The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 50:

Issei - ...Get up. There's no need to prostrate yourself before me.

After Issei absorbed the <Orb of Life> he felt like his <Life> Aura just received a huge boost. And he can feel a step closer mastering the <Chaos> element.

Mertel obeys his words and stands up right away but her gaze holds nothing but affection and loyalty towards Issei now.

Mertel - How do you feel, my king?

Issei - To be honest... I felt weird.

Mertel - Is there any discomfort anywhere?

Issei - No... If anything I felt great... I felt even more alive and powerful after absorbing that orb. But... I'm having mixed feelings about the connection we share now...

Yes, Issei now can feel a certain connection between him and the Kalars. If a Kalar ever betrayed him then he could tell right away.

Mertel - Yes, but that is our fate... The Creator God stated that whoever can absorb the <Orb of Life> shall be our king... It's been more than millennia but no one ever fulfilled the prophecy. We need to have sex with other male race just to continue the survival of our race even though we don't love them. We had to or our race will go extinct... But now we are not required to do that any longer... We finally have our own male, our own King... This mark on your forehead is the symbol of how you rule over us, the Kalars...

Mertel comes close to Issei and gently touched the new mark on his forehead. Issei feels comfortable feeling her touch even though he doesn't feel anything before this.

Mertel - We Kalars have another secret... In the history of our book left behind by our Ancestor, we are supposed to be immortals but the reality is... We are not... At least not until we reborn into a higher species. It stated that at some point in our life we will reborn into either an "Angel" or a "Devil". But that can only happen if we can find our own King...

Issei felt surprised by that secret she just revealed.

Mertel - By having our king "Lifeforce" inside us we will be able to use that as a catalyst for our rebirth to an Angel or a Devil... To absorb the <Orb of Life> you need a certain requirement... One, you must be a man. Two, you must possess a <Life> and <Death> Aura inside you. Three, you must be able to feel love towards the Kalar from the bottom of your heart and not just see them as tools... If you don't have any of those 3 requirements then you won't be able to absorb the <Orb of Life>... It's the last gift from the Creator God to protect our race. The humans think that we are protecting the forest we live in but the truth is we are protecting the <Orb of Life>.

Issei is calmly processing every information he gets from Mertel. Because he knows this is very important for their race.

Issei - What happens once you become an Angel or a Devil? Is there any difference between the two?

Mertel - There's not really much difference but in the change of our appearance. A Kalar who turn into an Angel possesses a strong <Life/Yang> element while the Devil one possesses a strong <Death/Yin> element... They complement each other you see. There is no racial discrimination between the two. But we might have a change in our personality after we evolved... Take me for example, if the current me is a seductress then the new me might be the opposite of that. But we will still be loyal towards you and only you for the rest of our life. So please be our King...

Issei - ...Are you sure about this?

Mertel - Fufufu... As I thought... You're really a kind King. You already have total control over our race but you still asked me of my opinion... And to answer your question, yes. I regret nothing... We have been waiting for so long for the arrival of our true King... After so long we are finally able to fulfill our destiny. Now I will ask you once more... Please... Please be our King.

Mertel pleaded towards Issei at the end.

Issei calmly looks at her in the eyes and just when he's about to answer her request he heard a voice coming from behind him and he knows they were there the entire time eavesdropping so he wasn't too surprised.

Riche - Accept her request, Ise.

Ramius - I agree with Riche.

Gurigura - Accept it, Ise-nii!

Lorenzo - Please, Issei-sama... Please be our king.

Kathryn - Ugh... What the hell... Just accept her request if you're a man.

All of them were eavesdropping their conversation and when they heard the secret of the Kalars race they felt sorry for them, as a fellow girl they know how they feel. Just to ensure their race survival they need to have sex with men they don't even love... There's nothing worse than doing that for a woman.

Issei - You girls...

Issei finally sighed and decided to accept their request.

Issei - Fine... If you think I'm good enough to be your king then so be it.

Mertel and Lorenzo who heard that had their face beaming with happiness and in the heat of the moment, Mertel grabbed Issei's face and then she kissed Issei deeply which took him by surprise.

Issei - Mmh?!

Mertel - Mmn, Mhm, Mchu... Mwah...❤

Riche - Hey!

Ramius - Oh, that's quite the technique she's using. I never saw Ise making a face like that.

Gurigura - Woaah~ Is that how adult kiss looks like?

Lorenzo - Ah... Your Majesty... So unfair...

Kathryn - U-Uwaaah... Th-They're kissing so passionately, how shameless!

Riche - Why do you get so flustered just from seeing that? It's not like you never saw one in porn and you already saw me kissing with Ise before...

Kathryn - Sh-Shuddup! That's 2D! 2D is different from the real thing! Ah! What are you making me say?!

Riche - Heh, you think I don't know you're reading porn like Ramius?

Ramius - Hm? Is that true, Kath? I see I see... So I'm not the only one who read porn. You're indeed my friend.

Kathryn - Don't lump me together with you, Perverted Titty Monster!

