Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 17

Chapter 16: After The Founding Of The Yuan Dynasty, It Became Obsolete 16

On the stretcher was a seven or eight-year-old child, huddled in a small ball, his face was pale due to blood loss, it was probably painful, and his lips were tightly pursed. Just as Ying Lan stretched out her hand, she was caught tightly by the child, her lips squirming and trying to make an inaudible voice: “Save me.”

The desire to survive is quite strong. Ying Lan sighed in her heart that she did not despise the filth on his body, and carefully inspected the wound for him. The place where the child was obviously infected was festering and pus, and when he opened his clothes, he smelled a foul stench.

Ying Lan frowned slightly, stuffed a life-threatening pill into his mouth, pressed his finger lightly on his throat, confirmed that he swallowed it, and then ordered: “Bring it back palace.”

Uneasy in place.

The only thing she can do is to wait outside the room for the treatment of the child who came here.

This wait is two hours, during which someone has reported what happened before. Chunying feels that the master is kind, but at the same time, she is uneasy, afraid that she will not be able to manage the harem and disappoint the master .

As for the two little eunuchs who dared to speak rudely to their master, of course they couldn’t avoid being punished.

Ying Lan finally pulled the child back from the gate of hell, and when she went out, she saw her fidgeting and was a little surprised: “Did you wait too long?”

“No,” Chunying knelt down and pleaded guilty with a guilt expression on her face, “The slaves are not effective in supervising the harem, please punish the master.”

Ying Lan understood what she was thinking in a flash, and laughed: “How can you blame you?” Then he lifted her up and patted her shoulder, “It’s hard for you, I As soon as you say it, the affairs in the palace are complicated, and you have done a good job.”

“The slaves don’t work hard.” Chunying said in a panic, “The master entrusts the palace affairs to the slaves, which is the trust and value of the slaves.”

Seeing that her face was a little tired, she quickly said, “The servant has already instructed people to prepare hot water, it is better for the master to take a bath first. The servant on the emperor’s side has already reported it, but the teacher is not teaching. Go away, you should be here in a quarter of an hour.”

Ying Lan didn’t give her good intentions. In fact, she was a little tired after rushing on the road and the talented treatment. She asked someone to take care of the child who was still in a coma. She went to the bathroom, soaked in hot water for a while, and put on new clothes. When she came out, the little emperor happened to have just arrived.

“Empress mother!” Zhao Yanghua saw his mother’s eyes suddenly became bright, very different from the usual steady appearance of a little adult, trotted over and hugged her, and said coquettishly, ” Erchen misses you.”

“I saw it ten days ago.” Ying Lan was a little helpless, she still had nothing to do with the mortal cubs.

“It’s been a long time.” Zhao Yanghua muttered, still obsessed with his mother. In the past, he wanted to get close to his mother, but every time he was reprimanded by his mother, he always taught him the way of being a gentleman with a straight face. Over time, he hid his feelings of admiration deeply in his heart, and met his mother in a strict manner. Self-denial.

After a huge change happened, the mother still kept a distance from him as before, but whenever he got close, she no longer forcibly pushed him away, so he couldn’t help, Gradually, he abandoned the years he had been taught, and likes to be clingy like a normal child.

Sure enough, although the mother was a little uncomfortable, she did not refuse his closeness. At this time, the palace servants had already prepared dinner, and the two had dinner together. Ying Lan suddenly said, “I heard that there was a lot of trouble over there with the Emperor Taishang.”

For this father emperor, Zhao Yanghua has no feelings at all. Hearing this, he pouted and said, “I’m making a fuss to drive all those concubines away.”

At the beginning, these concubines of Zhao Yewei kept making small movements when they separated their souls, and they fell into trouble when she was thrown into the cold palace. The method was actually aimed at her.

Yinglan has never had the temper of repaying grievances with virtue. It would be good to not use the same means to retaliate. Naturally, it is impossible to raise them with delicious food and drink. .

Pampering the daughters who grew up, no one to serve, and also to take care of a crippled person, Ying Lan thought that these concubines were not willing to make trouble, but listened to the meaning of the cheap son , It seems that Zhao Yewei is not satisfied?

