Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 168

Chapter 167: Gu Master Princess 1

I didn’t expect the small world’s heavenly reaction to be so big, Yinglan’s soul was still a little stunned when she returned to the fairyland cave, she stared at the light group between her fingers, ready to destroy it.

The light group seemed to sense the crisis, jumped twice, and a young voice trembled and said: “No, don’t kill the nest~ Please beg for Ni ~”

“You sure are wise,” Ying Lan said coldly, “It’s really hard for you to hide it from me for so long.”

“Wood is not intentional~” The light group trembled twice like a soft QQ candy, and let out a frightened sobbing sound of a child, “QAQ~Wood is afraid~”

“Speak normally.” Ying Lan frowned slightly, tightening her fingers threateningly.

“Don’t fight the nest!” Guang Tuan cried out in fright, “The nest is still a baby~~”

“…” After being speechless for a moment, Ying Lan realized that something was wrong. This guy really didn’t look like the one who was crazy and ruined the whole world. .

“When did you become sane?” Her fingers loosened slightly.

“The beating, beating is just now, I feel the murderous aura of Ni…” Guang Tuan rubbed her fingertips carefully, “The nest is very useful, don’t kill the nest~QAQ~~ ”

Ying Lan couldn’t tell if it was telling the truth for a while, she hesitated for a while, she didn’t kill the killer, she sealed it in the soul, and then didn’t dare to delay any more, and immediately went to the next one world.

Blood flowed into her eyes, stabbing her vision blurred, and she could only vaguely see a slender figure standing in front of her.

“Lan’er, why are you so stubborn?” The man’s voice was clear and sweet, but his words carried a biting chill, “As long as you tell this king how to avoid Miasmaru Son, this king will let you out right away, you are still this king’s favorite princess, we can love each other for a lifetime like before, isn’t it okay?”

Even if Ying Lan had no memory of dividing her soul, she was shocked by the shamelessness of the man in front of her!

Ignoring the man who was still chattering and persuading, she closed her eyes and began to receive memories.

The soul of this world is called Li Yinglan. She has lived with her clan since she was a child in the dark Min Valley deep in the Yifeng Mountains. This place is isolated from the world. The surrounding mountains and forests are full of miasma. Only her clan There are ways to avoid miasma.

The people don’t like to be in contact with the outside world. They never leave the valley, nor do they welcome strangers to their territory. Under the protection of natural miasma, they live a very quiet and simple life.

Li Yinglan developed a simple and kind character in such an environment. At the age of seventeen, she found a comatose man while collecting herbs in the mountains.

She couldn’t bear to see him being eaten by wild beasts in the mountains, so after rescuing him, she placed him at home to recuperate without telling her clan.

Because her parents had passed away a few years ago, she lived alone, and as a result, there was a big living person hidden in the house, but she was not found.

The man she rescued was in a coma for three days and three nights before waking up. His name was Zhuang Yiming. Grace.

Li Yinglan knew nothing about the outside world, and was not interested in the wealthy life he talked about. He decisively rejected his repayment, and only urged him to leave quickly after his injury was healed.

However, Zhuang Yiming was not in a hurry. Instead, he quickly confessed his love to her and promised to marry her.

Li Yinglan refused at first, but Zhuang Yiming was handsome and always had a lot of little fun, which quickly touched the heart of this simple girl.

Zhuang Yiming said that he would take her back to see her father, and then marry her as a princess. Li Yinglan agreed without any hesitation.

Relying on Bi Miasma Pills, the two of them successfully rendezvoused with the brigade who were looking for Lord Kang in the mountains and forests, and were escorted back to the capital.

The life here is very unfamiliar to Li Yinglan, who has lived in the mountains and forests since childhood It’s endlessly delicious, but she always has a feeling of being out of place.

Those girls looked at her and said things that made her very uncomfortable, and she was very homesick and missed the quiet life in the valley.