Ramius - Hrrm, I said don't call me all of that at once. Call me either of them but not all of them at once.

Gurigura - What's porn?

Riche & Ramius & Kathryn - Ah...

The three of them become silent at Gurigura's question because even though she already had sex she's still not very knowledgeable on that kind of stuff...

Back at Issei.

After a while, Mertel finally ended their kiss with a loud pop!

Mertel - Hmmmnn~ That was delicious ❤

Issei - Do you have to do that...

Mertel - Fufufu, I'm sorry. It was just that I was so happy that I couldn't control myself.

Issei - You don't look like you're sorry...

Mertel - But I am~ Want me to apologize with my body?

Mertel licked her lips sexily and tries to seduce Issei by showing a glimpse of her big breasts.

Issei is honestly very tempted to do it with her but he holds it in because he still hasn't sorted his feelings about them just yet.

Issei - ...No, thanks.

Mertel - Ara? Too bad... But you accepting to be our King is good enough for now... We can take one step at a time to be able to earn your "Love" I guess... By the way, wasn't there something you wanted to discuss by coming here?

Riche - Oh right!

Riche told the Queen about what they'd experienced in El Quixote and how they needed plastic materials.

Mertel - I see, and by plastic materials, I take it you mean pinepones.

Issei - Pinepones?

Mertel - Fruit that grows on the trees around here. Pinepones burn well, so we often use them to start fires.

Ramius - So plastic's made using a plant.

Riche - Um, if it's not too much to ask, can we have some?

Mertel - But of course we don't mind. And there's no need to be polite with me because by being the wives of our King that makes you our mistresses. I may be Queen in name but you are of higher standing than me now since you're the wives of our King. Every inch of this forest belongs to the King so you can easily take anything from it... And there's no need to bother yourself picking them up, just leave that to the village girls.

Riche - I-I see... Rocinante said you didn't want to export anything but why is that?

Lorenzo - Well, the Bigbux Company are entirely onesided in their negotiations.

Lorenzo, who was standing to the side and listening with Kath, spoke for the Queen.

Lorenzo - Our condition was to be granted more semen collection shacks to prolong the existence of our kind, but now we don't need it anymore...

Lorenzo fervently looks towards Issei direction while saying that.

Lorenzo - But the Bigbux Company insists on paying us money for the pinepones.

Mertel - And if we accept money once, it'll set a bad precedent, so we can't take it so casually.

Kathryn - There's guys or gals who want sex on both sides, so it should be obvious to build more, but there's been some problem. Is what I want to say but knowing the truth about the Kalars I would say that's just 1 sided wish now.

Issei - What was the problems?

Kathryn - Well, people in El Quixote aren't getting married as young as they used to, and some folks are blaming the Kalars semen collection shacks for that.

Ramius - So fewer people are getting married?

Kathryn - But that's a misunderstanding. The drop in marriages has more to do with two other things. The spread of luxuries like the magivision, and the Bigbux Company helping to increase the average income and making it easier to live on your own. In fact, having sex with Kalars get some thinking seriously about having children of their own, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're getting more people interested in marriage.

Riche - I see, and since you were thinking about the future, you're putting a limit on pinepone exports.

Mertel - But if you wish us to provide pinepones to Bigbux Company then-

Issei - No need.

Before Mertel can finish her words, Issei cut her off.

Mertel - Oh? And why is that, my King? If you wish so then we will gladly provide free pinepones for the Company.

Issei - Because Rocinante is a <Snake Crest> member.

Mertel - <Snake Crest>... So that organization dirty hands already reached this Kingdom as well...

Issei - It won't be for long. You only need to let us take some pinepones to him, no need to let them all know that I am your king. Just act like you used to, but of course, I'm not asking you to go back collecting sperms like you used to.

Mertel - We are grateful for your consideration for us, my King...

Issei - Just call back every Kalars outside the Village to lay low for now, because I get the feeling that Rocinante aim is at the Kalars.

Mertel - As you wish, my King.

Mertel bowed towards Issei in reverence. She's glad that he is not forcing them to collect semens like they used to, they only need 1 man their life from now on. And that's their King.

Kathryn - I never like their CEO anyway, so I don't see the need to give him anything. He only sees people whether they can be useful or not. If you're useless to him then he wouldn't have even bothered responding to you.

Riche - So you can trust him as a businessman, but not so much as a person.

Issei - Ah. That's right, just from his eyes alone he appears to be a calculating man and he is clearly blinded by his greed as a human being... Rochefort was blinded by his Envy while Rocinante appeared to be Greed, as for Kuro he seems to be a Sloth. It appears every <Snake Crest> organization member represent each of the 7 deadly sins.

Everyone in the room is in awe with Issei's analytical abilities. Riche and co feel proud having a husband like Issei while Lorenzo and Mertel become more enamored with him. Kathryn is totally slackjawed and felt like he's wasted on Riche and Ramius but that's just her being jealous.

Riche - Wait, Ise. How do you know that Kuro represents sloth?

