The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 51:

Kathryn - *Sob*, D-Don't tell...

Sometime later, Kath finally stopped crying, her eyes swollen red, and muttered while still in Issei's embrace.

Issei - ...Hmm? Don't tell what?

Issei knows what she meant but he couldn't help wanting to tease her.

Kathryn - I-I mean... Don't tell anyone I cried like a child here!

Issei - Hmmm... Why not?

Kathryn - U-Uhh... B-Because... Uuuu...

When she looks like she's about to cry once more finally Issei chuckled and agreed to her request.

Issei - Fine, I won't tell anyone.

Riche - Rather than worry about that, isn't there something you have to say first, Kath?

Kathryn - Hm? Wh-What?

Kathryn finally remembered that there are people here watching them, she hastily left Issei's embrace while still being red-faced after hearing Riche's words.

Ramius - You haven't said if you'll accept Issei's invitation yet.

Kathryn - Whaaat?! L-Like... Can't you guess from how that conversation went?!

Gurigura - C'mon, Kath-nee. You have to say it loud and clear.

Kathryn - Ugh... Grrr...

Criticized even by the younger girl, Kathryn was about to argue, but couldn't say anything.

Issei - Wait... What invitation?

Riche - Your proposal of course?

Issei - Huh?

Issei is confused just when did he propose to Kath.

Lorenzo - Issei-sama, "I'll defend Kath with my life." Is what you just said.

Riche - Yup, that sounds like a proposal to me. What about you girls?

Ramius - Umu, same here.

Gurigura - Yup!🎶

Issei - Wha... But...

Riche and co. - But what?

Issei - ...*Sigh* Nevermind... As long as Kath is fine having me as her husband then I'm okay with it... I already gave those twenty Knights my words after all.

Issei also wanted to argue but after seeing Kathryn swollen eyes he finally gave in, he does have some feelings towards Kath after all.

Riche - Is what he said... So, Kath... Your answer?

Kathryn - ...Err, Hrrrm...

Riche - What's wrong? Just be honest or you're gonna regret it.

Kathryn - Don't tease me! I know! I never repeat past mistakes!

Ramius - Then say it already. We're waiting for you.

Lorenzo - Fight on, Kath!

Gurigura - Hurry, hurry, Kath-nee!

Kathryn - Gh, treating this important moment like it's nothing...

Kathryn feels irritated seeing the 4 of them teasing her but then she looked towards Issei.

Issei just calmly meet her gaze with gentle eyes. And Kathryn can feel her heart thumping loudly seeing his gaze on her.

Kathryn - ...

Finally, after a few seconds, she said it.

Kathryn - F-Fine! I... I'm g-glad you feel that way, Issei! I-I accept your p-proposal! There I said it! Happy now?!

Issei - Ah... I am happy.

Issei smiled gently towards her and that makes her face red as a tomato but she's also genuinely happy inside.

Gurigura - Yaaay, good to have you, Kath-nee!

Ramius - Fumu, glad to have you on board, Kath.

Riche - Hehe... Now you will also feel Ise how good Ise is on the bed... Especially when he's... drunk... Khu khu khu...

Riche mutters that words so low that even Issei couldn't hear her.

Riche until this day still felt traumatized on the drunk Issei... It's not like it's bad or anything... It's just that it feels so good that she felt her brain melted along with her countless orgasm. During the two times he came inside her, she already came more than 10 times in a row without stopping.

That's how crazy the drunk Issei was. It won't be an exaggeration to call him the "Sex God" when he's in that mode. Even thinking about that time is making her a bit wet...

Lorenzo - Heheheh, good for you, Kath... Now it's my turn later... 'Yosh! I believe her Majesty already started preparing the wine we needed to get ahold of Issei-sama "Love" towards us!"

Poor Lorenzo, she didn't know the trap that has been set by Riche for them... Well, that day will be remembered as the descent of the "Sex God" in the Kalars race later on...

Kathryn - 'Ah, man, now I'm his wife too, huh?'... Wait, what you just said, Riche?

Riche - Oh, it's nothing~ congrats, Kath! Glad to have you in the family.🎶

Riche smiled like a saint towards Kathryn like she's looking at a lost lamb.

Kathryn - ...Somehow your smile is giving me the chills...

Gurigura - Riche-nee... That smile's kinda scary...

Riche - It's just your imagination~

Kathryn - ...Alright!

As though to brush off the past, Kathryn smacked her red face with both hands and psyched herself up.

Kathryn - I don't care if it's <Snake Crest> or <Snack Fest>, anyone who tries to hurt my family and friends is getting payback with interest! Time to begin the counterattack! Let's drive that asshole CEO into a corner and kick <Snake Crest> out of this country.

