The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 65:

Gurigura - Mr. Principal, I don't get it! I know it was to bring back Ophelia, but how could you sell off all the Academy students? Your daughter wouldn't have wanted that!

Riche - It's not just the Academy. How many people have suffered because of <Adan's Blood>? You even destroyed the whole town of Osric.

Ramius - Do you have no shame? No guilt?

Bolonius - No, none... The Academy, Osric, random strangers... None of them deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as my daughter. If you knew another's death could bring your loved one back, would you do nothing?

Bolonius looked at Issei because he can tell that Issei is the same as him in this regard.

Issei - ...Ah, I would've done the same as you.

Riche and co are surprised after hearing his words.

Issei - If any of my loved ones are in your daughter condition then I would stop at nothing to bring them back to my side, even if I have to kill innocent people to get them back I would do it without hesitation... Vanity, Riches, Honor, none of that matters to me. All I want is for my loved ones to be happy.

Then Riche and co started thinking about his words and they admit they would've done the same as them as well. They are human beings, they have selfishness so it's to be expected. Even Gods have their selfish side needless to say about them, humans.

They thought what if Issei suddenly disappear from their life, all of their faces went ghastly white thinking about that scenario because they can't imagine a life without Issei in their life. He is their everything and the same goes for Issei as well.

They unconsciously put their hands on Issei after thinking about it. Issei smiled at them after feeling their grasp on him.

Bolonius - I see... So you're also not afraid she would hate you for it when she came back to life?

Issei - Ah, it doesn't matter to me. They can despise me for it if they want... I just want them to live, knowing they're still alive is all that matters for me. And I do realize that is very selfish of me but that's who I am, that's who Issei Hyoudou is, I'm not a hero nor am I a saint. I never was.

Now Riche and co finally understand why Bolonius did what he did... Love can change people, leading them to the right path or the wrong path.

They promised to themselves to never let their self be in Ophelia situation so Issei won't have to be burdened by a sin of killing millions of people just to get them back. And Issei also knows they would do the same as him so he promised himself to never be in Ophelia situation as well.

This is love at its finest, they think about their loved ones over themselves.

Bolonius - Heheh, we're quite the same after all...

Bolonius smiled once again after all this time... He never smiled after his daughter died.

Bolonius - My greatest regrets is that I was so busy that I had little time to spend with my daughter... I will use all the power I have to fight you, even if I know I can't win at least I will still try. I'm going to bring her back to my side whatever the cost.

Issei - Ah, I respect your dedication to your daughter. But you made my wife cries so I can't forgive you as well.

Bolonius - Um, if our situation is reversed then I would do the same as well if you made Ophelia cry.

They both smiled thinly at each other after that. Then Bolonius give her daughter to Riche and co.

Bolonius - Please keep her safe.

Riche - ...We will.

He bowed slightly as a sign of gratitude and readied his weapon which is a dual chakram, and after gazing for a second with Issei he dashed forward at him with a quick speed that even faster than Acheval's.

When Bolonius was going to arrive in front of Issei he disappears and reappeared behind Issei and he slashed towards Issei's head.

Riche and co can barely see his movement but they're not worried at all because they know he can't beat Issei no matter what.

Issei just calmly step back a little and Bolonius attack went pass its target by a paper-thin margin. Bolonius eyes went wide after seeing that and then he felt a sudden impact at his stomach.

Bolonius - Guh!


Issei hit Bolonius stomach with his elbow and his body flew a few meters back but he flipped over mid-flight. But soon he kneeled on the ground coughing out blood.

Issei - Nice move.

When Issei hit Bolonius stomach just now he averted his body slightly to lessen the impact he would receive or that one hit from Issei would've made him unable to move at all. But even then it still damaged his inside greatly.

Obviously, Issei doesn't use his full strength or all he needs to do is touch him with his finger and use <Ougi> to kill Bolonius instantly.

Bolonius - *Cough!* *Cough!* Heh... I could say the same to you as well... Why did you spare me?... I know if you want to you could've killed me instantly back then.

Issei - Hmm... For one, your daughter keeps screaming at me to spare you even now as we speak...

Bolonius eyes went wide after hearing his words and then he looks towards Ophelia. Even though her eyes are still hollow but her expression portrayed the sadness she has.

Ophelia - Uuuhn... Aaah... Father... No...

Bolonius - Ophelia...

Issei - And your judgment is not up to me, it's up to Gurigura. It's entirely up to her whether you're alive or not. So, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Eh?

