The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 66:

Croix - Yaaay, I'm so glad I finally get to see the children!

At the building, they met up with the ecstatic princess.

Gurigura - Croix-nee seems so happy.

Issei - Getting to see these kids must be very exciting for her.

Riche - Probably. Unlike me, she was never allowed to leave the castle much.

As if worried about Croix's behavior, Towa gave everyone some warnings to follow during the visit.

Towa - You can touch the children, but if you do, be careful not to touch anything else until you wash your hands.

Croix - What about kissing?

Towa - K-Kissing?! I think it might be best if you don't do too much in general. Also, this may be a lot to ask, but if you don't mind at least letting the more isolated children see you through the window, that would be nice.

Croix - I'd be more than happy to! Let's go visit everyone!

Towa - Okay, thank you very much.

As someone who volunteers to visit the children on a regular basis, Towa was overjoyed to see Croix's enthusiasm.

Barro - Hi. It looks like you're finally here. I'm done surveying the hospital.

Ramius - I'm sorry we weren't around to help.

Barro - I don't mind. I love any chance to see children's smiling faces, so don't feel bad.

Gurigura - What should we do?

Barro - Could you stay with Princess Croix in case anything happens?

Kathryn - What'll you be doing? Hitting on some nurses?

Barro - I'll work with Central's Knights to keep guard outside. Hamlet's Knights are still tired after that zombie business.

Issei - Got it.

Barro - We don't want to stress out the kids, that's why we're keeping the Knights outside, after all. Remember to smile.

Issei - Ah.

Towa - Issei-san, it's about to start. We need to go.

Kyou - See you soon, Ise. We'll go help get the salted caramels ready.

Issei - Okay, see you in a bit.

The party chased after the impatient princess to the site of her visit.


After a nice, simple ceremony in the lobby, Croix ran straight to the pajama-clad children.

Croix - Hello, everyone! (AN: Croix Image with the kids).

Sickly Girl - H-Hello.

Bewildered Boy - I-It's the princess... She's right here in real life...

Even the children that were shyly hiding behind the nurses at first were drawn out by Croix's gentle smile.

Croix - Have you been in the hospital for long?

Sickly Girl - I've been here forever... Um, they say they don't know what I'm sick from.

Croix - Really? You should never stop fighting the sickness, though. Your parents, your doctor and I will be rooting for you.

Croix dotingly patted the girl's head.

Sickly Girl - Ah, don't... You're gonna get sick. And I haven't taken a bath, so I'm all dirty...

Croix - It's okay, you're not dirty at all. Also... You're so warm.

Croix hugged the reluctant girl, covering her face with her bountiful chest.

Sickly Girl - Mggggh... I-It hurts...

Croix - Oh, sorry about that. But remember, you're warm because you're alive and well. I'm sure you'll get better in no time.

Sickly Girl - Really?

Croix - Yes, so try thinking about what you'll do after that.

Sickly Girl - Oh, um... I wanna get married like you.

Croix - Heheheh, you're so cute that you could get married in no time.

Sickly Girl - O-Okay, I'm gonna try to get better.

Croix took her time speaking with each of the kids and went around to all the hospital rooms.

As though her smile put the children at east, she effortlessly connected with all of them.

Towa - These kids are usually in low spirits, but they're having so much fun... Princess Croix really is an incredible Saint.

Following behind Croix with the rest of the group, Towa found herself thinking out loud.

Issei - That might just be thanks to all the work you normally do, Towa. And even Princess Croix's visit wouldn't be happening without your help.

Towa - E-Eh?! N-No I think it's because of you Issei-san because you purified all those zombies and solved the mystery behind it as well.

Issei - Perhaps, but without the letters from the kids that you deliver to Croix then she won't be visiting the hospital now right?

Towa - I-I suppose so... I'm glad I was able to do something. 'Nobody's ever told me that before... What do I do? I'm gonna blush... Geez, Issei-san...'.

While Towa was frantically trying to hide her red face, Croix's hospital visit continued.

Croix - Do you ever get bored being stuck in the hospital? Is there anything you want?

Bandaged Girl - Yeah... But Towa-onee-chan teaches me stuff and tells me stories about all kinds of places.

Croix - I've watched one of her stories too. Isn't it fun to learn things?

Bandaged Girl - Yeah, I love her stories! I wanna watch one with you, Princess.

Croix - Maybe we can ask her next time. Are you tired? You can lie down if you like.