Issei - Well... I was thinking to let Riche and the rest to solve this problem but I can't let Rocinante successfully launch his plan now or the Kalars might be in danger as well.

Lorenzo - Issei-sama... I'm so glad...

Knowing Issei gonna stop the <Snake Crest> just for them, the Kalars is making her feeling even more devoted towards Issei.

Issei - With that said, let's go back to Rocinante's place for now and deliver the Pinepones first. Kath, you can just stay at the Kalars Village first, I need you to prepare something for later.

Everyone - Roger!

Then Issei's party returned to the Bigbux Company to deliver the Pinepones to Rocinante. While Kath is preparing what Issei told her to do and she got to admit this plan of his is indeed very devious but she likes it.

They decided to take a rest for today at the Kalar Village, and Issei said he needs to prepare the stuff he needs to solve their problem so he told Riche's and co to stay at the Village for now and meet him tomorrow morning at the Bigbux Company entrance.

After that, he left them behind to do his stuff.


The next morning, Riche, Ramius, and Gurigura waited for Issei's at the entrance of the Bigbux Company and a few minutes later Issei arrived and they head inside Rocinante's office.

Riche - Here's the pinepone we promised.

The party was in the Bigbux Company CEO's office, where Riche left the pinepone of Rocinante's desk.

Rocinante - I take it negotiations with the Kalars went well. Now we should be able to meet the extra demand.

Issei - Oh, it wasn't even anything as complicated as a negotiation. So it's fine.

Rocinante felt like Issei is kinda being too friendly right now but he thought that Issei must think of him as trustworthy so he replies calmly as well.

Rocinante - The Kalars don't need money, so for those who think in terms of money like myself, it can be rather difficult.

Riche - We got what you wanted, so now it's your turn.

Rocinante - Oui, I always fulfill my end of the bargain. I'll look into any connections the King might have to <Snake Crest>.

Issei - Please do.

Issei reply to Rocinante with a smile.

Rocinante - I need to give instructions for what to do in my absence before I head out, so you can head down to the capital before me.

The party left Rocinante, who had agreed to cooperate with them with a smile, and exited the CEO's office.


While he checked the quality of the pinepone, Rocinante recalled the state the party was in.

Rocinante - No signs of any conflict, meaning I can assume the Kalars accepted them cordially. They might be from the Kingdom of Eden, but the Kalars have no reason to give them such special treatment...

It was because something very unexpected happened there but Rocinante had no way of knowing that.

*Knock* *Knock*

Bodyguard - Excuse me, Mr. President.

Following the knock, an employee in a suit, but one whose very eyes gave the impression he was no ordinary person, appeared in the CEO's office.

Bodyguard - Regarding the investigation of the Fountain of Truth you requested... Aside from how it does indeed kill those who lie, we've learned nothing.

Rocinante - I do still think it's too early to ask the Kalars directly, though... If it goes poorly and they expose us, that'd be rather a mess. But why are the Kalars suddenly disappeared one by one from the surrounding towns...

Bodyguard - We also don't know why but the last report we receive is that all Kalars in sight just a few hours ago suddenly prostrated themselves towards the same direction.

Rocinante - Hmm... Too little information... That could mean anything, we don't know anything about this 'anomaly' that just happened... Thankfully we can use this against them, heheheh...

Bodyguard - Then I'll continue to use Outlaws for the investigation.

Rocinante - No, that won't be necessary any longer.

Bodyguard - Huh?

Rocinante - Soon enough, everything will be tidied up. Not just the Kalar Forest, but this whole country will enter my assets. Anyway, I'm off to finish the final steps. You send this plan to the magic broadcasters we sponsor.

Rocinante imagined the massive profits that would soon be in his pockets as he prepared to head to the capital.


On the capital, Issei's party met with Yarase again but he seems to be down because of something. Issei chooses to just ignore him though.

After waiting for a while. Finally, Rocinante appeared in front of the King's castle.

Ramius - Looks like he's here.

Rocinante - Bonjour. I sent a messenger to the King, so we should be granted a meeting soon enough.

Befitting of a merchant, Rocinante wasted no time in jumping to the main topic and directing everyone to the castle.


Ben - If it isn't Rocinante? It's good to see you at such a busy time.

King Ben looked suspiciously at Issei and the others who accompanied Rocinante, but his expression soon changed to a smile as he greeted the visitors.

Rocinante - Merci, but you and I are close partners, No need to waste time on formalities.

Pancho - Cur! CEO of a large company or not, such rudeness to the King is unacceptable!

Rocinante - Hmph, if you have time to waste chatting, it's better for everyone if you use it to think about how to make money.

