Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 169

Chapter 168: Gu Master Princess 2

When the third prince secretly planned to set fire to the poisonous miasma forest surrounding the Dark Min Valley, Ying Lan was already in it, following the direction in his memory to find the route into the valley .

After getting out of prison a month ago, she returned to Yifeng Mountain, where people are rare, and the most important thing in the mountain is herbal medicine. She quickly found what she needed, After being placed in a cave for a few days, the body will be recuperated.

After that, she did not rush to leave, but continued to stay in the mountains to improve her strength. This small world has no restrictions on martial arts, and by the time she left, she already had a lot of internal strength.

What Li Yinglan cares about most is her clansmen, so after she has some self-protection power, she comes out of the cave decisively and prepares to go back to the valley. Someone will already be watching here news to them.

The court people lost her and surrounded the valley, but this did not help Yinglan, she easily avoided those people and quickly entered the valley within the natural barrier.

But then she ran into trouble. She searched along the route in Li Yinglan’s memory for a full day, but she couldn’t find the mouth of the valley that should have appeared in front of her.

It seems that the Anmin people have many secrets that she never knew?

Perceiving this, Ying Lan no longer completely believed her memory, but put it aside and found a path in her own way. After about two hours, she was sleepy for a day The fog finally dissipated in front of his eyes, and the very familiar valley mouth also appeared in front of him.

The Anmin people in the valley were not aware of the danger from the outside world at all, and still lived a peaceful daily life as usual, but the appearance of Yinglan quickly aroused everyone’s shock.

go in.

“You are not allowed to come back after you leave the valley. You are no longer part of our clan.”

“You broke the rules of the family, how can you still have the face?”

“For the sake of watching you grow up when you were young, I won’t do anything to you, but you should leave by yourself.”

“We don’t welcome people like you here. Since you despise us, what are you doing here?”

“Go and invite the patriarch, Li Yinglan came back through the poisonous miasma forest!”

Yinglan’s heart is a little sour, this is a feeling of soul-splitting, she was deceived by rhetoric, she believed what Zhuang Yiming said and followed him secretly to leave, which is equivalent to betraying her clan, but when After she came back, the clansmen also abandoned her.

Pressing the feeling of discomfort in her heart, Yinglan extracted useful information from everyone’s words. Sure enough, there are things she didn’t know before in this valley. It has not been found by outsiders for a hundred years, and it seems that there is another inside story.

How did you find the location of the valley? Does the holy medicine they speak of really exist?

All these questions cast a mysterious veil on this seemingly ordinary valley, and all the answers may be answered by the patriarch who soon heard the news.

Compared to the excitement of the clansmen, the clan leader who is nearly seventy years old but very energetic is much calmer. She glanced and said, “You come with me.”

The patriarch’s prestige here is very high, as soon as he speaks, the others will stop clamoring to expel her, and everyone will back away, watching her follow the patriarch into the valley The biggest house.

The houses in the valley are all made of local materials and made of wood. The antiseptic method is to apply a kind of grass juice, so the house always exudes a faint smell of grass.

The patriarch took her to a short seat by the window and sat down, opened the window woven by Miezhu, and the sun shone on her body, adding a little vigor to the empty room.

“Tell me about your experience!” The patriarch went straight to the topic as soon as he came up.

Ordinary little girls might find it hard to tell the truth about being deceived by men, but Ying Lan didn’t have those shy emotions, she told what happened in a few words, and also bluntly It was told that the army of the imperial court had already surrounded the valley.

After hearing this, the patriarch was silent for a moment, sighed deeply, and said: “It was not that no clan couldn’t resist the temptation to leave, but there has never been a person like you who can come back again. Do you know why?”

Ying Lan had some guesses, but she knew too little information to determine the specific reason, so she shook her head.

But the patriarch never thought that she would know the answer, and continued to say almost at the moment when she shook her head: “Although the miasma pills we usually use are made by ourselves, but they don’t know , The water used for medicine has actually been added with other things. If there is no special water, although the miasma pills made have the effect of avoiding poison, it will affect people’s consciousness and will never be found. The entrance to the valley.”

“No wonder when my mother taught me when I was young, she repeatedly told me to make it with well water.” Ying Lan showed a surprised expression at the right time, but in fact there was not much fluctuation in her heart. It’s been guessed before.

But she thought that the well water naturally contained special substances. Now it seems that the patriarch should add it regularly. Although the well water also flows, it is not as big as the river water. easier.

“This secret was only known to the patriarch. Every patriarch will pass it on to the next patriarch before his death. It has never been passed on for more than 300 years.”