Bandaged Girl - I'm okay. Also... We made this for you.

Croix carefully took the girl's origami gift, then gave her a soft hug and expressed her appreciation.

Croix - Thanks, I'll treasure it always.

IV Drip Girl - I drew a picture!

Croix - Oh, you're quite the artist, I'll treasure this too. Heheheh... I'll need to buy a frame for this.

Starting with one gift, the children gave Croix one present after another, until her hands were full.

Ramius - They're suffering from illness, but they still took the trouble to make gifts...

Kathryn - Like the total opposite of the selfish jackasses from <Snake Crest>.

The party felt as though their hearts, weary from all the unrestrained desire they'd seen in their fights with the enemy were being cleansed.

Issei smiled seeing Croix being surrounded by children. Then he saw a little girl coming his way, she just stands in front of him and looks up at him silently.

Issei felt confused seeing her gazing at him like this. So he lowers his body to match the girl height.

Issei - What's wrong?

Finally, after hearing Issei's question the girl says something.

Girl - Who are you, onii-chan?

Issei - Hm? Oh, I'm Princess Croix family member.

Girl - Why do you cover your head with your hood? Are you shy?

Issei smiled at the girl after hearing her question so he uncovers his hood.

Issei - No, it's just a habit of mine you see.

When Issei's face is shown, the girl nurses and the children moms blushed deeply seeing his face. They've never seen someone this handsome before, even sir Barro lose against Issei they thought.

The moms' husbands sent Issei a begrudging stare because of it though. Issei could only smile bitterly to himself after feeling their stares.

The little girl eyes went wide after seeing his face and she asked him a question.

Girl - Onii-chan, are you a prince? Because you're so handsome and cool.

Riche who heard her words grinned and respond to the girl question even before Issei could respond to it.

Riche - Yes, this onii-chan is a prince. The prince for all of us.

Ramius - Umu. Our own Prince charming.

Gurigura - Eheheh, yep. Ise-nii is our prince.

Kathryn - Mhm, you could say that.

Issei smiled wryly hearing Riche and co. words.

Girl - Woow, amazing... Hey, everyone! There's a prince here!

The girl instantly called her friends to come over and they all look towards her direction straight away. Even the children who surrounded Croix looked over along with Croix herself.

Sickly Boy - Eh, really?!

Sickly Girl - We have both the prince and the princess here?

Then some of them swarmed Issei this time around. They keep asking him a question and Issei answered them all patiently and gently.

Sickly Girl - Onii-chan, are you the Princess fiancee?

Issei becomes a bit taken aback by her sudden question but he answered her regardless.

Issei - Err, no, I'm not.

Sickly Girl - But aren't you the prince?

Sickly Boy - Yeah, yeah.

They all felt a little disappointed that he's not Croix fiancee but soon they asked him another question. Issei childish smile also reappears once again when he's interacting with the children. After all, even in his original world, he's quite popular with the children as well.

This time it's the Riche and co. turn to smile at him along with Croix herself. They all felt like he's gonna be a great father as well on top of being a great husband already.

The nurses blushed even more after seeing his dazzling smile and they envy Riche and co for having a husband like him.

Issei patted each of the children head and they all giggled after being patted by him. Unknown to everyone nearby, every child that came into contact with him will be cured soon. Issei knows it but he keeps silent about it.

He releases his blessing light to the whole hospital to cure the rest of the patients here. Later on, people started thinking a miracle happened because every single patient who was hospitalized here got cured on the same day. And the hospital got even more famous because of it.

Bandaged Girl - Ne, princess. Who is that onii-chan to you?

One of the girls who are still with Croix asked.

Croix - Eh? Ohh, he's my great Otouto... Only my Otouto...

She flashed a brief of sad and longing smile but soon her cheerful smile is back once again.

Riche and co. also participate in the patting session soon after. They all enjoyed their time playing with the children until the visiting time is over.

All of the children said their goodbye to Croix and Issei and told them to come to visit them again later. Both Issei and Croix promised the children that they will come to visit again later with a pinky promise.

Then they head back to Hamlet.


The party returned to Hamlet, where they were met by Pope Norshin and Silent. But when the party approached Pope Norshin, he promptly kneeled and bowed his head.

Norshin - Thank you so much. Issei-san, you're a hero to this country.

Issei - ...Don't mind it, we just did what we could do, that's all.

Silent - Don't be so humble, you all saved this country from the impending doom of the zombie horde and from the <Snake Crest> evil hands as well. And for that, we can't thank you enough.