Ben - It's fine, Pancho. Rocinante's ideas have some sense to them.

Pancho - If you say so, Unc- Your Majesty...

Next to the King, Pancho looked displeased but took his hand off his sword.

Ben - S-So... What did you want? And who are these other people?

Rocinante - You see, they came to me with concerns about you having a possible connection to a dangerous organization called <Snake Crest>, and so I'm here to see if that's the case.

Issei almost laughed hearing Rocinante's word but he's holding it in. It's like seeing a clown playing around watching him pretending like this, but he is indeed a good actor though. If not for him already knows Rocinante's true identity then he might just fall for his act.

Ben - Wha? I don't know where such allegations came from, but where's your evidence?

Gurigura - Right here. This envelope that's been left here... Look, it's got the snake insignia on it.

Gurigura paced up to the desk and pulled one envelope out of a big pile.

Ben - Th-That?! I thought I'd disposed of it, how?!

Pancho - 'Good grief. Always too hasty.'

Riche - <Snake Crest> stands for more vile things than you think. If you have any ties with them, you should sever them as soon as possible.

Ben - Shut up. Why should a mere Princess of Eden get to criticize a King like me?!

Issei - Be careful with your words now... That's my wife you're talking to...

Issei sent a bit of bloodlust towards the King.

Ben & Pancho & Rocinante - ?!

The three of them are having a cold sweat just feeling a bit of Issei's bloodlust.

Rocinante - '...How terrifying... Thankfully I'm not on his bad side yet...'

Rocinante thought he's safe from Issei's suspicions.

Ben - 'Guh... Just who is he?!'

Pancho - 'Issei-dono sure is strong but I need to stop him' Issei-dono, please take your bloodlust back, I can't let you let release such fearful intent towards the King.

Issei - As long as he watches his words.

Issei still calmly look towards Ben and the latter felt fretful just from seeing his gaze so he hastily apologizes towards Riche.

Ben - A-Ah... Pardon my rudeness just now, Princess Riche.

Riche - It's fine, I don't mind it.

Riche felt really happy that Issei cares a lot about her.

Ramius and Gurigura just smiled because they know if they're in Riche position right now then Issei would've done the same for them. He's not afraid to offend the Gods himself just for them what's more a mere king like Ben.

Issei then took back his bloodlust after hearing his apologies. Finally, the 3 of them sighed with relief and Rocinante decided to continue their 'Interrogation'.

Rocinante - T-Then... This country belongs to more people than you. Now explain why you have that envelope.

Ben - R-Rocinante...

Pancho - Your Majesty... No, let me call you Uncle. Princess Riche is earnestly concerned for our country. She's only trying to help.

Ben - ...Hrm...

With no allies at his side, and even being pressured by Rocinante, against whom he couldn't argue, the King finally gave up and slumped his shoulders.

Ben - That envelope's a sales pitch of sorts from <Snake Crest>.

Issei - A sales pitch?

Riche - What was <Snake Crest> trying to sell? Sparkle bombs? Maybe the Outlaws themselves?

Ben - A way to control monsters they said.

Riche - Hmm. They do seem to know how to do that.

Pancho - What? Even such unsavory techniques are used by this organization?!

Gurigura - Is that why you joined up with <Snake Crest>?

Ben - Wait, you've got it all wrong! I ignored their sales pitch and intended to throw out the letter too!

Riche - I do think their method for controlling monsters would be beneficial to your country, considering the Monster Burrow, though.

Ben - That's correct... But I was sure to reject <Snake Crest's> offer!

Riche - Is that so?

Ben - Yes!

Rocinante - Your Majesty, is everything you say the truth? If not, I would be inclined to move my company's main branch to the Kingdom of Eden.

Ben - W-Wait, Rocinante! Without your company, this country can't possibly support itself!

Rocinante - But I'd never want to do business in a country that holds connections to <Snake Crest>.

Ben - I swear I have no ties with them. Pancho, you know how I feel, don't you?

Pancho - ...Uncle... Everyone, my apologies, but the king is tired. May I ask you to leave?

Issei - ...Fine. If you say so, Pancho.

When Issei's party left only Ben and Pancho is in the room.

Pancho - Uncle, I know how you feel, but there's no use fretting like this.

Ben - I can't help it. If we lose Rocinante's favor, El Quixote will return to a nation of poverty.

Pancho - But proving you aren't involved with <Snake Crest> would be difficult.

Ben - That's because they don't know anything! We don't even need the ability to control monsters.

Pancho - What if you're honest with them?

Ben - If it came to light, the very founding of this country would become a joke. It must never be revealed. Never... They can't learn that the Monster Burrow is empty... That it's merely a cave!

