Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 508: 1st Round

Chapter 508: 1st Round

Buggy is actually happy with this because he can finally have some fun after a while. His fight with Doflamingo wasn't something he did for fun, it was caused by anger. So there's no way he could enjoy it even though he is a battle maniac.

But now, he surely can have some fun with these kids even though he knows it won't even be a hard battle for him. He has many ways to have fun in battles and he already planned what to do with these rookies now.

"So, have you ever fought fiercely on the sea? If you can only fight well on land, then may as well quit being pirates because pirates' home is the sea."

Buggy lands on the tip of the mast of the biggest ship there while looking down on everyone. All eyes are on him. Fear, nervousness, excitement, and different kinds of gazes are shown in their eyes while they stare at Buggy.

"Hmm, an arm might be too much. Let's try with a hand. The left hand should be enough."

Buggy thinks of something before detaching his left hand from his left arm. He moves it around a little, making the rookies confused and wary. Then they see Buggy grin while looking at them as he holds his left hand with his right hand.

"Let's try to see if you noobs are as good as they said in the news. Trial level 1, let's see if you can defeat my left hand."

The rookies are still confused, until Buggy's detached left hand starts attacking them. It flies to one of the rookie pirates below and punches the man strongly, making him fly and crash to the wall.

"Come on, show me what you got."

Buggy's left hand starts flying around attacking the pirates below. They try to dodge, block, and attack back, but the left hand is very swift. The left hand easily dodges their attacks and hits them.

Buggy wants to watch the show and focuses on controlling his left hand. But the other pirates just can't leave him alone and attack him from below. They don't need to just fight his left hand, after all. So they attack his body too.

He has expected this, but it's still annoying because he can't play happily with the rookies below. These attacks won't threaten him, but they are really disturbing his fun. He gets too annoyed, so he decides to change his plan.

Buggy jumps down and lands on the deck softly before taking his left hand back. He cracks some of his joints as if he is stretching and warming his body up.

"I tried to be nice to you lots, but you were not appreciating that. If you really want to fight me that badly, then I will grant it. Come! Show me the power that made you believe you could defeat me so you decided to annoy me who planned to just play around with you."

Buggy taunts them to attack him and they don't waste even a second. Rounds of shootings are shot at Buggy as soon as he finishes his speech. Slash attacks are also flying among the bullets. All aimed at Buggy from all sides.

It doesn't seem like there's any way to escape with the attacks coming from everywhere. The pirates are sure they can hit him even though they aren't sure the damage would be decent enough. But they are underestimating Buggy too much by thinking like that.

Buggy shocks them by easily dodging every attack that comes to him. He can find the gaps between attacks that no one else finds. No bullet manages to even graze his clothes although some manage to slip through his long hair that waves around while he dodges.

He dodges the attacks while approaching one side of the pirates. Buggy clenches his fist as he finally gets in front of a big hairy muscular man. The man is surprised to see Buggy approaching him, so he sends his most powerful punch at Buggy's face.

People thought he would dodge again, but Buggy is sending his punch instead. He sends a punch at the incoming punch, so their punches clash against each other. Buggy's fist is much smaller than the big guy whose fist is 3 times bigger than Buggy's fist just like how the man is almost 3 times his size.


Unsurprisingly, the man is sent flying back quite far until he crashes onto another ship despite having a bigger fist & body. No one is surprised by this even though that man is someone strong with a bounty of 77 million belly. Their opponent is the strongest in the world, after all.

Also, they don't have the leisure to be surprised because Buggy starts to attack again. He moves to attack the nearby enemies by engaging them in close combat using only his fists & kicks. His swords are still hanging on his waists since the beginning.

Buggy doesn't use his devil fruit ability at all now. He only uses his battle skills and haki. Actually, he wanted to avoid using haki too, but then he wouldn't be able to touch some of the devil fruit users. So he only uses basic haki to allow him to touch them with his attacks.

The pirates are attacking him from all sides, but he can dodge or block their attacks before attacking them back. His movements are so agile and swift. He is like Madara from Naruto when fighting many ninjas in the desert.

Buggy sometimes even uses their attacks against themselves. It's very fun to redirect their attacks, making them hit their own allies. Then they will argue with each other despite having him in front of them. It is annoying when that happens, so he sends the arguing folks away with some lovely punches.

The other pirate crews are moving onto the ship that Buggy chose to fight. They are also attacking him, but they don't have any teamwork and just attack as they please. Their attacks even hit their allies, but they don't care.

Suddenly, the floor becomes very slippery and everyone is falling including Buggy. He can feel a very slippery liquid on the floor, it's oil. But he doesn't know what kind of oil this is because it's very clear like water and odorless.

He sees a man crouching on the corner while smirking widely. Buggy can see the man's hands that have turned into the liquid. So he knows this must be the man's devil fruit ability, the ability to produce & manipulate oil.

"Sigh, so troublesome."

Buggy suddenly propels himself quite high using his hands & feet. Then he uses his version of Geppo to stay midair. He takes his shirt off and wipes his body clean of the oil. Well, he can't fully clean it, but at least he can remove quite a lot of it.

"Bastard, you are dirtying my clothes. I don't bring any spares you know."

The man clicks his tongue before he suddenly shapes his fingers like pistols and aims them at Buggy in the air. Then he suddenly shoots powerful oil bullets at very high speed. Buggy dodges them easily while still cleaning the oil on his body.

"Man, can you let me clean myself first?"

The man stops shooting, but he doesn't stop attacking. He now makes an oil dragon to attack Buggy, making Buggy sigh.

"Seems like you want to cover me in oil and then burn me using that lighter in your right hand. I don't know why you think that is a good idea. You can get burnt before you burn me, you know."

Buggy says that while throwing a very small red ball at the man while jumping away to avoid the oil dragon. The red ball is a Mini Muggy Ball, it's a bomb, so it explodes. The explosion is very big though because of the oil around the man.

As for the man, his body is burning because of the oil he excreted. The ship is burning too because of the oil the man spread before. Then the man suddenly jumps into the sea to put off the fire on his body, making Buggy dumbfounded. "Does he forget he is a devil fruit user? Well, not like he has any choice now. His only chance is if his crewmates have time & energy to save him."

The other pirate crews that haven't joined the fight and just watched to see the situation first are getting surprised by this development. They never thought that Buggy would be this powerful. Now they know they are still underestimating the power of the strongest man in the world.

Kid's alliance hasn't made a move and they are very glad about that. At the very least, now they know just how powerful the Strongest Man in the World is. Now they also know their chance to win this battle is very low, maybe even 0 because Buggy hasn't shown his true power.

"Should we escape? It's too dangerous fighting him and he isn't our target."

"I agree with X-Drake. All my 10 lives won't be enough to save me from him."

"Don't be cowards, you idiots. If you don't even dare to fight him, then you will never conquer anything. Besides, do you think we can escape from him now?"

They all grit their teeth because they know Kid is right. Even if they want to escape, they aren't sure they can escape even if they move at full speed. Buggy surely won't let them go after they pissed him off like that.

"Are you guys done discussing? If you want to leave, then I will give you a chance. I'll give you 10 seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Done! Ok, seems like everyone wants to fight, good."


"Shhh! No complaining. Now, prepare yourselves. I will show you the true horror of New World."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 546. Clownland's Defense

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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