Silent also bowed her head towards Issei.

Norshin - With that said, Issei-san... I was wondering, are you willing to take my place as the pope?

Everyone who heard Norshin words becomes surprised except Silent and Laertes. They apparently already discussed this beforehand.

Laertes - Um, I totally approve of Issei-dono becoming the pope as well.

Silent - Likewise.

But Issei refuses it straight away.

Issei - I'm sorry but I don't want to.

Weirdly enough, Norshin and co only smile bitterly after hearing his answer.

Norshin - I see... Just like King Louin said, you're not interested in things like this, huh...

Riche - Eh? How did you know?

Norshin - You see, we asked King Louin when you're visiting the hospital before. When we asked King Louin if it's okay to have Issei-san to become the new pope he just said: "If he agrees to it then sure, but I doubt he will agree because he's not a person who's interested in authority." So we're not too surprised hearing that Issei-san rejected our proposal...

Barro - That does sound like what the King would say.

Laertes - *Sigh* It's too bad we couldn't make him as the new pope.

Silent - But we have another solution for this. Please don't reject this as well, Issei-sama.

Silent comes close to Issei and stares at him with a serious gaze that said she won't allow him to reject this one.

Issei - O-Ou, but I need to know what is it first.

Silent - Um, good enough. The Church of Mother Eve would like to bestow you with the rank of <Holy Knight>.

Riche - Wow, that's awesome!

Ramius - A <Holy Knight>... It's on the same level of a <Zero Knight> but even more special than the latter.

Issei - Is that so?

Kathryn - Yeah, I'm a <Zero Knight>, but I was never a <Holy Knight>. Neither were Acheval and Barro.

Barro - Indeed.

Ramius - Meaning that as far as the Church of Mother Eve is concerned, you have greater influence. Your influence is about the same as the pope basically.

Issei - Hmm, that indeed sounds important... But-

Silent - Issei-sama.

Issei - Err... Fine. I accept it...

Silent smiled at Issei but her eyes are not smiling at all so he decided to accept it after seeing her chilling smile. After he accepts it, Silent smirked slyly inside her mind.

Croix - Ehehe~ My Otouto got promoted again, yaay~.

Croix feels really happy that Issei got to be the church fabled <Holy Knight> it's been a long time ago ever since there was a <Holy Knight> present in the church. But there's a secret about this rank that nobody outside the church higher-up knows.

There can only be one <Holy Knight> at one time and they have the same influence just like the pope himself just like the public knows. But the most important of all is that whoever becomes the <Holy Knight> automatically able to claim the Saints to be his spouse as long as they're willing to be one of his spouses and they can also have an unlimited amount of spouse. Of course, Croix is a special case so she can't be Issei's spouse because of it. (AN: As in because she's already engaged with the Prince of Central).

So they're not limited to only able to have 10 spouses like the <Zero Knight> rank. In other words, <Holy Knight> rank surpasses the <Zero Knight> rank by a milestone. But these facts are only known to the church higher-up such as the Pope and the Saints only.

To become a <Holy Knight> the candidates are not only needed to be strong but they also needed to be kind and noble-hearted, possess a <Holy> magic as powerful as one of the Saints at the very least, and also have done special services to the church.

Unfortunately, it is hard to do a special service to the church without living full-time in the Hamlet Region, and hard to be a <Zero Knight> without working internationally. As a result, a certain church rite, allowed only to <Holy Knights> who are also <Zero Knights>, has all but died off, due to the international level of experience required of Zero Knights.

It may be assumed that the only holy artifact capable of creating a Holy Knight is the Pope's own artifact, the <Evenicle> itself.

Norshin - Then... We need the Holy Swo-

Silent - Pope, the <Evenicle> would work better. All you have to do is fetch it from the storage room.

Norshin - Alright...

Issei felt like Norshin sure has things hard.

Thus, with Issei's promotion swiftly settled on, the ritual was held.

Silent - This is our holy scripture, the <Evenicle>.

Surrounded by several Knights, Norshin brought in a decorated book.

Silent - It chronicles everything from Mother Eve's birth to the time she went into hiding.

Norshin - It's written in an ancient language, however, so only a portion has been translated thus far.

Silent - We only recently reached the end of the events involved in the wedding ritual.

Norshin - Now, allow us to use this to appoint you as a <Holy Knight>.

Issei - Sure.