Pancho - It was all because our ancestor, El Quixote, jumped to conclusions. He took the sound of the wind to mean that a giant monster lurked within. That was the beginning of it all.

Ben - Just try and tell the world it was a mistake. The shame will be so great that you'll never be able to call yourself a Quixote again.

Pancho - But it pains me to hide the truth from the public.

Ben - As long as they don't know, we can all hold the pride of being descended from heroes. We hide it for the sake of the people. Have you forgotten when we were looked down upon and insulted for our poverty?

Pancho - ...

Ben - Pancho, you must understand why you're the only one to whom I've told the truth about the Burrow.

Pancho - To prepare me to be the next king, I assume.

Ben - I'm glad you know. Keep hiding the truth.

Pancho - I don't think I'm fit to rule. Besides, you have a son.

Ben - Three sons... But not them! They're completely within the Bigbux Company's clutches. That's why, Pancho, you need to forget that Kalar and marry a human woman already!

Pancho - ...I was rejected by her.

Ben - Then that's the more reason to marry a human woman!

Pancho - ...I still don't know yet, I haven't found the right person. So I'm gonna wait for a while longer.

Ben - Good God, you stubborn fool!

Pancho - Hmph, that makes both of us.

The Uncle and his nephew were more alike than father and son. Pancho had a similar look on his face to King Ben as he turned away.

Ben - 'Good grief, how long must we prepare to fight a false enemy?... Maybe Issei-dono and his wives could help?'

??? - I might have an offer to make with that problem of yours, King Ben...

Ben and Pancho become alarmed when there's a sudden voice coming from the corner of the room, they never realize there was somebody else is here with them.

Ben & Pancho - Who's there?!

When both of them look towards the corner of the room they saw somebody they thought just left the room a few minutes ago. It is Issei.

Ben - Y-You?!

Pancho - I-Issei-dono? Since when you were there?!

Issei - Hm? Since the start of your conversation of course.

Ben - Th-That means...

Issei - Ah. I heard all of your conversations, and I have them recorded here you see.

Issei shows them a magic transmitter he got from Gurigura and Rochefort.

Ben - That's a transmitter?!

Issei - Yup, the latest version as well which can records stuff. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your secret as long as you take my offer.

Pancho - ...That means we don't have a choice, do we?

Issei - You could say that, but don't worry it's not a bad offer for your country. I'm not with a <Snake Crest> after all... Unlike Rocinante.

Pancho - What?! That Cur is with them?!

Issei - Ah, and your beloved Uncle seems to know it from the start as well.

Ben - ?!

Pancho - Is that true, Uncle?!

Pancho is shocked with this sudden revelation and he looks towards Ben right away but the latter tries to argue.

Ben - W-Where's the proof?! You can't just accuse Rocinante as a <Snake Crest> member without proof.

Pancho - ...Indeed, Issei-dono... If there's no proof then...

Issei - Proof was it? Then would this do?

Then Issei replayed the message he recorded when Rocinante is talking to Kuro... Issei was there with them as well so that's why he knows 100% that Rocinante is with the <Snake Crest>.

Hearing the content of the recording Ben and Pancho can only admit that it is indeed true.

Pancho - ...Uncle?

Ben - W-Wait, Pancho! Yes, I know Rocinante is with the <Snake Crest> but that's because he's the one who comes with that offer on how to control the monsters and I refused him, you know that don't you?! And there's nothing I can do to him because he owns the Bigbux Company, and even if I told the public about it then they wouldn't believe me with a concrete proof!

Pancho knows Ben is totally right, but he still can't let this go just like that.

Issei - I know your concern about that of course, that's why I came with an offer.

Ben - A-And what is the offer you're talking about?

Issei - I can get rid of Rocinante for you and enable you to publicize that the Monster Burrow is empty by using a certain strategy of mine. At the cost, you leave the Kalars alone and let someone else I trust lead the Bigbux Company as the new CEO.

Ben - What?! But-

Issei - Don't think I don't know you were thinking to use the Kalars as a scapegoat, that was your original plan with Rocinante, wasn't it? Here, listen to this recording in case you're doubting what I'm talking about.

Issei let them hear another recording he took when Rocinante discuss something with Ben which he recorded yesterday.

"Ben - Rocinante, huh... What do you want by coming here?"

"Rocinante - Pardon my intrusion but I need to discuss something with you."

"Ben - And what is that?"

"Rocinante - I know you're worried about the Monster Burrow but think about it. Without the Monster Burrow, you'll have to drastically cut down on the number of Knights, right?"

"Ben - I-Indeed. If we shrink the military, our national budget won't be so overwhelmed anymore."

"Rocinante - And what of the Knights who are dismissed?"