Riche suddenly remembered that they never really have that much information about Kuro so it puzzles her on how Issei seems to know that Kuro represents Sloth.

Issei - Well, that's my secret.

Issei smiled and winked at Riche while saying that, so Riche can only let it go.

Mertel - Fufufu, our King sure is a tease isn't he, Lorenzo. I wonder if he's also such a tease in bed?

Lorenzo - Wh-What are you saying, Your Majesty?! Have some reservation in front of the King, please.

Mertel - Oh, but don't you want to know how he is in bed as well though?

Lorenzo - Wha?!... Th-That! Um... Uhhh... un...

Lorenzo admitted that in a low voice while her face turns totally red from shyness.

Mertel just chuckled seeing how innocent Lorenzo is.

Issei just sighed seeing their antics.

Issei - Well, no need to tell the village girls to get the pinepones, let us go by ourselves. We wanted to sightsee around the forest as well while we're at it after all.

Mertel - Oh, I see... Well, if you're willing can you take Kath here with you as well, my King?

Kathryn - Hm? What about me?

Mertel - The Kalars are greatly indebted to her. If she wants to stay, we'd be happy to keep her around as long as we're able.

Kathryn - Hey, I don't plan to stay too long. Just until Lorenzo goes with me to visit the grave.

Mertel - But Lorenzo's extremely busy, and Kath makes her play games or stay up talking to her all night, so it's starting to have an effect on her work.

Kathryn - Whaaaat?! I-Is this true, Lorenzo?!

Lorenzo - Um, I don't particularly mind.

Mertel - However, between your mediation with the humans and everything else you do, it would be problematic if anything happened to you. Even though we don't need to collect semen from the humans anymore we still need to stay in contact a bit with them just in case something happened, no?

Kathryn - Aw, man... Have I been a nuisance?

Lorenzo - No, that's not true at all.

Ramius - Kath doesn't pick up on social cues very well. I'm guessing she pushed for pajama parties every night.

Riche - Probably made her read dumb magazines she didn't care about, too.

Kathryn - Urgh...

Kath can't really deny any of their accusations because it's all true...

Issei - I see. So you want us to take Kath along to visit a grave, was it?

Mertel - Yes, my King. Could you bring her there?

Issei - Sure, I don't mind. After all, we're indebted to Kath as well.

Kathryn - What?! Wait a sec! I-I can't go with this ikemen here.

Issei - ...Why Ikemen? 'I'm not Kiba alright...'

Issei doesn't like being called an Ikemen like Kiba, he knows he is a bit handsome but he believes he doesn't deserve to be called an Ikemen right?

Riche and co just snicker at her slip up, and Kath who saw them snickering at her becomes totally embarrassed and tries to come up with an excuse.

Kathryn - B-Because y-you're... Anyway! What are you trying to take me into the forest for?! R-Rape?! Are you trying to **** me?!

Issei - ...How come you come into that conclusion?

Ramius - We'll be there too, calm down.

Kathryn - Like I can trust you! You'd gladly push me to the ground, I know it.

Riche - You're acting as if you hate it if you somehow got raped by Ise.

Kathryn - O-Of course I'll hate it!

Riche - Heee~ Really now?

Kathryn - Yes!

Lorenzo - Eh? Really, Kath? I thought you-


Kathryn hastily covers Lorenzo mouth from babbling more than she needs to. She doesn't want to let anyone else knows how she saw Issei as a very charming man especially Riche and co.

Riche smirked towards Kathryn but the latter just feign ignorance.

Mertel - There should be pinepones in the road on the way there. Just take as many as you want.

Gurigura - Yaaay, pinepone hunting!

Kathryn - L-Listen to meeeeee!

Issei - Then we'll be going and thanks for everything.

Mertel - You're welcome, my King. I'm personally very glad to have met you too... One day, I'll get lots of that thick...

Issei - ...

Ramius - N-Now let's go, Ise! No time to stand around here.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, hurry, hurry!

Issei - ...You don't need to drag me.

Kathryn - L-Let me gooooo!

Ramius and Gurigura dragged Issei and Kathryn towards the exit.

Mertel - Fufufu, too bad... It seems that our King wives had him pretty guarded.

Riche - Well... What can you do. But here's a tip if you want to get him easily.

Mertel - Oh? Do tell, please?

Mertel and Lorenzo hurriedly perked their ears to hear Riche's tip.

Riche - Well, you just need to prepare some good tasting wines for him and you'll get him in a jiffy!

Mertel & Lorenzo - Wine?

Riche - Yep, that's all you need. Trust me, it works!

Riche internally smirked evilly to herself because she wants to let them feel what she felt before. She wants to let them know what if feels like to be pounded into oblivion by Issei when he's drunk.

Mertel - I see, noted. But why do you tell us this?

Riche - Oh, we're gonna be a family anyway in the future so it's pretty normal to be helping each other right?

Riche smiled gently like a Saint towards them.

Mertel - I-I see...