Gurigura is quite taken aback after hearing Issei's words. Issei walked towards Gurigura side waiting for her decision.

Issei - As I said, it's up to you on what to do with him. Don't worry, whatever your decision is I will fully support you, so don't be afraid.

Riche and co also felt the same way as Issei.

Ramius - Umu, it's up to you, Gurigura. We all support your choices.

Riche - Yup, same here.

Kathryn - Up to you, chibikko. After all, he's the one who killed the people of Osric.

Gurigura started thinking really hard after hearing their words. On one side she's mad at Bolonius because of what he's done so far, and on one side she sympathizes with him because he does what he does just for his daughter and not for a personal gain like Rochefort and etc.

If his daughter still alive until now, she knows that Bolonius won't join the <Snake Crest> and he will uphold justice like he used to do when he's still a Knight back in the days.

Issei just gently gazes at Gurigura because no matter what her choices will be he will fully support her. The same goes for Riche and co.

Bolonius - ...You can do whatever you want to me, whether you kill me, torture me, whatever you want but all I want to ask you is please spare my daughter...

Bolonius accepted his end so all he wishes for is for his daughter to be left alone.

Ophelia started walking slowly towards Bolonius and she hugged him slowly and Bolonius who saw that shed tears and hug her back.

Gurigura - ...Ise-nii... I wanna stop him. It's not even out of anger at this point, I just don't want him making any more people sad... Let's just capture him...

Issei - ...Are you sure, Gurigura?

Gurigura - ...Un.

Gurigura finally decided to not kill Bolonius and after Issei confirmed her choice he smiled at her and pat her head gently.

Issei - As you wish.

Gurigura - Eheheh, thanks, Ise-nii.

Issei - Mm, you're welcome... So, Bolonius you heard her.

Bolonius - ...I see... But don't you afraid that I will escape later on after you capture me?

Issei - Hmm, I wonder about that... Don't you know that the <Snake Crest> put something inside your daughter?

Bolonius - ...What do you mean?

He has a bad premonition after hearing Issei words.

Issei - You might not know this but your daughter would've turned into a monster if she's left alone a little longer.

Bolonius eyes went wide after hearing Issei's words.

Bolonius - Impossible!

Issei - Why would I lie to you? But don't worry, I already took it out of her. And what are you here for, Kuro?

Kuro - Hoh, so you defeated the strongest Knight in history like he's nothing as well, huh...

All of them becomes startled once more after finding out that Kuro suddenly appeared at the corner of the room. Bolonius was too injured to notice him hiding there, if he was on his top condition then he would notice him straight away.

Bolonius - Gh... Is what he said just now is true, Kuro?!

Kuro - Hmm... I don't know about your daughter condition but probably Shiro is the one who's responsible for it. As you've already known, I'm not the type who does that kind of stuff. And yes what Issei Hyoudou said is true though, if left alone then your daughter would've changed into a monster just like Rochefort and the others as well.

Bolonius gritted his teeth in anger because he appears to be dancing on top of Shiro's hand after all this time. Shiro told him if he does what he's asked of then he will tell him the way to revive Ophelia.

Then Kuro turned his attention towards Issei once more.

Kuro - Well, to answer your question I was just observing your fight and I have to say it's quite disappointing that even Bolonius can't even put a scratch on you...

Issei - Hmm, that shouldn't be the only reason on why you're here now right?

Kuro - ...Heheh, indeed... I want to talk to you, Issei Hyoudou, alone. Better decide fast because I don't have much time left.

Riche - Don't even think about it! If you think we would leave Issei alone with you then you must be dreaming!

Before Issei could even give out his answer Riche already speak out. The other girls also felt the same way as Riche and they readied their weapons.

Kuro - Oi, oi... Just what you think I could do to him? You know best just how strong your husband is, right?

They know that even if both Kuro and Shiro fight Issei together they still won't be able to beat him but what if they have some kind of tricks, even if they know he will be fine but they still feel worried for him. Especially when they just imagined what would happen if Issei suddenly disappears from their life, so they feared something will really happen at Issei.

Riche - No is a no!

Issei - ...

Issei thought for a while and decided to follow Kuro to see what he wanted to say to him.

Issei - ...Very well.

Riche and co - Ise!/Ise-nii!

Issei - Don't worry, I will be fine.

Riche - But...

Issei - Trust me, I will return to your side without fail.

The girls wanted to argue once again but after hearing his words and seeing his reassuring smile they reluctantly agreed.

Riche - ...Alright, but you better return to our side. Do you hear me?

