Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 13: Show Down

Chapter 13: Show Down

Buggy get ready to fight with the navigator. He try to sense the sniper, and the guy is on the crow nest. It seem the navigator will attack him while the sniper will shoot him when he fight.




"I'LL TRY!"-Burton

Burton start to shoot again, and Jimmy try to get as close as possible while avoiding enemy's attacks. Buggy also start to fight with the navigator.

Buggy dodge a diagonal swing of iron mace by jumping backwards. Then he attack the navigator with his sword, but he cancel it because the sniper shoot at him, forcing him to move to the left. The navigator use this chance to swing his mace up at Buggy, and Buggy crouch to dodge.

Buggy then slide his right feet and tackle the navigator. Then Buggy roll to the front and avoid a bullet from the sniper just in time. Buggy see the navigator try to stand, but he act fast and cut the navigator's wrist.


The navigator scream, but Buggy didn't care and immediately stab navigator's chest. He need to act fast before the sniper shoot again, and he's right. The sniper shoot at Buggy again right after he stab the navigator on the chest.

Buggy move aside, but the bullet still graze his left arm. Bullet is blunt and it wound him, so he need to be careful. If his haki is better & his devil fruit proficiency is higher, he might be able to split a small portion of his body to avoid the bullet.

Buggy then stand and try to dodge the shots from the sniper. But then, many pirates start to attack him again. So now, Buggy need to fight while dodging the sniper's shots. It's hard and Buggy get hit sometimes by blunt weapons. But he make sure to avoid the sniper's bullets, or it will be the end.

Buggy got hit by a staff, but he can protect himself with his weak basic armament. Then he counter with his sword attack. Buggy then get surrounded and can't find a way out. Buggy grit his teeth and crouch down to make himself looks like a ball. The enemies surround him and want to strike him.

"Split Split Grenade!"-Buggy

Buggy's body suddenly explode into many square parts. The square parts shot outwards and hit the incoming enemies. It is Buggy's technique that imitate a grenade mechanism. By splitting his body into 300 small parts, Buggy can shot them out to make an AOE attack.

The attacks hit the pirates and defeat those who surround him. He still can't control all 300 parts that well, but if it's just shooting them out & recall them, he can do it. Then Buggy recall his parts and return to normal again. His show of devil fruit ability surprise the enemies, so he use this chance to attack them and take out many of them.

"I'M DONE."-Burton

Burton have finished his shots at the pirate ship's hull and it start to sink. The pirates start to get panic as their ship lean to the left. Buggy then grab the navigator and throw him to his ship. Then Buggy detached his right wrist to attack the sniper that try to stabilize himself from the falling ship.

The sniper can't even protect himself when Buggy's sword stab his chest. He fall from the nest, but Buggy's detached palm catch him. Then Buggy jump to his ship with the sniper on his hand. The fog suddenly start to disperse as the sniper lose consciousness.

"So it's really a devil fruit ability, and this guy is the user."-Buggy

"I thought it will be the captain's ability."-Burton

"I think so too, but it seem we're wrong. This also mean that the captain & vice captain have stronger devil fruit or they're just really strong."-Buggy

Buggy & co then see a lot of people that stand on the beach. There are roughly 100 of them there, so this crew have around 500 members. This is a very big crew on East Blue, as they also have 3 big ships, the last one is on the shore.

"What to do now?"-Burton

"We land."-Buggy

Buggy & co land on the beach and the pirates just looking at them.

"Impressive, you three could defeat my 400 mens, including my sniper & navigator. You're good, especially you, red nose. So how if i give you an offer? Join me, or get killed by me? These 100 mens are my best mens, and they're better than all those 400, so you won't have any chance."-Pirate Captain

"I also have an offer, surrender, or got beaten up badly by us?"-Buggy

"Hmph, so you've choose death."-Pirate Captain

"ALL, ATTACK!"-Pirate Vice Captain

"Let's kick their ass!"-Buggy

Both side start to rush at each other, it's 3 vs 100. Previously, they just need to sink the enemy's ships to win easier, but now they need to defeat them all. They're very short on number, but Buggy & co are very confident. It's not their first time fighting a big number like this together.

Buggy draw his shortswords, Jimmy draw his spears & shield, while Burton take out his custom gun that attached to his broken arm. Then they start to blast into the swarm of enemies.

Buggy go to the group of swordsmans as he's immune to their weapon. Jimmy go to the group of blunt weapons users with his shield & spear. Burton stay behind to provide support with his gun.

Buggy and Jimmy barge into the enemies with their weapons. Jimmy is fighting by blocking attacks with his shield and stab enemies with his spear. He also sometime bash them with shield or hit with the spear pole. He also can dodge attacks from his blindspot, thanks to the observation haki that Buggy taught him.

Buggy fight even more ferociously than Jimmy. His fighting style changed from his previous battle. Now he detached his wrists that hold swords and spin them to cut enemies around him. Those who didn't get slashed are being kicked by him.

The 2nd thing that Buggy learn in close combat after his swordmanship is leg skills. He like to use his leg alongside with his sword skill in a combat. He also like to use his elbow and forearm to hit when his wrists got detached.

Buggy's spinning blade slash a lot of enemies down. He also go around to kick the enemies with his leg. But the enemies are still everywhere, so Buggy raise his game.

"Split Split Carnival!"-Buggy

Buggy split his body into 50 parts except his head & feet, and move the around to hit the enemies. This is canon Buggy's technique, and now he recreate it, but with more splitted parts. His body is a lot tougher than normal people, maybe because of the fruit. So when his body parts hit the enemies, Buggy didn't really feel hurt, but the enemies feel it.

Jimmy & Burton also doing great on their own. Jimmy can't defeat the enemies as fast as Buggy, but he is doing great. Burton also focus more on assisting Jimmy rather than Buggy because Buggy can hold his ground easily, while Jimmy often get overwhelmed.

The 3's battle is really good, and they show superiority in this battle. Then, after some minutes, all 100 pirate goons get defeated. Now, there are 2 enemies left, the Captain & Vice-Captain.

"Tch, useless bunch. In the end, it will be us again, just like in the past, partner."-Captain "You're right. Let's get this over fast, pal."-Vice-Captain

Both sides getting ready to face each other. This will be a boss battle.


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