Mertel and Lorenzo feel like something is wrong with this information but they don't know what it is...

After that Riche also head towards the exit to regroup with Issei's and co.


Gurigura - Hey, so where can we pick up pinepones?

Kathryn - You can find them around where the grave is. You get there by leaving the village and going east. And what's your name by the way?

Gurigura - My name is Gurigura Hyoudou! Ise-nii's wife, nice to meet you, Kath-nee!

Kathryn - U-Un. Nice to meet you too.

She felt it's unbelievable that a girl younger than she can get married before her but she has to admit she is really cute though.

Then they headed further into the forest after a brief introduction. Along the way, every Kalar they came across bowed towards Issei in reverence and that kinda makes him uncomfortable because he never treated with such formalities before, while Riche seems pretty used to it. No mysteries there since she is a Princess after all.


In the forest, Issei found a spring giving off a mystifying glow and stopped in his tracks.

Issei - Is this it?

Kathryn - That's the Fountain of Truth. The one by my house is a replica of this.

Issei - Oh, that one huh. It sure has a large magic power inside it.

Ramius - Even I can tell how much magic power's packed into this spring.

Riche - Water containing such vast magic energy would probably kill any regular person just for drinking it.

Gurigura - Kind of a weird spring. My instincts are telling me it's dangerous.

Issei - Really? I feel like it's very soothing for me though.

Riche - Well, you already have absorbed the <Orb of Life> so I think you will be fine even if you drink the whole spring.

Issei - Good point.

Kathryn - Look, there's your pinepone.

Kath jerked her neck toward a fruit covered in scales that was the size of a human head.

Gurigura - Ahahaha, looks funny. If it's a fruit, does that mean you can eat it?

Kathryn - It's greasy and fatty, so it doesn't taste very good.

Riche - It's by the fountain though... Is it safe?

Kathryn - Hmph, you're too scared of the fountain. As long as you don't lie, it's good for lots of things. Besides...

Issei - I see someone across the spring.

Kathryn - Hm? What? Oh, you're right... Who are they? It's not Kalars that's for sure because the Kalars treat the Fountain of Truth as holy ground, so they wouldn't hunt around here.

Gurigura - It's not a Kalar, it's a man. He's kinda sneaking around and being suspicious.

Issei - It's a bunch of Outlaws.

Kathryn - Tch, the dead are resting there... Deplorable. As expected of scums like them, I guess.

Kath glared at the figure on the other side of the spring.

Kathryn - Hey, you guys can fight right? Mind if we go check it out?

Issei - Sure.

Kathryn - Then let's go.

Issei - Excuse me, girls hold on to me.

Riche and co - Ok.

Kathryn - Wh-What do you-?!

Kathryn is taken by surprise when Issei suddenly grabbed onto her shoulder but before she could ask why he does that, her field of vision changed and they are now a few meters behind the Outlaws.

She becomes surprised when she suddenly appeared behind the Outlaws.

Kathryn - How did he- Nevermind... I forgot he's a Dragon.

Riche and co can only smile wryly at that.

They found some men standing to the side of the fountain and snuck closer.

There's indeed black ring on their finger.

Outlaw 1 - Hey, is this really gonna work out? We were lucky enough to get through the Lost Woods, but we could still get killed, you know?

Outlaw 2 - Why the fuck are you being a chicken? Just gotta drink some fountain water and say what you think! Then you get a helluva reward.

Outlaw 3 - But if you lie. you'll die, right?

Outlaw 2 - Then just don't lie!

Despite his feigned confidence, the Outlaw's legs quivered as he swallowed some fountain water.

Outlaw 1 - Hey, how is it?

Outlaw 2 - Don't feel any different.

Relieved by the man's unchanged state, the other men drank the fountain water one by one.

Ramius - They're drinking it without even understanding how it works. What haphazard fools.

Gurigura - They said something about a reward. Think they might be involved with <Snake Crest>?

Riche - It's possible. If the fountain's effects are real, it might not be very useful as a weapon, but it could still kill a lot of people.

Outlaw 1 - Tch, got scared over nothing. This ain't doing shit.

Outlaw 3 - But we need to figure out the secret of the spring to get our reward.

Outlaw 2 - Then let's just capture some Kalar and ask her about it.

Kathryn - Hey, you there! What are you doing?

Outlaw 2 - Wh-Who are you?!

Kathryn - We're Knights of El Quixote, here to oversee the Kalar Forest.

Outlaw 1 - What? Knights of El Quixote?

Issei - Better tell us the truth or you will suffer.

Outlaw 1 - What are we doing? Um, just drinking from the fountain.

Outlaw 3 - Y-Yeah, that. We were lost in the forest and got thirsty.

Kathryn - Is that right? Strange, though. Aren't you Outlaws?

Outlaw 2 - N-No! We were just passing by-

Outlaw 1 - You moron! Did you lie just now?!

Outlaw 2 - Huh? Oh, crap... Ah, aggggh...

Issei - Hm?

Just as the Outlaw lied, he clutched his chest and grimaced.