"Ben - NWAH?!"

"Rocinante - Heheheh, looks like you realize what I meant now?"

"Ben - Of course, I'll give them some suitable severance pay and have them hired out to other jobs."

"Rocinante - They've spent their lives swinging swords. What job do you think they can do? The Bigbux Company certainly wouldn't want to hire them."

"Ben - Then what will become of the Knights who lose their positions?"

"Rocinante - They'll either die with nothing or become Outlaws and attack cities, I imagine. Are you unaware of the fact that most of the Knights who lost their jobs after the Arthur Tragedy ended up becoming Outlaws?"

"Ben - Oh no..."

"Rocinante - Heheheh, but I have a plan. This is a special sales pitch just for you."

"Ben - ...A plan?"

"Rocinante - Just convince the people that the Kalars are a threat, and you can keep the military as it is."

"Ben - Y-You want me to make enemies of the Kalars?!"

"Rocinante - And this time, it'll be a real enemy that everyone can see. You do know about the Kalars 'anomaly' that just happened right?"

"Ben - Y-You mean where they all suddenly prostrated themselves?"

"Rocinante - Yes, that and how that most Kalars suddenly disappeared, even their special 'Shack' is empty nowadays without a single Kalars in sight of the town vicinity and my men discovered that most Kalars apparently choose to return to their village and never comes out ever since, except for 1 Kalar that is."

"Ben - ...And who is that Kalar?"

"Rocinante - Her name is apparently Lorenzo Kalar, the Kalars Queen personal secretary."

"Ben - I see... Wait. R-Rocinante?! Don't tell me you know the Monster Burrow secret..."

"Rocinante - Keeping a country stable sometimes requires lies. I understand your pain"

"Ben - I see... You understand me?"

"Rocinante - Yes I do... Now... Your Majesty, here's my plan. We could say to the masses that the Kalars disappearance has something to do with their plan on attacking us, and we could kidnap that Lorenzo to make the Kalars attack us on their own and that will prove what we told the masses are indeed true. She is the Queen personal secretary so she must have a high standing among the Kalars, there's no way they would let her be kidnapped just like that no?"

"Ben - Yes... This plan could work... Very well, I approve of your plan, Rocinante..."

"Rocinante - Thank you for your approval, Your Majesty."

Then the recording ended there.

Pancho is looking at Ben in disbelief while Ben's face is ghastly white.

Issei - Got anything to say?

Ben - ...

Pancho - ...Uncle... What would happen if Lorenzo is indeed my girlfriend by then? Would you still agree to that Cur plan?

Ben doesn't say anything and that confirms Pancho's question.


Pancho punched Ben in the face.

Ben - Guh!

Ben fall down from his chair after receiving Pancho's punch. But he doesn't dare to look towards Pancho's face after that and he just looks down in shame.

Then Pancho looks towards Issei and bowed deeply at him.

Pancho - Issei-dono, I'm very ashamed by my Uncle's wrongdoings but please don't let the people know about all this... We agree to all of your conditions as long as you don't let this known by the people. My Uncle is just thinking about this country as a King so I beg you... No matter what he's still my blood relative so even knowing he's in the wrong I'm asking you to forgive him.

Ben who saw Pancho's begging towards Issei felt even more ashamed and he shed tears for his own stupidity.

Issei - ...I won't let this known to the public as long as you agree to my conditions, and since you already said you will agree to it then I will keep this a secret.

Pancho - Yes! We agree to your conditions, thank you, Issei-dono!

Ben only stays silent signaling his agreement as well.

Issei - Very well... Here's the plan. I will broadcast the recording of Rocinante's wrongdoings but of course, I won't be including the King's recording. And as for the Monster Burrow...

Issei took out a large diagram and began to explain the plan.

Pancho - This is...?

Issei - I copied this from Rocinante's. This is Mount Abella or the Monster Burrow, home of the monsters. As you can see, the entrance of the burrow is up on the side of a steep cliff from which no man can enter. But turn your attention to the middle of the mountain.

He pointed to a small cave drawn on the middle of Mount Abella.

Ben finally decided to talk as well.

Ben - ...This is that cave in the middle of the mountain.

Issei - Are you aware that this cave is actually internally connected to the Monster Burrow?

Ben - What?! That's new to me!

Issei - I've been exploring the Monster Burrow yesterday so I found a small passage through the rock. And I noticed that the hole is connected to the Burrow's entrance by sending a fire spell and there are smokes coming out from the Burrow's entrance after I used the fire spell.

Ben - Are you saying if we dug a hole through there, we could reach the Burrow itself?

Issei - No, digging to the peak of such a large mountain would be nonsensical. I was from the Republic of Lancelot before this, and you must know that there's a powerful poison gas appeared in there and it's strong enough to kill even monsters they said.