Ying Lan’s heart moved: “Then why is the patriarch telling me now?”

The patriarch did not answer her, but told another story.

It turned out that the people of the Anmin family did not live here before. There were dozens of small countries on this land thousands of years ago, and the Min country where the Anmin people lived was one of them.

The people of the Min Kingdom were saved because the king surrendered voluntarily. Since then, they have called themselves the Anmin people, and the original king has also become their patriarch.

Bring her into the palace.

She even framed her to murder the emperor with witchcraft.

, only to save the remaining clan.

After experiencing these turmoils, in order to protect their own safety, the clansmen spent decades to expand the poisonous miasma forest outside the valley and become a natural barrier.

To be self-sufficient, comparable to a small town.

These things have never been told to Li Yinglan before. She grew up in the mountains since she was a child. Before Zhuang Yiming appeared, she thought that there were only these people in the world, so she was curious about him. He was easily deceived by his sincerity.

However, Ying Lan has a lot of knowledge, and soon heard something wrong: “Then why do you hide the true formula of miasma pills, and the people who are not allowed to leave will come back?”

“This has to start from what happened two hundred years ago.” The patriarch’s eyes were distant, and he fell into memory.

He also learned from his father that after the ancestors settled here, the poisonous miasma forest was only used as a barrier to protect the clan from being harmed by the outside world. The people in the clan can still contact the outside world, they Also often outside in exchange for life necessities.

However, although the life in the mountains is quiet, the quiet life is too boring for some adventurous young people.

Two hundred years ago, there was a very talented clan in the clan, and the Gu object he trained was also amazed by the clansmen who dealt with him all his life, and he was not willing to be ordinary, in adulthood Then went out for a run.

With his superb Gu technique, he quickly made a name for himself and accumulated a lot of wealth.


This ancestor thought that everything he did could bring honor to the clan and let them live in the sunshine again, but unexpectedly he brought himself the calamity of death, almost to the clan People bring disaster.

The first thing the prince did after he became the emperor was to kill him. Fortunately, he survived, but the people who followed him were slaughtered.

And the emperor thought he was dead and was not at ease. He tortured the two clansmen who were captured alive, and forced them out of the location of the Anmin Valley, intending to cut them down.

Because the medicinal materials needed for miasma pills are only available near the valley, the army of the court stayed outside the valley for a long time, which was a chance for them.

The ancestor used Gu to bring down the entire team, and killed everyone who knew the location of the valley, including the ungrateful emperor, and then returned to this place full of wounds. in his valley.

The people eventually forgave him for his sins, but he was exhausted at that time and died soon, but before he died, he strengthened the poisonous miasma and came up with this A way to better hide the tribe.

Fewer people left slowly.

Ying Lan didn’t quite understand what he meant: “So the patriarch you told me this for?”

, back in the valley, it shows that you may have a talent no less than that ancestor.”

“Although the poisonous miasma forest can be prevented for a while, it cannot be prevented forever. If they find a way to get in, or simply destroy the forest…”

“There is no holy medicine in the clan, but even if I say it, they will not believe it. I can’t imagine what those people will do.”

Although this patriarch has always lived in the valley, he sees the problem thoroughly, Ying Lan understands what he means, and hopes that he can protect the clan like that ancestor.

But isn’t he too relieved? Li Yinglan has never shown any talent since she was a child, so he gave her the burden just because of this one thing?

“I caused this disaster, and it is my responsibility to solve it, but I am afraid that my ability is limited…” Ying Lan showed a shameful expression at the right time.

Touch it and hand it to her.

He said solemnly: “This is the ancestor’s manuscript, take it and study it, and the hope of the whole clan will be handed over to you.”

“Yes, patriarch.” Ying Lan took it carefully and said respectfully, “I will definitely study hard.”

After saying goodbye to the patriarch, he came out of his house, and Ying Lan walked slowly to his house, feeling that something was wrong with his attitude.

It stands to reason that this disaster was caused by Li Yinglan, no matter how generous he is, he can’t have no complaints. Knowing that she has also brought disasters that can wipe out the family, how can she still be so calm?

But no matter what he has, she has nothing to fear.

Perhaps it was because the patriarch did not say anything. The clansmen he met along the way did not host her as before, but no one expressed kindness to her.

Actually, Zhuang Yiming said something right, Li Yinglan did not have many close people in the valley.

Her grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents all died, and her parents died when they were injured by wild animals that broke into the valley when she was thirteen years old.

Although there are elders such as uncles, uncles, and aunts, but they all have their own small homes, except for occasionally giving her something to eat, they don’t move around frequently.