Outlaw 3 - H-Hey... Get ahold of yourself!

He shook off his allies and scratched at his throat so much that it bled, and then...

Outlaw 2 - GOBWAAAAH!

Finally, his eyes, nose, and mouth burst with blood, and he died.

Outlaw 1 - EEEEEEK!

Kathryn - I knew you were Outlaws! Tell us! Who ordered you to investigate this fountain?

Outlaw 1 - D-Dunno!

Outlaw 3 - Yeah! We're not involved!

Outlaw 1 & 3 - Ngh! Agh!

The remaining Outlaws lies led them to meet the same fate as the first.

Riche - ...So the Fountain of Truth is for real.

Ramius - How do the Kalars live so peacefully near this horrific spring?

Kathryn - Tch, if only one of them survived, we could've asked something... Too bad they were all morons.

Gurigura - ...

Issei - You notice it too, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Un.

While everyone else couldn't take their eyes off the result of those ghastly deaths, Issei and Gurigura were staring off into the forest.

Gurigura - I think someone was watching, but the fountain made it pretty hard to tell.

Issei - Indeed there was someone there, he's wearing a black suit just like a bodyguard. He's already gone by now though.

Riche - That means...

Issei - Yes, he might be Rocinante's man. But no need to alarm them just yet... Let him be, and it's still not confirmed if he's Rocinante's man or not. But I have remembered his face so if I see him at Rocinante's place then it's confirmed.

Riche - Got it... Then what should we do with these bodies?

Kathryn - Nothing. The Fountain's magic energy is thick enough that it'll break down the corpses soon enough.

Riche - Huh. I don't really want to touch the spring anyway, so that's good.

Kathryn - Haah, you're such morons. Like any spring would kill you for lying. That's ridiculous.

Riche - Whaaat?! But we just saw it kill people!

Issei - It's just the power of suggestion, enhanced by the immense magic power in this area.

Riche - Suggestion?

Issei - Ah. So you're given the idea that if you drink this water and lie, you'll end up dead. That suggestion's just made so powerful that it kills you for real. At least that's what I felt from these fountains.

Kathryn - ...He's right... Remember back at the replica I made? I gave him a suggestion too. But that one's just a replica, so it's not strong enough to make him disregard his survival instincts. Not that it will affect him either way though knowing his capabilities now...

Riche - ...Anyone who touches the fountain water and lies will die. People believe that and give the suggestion to themselves, so it kills them. I guess you could say that's the 'truth' of this Fountain.

Kathryn - Nah, we really don't know anything about it. How was a fountain with so much magic power even made? I still haven't figured it out. Unless it has something to do with the <Orb of Life>?

Kathryn sends a questioning gaze towards Issei if her analysis is true or not.

Issei - No, I think it has something to do with Eve herself. The Kalars said they were created to serve Eve so this spring might be changed because of her.

Kathryn - You mean...

??? - Yes, Issei-sama is right...

There's a sudden voice coming from the forest and it's apparently Lorenzo.

Kathryn - Lorenzo?! How come you're here?

Lorenzo - I-I was worried about Issei-sama so I followed him just in case he got lost you see...

She averted her eyes downwards afraid her true objective is seen through by them.

They already know why she's here though... But they are not gonna point that out.

Kathryn - So what do you mean by he's right before?

Lorenzo - Oh, right. The Fountain of Truth was used by Mother Eve to cleanse herself.

Kathryn - Huh? So it's a bath?

Lorenzo - yes, and as such, Mother Eve's magic power washed off her and seeped through the fountain, giving it the vast energy it now has.

Riche - The Fountain of Truth... I never guessed it had something to do with Mother Eve.

Lorenzo - Yes, that's the truth.

Kathryn - I see... Well, let's just go visit the grave.

Lorenzo - ...

Then they head towards the grave once more along with Lorenzo this time.


Riche - There's a bunch of similar-looking fountains around here.

Kathryn - They're all legitimate Fountains of Truth, so don't go falling in.

Gurigura - What'd happen then?

Kathryn - Nothing, as long as you don't swallow any water... But there are some strange legends about this place. A long time ago, a Kalar fell into a fountain, but when her friend frantically ran to help her, QD came out.

Issei - QD did?

Kathryn - She asked if it was a blue-haired girl who fell in, or a pink-haired girl, apparently.

Riche - The heck? That doesn't make any sense.

Lorenzo - Well, that's true though... She just answered honestly and said blue, but if she'd said pink, who knows what would've happened?

Issei - ...

Issei knows where QD get these ideas from... It's a children story reference from his world. But he won't tell them that...


At last, the party arrived at a collection of stones of various sizes that were arranged in a random fashion.

Issei - ...These are the graves?

Kathryn - Yeah. You can't find many rocks around here. Just had to make do with what there was. The corpses have disintegrated, so the graves here are just symbolic.

Issei - If you don't mind me asking, are these graves for people that were important to you? Of course, if it's hard to talk about, I won't make you.