Ben - Yes... You mean you're planning to use that poison?

Issei - Ah. If poison gas is let in through the cave below, the 'monsters' in the Burrow could be routed effortlessly.

Pancho - That indeed seems like a plausible plan and it's safe enough I suppose.

Issei - And it could be broadcasted via magivision throughout the Kingdom to show the public it's happening and to put them at ease.

Ben - I see... Indeed with that, the people won't know that the Monster Burrow was empty the whole time...

Pancho - And the public will be pleased...

Issei - But there is one major flaw with this plan.

Ben - Nothing I've heard sounds like a flaw, though...

Issei - Did you forgot where is the entrance of the Burrow is located?

Ben and Pancho finally remembered it's located on top of a cliff and there's no way to head there other than climbing the cliff which is not a plausible idea since they will be attacked by the flying monsters when they're climbing the cliff.

Ben - Wait... but then how did you enter the Burrow?

Pancho is also wondering how Issei could enter the Burrow if it's impossible to enter in the first place.

Issei - I have my own ways of course.

Hearing his words both Ben and Pancho can only let it go because they can't expect Issei to tell them his secrets no?

Ben - Indeed... If nobody can enter the Burrow then nobody can confirm whether the 'monsters' have been exterminated...

Issei - And that's where you come in.

Issei looks towards Ben while saying that.

Ben - M-Me? What can I do?

Issei - After I broadcasted Rocinante wrongdoings along with some 'show' that will be played by Pancho because he is trusted by the masses after all. I'm guessing that Rocinante will try to come up with some plan and possibly abduct you along the process.

Ben - Y-You're saying to let Rocinante kidnap me?!

Pancho - Issei-dono, but that's-

Issei - Don't worry, I will be protecting you from the dark so nothing dangerous will truly happen to you.

At his words Ben and Pancho become a bit reassured because they know how powerful Issei is, they can't even sense his presence when he took all that recordings after all.

Ben - Then, I have no complaints. Let's try this plan of yours... But how do you plan to get the poison gas transported here?

Issei - As I said before, I have my own ways. But you better remember my conditions or else...

Ben and Pancho felt chills hearing Issei words but they hastily nodded and said they won't forget his conditions.

After that Issei left the room and regrouped with Riche's and co. Rocinante offered them a solution before this but at a cost of them finding out the secret behind the Fountain of Truth and Riche's party agree to it although it's only a fake agreement because they already have a plan on their own.

After hearing their confirmation Rocinante returned to his own company.

Riche - So, Ise, did the King agree? Well, of course they would agree unless they want their secrets to be exposed to the public.

Issei - Ah. Let's go to the village and meet up with Kath.

So they went to the Kalar Village once more.

When they arrived at the Village, every Kalars have an enamored look on their face when they look towards Issei and Issei felt a bit ticklish inside feeling their gaze on him.

Issei asked Kath if she knows a way to transport the poison gas. And after a bit of thinking, she tells him what she knows.

Riche - Pinepone leaves?

Kathryn - Right. When the fruit's abnormal, so are the leaves. They're big, but light, so if you make them into a bag, they should be perfect for transporting poison gas.

Ramius - I see, big bags... That should be ideal for filling with gas.

Kathryn - They're sitting around the village, so you should just get some of them to make one.

Lorenzo who's with them also confirmed it.

Lorenzo - Yes, they can be found all over. If you want we can gather them for you, Issei-sama.

Issei - Ah, thanks.

Lorenzo - N-No problem, if anything we're glad that we could be useful for you, Issei-sama.

Lorenzo felt happy just by receiving Issei's thanks and that kinda make him sweat a bit because he's still not used to being a King you see...

The leaf they were shown as a sample was big enough to cover a human being.

Lorenzo - Here's a pinepone leave.

Issei - Oh, so that's what has been scattered around the village all this time... I thought they are something else. Well, let's just pick these up already... Where's Gurigura?

Gurigura - Over here, Ise-nii! Hwah!

Gurigura popped out from under a pile of leaves with a smile.

Issei - Oh.

Gurigura - Ahahaha! I've never seen such big leaves before.

Issei - Ah, it's like we're in a forest for giants.

Riche - At this size, we could probably get by with just three or four.

Issei - But we need to sew them into bags, right?

Riche - Don't underestimate your wife. I will prepare them in a jiffy!

Ramius - Wait. This may come as a surprise, but sewing's one of my specialties. I'll put together the ultimate bag.

Gurigura - Yaaay, I'll help too!

Lorenzo - Ah, if you want we could sew them for you...

Riche and co. - No thanks! Leave this to us!