Fortunately, there is no need to pay taxes in this valley, so her one-and-a-half-year-old child can support herself with her own hands.

“Xiao Lan!” As soon as she opened the door, she saw a beautiful girl sitting inside, and her eyes lit up, “You’re back, the patriarch didn’t embarrass you, right?”

This is Yingying, the good sister Li Yinglan grew up with since she was a child. She is the person she knows best in the valley, and she is the only one who said goodbye to her before leaving.

“No, the patriarch is very good.” Ying Lan didn’t explain much.

“That’s good,” Yingying patted her chest with confidence, then looked at her cautiously, “Why did you come back suddenly? What about the man who took you away?”

“He lied to me, and I came back.” Ying Lan didn’t think there was anything to say, and told her bluntly.

“What?” Yingying almost jumped up, “This bastard, how dare he do such a thing? You even saved his life! The shameless white-eyed wolf, if you call If my aunt sees him, I will hit him once!”

“Okay Yingying, why are you more angry than me?” Ying Lan held her in a funny way, “Since he dared to lie to me, I will definitely not let him go, but you will remember in the future. Keep your eyes open and don’t be deceived like me.”

“Cut! If Ah Liang dares to lie to me, I will beat him!” Yingying said with a small fist.

“Oh—” Yinglan smiled meaningfully, “It turns out to be Ah Liang! I said why he always gave you fruit before, it turned out that he had already taken a fancy to our little boy. Yingying!”

“That big idiot, he didn’t say anything, he just knew how to give me fruit, if I didn’t happen to like him, he wouldn’t even try to chase me even if he gave it all his life!” He didn’t mean to be shy, but instead teased his sweetheart generously.

There are not so many red tapes in the valley, and there is no big defense between men and women. If they like each other, they can hold a wedding under the witness of the clan, so most of the girls have a more hearty personality.

“Then why do you like him?” Ying Lan asked curiously.

“Who told him to give the biggest and sweetest fruit?” Yingying’s answer contradicted itself.

It’s a pity that she has met too many people, and in the process of growing up, she has lost that precious innocence, and she has become accountable and constant, and it will never be the same as before.

It has been almost half a year since she left, although Yingying, a good friend, will help her clean up every once in a while, but because she thought she would never come back, she did not do her best. Covered with a thin layer of dust.

It took nearly an hour for the two of them to clean up and live in. After that, the little girl left her some food and left, and Ying Lan was able to quietly observe the relationship between the patriarch A note for her.

Non silk.

According to the words of the patriarch, it should have been stored for a full two hundred years without any damage. She thought it was yellowing due to too long, but now she realized that it was just its own color .

And the ink on it is clearly visible, as if it was just written.

This is a good material, and you can find time to figure out how to do it later. With this thought in mind, Ying Lan slowly opened the book.

The contents of the book are obviously copied and copied after careful finishing. The handwriting is very small, and the pages are neatly packed. Every stroke reveals the intention of the author.


It is a kind of Gu that can stimulate the potential and vitality of the whole body, or in other words, it is only by merging all of one’s own flesh and blood with Gu, relying on them to obtain unprecedented powerful abilities.

The ancestor used this self-created Gu to wipe out the entire army of a thousand people in the court, and sneaked into the capital to kill all the insiders, even the emperor was not lucky escape.

However, the consequences of using it are also obvious. The ancestor finally died after arranging the clan.

Although the patriarch did not say what state he was in when he died, most of the descriptions in this book were swallowed up with flesh and blood and died in an extremely painful way.

And this kind of Gu is not difficult to train, the difficulty is that the user will suffer great pain, after all, it is not a joke to call a hundred Gu into the body, even ordinary insects will call Human beings want to die, not to mention that it is a gu that is a hundred times more ruthless than a worm.

To keep everyone safe.

But Ying Lan will not do such a thing, she has more and better ways to solve the current predicament.

After knowing that the patriarch was playing this abacus, she didn’t take too much precaution against him, and started to learn the magic trick in the book.

And this study can not stop, this is a field she has never been exposed to before, and the influx of new knowledge makes her very interested.

There are many snakes, worms, ants and ants in the valley. In addition, the people in the clan are making Gu, and they usually cultivate them carefully. These things are not difficult to find, and she learns very smoothly. .

lock up.

Because the fog inside is poisonous, ordinary beasts dare not enter here, and all that can survive inside are snakes and insects that are highly poisonous themselves.

But such a place is tantamount to heaven for those who can control them, and Ying Lan travels through it all day with her own small flute.

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