When Norshin chanted some sort of prayer, the room was filled with Mother Eve's power.

Issei - This light... It's like the miracle light from Croix's ritual...

Norshin - O Eve, mother of all... Accept our brother as the <Holy Knight>.

When the miracle power reached its peak, Norshin placed a fingertip on Issei's forehead. Then the miracle light was absorbed into him.

Norshin - The ritual is over. You now have every church in the world on your side.

Issei - Ah, thank you.

Kathryn - The Evenicle, though...

With the solemn mood over with, Kathryn stared at the book in Norshin's hand.

Issei - By the way, is there another <Evenicle> out there? There's Somebody I know seems to have knowledge about it after all and he's not from the church I can assure you that.

Norshin - W-Well...

Silent - I would guess that during the Arthur Tragedy, someone took advantage of the chaos to take a peek at it.

Kathryn - Oh yeah, <Snake Crest> had members in the church back then, huh?

Norshin - ...Yes.

Kathryn - Anyway, you're a <Holy Knight> now, Ise. I wonder what will the King reward you this time.

Issei - I won't ask for anything though.

Croix - Hmm, how about I reward you with another kiss. Of course, it will only on the cheek though~🎶.

Issei - Err... Let's just go back to Eden and-



Just then one of the doctors from Horatio hospital tossed the door open and burst into the room.

Laertes - What's wrong, why are you in such a hurry? Don't you know that this is the church?

Doctor - I-I'm sorry but there's an urgent situation that I need to inform you about the patients at our hospital.

Issei had a bad premonition and he wanted to leave this place right away.

Laertes - What happened? Are there anyone in a dangerous situation right now?!

Laertes felt worried if anything bad happened that needed his immediate attention.

Doctor - No, sir! Actually...

Then the doctor whispered at Laertes because this is quite the delicate situation after all.

After hearing the information the doctor bring Senator Laertes eyes went wide to the maximum. And he grabbed the doctor shoulder and look him straight in the eyes to see if he's lying or not.

Laertes - Are you sure about this?!

Doctor - Y-Yes. We have already confirmed it several times.

Norshin - Wh-What happened? I've never seen you in such a frenzy before senator Laertes. Is there any problem after all with the hospital? Was it an attack from the <Snake Crest>?!

Riche and co are also worried if that is indeed what happened, but only Issei sweated a bit because he knows what they just talked about just now. He never thought that they will be cured this soon.

Laertes - ...No... The doctor from my hospital said that every single patient that was hospitalized there somehow got cured for no apparent reason...

Everyone - ...What?!

Then they all started speculating just what happened? It's good that the patients are cured but what is the cause of it? Was it really a miracle? Then they noticed something and set their gaze on a certain someone.

Issei - ...Why are you all looking at me?

Laertes - Issei-dono... From what the doctor told me is that the patients somehow got cured about the same time when your party left the hospital, that's quite a bit of the coincidence wasn't it?

Issei - ...Indeed, what a coincidence.

Norshin - Hmm, now that I recall it... The poison muds pathway that leads to the camp for some reason also changed into a normal mud when I was heading back to the church when we just first met.

Issei - ...Perhaps it's just another coincidence?

Norshin - Oh right, the path toward Osric is even more poisonous compared to the poison mud pathway at the camp that it's quite well-known as the poison swamp, how can you all cross that poison swamp, Issei-san?

Issei - ...Maybe we're just lucky?

Towa - I-Issei-san...

Even Towa felt that it's not possible to have multiple coincidences like this happened back to back.

Riche and co. - *Jiiiiii~*

Issei - ...

Riche and co also gave Issei a silent stare because they're quite sure that their husband is the cause of it all. Issei averted his gaze towards the door but they all noticed his gaze.

Croix - Otouto-kun~

Croix hummed happily towards Issei and hugged one of his arms to prevent him from running away. Silent also went for his other arm.

Silent - Please tell us the truth, Issei-sama, or we won't let you go.

Issei - Ugh...

Riche - *Sigh* Knowing you, Ise. You probably don't want to let them know about what you did so they don't have to give you another bothersome reward, am I right?

Issei body twitches a little after hearing Riche's words and his face shows what he's thinking right now which can be read as "How did you know?".

Kathryn - Of course we know you stupid husband, who do you think we are?

Ramius - We already know your way of thinking, Ise. Even though your selfless side is great but in this case, it's too important to be left alone.

Gurigura - Eheheh, Ise-nii...

Issei - *Sigh*...Fine... It was me...