Kathryn - It was during the Arthur Tragedy five years ago. They were my allies who died at the time.

Issei - I see...

Lorenzo - Let's go, Issei-sama...

Issei - ...Ah.

They decided to let Kath be for now. After a few minutes Issei asked Riche and co.

Issei - If they're Kath's allies, I take it that means they were Knights of Eden. Then why did they die here?

Riche - During the Arthur Tragedy, a portion of the monster outbreak ended up in El Quixote.

Ramius - Kath was still young at the time, and her unit was sent to El Quixote rather than Arthur so that it could undergo military training. Then, terrified of the monsters, El Quixote requested cooperation from Kath's unit to take them on.

Riche - They were asked to defend the Kalar Forest here. But the monsters passed up attacking any human towns and went straight for the Forest. It was like they were after the Fountain of Truth, which was created by Mother Eve.

Ramius - There were hundreds of monsters, while Kath's unit was made up of only twenty men.

Issei - Hundreds versus twenty?

Riche - Kath made use of her tactical talents to fully draw out the twenty men's potential, successfully fighting alongside the Kalars to repel the monsters. However, aside from Kath, none of them made it out alive.

Issei - I see...

Ramius - News of her accomplishments quickly reached Eden, so when Eden's Knight forces had to be rebuilt, she was promoted to the rank of Zero Knight.

Riche - Kath turned it down at first, but eventually accepted on the condition that living expenses were provided to the families of the twenty Knights who died at her side. Well, aside from letting them use her name, she gave up any authority and immediately hid herself away in the mountains, but still...

Issei - When Mertel said they're indebted to Kath, that's probably what she meant, Lorenzo?

Lorenzo - Well...

Lorenzo hesitated to tell them the truth but after seeing Issei's gaze on her she finally resolved herself to tell them the truth. But Riche beat her to it.

Riche - Well, there's another secret behind that story... Kath's unit lost their lives in the Kalar Forest. I told you that before, right?

Issei - Ah.

Riche - It sounds like a heroic story, but the truth is a bit different. Kath is talented, but she was still very young, so her troops would harass her all the time.

Issei - ...

Riche - And the day the monsters attacked, Kath's troops insisted she uses her Tactician skills to help them escape the forest.

Ramius - Of course, Kath refused. Then they threatened to attack the Kalar Forest and forced her to enhance their abilities.

Riche - After that, the twenty troops confined Kath in the Kalar Village and left the forest by themselves.

Issei - Is that true... Kath?

Riche and co are surprised seeing Kathryn standing not far away from them eavesdropping on their conversation.

Kathryn - ...No! That's wrong, that's not what happened.

Riche - Sorry, Kath. But I had to tell Ise about this.

Ramius - Um. I agree with Riche.

Lorenzo - Me too...

Kathryn - ...It's fine... At first, that's what I thought, so while I was confined, I kept shouting insults and telling them to kill themselves. But... I was wrong. After it was all over, I found that they all died fighting the monsters.

Issei - ...Then?

Kathryn - When they were ordered to defend the Kalar Forest, they were prepared to fight to the death. They didn't want me to die too, so they had me confined. And they made themselves out to be cruel so I wouldn't feel bad when they were gone...

Riche - All the harassment was apparently because her troops were opposed to her fighting monsters at her age and wanted her to quit, too.

Issei - Oh...

Issei was reminded of Acheval and how he cared so much for his sister that he played the bad guy to try and get her to quit her dangerous job.

Kathryn - But while they were risking their lives, I was telling them to die. I didn't know a thing about them. I didn't even try to learn anything about them.

Issei - ...

Kathryn - If we had understood each other, there could've been a different outcome. Maybe there really was a plan that would've kept everyone alive... But I can't understand how anyone feels, so I shouldn't be by anyone's side.

Issei - That's not true.

Kathryn - ...That is true. However smart I might be, I can't understand people. If I'm lied to, there's not much I can do... I don't know anything anymore... Yeah, I'm scared... Just scared.

Kathryn cowered from anyone who tried to get too close. Her face looked dreadfully timid.

Lorenzo - Kath... "Kalars aren't human, so they're an exception"... So you claimed, but you were just extremely lonely, I'm sure.

Kathryn - N-No... That's not, true...

Lorenzo - You avoid contact with others, but you want it deep down inside. Stop pretending, okay? Try to trust people again.

Kathryn - I-I'm not pretending!

Lorenzo - Then can you drink from the Fountain of Truth?

Kathryn - What...? Hahaha, of course I can. Like I've said a million times, I never believed in it, so it won't affect me.

Then she walked towards a nearby fountain of truth and with shaky hands, Kathryn scooped up some spring water and quietly swallowed it down.

Kathryn - Drank it... But like I keep saying, I just like being alone... I don't need any friends.

Lorenzo - Kath...

Kathryn - Look, nothing's happening. Happy now? It's true, I... Huh?

Issei calmly put his hand on Kathryn's cheek and smiled gently at her.

