Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 507: Unlucky Rookies

Chapter 507: Unlucky Rookies

Flintstone wakes up the next day and gets the biggest surprise of his life so far. He finds out that now he has complete limbs and even an eye. Obviously, his new limbs and left eye are artificial, not real flesh & bones.

Ruff made them and they look just like real human organs. Even the fake skin looks exactly the same as Flintstone's skin and there's no mark where it connects with his real skin. The precision and details are truly amazing.

What's more amazing is that Flintstone can move the artificial limbs as if they were real limbs. There's no delay or difficulty in moving them. He simply just needs to move them like when he moves his real limbs.

Although his movements are very sluggish now because it's been years since he has fully intact limbs. He needs to adapt to this situation first and he'll get better eventually. After all, he almost forgot how to even move the arm & leg he lost.

"Wait! If I got a new eye, then...."

Flintstone rushes out of the room he was placed in. He opens the door and tries to run, but he bumps into someone.

"S-sorry, I am in a hur....."

He can't finish his words when he sees who it is that he bumped into. It's none other than his wife, but that's not why he gets stunned. His eyes widen as he sees his wife's eye sockets aren't empty. There is a pair of beautiful eyeballs inside them.

"Ouch, please be careful, honey. You are strong, so just a simple bump is hurt."

"D-darling, y-your eyes." "Ah, yes, I have eyes and now I can see again."

Flintstone hugs his wife quickly and cries happily because he always feels guilty about what happened to them. If only he was strong enough, then they wouldn't get captured by the Donquixote Family and wouldn't turn into toys, so she wouldn't lose her eyes too.

This is the Clowns' gift to their friend because they are still a family even though he has retired and left their crew. Their crew is a family, not just a group of people who only join for profit, so they have a strong bond with each other, even with their retired members.

For the next few days, Flintstone stays in Clownland with his wife. He is getting used to his artificial organs very quickly. They already feel like his own limbs now and he slowly gets into his old shape.

He spars with the others and gets defeated easily because they all have obviously gotten much stronger since he left the crew. But everyone is impressed seeing Flintstone still has his touch even with everything that has happened to him.

"How about coming back to the crew?"

"Thanks for the offer, Cricket, but I don't think that's a good idea. I am not strong enough to be in the strongest pirate crew now. My risk of dying is very high here and I can't just think of myself now. There's someone who I can't leave, so I can't die."

"Haha, we've thought you'd say that. But Captain still has high hopes for you, so he gives you an offer."

"Offer? And where is he now?"

"He left the island to do business with some kids after telling me the offer he wanted to give you. His offer is for you to help us control the first half of Paradise. You know our business and the Caribbean that manages it, right? There are many disturbances in the first half of Paradise with all the rookies and losers who couldn't enter the New World. We want the crew you'll lead to handle those idiots."

"So it's like a Guard Crew?"

"Basically yeah. You are strong enough for that place and the ones who'll join your crew are also up to standard. They are too weak for New World, but obviously strong enough for Paradise."

Flintstone finally agrees to that proposal after some more talks with Cricket. Truthfully, he also missed being a pirate again, but he couldn't do it without intact limbs. Now he has them again and his wife actually supports him because he looks very happy.

The first half of Paradise is also not that dangerous for his level. So he's sure he can protect his wife there. And he gets even more sure after seeing the people who will join his crew later.

Cricket may have told him they are not strong enough for New World, but that's by Clown Pirates' standards. They have really high standards because these guys are actually strong enough for normal New World standards.

Anyway, Flintstone accepts the job and starts to bond with his new crew members immediately. He knows the importance of a solid crew, so he won't leave with them before they know each other quite well.

Meanwhile, Buggy is sailing on a small boat alone again. He is on his way to meet with some people on a neutral island that's not ruled by anyone. But when he is sleeping comfortably in his small boat, some ships suddenly get closer while shooting cannons at each other.

They are having a big naval battle and disturb his sleep. Obviously, he is pissed because it's difficult to find good weather that allows him to sleep in New World. So he gets up to see the unlucky fellows who will feel his rage.

But right when he gets up, a cannonball flies toward him and hits his face. It explodes right on his face and the explosion is big enough to break his boat too. The fighting pirates don't care about it and keep fighting each other.

"Oi, you hit me, you dumbfucks!"

Buggy's angry voice is not loud, but somehow everyone hears it. They turn around in surprise and see him floating above the sea without any scratches after being hit by a cannonball that destroyed his boat. Now these pirates can finally see who he is and it scares them.


"My official nickname is Clown Lord, but yea, some people called me Devil Clown. It doesn't matter now. What matters is I am pissed by you bastards. I see that you think you are so powerful just because you have supernovas in your crews. But in the end, you are just rookies without much experience."

The crews that fight and disturb him are 2 rookie pirate alliances with supernovas of different generations. One is the alliance of Kid, Killer, Hawkins, Apoo, and Drake. The other one is an alliance of 6 supernova crews that are 2 years older than them.

They older supernova alliance attacked first simply to show their might. By defeating another supernova alliance, they can show the world their power and get closer to the top. They are also targeting the Emperors, but they don't dare to attack any Emperor yet.

Unfortunately, they somehow attacked an Emperor who just happened to be alone on the sea like a stray. They all are nervous now as they know whatever reason they give, Buggy won't care. So they look at each other and nod without saying a word.

Everyone who was fighting fiercely before suddenly works to attack Buggy together. They attack him with everything they have as they know it's not only bad luck but also their chance to defeat an Emperor. After all, he is alone, so they may have a chance even though he is the Strongest Individual in the world.

Cannonballs, bullets, devil fruit abilities, and all kinds of attacks are flying toward Buggy. But he just floats there and looks at the incoming attacks. The rookies can't see it, but all their attacks break apart the moment they touch Buggy's body. All except 1 attack.

'Oho? Interesting. I can't break sound, so it affects me a little.'

Apoo's attacks are affecting Buggy as the sound can surpass even haki. He gets cut and caught in some explosions that he can't block. But he just grins as these attacks are still too weak to even hurt him. He just thinks they are interesting and has potential, that's it.

"Will you guys stop tickling me with your toys? I am getting sleepy again now."

Buggy floats higher to get out of the explosion smoke caused by their attacks. They are shocked to see that they couldn't even scratch him, he is perfectly fine. Now they really know why he can become the strongest.

"Heh, I like your guts. That's what you need to reach the top, a strong mentality. But let me tell you that you are not ready to even reach the upper half of this world power. Climb that ladder slowly, if you can leave this place alive."

Buggy grins widely while looking at the rookies like tasty prey. He won't just forgive them after disturbing his sleep. They will see the true horror of New World, or to be precise, the horror of top power.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 545. Super Alliance

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

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