Seeing the mother’s doubts, Zhao Yanghua briefly described the troubles of the Anle Palace. Speaking of which, this has something to do with Yinglan. When she sent the concubines to serve medical problems, she didn’t ask them to go through the scene, but arranged for them to take turns to take care of Zhao Yewei in person.

In the past, these women used all means to spoil them, but now they have opportunities without fighting, but they have become unavoidable. They used to be gentle and careless in front of the emperor, and now they are Forced to take care of a crippled person, even if he can pretend, he can’t help but change his face when facing Duan Ui Cha Xiang.

Zhao Yewei was gloomy and gloomy because he became a cripple, so how could he bear being disgusted by others? What’s more, these people lived by his breath not long ago, whether they were happy or angry all depended on his mood.

The guts became bigger.

Zhao Yewei was naturally half-dead with anger, but he was paralyzed after all, and his subordinates didn’t listen to him, he was like a tiger with its teeth pulled out. There is no other way to punish the women he once favored, and he can only scold them. The Anle Palace is noisy all day long. Where is the appearance of “Anle”?

What the concubines eat is only the standard of ordinary people. For them who are used to eating fine food, it is a little difficult to choke. Besides, they have to do everything by themselves except for eating. There is no rouge gouache. There are no fancy clothes and accessories, and there is no maintenance of holy products, and you have to do laundry and wipe the floor.

The once delicate skin and delicate face became rough and ugly, the concubines became more and more temperamental in fear, and they became less and less concerned about taking care of the emperor. Zhao Yewei was full and hungry every day. Sometimes he urinates and no one cares. It quickly becomes unpleasant. He even got bedsores at one point, and the whole back is about to rot. If he didn’t report it, he was afraid that his life would be explained there.

Zhao Yewei was ruthless when he walked in front of the gate of hell, saying that he loved the concubines very much. Let the girls be buried with you. The little emperor didn’t like them very much, and he was happy to see their dog bite a dog, of course it was right.

As a result, the girls also restrained a little, they dared not be harsher in eating, and they cleaned up their urine, but their attitudes became worse. It’s useless, a waste person, what to say in the heart.

Zhao Yewei was often so angry that his face turned blue, but he was helpless. So he also started to scold back, and the vocabulary of scolding on both sides became more and more abundant. If anyone heard it, no one would have thought that this was the former emperor and concubine.

Zhao Yanghua’s love for his father and son had already worn off when he learned that he wanted his own life, and of course he refused to see him, so he began to coerce and lure the palace servants in the Anle Palace, trying to get them to contact the courtiers. It’s just that he thought he was doing it secretly, but he turned his head and was reported to the little emperor.

Ying Lan shook her head after hearing this, and turned to ask Chunying about another matter: “What happened to the one in the cold palace?”

“Returning to the master, still alive.” It’s just that the life is not very good. Chunying hated the emperor first, and the second hatred was this Wei Guifei, the little master suffered a few years ago She can remember them all.

On that day, she went to the cold palace to change her identity back. Wei Yinghan had been toiled to death by the concubines of the harem. She was afraid that she would die like this, so she only slapped her and left in a hurry. Later, the concubines and concubines were all imprisoned in the Anle Palace. Naturally, no one took special care of her. Instead, she was told to slow down. This year, she has lived strong with the leftovers sent to her.

But because she has been locked in a remote cold palace, and the palace servants who delivered the meals were specially taught not to talk to her, Wei Yinghan still does not know that the emperor has changed people, the son she misses It has long been demoted to civilians and locked in a courtyard, and this level should be a lifetime.

“Then send her to be with the Emperor Taishang.” Ying Lan didn’t take it to heart anymore after explaining it. exists, but cannot understand it.

The little emperor was sent back to do his homework, Yinglan slept beautifully, and when he woke up the next day, the exhaustion of half a year had disappeared, and then someone came to report the little boy who was rescued yesterday. The child has woken up. In the end, it was a life saved by her own hands. She simply finished her breakfast and went to see it herself.

“Thank you for saving your life.” The child is still very weak, but he is much better than yesterday when he had only one breath left. The most important thing is that he has a strong desire to survive. Otherwise, with such a serious injury, he would have died before Ying Lan could take action. I don’t know if he will regret the difficult survival at this time when he understands what he will face in the future?

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