Finally, Issei admitted that he's the one who did it but he requested that this knowledge should be kept a secret because he doesn't want to attract too much attention to this kind of stuff. What if every single sick person comes to him?

Not only that it's gonna bother him but then the hospital will also run out of business and the doctor jobs will be taken by him instead, and they all will go unemployed if that were to happen. And there's no way that he will let them relying on him all the time. He won't be here all the time after all.

It will make them become lazy and not being careful thinking that it's fine even if they got sick they can be cured instantly. Just like the Humpty Kingdom history, because there's a lot of food available the people back then, the citizens become lazy and the unemployment percentage is so high that it reaches 90%.

Excess brings decay just like Arthur said before. If the humans don't strive to create an antidote for the disease then they will be devastated once Issei's no longer there to cure them.

Laertes and the others totally agreed with Issei view. And they admire him even more because of it.

Towa and Croix eyes are shining brightly that it looks like there are stars in their eyes. While Silent nodded to herself thinking that he is indeed the man that's truly worthy being the <Holy Knight>. She thought she will inform the other 2 saints as well about this whole incident and tell them that they finally have the <Holy Knight> to serve.

She felt that it's too bad that Princess Croix is already engaged, if not then...

Laertes tried to give Issei a reward but the latter adamantly refused it and this time he won't budge no matter what he's not interested in riches and fame after all, so Laertes thought of something else after seeing how Towa keep staring at Issei.

Laertes - Well, if you're not interested in all that then so be it. Can I ask you something, Issei-dono?

Issei - Uh, sure?

Laertes - What do you think about my daughter?

Issei - Hm? About Towa?

Laertes - Yes.

Towa at first becomes taken aback but soon she perked her ears up to hear Issei opinion about her.

Riche and co. already have a premonition on where this conversation is heading to but they let it be.

Issei - Hmm, I think she's a nice and cute girl, she has a caring personality and hard-working as well, overall she's a great girl.

Towa face went redder every time Issei complimented her, she felt like she's in heaven right now but she's also feeling really embarrassed because the man she has a crush on think of her in that regard. She covers her face in embarrassment.

Laertes - I see, I see... Good to know you think of her that way.

Laertes face bloomed with a smile knowing Issei think of her daughter that way. He patted Issei shoulder while smiling still.

Laertes - Then, Issei-dono how about taking my daughter as one of your wives?

Issei - ...Sorry?

Towa - F-F-Father?!

Both Issei and Towa become taken aback after hearing Laertes words.

Yep, just like they expected, is what's going on inside Riche and co minds at this moment.

Laertes - It's perfect isn't it? My daughter likes you and you seem to think of her highly as well.

Towa - Waaaaaaah! Wh-Wh-What are you saying, Father?!

Laertes - Hm? Am I wrong to assume that you liked Issei-dono here?

Towa - I-I-I-I... Hauuuuu...

There's steam coming out from Towa's head because of how embarrassed she was. But she doesn't deny Laertes words.

Kyou - Good going, Ise! You pick up wives as naturally as breathing.

Kinou - That's how a dragon man should be.

Issei - ...Why do you think I'll make her my wife?

Laertes - Hm? Are you thinking my daughter is not good enough for you, Issei-dono?

Laertes frowned after hearing Issei's words.

Issei - Err, no, if anything she's great but...

Laertes - Then make her your wife.

Issei becomes speechless, he felt like he just walked into a trap when he answered Laertes question just now. Then Riche and co stated their opinion as well.

Riche - I don't mind much, to be honest. It is kinda happened out of nowhere, but I had a feeling you'd marry her for a while now.

Ramius - Mhm, Towa was easy to guess.

Towa - Huh? W-Was I?!

Gurigura - All throughout your stories, you'd keep glancing at Ise-nii.

Towa - E-Even his wives noticed... H-How embarrassing...

Towa felt like she wanted to find a hole and crawl inside it because of her embarrassment right now.

Kathryn - Well, everyone could predict Ise marrying more girls. Anyway, just accept her already, Ise, so we can go back to Eden and report to the King.

Croix - Yaay, my otouto will have another wife~, when we head back we can have a party to celebrate it.

Riche - Onee-chan, you're supposed to stay here...

Croix - Aaaw, why?

Silent - We need to brief you once again about the ritual so please spend some time resting in Horatio.

Croix - Eehh... Fiiine...