She hasn’t seen the royal father whom her lover spoke of, and even Zhuang Yiming himself often disappeared. After about two months, she couldn’t take it anymore and proposed to go back to the valley.

Zhuang Yiming, who had not appeared for a long time, showed a very sad look at this time. He said that his father did not want him to marry a woman of unknown origin as his concubine. Accept her, but she will abandon him when he has just succeeded in his efforts.

Li Yinglan was immediately moved by him, gave up the idea of going home, and began to work hard to integrate into the new environment.

Afterwards, Zhuang Yiming really took her to meet the emperor, and the wedding date of the two was soon set. They held a grand wedding only two months later, and Li Yinglan also became Princess Kang.

After the marriage, the two spent a period of time mixing oil with honey, and Zhuang Yiming suddenly mentioned that he wanted to go back to the valley with her to visit relatives.

Li Yinglan has always been homesick, no doubt he agreed very happily, and even liked him even more because of it.

So when he asked about the recipe for Bi Miasma Pills, she unsuspectingly told him that the medicinal materials could only be found in Yifeng Mountain. She couldn’t say what those medicines were, but She can make it when she gets there.

She believed it.

If it wasn’t for the ancestral instruction that the clansmen could not bring outsiders into the valley, Li Yinglan planned to go back to the valley alone to ask the patriarch’s opinion, but overheard the conversation between Zhuang Yiming and his subordinates , I am afraid that at this time their conspiracy has succeeded.

Zhuang Yiming will come to Yifeng Mountain a year ago. It is not at all what he said about going out to play and getting separated from his subordinates. His goal has always been to find Anmin who lives in seclusion in Anmin Valley. A family, get the holy medicine that can give birth to bones and flesh to death in their hands.

It’s just that when he tried to pass through the miasma, he was unsuccessful, and he got separated from his subordinates inside. He was unfortunately chased by wild animals and fell off the mountain.

If it wasn’t for Li Yinglan who happened to meet him and rescued him, the dignified king would have died outside this wilderness.

Zhuang Yiming will confess to her, not out of true love, but to relax her vigilance so that she can find holy medicine in the valley.

But he soon found that he couldn’t do it on his own, so he lured her out of the valley.

Originally, he didn’t plan to marry her at all. After deceiving the miasma pill in her hand, he handed it over to the people in the Tai Hospital for research. Unfortunately, no one could figure out its formula.

As a last resort, he could only marry her, and then he made an excuse to go back to the mountains with her, ready to make a prescription when she was making medicine.

Li Yinglan was heartbroken after hearing all this, and she didn’t notice the surrounding environment while she was sad, and was caught by the passing guards.

Zhuang Yiming was prepared to use Huairou’s way to coax her when she saw the matter was revealed, but how could Li Yinglan still believe him at this time?

She was bitten to death and refused to tell the prescription.

The fusion of memories is only a momentary thing, Ying Lan quickly knew the cause and effect, and had a very strong feeling towards the man in front of him who was still trying to deceive her into telling her the formula. Nausea feeling.

“This king just wants to find holy medicine to cure his father, not to do something bad.” Zhuang Yiming is still persuading, “This king can assure you that as long as your The clansmen are willing to hand over the holy medicine, and the people of this king will never touch them!”

He also told Li Yinglan these words before, but it was a pity that she knew that there was no such medicine in Guli. How can a miracle drug die without a cure?

But although she is simple, she is not stupid, knowing that even if she tells the truth, these people will not believe it.

As for what he said that handing over the holy medicine will spare her clan, she didn’t believe a word, this person ignored her life-saving grace and ruthlessly deceived her feelings, he How can imagine the character.

Don’t hesitate!

Intense emotions vibrated back and forth in her chest, Ying Lan closed her eyes lightly and pressed them down, too lazy to pay attention to this shameless man.

“Okay, don’t you say it?” Zhuang Yiming’s face suddenly turned terrifying, “I want to see if your bones are hard, or this king’s whip is hard!”