They wanted to impress Issei with their handiwork so they won't let this chance pass by.

Lorenzo - O-Okay...

Issei - ...Alright, then I'll leave that to you three. Now let's go to Lancelot and check on Tio as well.

Lorenzo - Take care, Issei-sama.

Kathryn - Take care now.

Issei - Ah.

Lorenzo and Kath see them off.

Now that they had a way to transport the poison gas, the party headed to the Republic of Lancelot to meet with Tio.


The party had arrived in Lancelot.

Palomides - Oh, if it isn't Issei and his wives!

President Palomides greet them when they arrived at his house where Tio's seem to be staying.

Issei - Nice to see you again, Palomides.

Palomides - Nice to see you too, but why have you returned to Lancelot? Not that we don't welcome you, of course.

Issei summed up what brought them back to the country.

Palomides - The generation of poison gas has reduced considerably, but there will be time before it's gone completely. Until then, we're collecting and storing it. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to use it for anything bad. Take as much as you want and use it effectively.

Riche - Thank you, Mr. President.

Palomides - You're welcome but can you check on Tio for me?

Issei - Well, we were gonna check on her in the first place anyway. But what happen?

Palomides - She just suddenly said that she's quitting being my secretary, so I wanted to change her mind.

Gurigura - Huh? Does that mean she's retiring from politics?

Ramius - What could this mean? Not that she can't help the Outlaw girls any other way, but...

Palomides - Tio should be cleaning out her room. I'd like it if you could stop her too.

Palomides solemnly slumped his shoulders, told the party that the rest was up to them, and left.

Riche - She was so invested in it before. I wonder what happened?

Issei - Let's go see her.

Then Issei's party headed towards Tio's room.


Tio - It's been a while, Issei. If you contacted me ahead of time, I would have gotten a meal ready to greet you with.

Riche - Oh, don't worry about that. We just came by because we needed something.

Issei - Well, we're just around and decided to drop by to check on you.

Tio - Oh, thank you. Why don't you guys sit down and have some tea?

Riche - Sure, we want to discuss some things as well.

What she put out was perfectly ordinary ebony eye tea, but Issei drank it and soon became more relaxed.

Tio - Using the gas on the Monster Burrow? That's an outstanding idea.

As they drank the tea, the party described everything that had transpired.

Tio - And filling those bags with gas is a good idea too. It should be more cost effective and consume less space than the barrels we're using.

Issei - ...'Hmmm, it doesn't come off like she's retiring from politics to me... But there's something odd with her aura...'

Tio - If you don't mind, can you show me those leaf bags?

Riche - Heh heh heh, we made these ourselves. The quality will blow you away.

Riche confidently took the folded bags out of her pouch and spread them on the table.

Issei - Oooh! Th-These are... Rags?

Ramius - Wh-What do you mean?! They're clearly excellent bags.

Gurigura - I messed up a tiny bit, but it should still be able to carry poison gas.

Issei - ...No, It's not...

Tio - Um... There's a hole here.

Riche - Huh? No way?! I don't remember that being there.

Tio - And the seams here are coming apart. It wouldn't take much stress for this to fall to bits.

Ramius - I-It can't be... I was so confident in its durability.

Tio - I'm sorry, but the idea of filling this with poison gas... Is this a joke?

Gurigura - Aaw... And we tried so hard, too...

Tio's criticisms made Issei's wives hang their heads and slump their shoulders.

Tio - Oh, I-I'm sorry! Everyone's good at different things, so you shouldn't feel bad.

Issei - Th-That's right. Don't let this get you down.

Riche - But they would take time to fix, and I bet money too...

Tio - Um, can I have a look at this? Mhm, mhm... I see, yes, I should be able to fix these.

Issei - Oh? Really?

Tio - Of course. But it'll take about a night, so... I've got it, why don't you stay here?

Gurigura - Yaaay! Thanks, Tio.

The party asked for Tio's help fixing the bags and spent the night at her place.


During the night Issei decided to get some water. But when he passed by Tio's room, he noticed there's light through the crack in the door.

Issei - Hm? She's still awake?

So he decided to check on her.

Tio - Oh, Issei? You're not asleep yet?

Issei - I could ask you the same thing but, Tio... Have you been sewing those bags this whole time?

Tio - I'm almost done.

Issei - ...Mind if I have a seat?

Tio - Go ahead.

Tio scooted over, leaving space for Issei to sit.

Issei - So, you have been sewing the whole time? Guess we asked more of you than I thought...

Tio - Considering everything you've done for me, this is nothing.

Issei - Hmm. I already said don't mind it, don't I?

Tio - Heheh, but I can't. After all, what you've done for me cannot be repaid so easily...