Issei - Ah, I promise you. Then I will teleport you all back to Kyou and Kinou side for now.

Then Issei teleports them all to the twins' place.

Kuro - Oh, so you can use teleport as well... Couldn't say we haven't expected this.

Issei - So, get to the point. What do you want to talk to me about?

Kuro - ...Alright... The thing is...


Riche and co felt like they're sitting in needles while waiting for Issei to return to them. The twins told them he will be fine and he should be back soon.

Sure enough, Issei appeared at their front once again and they all hugged him tightly fearing he will really disappear from their life.

Issei at first was surprised but soon he gently reassured them until they've calmed down. Then they asked him what he's discussing with Kuro back then. But he told them it's a secret, well he does inform them about what he found out about the whole zombies incident. But not the discussion he had with Kuro.

They can only pout because he won't tell them about it but they know it must be for a good reason. They don't even think for a second that Issei would betray them, they trusted him completely.

The party then met up with Croix and went to visit the pope in the cathedral.

Silent - Thank you for your assistance. The pope's return has relieved the entire church.

Norshin - The threat of the zombies isn't over with yet, but at least we now have time to think.

Laertes - We'll do everything in our power to treat the Knights.

Silent - Senator Laertes, I heard you went back to Horatio. Is everything alright there?

Laertes - There were only problems because I'd been mistakenly reported as dead. Once I showed up alive and well, everything settled down.

Towa - Thank goodness...

Laertes - I'm surprised to hear the zombies don't want anything from us. Based on all the old stories, I thought they were vile creatures that attacked any human they saw.

Kathryn - Makes sense why you'd treat them like monsters and try to destroy them on sight.

Norshin - It's said that the original zombies were people who committed crimes in Central, got banished to this land, and died. In which case, it's understandable that they would begrudge the living.

Kathryn - Well, we have some info about this whole incident...

Then they told them all about what they found out about the whole zombie incident. The perpetrator being Bolonius and the <Snake Crest>. Apparently, Bolonius is also a well-known doctor in Hamlet and also a scientist who invented most of the antidote they had right now.

So it's quite shocking after they heard that the main perpetrator is their most outstanding doctor, at first they doubt it if it was true or not but after seeing the notes Bolonius gave Issei that contains all the proof and Bolonius own signature on it they had to believe it.

Issei told them that Bolonius is already dead along with his daughter.

Silent & Croix - ...

Leartes - Bolonius... Why didn't you try talking to anyone? As a father myself, I could have sympathized with you.

Towa - Father...

Croix is also feeling sad after hearing this news because she knows well the bond Bolonius and Ophelia shared just like how her bond with her own father, Louin.

Norshin - I see... So Bolonius is the one who responsible for this whole incident... But be that as it may, we still have the zombies to deal with right?

Issei - Well, about that...


Hamlet Knight - There's trouble!

A Hamlet Knight frantically burst into the cathedral.

Hamlet Knight - It's the zombies! The zombies from the poison territory have formed a mob that's heading toward Hamlet!

Issei already expected this because when Ophelia is not in control of them any longer so they will start attacking sooner or later.

Kathryn - Sooner than expected. Thought we could get the first move, but so much for that.

Norshin - Organize the Knights- Wait, evacuate the civilians first!

Silent - Calm down and think, please. Where would they evacuate to?

Laertes - There's no time to prepare a ship now.

Norshin - Aaah, what a mess... I'm supposed to be the pope, but I'm useless.

Silent - If only someone could cast <Grand Purge>...

Even Croix is unable to cast it because her potential is not fully drawn out yet, she got the talent but sadly not enough understanding about the spell to cast it.

Issei - Hmm, can you let me see that spell?

Norshin and the others are startled hearing Issei sudden question.

Norshin - What are you planning, Issei-san?

Issei - Just let me see it.

Norshin - O-Oh, understood... Saint Silent can you get the spell book of the <Grand Purge>, please?

Silent - Yes.

Silent then leaves the room to get the spell book and soon she returned with it.

Silent - Here's the <Grand Purge> spellbook...

Issei - Thanks.

Then Issei read the spell book.

Norshin and the others are confused about what is he planning with it and when they asked Riche and co. their answers leave them slackjawed.

Riche - Hm? He probably wanted to learn the spell.

Kathryn - Knowing him then it won't be surprising at all if he does manage to learn it.

Ramius - Indeed.

Gurigura - Yep.

Kyou - Heheh, somehow I know that he will be able to learn it.

Kinou - Un, he's our husband after all. Nothing is impossible for him.

