy for a while, and when she loses her use value, this king will make her look good!”

All the grievances and humiliations he has received recently have left him away, leaving only a good imagination for the future life.

Ying Lan didn’t know that someone was secretly plotting against her, she woke up from a nap, went to the library of the Tai Hospital and started to read the medical books in this world.

It stands to reason that the practice of cramming like her should arouse the suspicion of the old emperor, but she generously gave a reasonable explanation, saying that the prescription of the holy medicine was prescribed by the ancestors thousands of years ago , After so many changes over time, some medicinal materials will inevitably have discrepancies, so they need to be re-understood.

It dispelled the suspicions of the old emperor and the imperial physicians.

Ying Lan is indeed familiar with the medicinal materials in this world as she said, but it is not compared with the prescriptions of thousands of years ago, but with the medicinal materials of other worlds in her mind.

After that day, Zhuang Yiming never came up to her again and made fun of herself. Yinglan had less annoying buzzing noises like flies in her ears, she was in a good mood, and her learning efficiency was significantly improved.

After nearly half a month, she was thoroughly familiar with the knowledge of medicinal properties in this small world, and the medicinal materials on the list she listed were also sent to the palace.

So on a sunny afternoon, in the midst of everyone’s expectations, she officially announced that she was going to retreat and practice medicine.

Ying Lan, who understands the minds of the ancients, made a lot of noise, bathing and changing clothes, burning incense and praying, and wearing white clothes, making herself look like a fairy, in short, the magic stick That set worked perfectly.

The effect is also very significant, up to the old emperor, down to the eunuchs and maids in the palace, they were all stunned by her, looking at her as if they were looking at a fairy .

Driven everyone out of the palace and told them not to come to the house except for three meals a day. Yinglan is called practicing medicine. cute”.

The time was tight before, the Gu worms she trained looked terrible, but in fact the toxicity was not strong, of course, the toxicity was not strong only in her opinion, if anyone really does not have eyesight Annoyed them, I am afraid that one bite will know what it means to die (especially someone in Zhuang).

Now there is such a good opportunity to avoid everyone’s eyes and ears, of course, she will seize the time to study, so as to improve their combat power.

As for the practice of medicine, Ying Lan had already figured out how to do it, and it took less than a day to get it out, but the world thinks that the rarer the medicine, the more precious it is. Instead, it makes people suspicious.

All of them were refreshed, and they gradually became convinced of the existence of the holy medicine.


But to their disappointment, the gate of Baotong Hall was always closed, and there was no movement inside.

It was just like this for a full month. On a dark and windy night for a month, there was a sudden explosion of thunder over the palace, which woke everyone in the palace.

“What happened outside?” The old emperor was also awakened in his sleep and asked very unhappy.

His health has not been very good since three years ago, after that, he could not sleep well every night, until Yinglan started practicing medicine a month ago, and he could sleep soundly by smelling the fragrance of the medicine every day , so I cherish this rare sleep, and no one dares to disturb him on weekdays.

“Go back to the emperor,” the little **** replied tremblingly, “Just now, there was a sudden thunder, and it seemed that the sound came from Baotong Hall.”

“Change clothes for me!” The old emperor suddenly sat up when he heard the words, and he didn’t care about the guilt. The charioteer hurry up.

When the emperor’s imperial car came in person, he hurriedly knelt down and shrank himself into a ball, for fear of being questioned.

How can the old emperor care about them at this time? After calling the palace gate open, he left in a hurry, rushing all the way to the place, before he got off the chariot, his heart suddenly suffocated.

I saw the gate of the Baotong Hall hanging on the door frame in tatters, the inside was full of debris, and a dozen men in black were lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

“Hurry, hurry up and see how Princess Kang is doing!” The old emperor panicked.

Because his body has become much more relaxed after smelling the fragrance of the medicine recently, he has no doubts that this fifth prince’s daughter-in-law can make holy medicine. At this time, her life and death are already related to his own net worth. How can you not be in a hurry?

Fortunately, the little eunuchs did not wait for the little eunuchs to go in and check, Ying Lan had already walked out Shi Shiran, still in white clothes fluttering, and her whole body was intact.

“Your Majesty, I’m fine.” Ying Lan said lightly.

The old emperor immediately put his heart back in his stomach, and then he was furious: “Who is it, who dares to go to the palace to be arrogant? Let me investigate, find out the mastermind, I will break him to pieces A thousand corpses!”

The person who makes medicine for him is not willing to let him recover. How can this not make him angry?

After having a seizure, the old emperor comforted the woman in front of him: “You are frightened today, don’t worry, I will definitely give you an explanation.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Ying Lan knew exactly why he was angry, and didn’t feel flattered. If he didn’t expect him to make the so-called holy medicine for him, the king of a country would still use it To “account” for her?

Sure enough, the old emperor soon asked about the holy medicine with anticipation: “Is this medicine ever affected?”

“It’s all ruined,” Ying Lan spread out her palm, revealing a few black **** on it, pretending to be helpless, “The holy medicine takes seven, seven, forty-nine days. It can be completed, it was originally ten days before the completion, but unexpectedly these thieves suddenly broke in, and I was not prepared to be destroyed by them.”

This is of course a lie. In fact, she discovered these people as soon as they arrived outside the palace, and immediately threw away a few pills she had made before, and when they broke in to surround the medicine stove , ignited the homemade earth explosive and threw it into the stove, which caused the current result.

The old emperor was greatly shocked after hearing this, but he also came over with great winds and waves, he quickly calmed down, and comforted: “Nothing, I will prepare the medicinal materials for you again, you can refine it again. .”