She smiled gently towards Issei while Issei can only smile wryly at her. Tio then calmly continue sewing the bag.

Issei - Hey, so why do you decide to leave politics?

The question brought her fluidly-moving hands to a stop.

Tio - I told this to Palomides already, but... Personal reasons.

Issei - Oh... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

If he used Tio's feelings of debt to him, he could force an answer out of her, but Issei doesn't have any intention on doing so.

Issei - I didn't come here to ask why. I just wanted to talk to you.

Tio - Heheheh, you're as nice as ever.

Before too long, Tio's fingers once again began to rhythmically sew the leaves together.

Issei - So, why are you so good at sewing?

Tio - Huh? I'm not particularly good. I certainly couldn't compete with a professional.

Issei - ...I don't know about that... You seem very professional to me.

Issei remembered the bags his wives had made and thought otherwise.

Tio - If I am a bit better than most, it may be because I sewed my sister's clothes.

Issei - Oh right, you had a sister.

Tio - Yes, and unlike me, she was very cute. Her smile was like a blooming flower. It drew in everyone around her. Even ignoring any natural bias I might have toward my sister, she was a lovely girl.

Issei - Hmm... I wish I got to meet her.

Tio - But because of her beauty... A married man with children assaulted her.

Issei - ...

Tio - When my sister became an Outlaw, she was taken away from town. Then I pursued the Knights who took her.

Issei - I see...

Tio - I was spotted at the entrance to the ruins of Arthur, where Palomides invited me into the world of politics. Then I worked tirelessly to look after the girls and give them a comfortable life as I could... But my sister... Tilt's flower-like smile never came back. One day, Tilt snuck out of the ruins, got attacked by monsters in the Kingdom of Eden, and came back as a corpse... I think she couldn't take her empty life in the ruins and chose death instead...

Issei - ...Sounds like I brought back some bad memories... Sorry.

Tio - Oh, please don't feel bad... I wanted to speak with someone about it too.

Issei - ...You're a nice girl, Tio. I think you would make a great wife.

Tio - HUH?!


Issei - Hm?

Tio's hand slipped, stabbing the needle into Issei's forearm

Tio - I-I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting to hear that...

Issei - It's fine, but it shouldn't be that weird. I mean, you're beautiful and mature. When you're sewing, you give off a warm, domestic vibe.

Tio - Are you saying I'm like a mother? I can't very well take that as a compliment.

Like she was self-conscious about her age, Tio adorably puffed up her cheeks and gave Issei an irritated look.

Issei - Well, you will be a great mother that's for sure. But what I meant is, you're like a newlywed. A young wife.

Tio - Heheheh, thank you, Issei...

Tio is very happy hearing his compliment and she soon relaxed and resumed her skillful knitting.

Issei felt the atmosphere soften and enjoyed the resulting pleasantness as he continued to gaze at Tio.

Issei - ...'She sure has a calming aura around her...'

Tio smiled softly and occasionally hummed as she worked through the knitting.

Basking in the atmosphere eventually caused Issei to lose a grip on his consciousness and fall asleep.

Tio - Huh? Issei... Are you sleeping?

Softly snoring, Issei slept before Tio, completely unguarded.

Tio - This really makes me feel like a newlywed...

Tio was embarrassed by her own words and blushed, but her smile remained.

Tio - You're quite the mystery, Issei. I tried to betray you but you still saved and forgave me anyway...

When Tio vividly recalled the time they spent together, her heart accelerated like that of a young girl in love. Then she resolutely brought her face up to Issei's ear, and...

Tio - Issei... I love you...

In a barely audible voice, she whispered her feelings and flushed red.

Tio - I'm glad I got to thank you in the end.

Issei heard her voice but he just smiled inside, but he remained shrouded in the gentle atmosphere.

Soon Tio finished the sewing and she looks towards Issei once more, after that she get a blanket to cover him.

Smiling one last time at Issei she went ahead to write a letter

"I won't be returning here. I hate to ask this of you, but please sell my belongings and donate the money to the Outlaw girls. I regret never returning the favor for rescuing me, but I pray that you and your wives find success. -Tio"

Then she put the letter on top of the bag after that she took off from the residence. Issei wakes up soon after she left the residence and look towards the letter she left behind.

Issei - ...

Then he also left behind a letter for the girls so they're not worried about him.

After that, he also follows after Tio in silence.


He follows Tio from behind and he saw her went towards the Outlaw camp only to left a letter as well, and before this, she also sent a letter addressed to Barro it seems, saying that she couldn't look after everyone anymore, and is asking him to take over.

Issei felt like his decision of following her is correct if she suddenly left behind a letter like this. It's like a will...

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