Issei - Then why don't you hear it from them yourself, Kath... You see... They have been watching over you from their graves all these times. They're asking me to tell you their true feelings... Now hear it for yourself...

The Fountain of Truth emitted a dull glow, then faint figures appeared around Kathryn. Issei steps back from Kathryn to let the souls talk to her...

They all are souls wearing the Knight Armor of the Kingdom of Eden.

Ramius - G-G-Ghost?!

Ramius hid behind Issei right away.

Kathryn - ...How are you guys here? You're supposed to be dead!

Gurigura - Supposed to be dead?! Does that mean... These are the ghosts of your troops?!

The Knights numbered twenty in total. They began to slowly gather around Kathryn.

Kathryn - Haha, hahahaha. Yeah, I got it... You hate me so much that you're here to haunt me.

The surrounding figures continued to gaze at Kathryn.

Riche - Kath, calm down! They don't want to hurt you!


Kathryn cowered in front of the spring and cried like a baby.

Kathryn - Even now, they still hate me! I should've died instead!

Issei - Listen to their words, Kath...

Gentle-Eyed Knight - What's this? Haven't even grown up a little, I see. This is why I said you're not cut out to be a Knight.

Finally, the thus-far silent figures started to talk. In stark contrast to Kathryn, they remained composed and spoke like they were trying to soothe a whining child.

Bittersweet Knight - I swear, if this is what I died to protect, what was even the point?

Calm Knight - You've got new allies asking for your help, right? Don't worry about us, just go with them.

Kathryn - ...What are you talking about? Wait, stay calm... These people are dead. I don't care if you're ghosts, you would never say that to me...

Kath heard what the Knights said, but still shook her head and shut her eyes in rejection of them.

Kathryn - I-I've got it... The Fountain of Truth's making me see things. I'm just seeing what I want to see, that's all.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - Acting like we're illusions, eh? Look, I'm sorry I messed with you, but please don't treat us that badly.

Kathryn - I-I'm not... I'm not trying to treat you badly!

Kathryn frantically shook her head and denied the Knight's accusation, but she was soon bewildered by her own behavior and opened her eyes wide.

Kathryn - What am I saying, apologizing to a hallucination... I'm losing it!

Issei - Kath, you're right that the Fountain of Truth is just a spring rich with magic energy. But its power to amplify your will and your conviction is real.

Kathryn - So yes, it's all a hallucination! I just wanted them to tell me these things! It's all a fantasy I dreamed up!

Issei - That's not quite right. The spring's effects don't only work on the living. Even the souls of the dead can be affected. And I told you before didn't I? They have been watching over you from their grave... I can see souls you see... And I can assure you that they are real souls of the deceased during the war...

Kathryn - ...Even the dead?... They are real?

Issei - Ah. Now feel their feelings they are trying to convey towards you...

Issei told Ramius it will be okay and he walked towards Kathryn.

Issei calmly lifted Kathryn from the ground and hold her in a tight embrace against his body. Kathryn didn't reject his action at all and she fully entrusted her body weight against Issei, perhaps because she's still in shock from what's happening.

Issei - Now, can you feel their feelings?

Gentle-Eyed Knight - That's right. We're not hallucinations, we're more like ghosts. We just wanted to talk to you, and the spring and this Dragon here answered our wishes.

Bittersweet Knight - Yeah, we're here of our own free will. Just wanted one last chance to speak with you.

Issei - Imbued with my <Life> aura and the springs magic energy are giving them powers. Making them become visible to the living. Blurring the very concept of death...

Lorenzo - Indeed... We Kalars view the Fountain of Truth as holy ground and keep other people away partially so as not to defy the natural laws of the world.

Kathryn - So... You're really ghosts? I'm not seeing things?

For someone such as Kathryn, who'd been researching the fountain's power, much of what Issei and Lorenzo said lined up with what she'd already discovered. It wasn't hard for her to accept this as true. And feeling the <Life> Aura Issei emitted towards the surrounding making her able to feel their existence even more clearly.

Kathryn - But in that case, why? I've come to visit your graves before, so why didn't you show up then?! Just complain to me or whatever until you're satisfied. You can even curse me if you want!

Gentle-Eyed Knight - You say that like you'd prefer it that way. That's why we never showed ourselves before.

Kathryn - ...!

Calm Knight - We don't really have a grudge against you or anything. In fact, it's the opposite... What we want to give you are our apologies and our thanks.

Kathryn - Apologies... Thanks? Is this some kind of joke?

Calm Knight - Taking on vicious monsters is a Knight's job, so deaths are to be expected.

Bittersweet Knight - Missions that end with no casualties amount to less than half. Ones where nobody's harmed at all, are around half of that.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - We're allowed multiple wives because of our exceedingly high death rate. So, considering you were young enough to be a daughter to us, there's no way we could tolerate you risking your life.

Bittersweet Knight - That's right. We thought you'd be better off enjoying more of life before becoming a Knight.

Calm Knight - And all we could think to do was make things hard enough on you that you'd want to quit... So please forgive us for that.