Barro - Heh heh, at this point I doubt if there's anything that Issei-kun cannot do.

Riche and co answered them like it's a very normal thing.

Silent - That would be impossible because even Princess Croix can't learn the spell.

Norshin - Saint Silent is right, there's no one able to use that spell. Even though I wish Issei-san can use it as well but-

Issei - Oh, got it.

Before Norshin could finish his words they finally heard Issei's speaking. He returned the book to Silent who accepted it while feeling confused just like Norshin did.

Norshin - What do you mean, Issei-san? What do you get?

Issei - Hm? Oh, I could use this spell.

Silent - Wha?! Impossible!

Norshin - E-Eh?! How?!

Croix covered her mouth in surprise, even she finds it impossible to use that spell. They all doubted it if Issei could truly use that spell.

Issei - Well, I just somehow knows it after reading the spell.

Silent - Just know it, you say...

They all become speechless hearing that he learned it just from reading it once? Then just what they've been doing after all this time? They could swear that they have read it more than a hundred times and tried casting it more than a thousand time.

But here he is saying that he could use it after just reading it once?

Riche - See, we told you that he will be able to do it.

Even Riche and co. smiled wryly after hearing that their husband could use a spell that the church are unable to use until now. But they accepted it quite easy compared to the church party.

Kinou - What Grand Purge does, specifically, is purge soul residue.

Kyou - It involves working with souls, so you had better know about souls if you want to use it right.

Kathryn - Makes sense knowing Ise's true background.

Silent - His true background? Isn't he the <Zero Knight> from Eden.

Kyou - Kath, better be careful with your words now.

Kathryn - Oh right, my bad.

Kathryn remembered that it's best that no one else knows of Issei true background. What would people think after hearing that he's a lover of the Goddess of Death herself?

They all curious about what Kathryn talking about but they have more urgent matter at hand right now.

Norshin - Then, Issei-san. If you could really use the <Grand Purge>...

Issei - Oh, yeah. Let's head towards the bridge right now.

They headed towards the bridge right away.


The party arrived at the bridge and saw the zombies forming a giant horde.

Issei - Ah... I see. Very well...

Silent - What is he doing?

Norshin - Oh right, I forgot I haven't told you yet, Saint Silent. Apparently, Issei-san could talk with souls and he's communicating with the zombies right now. He could also purify souls so he said.

Issei started nodding to himself after seeing the zombie horde and Silent is confused on what's Issei doing right now, so Norshin informed Silent about Issei special capabilities.

Silent went wide-eyed once again after hearing it, her poker face is doomed to be broken as long as she stays next to Issei it seems.

Issei - They're not coming towards this way to attack the city... They wanted to be purified so they can truly pass on... Can you feel it?

Issei's body started glowing with white light and when it touches their bodies they can also feel it.

Croix - I can feel it... I feel the pain of their regretful, fragmented souls...

Riche and the others can also feel it, Gurigura cried softly after feeling it while the others also felt sad.

Gurigura - Ise-nii... Please, let the people of Osric rest in peace.

Issei - Um.

Issei closed his eyes and started casting a spell, generating even brighter light around him.

Ramius - This light... It's like the light during a Knight's appointment ritual.

Silent - It's like Mother Eve's power directly affecting the soul. But this is an insane amount... And... Oh... Uhnnn!

Croix - Ara? Auu!

Riche - What's wrong, onee-chan?

Silent and Croix started squirming while clamping both of their legs together after being bathed with Issei's light.

Croix - I-It's nothing. Auhn!

Silent - Mmh!

Both of their faces went red. They act this way because of Issei raise their <Holy> power indirectly.

Issei - Pitiful, lost shards of soul, may you find everlasting rest... <Grand Purge>...

Issei finished casting the spell, opened his eyes, and looked toward the zombie mod.

Issei's current eye color is not the usual wine-red but golden colored just like when he used his <Balance Breaker>. The girls blushed deeply after seeing his current form because it's even more enchanting and more holy than his usual self.

His body shone blindly bright with the light of miracles. The light became countless particles which spiraled in the air, it was like a shining tornado.

Everyone - ...Beautiful.

They all agreed that the current Issei is looking extremely <Holy>. The Kalars also felt their king holy power and they knelt in reverence towards Issei direction.


At Semiramis domain, Irene felt Issei's power spiked up and opened a rift hole to see his current situation.

Irene - Oh? *Whistle*, girls, look at this.

Jeanne and Jalter who were training turned their heads towards Irene direction.

