Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 16

Chapter 15: After The Founding Of The Yuan Dynasty, It Became Obsolete 15

After the little emperor officially ascended the throne, there were not many things in the harem to worry about. Take care of her, and immediately relax. So Ying Lan began to live in seclusion and spend a lot of time every day digesting the memories of the soul. For others, such a day may be boring, but for an immortal like her who has been retreating for hundreds of years, she is like a mortal. It is normal to breathe and drink water.

A major event happened in the DPRK. Dongyi, Hu people and others learned that the Yan Dynasty Xiaoer was in power, and they jointly attacked ten days after the new emperor ascended the throne. Although King Yushan and others were well prepared, they finally paid a terrible price to stop them from the border. After two months of confrontation, Leyi and the Hu people agreed to sign a 30-year peace contract After extorting a large number of grain and cloth, the soldiers retreated.

The looting, the men and the old men were killed, and the women were taken away. And nearly 80% of the food in the treasury has been compensated, which means that if the weather is good in the coming year, the court will be unable to deal with any disaster.

Ying Lan has fused all the divided souls under this gloomy and gloomy situation. Although she is still suppressed by heaven, the stability of her soul makes her feel that the whole person is lighter. And those memories that were like looking at flowers from across the shore were clearly presented in her mind, just like she had experienced it herself. Knowing the result of the border gate, she hesitated for a moment whether to intervene. For immortals, mortal battles and changes of dynasties are natural things, but in her current status, the Yan Dynasty is her home, so she still can’t stand up. next to the hand. So she invited her father and said her plan.

It’s impossible to know how to plough the fields and sow seeds, and now I suddenly say that I want a few Zhuangzi to do experiments… Thinking of the spells that my daughter learned inexplicably, do immortals still teach these?

“I got some methods, but I don’t know anything about farming, so I need to verify it.” The development process of thousands of small worlds is different. Today’s Ying Lan said that it is not necessary to know for five thousand years. However, the land, climate, and seeds are different, and it is impossible to directly copy the future. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the local conditions before improving the farming methods.

What she said was in line with Nie Yongnian’s guess, and since he was rescued from the prison that day, he had an inexplicable belief in this daughter, and now he naturally does not refuse. Soon Nie Yongnian arranged a few villages according to her requirements. The terrain and fatness of the fields were different. They also offered a lot of money to recruit talents who knew farming, regardless of their background, but only for their knowledge.

Such high-profile behavior quickly attracted the attention of many people. When it was known that it was the meaning of the queen mother, some people were grateful for the kindness of the goddess, and some people said in private that she was making a name for herself, but no matter which one it was No one thought she could do much.

Ying Lan was not influenced by other people’s remarks. After entrusting all the affairs in the palace to Chunying, she simply lived in Zhuangzi. It is not that there are no talents in this era, it is just that many capable people have no chance to come forward. Under the heavy reward of Yushan King, there are old farmers and people who like to study farming and water conservancy come together one after another. At the beginning, there were a lot of people who thought they understood it after reading a few books and ran around and dropped their book bags. Yinglan asked a few more questions, and then exposed the nature of the straw bag. Practical students rarely dare to mix food and drink.

Perhaps they came for whatever they were afraid of. In the first year of Changshun, the precipitation was significantly less than in previous years. The experienced old farmers quickly judged that this year was likely to be a dry year. They said it was possible, but Ying Lan looked at her with certainty. She did not rashly apply the method in the future to the present, but humbly asked the old farmer how to deal with it. Throughout history, farmers must often prevent both drought and waterlogging. In fact, the good weather is an exception, so the people of this era themselves are very experienced.

The old farmers have received a lot of money, and they work for the queen mother. Naturally, they will not hide their secrets. They will explain the current drought prevention methods one by one. The ones handed down are the ones who know how to use it, but don’t know why. Ying Lan and other people who like to study water conservancy research carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, and then try to improve to see if there is a better method. At this time, Ying Lan has played a big role, and her thinking is not limited to At the moment, there are always refreshing ideas, and in the end these agronomy enthusiasts almost revere her as a god.