Croix pouted because she won't be able to celebrate with her otouto. Silent who saw her pouting face screamed "CUTE!" inside her mind right now.

Laertes - So, Issei-dono, what's your answer? It's okay if you refuse it but do you really have the heart to turn down such a cute girl like my daughter away after she laid bare her feelings for you?

Laertes gives Issei a sly smirk because he knows that Issei won't reject his daughter away after all that. Besides, he's the only man he approves so far to become Towa's husband.

'It's not me who laid it bare, but it's you, Father!' is what Towa's thinking right now. But she won't deny it at this point that she also wanted to marry Issei. After all, she indeed has a crush on him ever since they first met.

She gazes at Issei with a red face but filled with hope.

Towa - Issei-san...

Seeing Towa pleading gaze towards him Issei finally relented. And it's not like he doesn't have feelings towards her anyway.

Issei - *Sigh* Okay, Towa... So... Will you marry me?

Towa face beamed with happiness after hearing Issei agreed to marry her.

Towa - Yes! I would love to!

She jumped into Issei's embrace straight away and Issei calmly catches her while smiling wryly towards his wives who only gave him a knowing grin.

Riche - But I wonder how she would react that to become his wife she needs to have sex with him...

Ramius - Umu, she's not very knowledgeable on that part after all.

Kathryn - She's indeed more clueless even compared to chibikko here after all.

Gurigura - Eheheh... Good luck, Towa.

Laertes - Hahaha, great, great!

Laertes laughed jovially after seeing Issei agreed to marry Towa.

Norshin - Congratulations, Senator Laertes for gaining a great son-in-law.

Laertes - Hahaha, thank you, thank you.

They laughed together like it's all according to plan.

Thus, Issei was promoted to the rank of <Holy Knight> and obtained two new wives.

Silent - Congratulations, now that the zombies are all taken care of, Hamlet's Knights can focus all their energy on protecting Princess Croix.

Barro - Probably that's for the best because I need to go somewhere as well for now.

Silent - We'll meet with the Central Empire to reschedule the final ritual. And Issei-sama, I will see you later as well. Have a nice day.

Issei - Uh, alright? Let's go back to Eden for now.

Issei had a little bad premonition when Silent seems to be gazing at him with a mischevious smile on her face but he decided to forget about it because he already went through a lot recently.

With his new wife in tow, the party decided to return to the Kingdom of Eden.


As soon as the party returned to the Kingdom of Eden, they reported to King Louin about what had transpired in the State of Hamlet City.

Louin - Interesting, so you have the church's approval? The Kingdom of Eden is proud to have a <Holy Knight> among its ranks. Also, it's no wonder the pope wanted you to take his place after what you did... *Sigh* At this point all I can reward you is promote your nobility title to <Duke>. Not that you would care either way since you're not interested in those kinds of stuff...

Louin could only sigh bitterly once more because they basically don't have any reward that could interest Issei because all he wanted is already in his possession which is his beloved wives. He honestly happy of his personality but at the same time, he's having a headache because he doesn't know what to reward him with at this point.

If he's interested to become a king then he would gladly give him the throne at this point. Heck, even the other Kingdom are thinking to make him their new ruler already. He knows if Issei were to be the king of a country then that country will flourish greatly.

But unknown to Louin is that Issei basically is already a King of a whole race and they've indeed flourish greatly ever since he rules over them.

Louin - The legendary Ranger, Bolonius... Not even a man of his stature could resist <Snake Crest's> temptations...

Kathryn - Yeah, but they baited him with the idea he could get his daughter back. It's just gross.

Louin - I can understand how he felt as a father myself to be honest...

Acheval - So you beat Bolonius this time? Good stuff. That's my bro!

Issei - Ah, thank you.

Acheval - Hey, you're a <Holy Knight> which clearly surpass my rank as a <Zero Knight> so you don't need to thank me. Have some majesty.

Kathryn - You're the least majestic person I've ever seen, Acheval.

Acheval - Oh, I'm not that great!

Kathryn - How'd you think that was a compliment?!

Acheval - So, anyway. I'll be going to the wedding ritual if that's alright.

Louin - Of course. But I'm also curious about what Bolonius's notes say.

Issei - He called it an experiment... They seem to be planning something devastating.

Louin - Mother Eve, and the power of miracles... I'll request that the church looks into this.

Issei - Um.

Riche - We'll be going home now. Let us know if anything more happens.

Thus, Issei nobility rank is promoted to <Duke> and they finally headed back home.

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