Jeanne - Yes?

Jalter - Hm?

Wiz and Yunyun also there, they were also training but after hearing Irene voice they stopped their training and walked next to her.

Wiz - What's wrong?

Yunyun - Is there something wrong, Irene-san?

Semiramis and Scathach are off to somewhere at the moment. Semiramis said she wanted to get her old fortress and Scathach is accompanying her.

Then they saw the man they've been longing to see for a while. Jeanne and Jalter are the most affected because they both were Saintess after all. All of their eyes went wide and blushed deeply after seeing Issei current state.

Jeanne - ...Master... So beautiful.

Jalter - ...Ah.

Jeanne knelt and get into her usual praying position while gazing at the current Issei. Jalter also agreed with Jeanne without her deviant side getting in the way.

Yunyun - Waaah... Issei-san looks so amazing...

Wiz - Yes... He looks so holy and even more handsome than before...

Wiz even thought that it's quite weird that the actual goddess she knows is far less holy than her own boyfriend. And they all become even more enamored towards Issei after seeing him now.

A certain girl with a blue hair sneezes right after Wiz thought about it.

Irene - Heheheh, just what we expect from our Ise right girls?

Jeanne nodded reverently while Jalter averted her face while blushing a bit but she doesn't deny it. While both Yunyun and Wiz faces went beet red after hearing Irene's words.

Irene - And you girls better be prepared when you meet him again... Because I can tell you that he's even more amazing in bed.

Irene decided to tease them while grinning slyly.

Jeanne blushed deeply but doesn't deny it that she also wanted to become one with her master.

Jalter - You shameless woman!

Irene - Oh, thank you, I'll take that as a compliment because I'm indeed shameless when it's about my beloved Ise. Don't tell me that you don't want to try having sex with him, hmm, Jalter-chan~?

Jalter - SH-SHUT UP!

Jalter got even more embarrassed, she scowled at Irene while her face went red like a tomato. Irene chuckled after seeing her reaction because who would've thought that the feisty Jalter is so shy when it comes to this kind of stuff.

While Yunyun and Wiz face already turned red to the maximum that even smokes started coming out of their head, their eyes are also spinning.

They both muttered "S-Sex with Issei-san?! Hauuuu!".

Irene chuckled seeing how innocent most of the girls here are. Then she gazes towards Issei once more.

Irene - Hurry and return to us, beloved...

She gazes at Issei filled with endless love and passion while putting one of her hands on her <Mark>.

One thing for sure is that all of them can't wait for their upcoming reunion.


Norshin made up his mind about something after seeing the current Issei.

Towa - Issei-san really is powerful.

Gurigura - This light's nice and warm... It makes me feel cozy.

The light did, in fact, enshroud everyone in kindness and warmth.

Regardless of age, gender, or even species, the warmth rained on all in an overpowering waterfall of light. Even the living corpses, the zombies, were hit.

Gurigura - Ah...

Gurigura's training helped her eyes adjust to the brightness fastest, letting her see the zombies dissolve in the light.

Gurigura - The old lady... My teacher... Everyone...

She saw the old woman had given her cookies and the teacher who had been strict, yet loving. The faces of everyone she had known in Osric wore the same peaceful smiles she always remembered.

They all smiled towards Gurigura and bowed at Issei conveying the gratitude they had for him.

Soon one familiar face after another disappeared.

Gurigura - Bye-bye...

Gurigura knew that soul residue was all that remained of the people she knew, but she said farewell as if to part with her past forever.

When the light finally dimmed they all started to look around.

Riche - Wow...

Ramius - The zombies vanished...

With their souls purged, the zombies' unnaturally-preserved bodies disintegrated into dust.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, this is a good thing, right?

Issei - Um, the people of Osric are relieved and have truly passed on after that. They're relieved to know their bodies won't be attacking anyone anymore. And they all said that they love you, Gurigura...

Gurigura - ...Un! Thank you, Ise-nii.

She smiled through tears and hugged Issei tightly, Issei smiled and stroked her head gently.

Gurigura - Eheh!🎶

Gurigura found it ticklish but gave Issei a wide smile. They all smiled seeing their interaction. But then Silent noticed something.

Barro - *Sigh* Another achievement yet again, Issei-kun... I wonder if King Louin will get a headache or become more proud after this one...

Just what can they reward him with this time? He already reached the maximum rank on the Knights rank, as for his nobility it's not really a reward considering he doesn't seem to care at all about it.

Silent - Hmm, too bad there's no magivision crew here or we could film this whole process... Oh?