Various irrigation methods and farming methods are used in the fields of several Zhuangzi. People who are curious about what the land served by the Queen Mother wants to see, Yinglan never let anyone stop them, not only Let people come to see it generously, and also sent people to explain it. She is eager to spread the method, but people at this time attach great importance to the land, and they will not change easily if they do not see the results. Do as you do, and most of the others are looking at it strangely.

Ying Lan is not bothered either, she never thinks this can be done overnight, just like her previous practice, it needs to accumulate aura little by little, and the improvement of farming is also a long process. However, their improved agricultural tools, better compost, and pesticides made with soil methods are very popular. After all, they can see the benefits immediately, and the promotion is very smooth.

Fortunately, it can only be regarded as a small drought, and the harvest will definitely be affected, but it will not be like a major drought year. But even this is enough to worry the imperial court. Now the treasury is empty, the people’s harvest is low, and they receive less tax. In case of serious disasters, they need to exempt or reduce taxes…

At this time, even the officials’ stipends were given out of grain, and frontier soldiers needed grain, so it was said that agriculture was the foundation of the country. In this era, grain is really too important for people! Therefore, when Yinglan reported the data, not only did the farmland she piloted in Zhuangzi not reduce the output, but it actually increased by 10% compared with last year, the sensation caused can be imagined.

A severe drought will really cause turmoil in the country. Although the last emperor of the previous dynasties was absurd, it is not unreasonable to look at history even more absurd than him. The main reason is that three consecutive years of drought, the court did not do anything, and the corrupt officials under him were desperately trying to sack him, and then there were uprisings everywhere. , ruined the country.

So Yinglan still underestimates her own credit. She thinks that a 10% increase in production is not much, but people in this era are limited by various external factors and want to increase grain production. It is extremely difficult, and in fact, compared with dry years, the improvement should be more than 20%.

Yinglan doesn’t care about the praise of everyone, she is more worried about the promotion of farming methods, but Nie Yongnian is not worried about it at all: “The world is festive, all for the benefit; The hustle and bustle are all for the benefit. The benefits that can be seen by the eyes don’t need you to do anything, and this method of farming will naturally spread quickly.”

Nie Yongnian is in a very good mood recently. His daughter’s achievements are impressive. Now some people even call her “Ms. Shennong”, and his status in the court has also risen. When the grandson first ascended the throne, he was constrained everywhere.

“Okay then.” Ying Lan admits that she is not as good as her father in terms of looking at the situation, and what she wants to do now is another thing.

“Abolish the **** system?” Nie Yongnian was a little surprised, “Why do you suddenly have this idea?”

This is about what happened to Yinglan on her way back to the palace the day before yesterday. She went to the farm to live for more than half a year. He rode in an ordinary-looking carriage with a coachman and two court ladies who were waiting on him. Not far from the palace gate, two people were passing by carrying a stretcher, covered with a mat, and blood was dripping along the road.

Although she has lost her mana, Yinglan’s five senses are so powerful that she heard another breathing sound besides the three people passing by, but it was very weak. She was about to die. Out of pity, she asked the maid to stop the two: “Our master is a doctor. You may not be able to carry this man to the hospital. Your master is skilled in medicine and will definitely be able to save him.”

Who knows that the two of them are not grateful, but blame them for their nosy: “This kid can’t survive the purification because he is unlucky. What dares to speak up here?”

“Open your dog eyes!” The two maids laughed angrily, and when they raised the gold medal, they were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed desperately for mercy.

Ying Lan didn’t have time to pay attention to them at this time, the stretcher also fell on the ground when the two were kneeling, she heard a muffled groan, and she didn’t know if the injured person was still alive. The two maids already knew where the injuries on the stretcher were at this time. Seeing the master disembarked from the carriage, they wanted to dissuade him, but after thinking about it, they finally shut up. Although the master usually treats people gently, once he made a decision, he never tolerated it. People refuted, they should obey the master’s orders.

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