After saying that, he raised his hand and threw out the long whip in his hand. The leather whip soaked in salt water immediately drew a bloodstain on Ying Lan’s waist. pain.

But she didn’t even snort. This level of pain has little effect on her. Li Yinglan can bear it, so what can she bear?

Zhuang Yiming whipped her more than a dozen times in one breath, until the blood was dripping, and the wounds were further injured. He was afraid that she would be killed, so he suppressed his anger and stopped.

“Why are you so stubborn?” His eyes turned red with the stubbornness of the woman, “Those are just your clansmen, not your blood relatives, they are worth your life. to protect them?”

Seeing that she was unmoved, Zhuang Yiming began to tempt her again: “If I can get the right medicine, the royal father will make me the prince, and you, as my princess, will be The queen of the entire Dafeng country is under one person and over ten thousand people.”

“Be my queen, stay with me for the rest of your life, or die here in vain, don’t you understand such a simple thing?”

Having said all the good and bad words, seeing her still closing her eyes and ignoring it, Zhuang Yiming threw the whip angrily and said, “Think about it again!” go.

The place bound by the ropes had already worn away the skin, and it was painful to move.

And what’s even worse is that Ying Lan found that her body temperature was rising. She should have suffered too many injuries and started to have a fever. If it continues like this, her life may end. Confess here.

Fortunately, the guards locked the door and went outside, not staring at every moment , it is convenient for her to act.

Ying Lan’s lips moved slightly, and a sound that human beings could not hear came out of her mouth. Face and other places drilled out.

The people of the Anmin family dare to settle in the deep mountains and old forests, and are not afraid of the miasma surrounding the valley. Naturally, they are somewhat capable.

When Zhuang Yiming was quietly inquiring in the valley, he saw someone playing with snakes, worms, rats, and ants. He just said that the people in the mountains were not careful, but he didn’t know that they were practicing Gu.


After getting married, even the little flute who controlled the worms was not with him at all times, so he was caught without the ability to resist.

However, she has an average talent for Gu, so even if she brought it with her at the time, she probably couldn’t escape.

But with Ying Lanlai, it’s different. She has a strong spirit, and she has a very good understanding of the sound principle of the vocal cords, so that she can directly call these little assistants without relying on external objects to make sounds of the right frequency.

Fortunately, the rope that bound her was just an ordinary hemp rope. It only took a quarter of an hour for her to be ground and broken by the fangs of the mouse. Fortunately, the response was timely and there was no thrust to fall to the ground.

Send away the mice, control a few poisonous scorpions to guard at the door of the cell, and order them to sting them whenever anyone comes, Yinglan sits cross-legged on the cold ground and begins to adjust her breath.

However, her preventive measures did not work. Half the night passed and no one came back. At this time, she also relieved some physical injuries and prepared to leave this place.

Skill, lock picking is one of them.


Take off the chain as lightly as possible, Ying Lan just opened the door and walked out swaggeringly.

He easily solved the two half-sleeping guards outside the door, Ying Lan took a deep look at the direction of Zhuang Yiming’s room, turned and disappeared into the dark night.

Zhuang Yiming was woken up early the next morning. When he learned that the prisoners had escaped quietly, he was so angry that he scolded the two guards against him. The guard was beaten to death without any relief.

“Swordman! Swordman!” He cursed and smashed all the movable objects at his hand, and soon the house was in a mess.

Zhuang Yiming couldn’t understand how Li Yinglan escaped.

From the first day he brought her into the capital, he secretly controlled her social circle, he could ensure that she did not have a close friend outside the mountain, and all the people who served her were is faithful to him.

And the people in that valley would never show their faces outside, otherwise he wouldn’t have spent so much effort, and even gave up his position as a princess to play the game.

So who rescued the swordman? Could it be the clan who came out to find her after seeing her leave?

As long as they dare to leave the valley and come out, he promises to let them go back and forth. At that time, catching a few more will give him more chips.

They brought her back to their hometown to visit relatives, even if the name of life-saving grace is outside, I am afraid that it will not dispel their doubts.