Croix - Ara? I somehow feel like I can also use the <Grand Purge> now?

Silent - Eh? You too, Princess Croix?

The two Saints becomes puzzled after finding out that they can feel like they could use the <Grand Purge> that they weren't able to use before now.

Kyou - That must be because your <Holy> power are upgraded by Issei.

Kinou - Weird though because the requirement for that should be by doing "That".

Kyou - Now that you mention it...

Norshin - What do you mean by "That"?

Kyou - The requirements for someone being able to upgrade their <Holy> power according to QD are by having the one who has lower power have sex with the one with the bigger power.

Kinou - Of course, it only works if the participants are a man and a woman. If you had the same gender do the deeds then it won't work at all. It has something to do with the balance of Yin and Yang if we're not mistaken.

Everyone - Eh?

They become stupefied after hearing the twins words. If that's true then...

Silent look towards Issei who's currently still stroking Gurigura's head and after seeing his caring and smiling face she blushed deeply. She was also hoping the same gender could work as well but sadly not.

Croix started imagining things after hearing the twins words.

Croix - Ehehehe~🎶

Riche - What's so funny, onee-chan?

Croix - Oh, it's nothing~🎶

Norshin decision got even more solidified after hearing the twins words.

Norshin - Issei-san we can't thank you enough for helping the church once again. Can you please go to the church with us?

Issei - Hm? Sure. But Croix still wanted to visit the hospital, so if possible we wanted to visit the hospital first.

Croix smiled gently hearing Issei's words because he apparently still remember her wish to visit the hospital.

Norshin - Oh, right. Princess Croix wanted to visit the Hospital wasn't she, I give you permission to enter Horatio.

Croix - Thank you so much.🎶

Norshin - Now, allow me to enchant you. What I'm about to use is a variety of curative magic called <Vaccine>.

Issei could guess what it does just by hearing its name.

Silent - It defends against diseases for which cures have been found. This special spell has gone through a series of improvements throughout history.

Laertes - Of course, it has no effect on undiscovered bacteria, so try not to touch anything out of the ordinary.

Norshin - Now then...

Norshin recited the spell, causing Croix to emit a calming light that illuminated the area.

Norshin - Whew, that should do it.

Silent - Do what the people in Horatio tell you. Simply catching a cold would be a matter of life or death for many of the patients there.

Croix - Okay, I'll be careful.

Silent still not convinced about it then she bowed towards Issei.

Silent - Issei-sama, please watch her carefully.

Issei - Oh, sure?

Why with the "Sama" Issei thought, but he let it be.

Laertes - Towa, please show them around Horatio. I'll be working with Pope Norshin.

Towa - Okay.

Issei - Thanks, Towa.

Towa - N-No problem, Issei-san.

Kyou - We need to prepare the requested salted caramels by Princess Croix first.

Kinou - Un.

Barro - Hm, then I'll take Princess Croix to the hospital. You can go with the twins to collect the caramels first, Issei-kun.

Issei - Got it.

Then they head towards Horatio to visit the hospital, along the way Croix is so happy that she can finally visit the children.


The party went through an identity check, as well as a long medical inspection during which they had to use numerous disinfectants before they finally entered Horatio.

Kathryn - This whole town smells like antiseptic...

Riche - We didn't even need any vaccinations thanks to the <Vaccine> spell, so don't complain.

Issei doesn't really need the <Vaccine> spell because no poison nor disease could affect him as of now. Even the <Samael Blood> which could kill True Dragons like Ophis and Great Red doesn't work on him any longer.

But he still let Norshin cast it on him because it's a procedure after all. Not like it will hurt to be more cautious.

Towa - Oh, Issei-san, over here! The princess's visit is about to begin.

Towa ran up to the party.

Kyou - Sorry we took so long.

Kinou - We brought plenty of salted caramels to apologize. Give them out to the children.

Towa - Thank you. That's quite a lot... A lot...

Towa looked behind Kinou and Kyou at the pile of cardboard boxes the height of a two-story building and opened her eyes wide.

Ramius - It's surprising enough that they instantly made all this, but when you include the fact that they were able to bring it all here, I can see why you'd be speechless.

Riche - So where's Onee-chan meeting with the kids?

Towa - Oh, right. They're at the Pediatrics Department in Building 4. Barro is inspecting the building now.

Riche - I'd hate to keep the kids waiting. Let's hurry.

Once Towa instructed the hospital staff to carry away the salted caramels, she led the party to the building in question.

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