“That’s the only way,” Ying Lan said regretfully, “but I’ll have to trouble the emperor to wait for another month.”

“I can afford to wait.” The old emperor gritted his teeth.

He hated the mastermind who sent someone to destroy the medicine to the bottom of his heart, and secretly decided that no matter who did it, even his son, he would not let it go.

Ying Lan did not miss the ruthlessness in his eyes, and was extremely satisfied. It was worthwhile for her to deliberately destroy the trumped-up holy medicine. Now it depends on whether the envoy will be caught.

But whether she has it or not, it has no effect on her, she just wants to provoke the struggle of the royal family of Dafeng Kingdom.

These people are in high positions but have no mercy. For their own selfish desires, they wantonly deceive and play with the feelings of others, and they also trample on the lives of others without hesitation.

So this kind of royal family should not exist!

Ying Lan buried her head in “refining medicine” again, and as she expected, a **** storm soon broke out in the court.

The dozen or so people who broke into the palace were only stunned by the power of the explosion, and soon woke up after being treated, but for them, it may be better to die That explosion came in well.

After being severely tortured, the person behind the scene was quickly confessed, and it turned out to be the third prince of the dynasty.

The old emperor was furious, and sent someone to lock it on the spot, and it didn’t stop there, the second prince and the fourth prince were involved from the mouth of the third prince.


Someone murdered himself.

Ying Lan had anticipated it for a long time, took one at random and put it in his mouth, and said lightly: “This medicine only has a one-day effect, the emperor can send a trustworthy person to try it first.”

The old emperor was a little embarrassed, but he didn’t dare to gamble with his own life. , After waiting for four hours, there was no difference, and now I swallowed the only remaining pill with confidence.

The fragrant pill melted in the mouth, and the old emperor instantly felt a heat flow from his mouth into his stomach, and then spread to his limbs and all over his body.

The heavy feeling of the past disappeared for a while, and suddenly he had a feeling of rejuvenation, as if he was back when he was young, and his body was full of strength.

And he soon discovered that this was not his own illusion. Amidst the whispered exclamations of the eunuchs and palace ladies, he took a picture of himself in the mirror and found that in such a short period of time, the original had turned white. All of his hair turned black, and his old and haggard face turned into that of a forty-year-old.

“Magic drug! Magical drug!”

The old emperor stood up abruptly, walking back and forth in the palace with a vigorous posture, he couldn’t help but exclaimed repeatedly, raised his arms to observe and feel the power contained in it.

“Princess Kang!” After the old emperor was overjoyed, he finally remembered the person who created such a miracle, “No, no, Crown Princess, I hereby designate King Kang as the crown prince!”

After speaking, I asked people to prepare the pen and ink, and they really prepared the purpose.

“Please wait a minute!” Ying Lan stopped him aloud, “I also ask the emperor to agree to let me and Kang Wang reconcile.”

The old emperor’s brush hung in the air for a while, and asked inexplicably, “Why is this?”

He couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed, and felt that she didn’t know how to praise her. Could it be that she was so capable that she looked down on his prince?

Ying Lan naturally did not ignore the emotions in his eyes, sneered in her heart, but said lightly: “The emperor’s holy medicine needs to be taken once every three months, presumably I will stay for a long time in the future. Refining medicine for you in the palace, the position of the princess really has no time to assume the position, and it is not good to delay King Kang.”

“The holy medicine still needs to be taken for a long time?” The old emperor’s complexion was not so good-looking, “Why didn’t you explain it before?”

Ying Lan smiled lightly, and said calmly: “I thought the emperor knew, after all, the emperor was not sick, but gradually lost his vitality. The holy medicine can bring vitality to the emperor, but in the end Timely.”

Although this is true, the old emperor, who only thought he had fully recovered, could not accept such a gap for a while, and his face was always gloomy.

Ying Lan deliberately looked innocent and comforted: “Your Majesty, I’m still young and I can live a long time, as long as the medicinal materials continue, I can make medicine for you all the time, only need to eat four times a year, And the medicine is not bitter.”

Seeing her unfamiliar appearance, the old emperor was a little dumbfounded, sighed, and said: “Forget it, as you wish, I will allow you to reconcile with King Kang and live in the palace for a long time in the future. In order to avoid being despised by others, I specially designate you as a national teacher!”

The old emperor looked unpredictable, and said: “The national teacher has a fief, and it is not a long-term solution for your clan to live in the deep mountains. Why don’t I send someone to pick them up and bring them to yours? Fiefdom placement.”

“Okay, Your Majesty, I’ll go with you, otherwise you won’t be able to get in.” Ying Lan responded immediately.

She had this idea, but she didn’t expect the old emperor to help her solve it first. Although he had bad intentions, he should be using the tribe as hostages, but to her it was A pleasant surprise.

The old emperor looked at her seriously for a moment, and after seeing that she was really not displeased, he picked up the pen again and said: “Since you don’t want to be the crown prince, then I will only make a decree King Kang is the crown prince.”

“It’s better not to be, Your Majesty,” Ying Lan stopped him again, “Although I am a commoner in the mountains, I also know that the position of the prince of a country is extremely important, and it is related to the stability of the country and society. How can I not watch it? The talent of the prince, just because I made medicine for the emperor, was it easy to go out?”

“Do you really think so?” The old emperor stopped writing and looked at her with a half-smile, “I don’t remember the fact that King Kang forced you to ask you about the holy medicine.”

“Actually, I have a bit of a grudge,” Ying Lan lowered her head shyly, “He beat me so badly.”

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