The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 258

Chapter 258: The tragic little widow 11

Hunger is one of the most unbearable pains, especially when life-saving food is in sight.

Fan Jiafu was an old man, and he knew exactly how Xia Junxin was playing.

Hungering him, not giving him food, but letting him watch and smell without asking for anything, is a mental torment to him.

Fan Jiafu gritted his teeth and endured, thinking about starving to death and not falling for the woman’s tricks.

However, when the fragrant white rice was placed in front of him, when the soft, glutinous and fragrant double-cooked pork was stuffed into his mouth…

He had already tasted the sweetness and aroma of the food, but Xia Junxin’s people immediately removed the food. He couldn’t eat anything, but the taste of the food lingered in the cavity.

This feeling of despair made him roll all over the floor in pain, and he really wanted to donate his soul in exchange for such a mouthful of food and meat.

Fan Jiafu endured this torment for three days, and after three days he couldn’t hold on at all.

“Xia Junxin! Xia Junxin! Come back, let’s talk!” Fan Jiafu was dizzy and shouted with the last of his strength, he asked to see someone.

He compromised, but he still couldn’t eat.

After waiting for another whole day, Xia Jun’s heart was looking forward to it.

“Sister Xia, let me eat, I’m willing to exchange the shop with you.” Fan Jiafu said anxiously.

“Fan Wuye, don’t worry, which store do you trade with?” Xia Jun asked calmly.

“The medicinal herb shop on the West Road of Dongmen Wharf.” Fan Jiafu said. He must have exchanged the places that are not distressed or critical.

Xia Jun smiled sarcastically: “Okay! Although the shop at the East Gate Wharf is broken, it’s still okay to replace it with a bowl of white porridge.”

“Only a bowl of porridge?” Fan Jiafu complained feebly.

This one really met a female bandit!

Although the pharmacy is dilapidated and the most unprofitable property of the Zhongyi Society, it has a large area! The normal purchase and sale of this shop can top the expenses of ordinary people for more than ten years. How much is this woman trying to corrupt with a bowl of white porridge? !

“Okay! I’ll change!” Fan Jiafu gritted his teeth.

Instead of doing this business willingly, he procrastinated.

He has been almost half a month, and he doesn’t believe that no one in the Loyalty Society is in a hurry. If you have an accident, someone must be looking for it. At this time, there was a sale of the shop, and my brothers would be able to find out what Xia Jun had in mind.

“Refreshing!” Xia Junxin praised and persuaded: “It’s not easy for me to come here, and the road is strange. Fan Wuye, you should be more generous, and our business will be bigger!”

“Okay!” Fan Jiafu’s teeth itch with hatred. But this business has to be done.

As long as there is life, there can be rescue.

Of course Xia Junxin understood what he wanted to do, but he was not worried.

“Fan Fifth Master, sign the contract, the contract is all written.” Xia Junxin ordered.

The dungeon was too dark, with only the light of sporadic torches. Fan Jiafu couldn’t see the contract clearly, so he signed it reluctantly and pressed his handprint. I thought that no matter what I wrote, I could get it back one day.

After Fan Jiafu signed it, Xia Junxin took out Fan Jiafu’s personal seal from his pocket and affixed it.

“You…” Fan Jiafu was speechless.

He didn’t carry his seal with him and kept it very secret. How did he find it?

There is something, even if the contract is inexplicable, his subordinates have the possibility. This is what the Loyalty Society stipulates, and it is self-identified as a seal.

He feels bad.

“The contract is signed, and when I take over the shop, I will order someone to send you food.” Xia Junxin put away the contract and prepared to leave.

Fan Jiafu was stunned. He handed over such things but didn’t get food. He was deceived!

“Xia Junxin, come back!” Fan Jiafu shouted with all his strength: “Pao brother, you can’t keep your word!”

This woman actually lied to him!

“Five masters, don’t worry. When the shop is really in my hands, I will give you food. Before that, I will give you a gift.” Xia Junxin smiled.

How can you overeat after being hungry for so long? Replace the water with rice soup, and eat it for two days before you can adjust your stomach.


No matter what Fan Jiafu thinks in the dungeon, Xia Junxin has already started her expansion plan.

From her business with Fan Jiafu, she gained seven shops. These are harvested together with the shop and the title deed.

There is a pharmacy and two grocery stores, all of which are serious business. She can continue to work if she changes the shopkeeper and the guy takes over.

Notifying the shopkeeper of the procedure, the other party still looked suspicious. But seeing the seal on the contract, he agreed without saying a word.

“As I said earlier, the fifth master’s indiscriminate gambling and lewdness will cause problems sooner or later. This time, it’s better. I bet with a woman and lost all the industry in the company.” The shopkeeper and the man who were driven away complained. Not much to say.

There’s nothing wrong with admitting the bet. And if he lost his job, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

There are three smoke shops in the shop, all of which are concentrated in Dongmen Wharf. This is the main business of Zhongyi Society in Bayu. Xia Junxin ordered people to deal with it as drunk tonight.

Closed, no smoking.

Of course, this time I also met someone who didn’t agree, and the other party was even more arrogant than Leng Desheng. The three of them joined forces and invited their counterparts on the street to besiege Qingyuntang together. Xia Junxin took the warriors to make an appointment with someone at the dock. This was the first battle between the brothers and the fire.

Her team was young, and all of them were powerful. Xia Junxin took the lead and won very smoothly.

She kept doing it, shutting down all the smokehouses in this street, and eating the entire Dongmen Wharf.

Xia Junxin couldn’t get used to the problem of opium for a long time, and the declining court had no ability to manage it, so she took care of it herself.

