Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 12: Hunting 50 Millions Crew

Chapter 12: Hunting 50 Millions Crew

After their success on the first hunt, Buggy & his team keep hunting pirates. They will hunt for 2 weeks, then rest for a week. They need to have time for themselves and not just hunting.

When he rest, Buggy will return to Orange Town. He save all his money there and rarely use it. He also use his 1 week of rest to train like usual. He also train everyday on the ship, but in his 1 week rest, he can focus on his training.

Surprisingly, the kid, Rio is still training with Buggy. He said he will be a great marine and capture Buggy in the future. Buggy just laugh and tell Rio to aim for an Admiral position if Rio want to catch him.

~1 Year later~

1 year have passed since Roger's execution, and Buggy's work as Bounty Hunters went well. His team have captured many pirates & bandits on East Blue. The rise of Great Pirate Era make many people start to become pirates, so there will be no end to those bounties.

Their team have never missed a target and always caught them. They've become famous on East Blue as the Three Clover. After they get that epithet, they decided to use it for their flag. They draw it on their mast and flag.

The three of them have amassed good amount of wealth on East Blue. They might be the richest bounty hunters on East Blue right now. Each of them have get shares of more than 100 million beri in 1 year.

The key is their consistency to hunt and they never waste anything. They take all valuables from their enemies and sell it with good price. Other hunters usually only hunt when they're short on money, but Buggy & co have organized schedule to hunt.

They also didn't spend too much and keep their money, something that other hunters never do. Those hunters always spend all their money in a short time. The basic difference is that Buggy & co have dreams to chase, while other hunters just hunt to get money and live with it.

"Hey, let's hunt this crew, Black Skull Pirates. Their total bounty is 50 million."-Buggy

""WHAT?! 50?""-Burton & Jimmy

"Yeah, 25 for captain, 15 for vice captain, 5 for their navigator, and 5 for their sniper."-Buggy

"4 heads with bounties? Are you sure we can take them?"-Burton

"Of course. You guys have already recovered your skills, and even get stronger now. These guys are one of the strongest crew on East Blue right now, so they must've had a lot of treasures."-Buggy

"Hmm, fine. But why did they get such high bounties like that?"-Jimmy

"They destroy a small town and kill all it's residence."-Buggy

""!?""-Burton & Jimmy

"Even children?"-Jimmy

"Even children."-Buggy

"Then i guess we need to break all their bones before giving them to Marine."-Burton said in low angry voice

"Yeah, i agree with you."-Jimmy

They all know pirates often do heinous crime like this. They know they are no saints and have killed some pirates. But they will do what they can to be good people. Now knowing their targets have done such things, the 3 of them will make sure to capture these pirates.

They get an information that their target have a base on Cico Island. It's an empty island located rather far from any Marine Base. The island is also surrounded by fog most of the time, make it harder for people to reach it.

However, fog isn't a problem for the three of them. Buggy have teached Burton & Jimmy observation haki. They don't have good talent for it, but they're decent. It's good enough to be used on East Blue. And if they meet an untouchable devil fruit user, it will be Buggy who fight them as he already have armament haki.

They reach Cico island's area after 2 days of sailing. It's really far from their base on Loguetown. Now they see the fog that surround the island, and it's really thick.

"So this is the fog, huh?"-Burton

"Yeah, what a strange phenomena for fog to stay on one place and not disperse after some time."-Jimmy

"This is not a normal fog, this is devil fruit ability."-Buggy

"What? How can you know?"-Burton

"They say that whenever the Black Skull Pirates appear, fog will cover the area. The only explanation will be someone in their crew have a devil fruit that can create & control fog. If that's the case, we might have a problem."-Buggy

"What is it?"-Jimmy

"They might have a method to see us when we can't see them. Unless you're confident in your haki, we won't get inside."-Buggy look at Jimmy & Burton

Jimmy & Burton look at each other and then nod.

"We've come this far, so we're not returning."-Jimmy

"Yeah, even if we can't win, we believe we can keep ourselves alive until you finish them all."-Burton

"You really believe me that much, huh?"-Buggy smirk

"Of course, we've saw what you can do, so we always believe in you."-Jimmy smile

"There's no one on East Blue that can fight you now."-Burton also smile

"Heeh, altough it's a little too much, but i'll accept your praise. Well then, let's go!"-Buggy grin

They control their ship to enter the fog, there's no going back now.

Buggy & his team enter the fog, and they really can't see anything. They maximize their observation haki to detect their surrounding. Then Buggy feel someone is watching them, altough the watcher is not in the area.

Buggy then tell Jimmy to control the ship to the direction where he feel the gaze came from. Then soon, they feel many people are getting closer to them. They feel the enemies presence from both sides & front.

"2 big ships with roughly 200 mens on it, and the rest is still far on the island. Burton, fire to the closest ship on the right! Jimmy, go to the right and avoid getting pinched by them!"-Buggy

""AYE AYE!""-Burton & Jimmy

Burton start to shoot the ship on the right that's get closer to them, and it hit. Of course it surprise the enemies, but they thought it's just a fluke. But even if it's a fluke, the enemies also need to take action, so they start to attack too.

As the ship on the right get closer, Buggy jump on it and start to attack the enemies. He attack them with his swords, kicks, elbows, and even headbutt. He can dodge them just fine because these guys are not fast enough.

Burton also keep shooting at the ship and take out many pirates. Buggy can avoid the cannon balls while fighting, but these pirates can't. Burton finally succeed to sink the ship after many rounds of shots. There are more than 200 people on that big ship, and they are defeated easily.

"Next ship!"-Buggy


Jimmy turn their shipand get closer to the big ship on the left. Even if his haki isn't as good as Buggy, but sensing 200 people in one spot is easy. Burton also feel the same, then he start shooting when they get in range.

"Burton, focus on sinking the ship, shoot on it's lower hull!"-Buggy

"AYE AYE! Lower hull will be destroyed in some minutes."-Burton

Buggy then jump again to the ship when they get closer. He attack the pirates and slashing them, or kicking them while moving agilely. Buggy get surrounded by many pirates, so now he ignore the sharp weapons attacks and just dodge the blunt weapons while countering.

The enemies are surprised that their sharp weapons doesn't work, so Buggy use this chance to defeat them. But then, a big iron mace suddenly fall on him from above. Buggy jump back and sense the one who attack him. The attacker is rather strong, might be the 3rd or 4th strongest that he sense from his enemies group.

"You must be one of the 5 millions, and there's no way you're the sniper, so you must be the navigator."-Buggy

"Hmph, knowing who i am won't change the result. You will die now, kid!"-Navigator Buggy then get ready to fight with the navigator.


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