As though the Knight ghosts were ashamed of their actions and how they could only relay their feelings through them, they hung their head.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - On the day we died, we couldn't bear to see little Kathryn trembling as she risked her life trying to take command.

Bittersweet Knight - We thought there'd be no convincing you, and there was no time, so we had to be rough. We didn't want to be, of course.

Calm Knight - In fact, we figured it'd be better if you hated us... We never thought you'd end up blaming yourself.

Kathryn - That's not true... I was just too young...

Gentle-Eyed Knight - We were trying to do what was best for a young girl like you, but we ended up pushing our ideals onto you instead... We're really sorry.

Kathryn - Ngh... Wh-What's the point of telling me this now?

Gentle-Eyed Knight - Yeah, it is pretty late now... Maybe we should've been honest with how we felt sooner... Well, we just wanted to apologize, in any case.

Kathryn - S-Stop... You died with a Knight's honor. I don't deserve to have you bow your heads to me!

Bittersweet Knight - You were chosen as a Knight for your tactical abilities, and I think you did plenty of stuff worth praising with them.

Kathryn - What? Liar. I couldn't save any of you.

Bittersweet Knight - You saved the Kalar Village, didn't you? Saving the lives of so many makes you worthy of being a Knight, I think.

Kathryn - But... But still...

Calm Knight - So, Kathryn, since you inherited our honor, we want you to do your job as a Knight and save people in our place.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - I know we should've said something sooner, but this is our last request.

The twenty Knights stood in a line and looked back at Kath who's in Issei's embrace.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - All salute Captain Kathryn, <Ten Knight> of the Kingdom of Eden!

It was a recreation of five years ago, the first time Kathryn's troops showed her their respect.

Kathryn - Uhn... Hic, sob... Ah... Waaaaaah, aaaaaaaaah! Hic, waaaaaaaaaaaaah!

As if all the emotions she'd bottled up over the last five years had come flooding out at once, tears began to pour from Kath's eyes.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - Whoa, that's some serious crying... Man.

The Knights, seeing how she reacted, all looked at each other, their faces like that of a father who had accidentally made his daughter throw a tantrum.

Kathryn - Stupid stupid stupid, you morons! Why? Hic... Why didn't you say anything?!

Bittersweet Knight - Well... Y'know...

Calm Knight - It was embarrassing...

Kathryn - If you, hic... If you told me, we could've... Hic, gotten along... Better...

Bittersweet Knight - Never know when you might die with our job. If you were closer to us when we did, you probably would've cried like this then.

Kathryn - Hic, is crying... That bad...?

Calm Knight - Well, it's just when you cry... We don't know what to do...

Kathryn - What's it matter? I, hic... I wanted to spend more time with you! I wanted to be friends!

Gentle-Eyed Knight - ...Yeah, we feel the same way now. Honestly... We have nothing but regrets... That's why this time, you should spend time with the friends you want to be with so that you don't regret anything.

Kathryn - Friends? I don't have any other friends!

Gentle-Eyed Knight - Course you do... The ones you've been thinking it wouldn't be too bad to spend time with. Like the one who's holding you now.

Kathryn - ...!

Through Kathryn's teary eyes, she saw Issei's who's holding her and Riche's party standing across from the twenty Knights.

Issei smiles gently towards her and she becomes dazed seeing his smile.

Bittersweet Knight - Sorry. It's our fault she distances herself.

Calm Knight - Still, she's a friend and a boss we respect... Be good to her.

Issei looked into the Knights sincere eyes one by one, then smiled and nodded.

Issei - Ah. I'll defend Kath with my life.

Kathryn - *DOKYUN*?!

Kathryn felt her heart just been shot through with an arrow by a cupid.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - Hahaha, a Dragon's words cannot be taken lightly. Better keep on to your words now! Not that it's needed to be worried about, because Dragon's are well known for keeping their words.

Issei just smiled at their words and said, "You got that right.".

The Knights all laughed at Issei's response and emitted a dull glow.

Gentle-Eyed Knight - Yeah, no more regrets...

Then they slowly faded away into their surroundings.

Kathryn - W-Wait... I still have to tell you something important.

Issei - Kath, say everything on your mind. You don't want any regrets, do you?

Kathryn - ...I don't.

At Issei's urging, Kathryn restrained the tears and spoke to the disappearing Knights.

Kathryn - I... I got the title of <Zero Knight> thanks to all of you, and I'll do my best to live up to it... And to make sure the family you left behind can keep smiling, I'll work hard... So... Rest easy...

Gentle-Eyed Knight - What? So you have grown up a little...

With that relieved whisper, the twenty Knights vanished like they were never there at all. But as proof of their existence, a calming silence and warm air remained.

Kathryn - Waaah... Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah...

Like she'd regressed to herself from five years ago, Kathryn cried on Issei's chest until her voice was hoarse.

Issei just calmly rubbed her back gently with a gentle smile at his face. Everyone who saw them shed tears of joy seeing that Kath finally move on from her past.

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