Xia Junxin wants to stop smoking, she wants to stop smoking. She doesn’t care how many people are addicted to smoking. As long as the road to selling opium is cut off a little bit, and the source of output is produced, the addicts have to quit smoking when they can’t find drugs.

“Big sister, if you are like this…the enemy will become more and more.” Liu Si reminded kindly.

The smoking ban was a big deal this time, and the common people applauded, but everyone on the road was holding back to get rid of Xia Junxin, and the addict was full of malice towards her.

How can it be so easy to make money in a chaotic world? The most violent industry is opium. Especially Brother Pao, a lot of people rely on this thing to eat. Xia Junxin smashed so many people’s golden jobs. They are bound to get revenge.

“Qingyuntang is getting stronger. As long as it becomes the most powerful one, there is nothing to be afraid of.” Xia Jun was mentally prepared.


There is another shop that was obtained from Fan Jiafu, a brothel. Coincidentally, it was Mother Yuan’s Liying Pavilion.

The first few stores that Fan Jiafu threw out were definitely the least valuable and insignificant stores.

Although Liying Pavilion is under the name of Fan Jiafu, it is not the property of the Loyalty Society, and it is naturally the first to be abandoned.

Mother Yuan wanted to use Fan Jiafu to deal with Xia Junxin, but now she and Liying Pavilion fell into Xia Junxin’s hands.

It’s also ironic.

There is a big round table in the courtyard of Liying Pavilion, and it is Xia Junxin who invites Yuan’s mother to dinner.

Xia Junxin asked, “Mother Yuan, when you urged Fifth Master to clean me up, you didn’t expect him to lose Liying Pavilion to me, right?”

She asked Li Chunjiao to pour wine for Yuan’s mother, and Yuan’s mother was reluctant but raised her glass to agree.

“It’s because I don’t know Mount Tai, so I punish myself for three drinks.” Yuan’s mother drank honestly.

How could she have thought that Xia Junxin could handle Fan Jiafu.

This surnamed Fan was afraid of losing face to the woman, so he ran to Rongcheng in despair!

Now, she has to worry about how to do business in the future. How will this Qingyuntang take a cut?

The women who are on the Tao are all female Hades. She didn’t know that Xia Junxin got less wealth than Fan Jiafu.

The girls of the Shadow Pavilion stood nervously upstairs. The fate of the future depends on Xia Junxin’s decision.

In their eyes, it makes no difference whether the backer is Zhongyi Society or Qingyuntang. Anyway, they are all in this dark place, doing the business of selling skin and meat.

“Okay, don’t drink too much.” Xia Junxin raised her head and glanced at the girl upstairs who was hiding and peeking, and she said loudly, “I am here today to inform you that the business of this brothel will be discontinued in the future. Li Ying The pavilion is closed from now on!”

Every girl was shocked beyond words. They don’t know whether it is good or bad that the Liying Pavilion is closed.

Some people were ecstatic. They had just entered the Liying Pavilion and still held the hope of escaping. But Xia Junxin didn’t say anything about the deed of betrayal, they were afraid to have fun.

Some people are sad and melancholy, have fallen into the mud pit, and it is difficult to get married. If you don’t do this flesh business, how will you support yourself in the future? In this world, it is difficult for men to find jobs on the streets, let alone women? Many people have already earned enough silver taels for redemption, but they choose to stay because they see clearly that there is no place for them outside, and they cannot live if they go out. There are also some women who are dismissive, and if the Liying Pavilion is gone, it is a big deal to change a family.

Mother Yuan was a little choked up. She squeezed the handkerchief, suppressed her anger, and asked: “Sister Xia, I offended you and I can apologize to you. But you must close the Liying Pavilion. You are about to break it. Everyone’s way of life!”

This is a smoking ban again, and a brothel is closed again. Are you addicted to closing the door? What exactly does Xia Junxin want to do? !

Xia Jun said gently: “The deed will be issued to everyone. If you have savings and a way to leave, you can leave now, and you can do whatever you want in the future. I will never stop it. If there is no way and no place to go, then I will give you a way to survive. After a while, I will open a few small factories at Dongmen Wharf. If there are sisters who can bear hardships and stand hard work and are willing to support themselves, you are welcome to come and work in my factory! I will provide accommodation, three meals a day, and monthly wages.”

To save Fengchen, you can’t simply close the brothel and return the deed. They have to find a way to survive, so that they can survive, so that people can really be rescued from the mud.

The factory was originally opened to deal with the more turbulent times in the future, and it would be a blessing to be able to help women who could not survive by the way. Making money on your own is better than anything else.

The girls can’t believe that there is such a good thing in the world?

The excited girl ran downstairs, knelt in front of Xia Junxin and asked, “Sister Xia, are you telling the truth?”

Xia Junxin helped her up and replied, “Of course it’s true.”

“I was sold in by my own father, and I can only be sold a second time if I go back with the deed of prostitution. Sister Xia, please take it in!” The girl burst into tears, “I can endure hardship, and I can work. I will work hard in the factory!”

“Okay, okay, it’s fine if you want to stay.” Xia Jun answered heartily.

The girl knelt down again and quickly kowtowed three times.

One person made a decision, and the rest followed suit.

Soon, the people from Liying Pavilion dispersed. After a dozen people left, more than 20 people were willing to follow Xia Junxin to work in the factory.

Only the old maid, Yuan’s mother, sat at the wine table, staring blankly at the figure of the girl in the pavilion leaving, at a loss.


Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-05-22 18:12:54~2020-05-23 21:09:34~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Guoguo; 1 bottle of cats who want to eat fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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