He has tried his best to arrange reliable people during this trip, but he can’t completely guarantee that there are no spies sent by them. If their people noticed something and rescued people…

Zhuang Yiming felt sullen when he thought of this. Damn Li Yinglan, if she was willing to hand over the prescription obediently, how could she have caused him so much trouble?

Before he was still hesitating what to do with her afterwards, after all, she had a deep love for him. Although she was only a girl from the mountains, she was also very beautiful.

Now it seems that this woman is really ignorant, then don’t blame him for being unfeeling!

Zhuang Yiming ordered people to set off immediately to block the road to the valley, and also called a few absolutely reliable men to secretly investigate the movements of everyone who followed him this time.

I have already started to imagine how to torture her when she catches someone, this time he must use the most brutal criminal law to see how hard her mouth can be!

Unfortunately, he thought very well, but the reality is that it has been a full month, let alone people, they have not found a single hair.

They used to be in the nearest county government outside Yifeng Mountain. After investigation, they did not find anyone suspected of Dark Min Valley, and no trace was found along the way.

As for the people he brought, no suspicious movements were found.

In other words, Zhuang Yiming’s two guesses may be wrong, Li Yinglan seems to have escaped by himself!

How is this possible? He shook his head and shook off this ridiculous guess. He knew exactly what that woman was capable of. She was just an ordinary country girl. If she had so much ability, how could she be fooled around by him? How could he be caught so easily?

Half of the time has passed, and Zhuang Yiming has not even touched the valley. Zhuang Yiming is in a hurry.

“Your Highness, someone is coming from Beijing.”

At this time, his subordinates also delivered bad news, and Zhuang Yiming’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

“Welcome in.” Trying to adjust his emotions, he said in a calm tone as much as possible, but when he saw the person who came, all his efforts were in vain, and his face was visibly distorted.

A slender, handsome young man walked towards him calmly, with a coiled dragon jade pendant on his waist indicating his identity, the same prince Longsun as him.

I already had a bad premonition in my heart, but Zhuang Yiming still asked, “Why is Brother Sanhuang here?”

“It’s not because Brother Wuhuang, you are not good at handling things, even a woman can’t coax you and delay the important affairs of the father.” Zhuang Yichang said rudely, “No, the father will send me to replace it. You’ve cleaned up the mess.”

Although Zhuang Yiming guessed that his father had already known about Li Yinglan’s escape from hearing that someone was coming from Beijing, but when the other party really said it, there was still a buzzing sound in his mind.

“The princess just left me for a while,” he still wanted to struggle, “I will be able to coax her back soon, so please don’t bother Sanhuang.”

Zhuang Yichang just looked at him with a half-smile: “Brother Wu Huang, this is the will of the father, don’t you want to resist the will?”

“Brother Three Emperors misunderstood,” Zhuang Yiming forced a smile, “Brother Huang just thinks it’s a family scandal and doesn’t want to show it.”

“It’s all a family, what can’t you say?” Zhuang Yichang chuckled lightly and said, “You can rest assured, the fifth emperor, the emperor will help you find your daughter-in-law as soon as possible, so as not to call you miss.”

Zhuang Yiming’s face turned ashen, now his father has concluded that he is not good at doing things, even if he really finds someone, the credit probably won’t go to him, he is thinking about it. The crown prince was also far away from him.

At this time, he didn’t want to find Li Yinglan anymore. Anyway, he had already lost the opportunity, and he didn’t want the third prince to intervene in the middle to get credit!

Thinking like this, Zhuang Yiming began to slack off work, and he was often left and right when it came to the question of the emperor, and he was full of nonsense about how he accidentally entered the valley in the first place pull.

How can the third prince not see his mind? But he didn’t care. In his opinion, his younger brother really had no brains. He knew the location of the valley. Wouldn’t it be better to just burn the poisonous miasma forest outside? With so many things going on, do you have to find someone to lead the way?

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