The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 257

Chapter 257: tragic little widow 10

Fan Jiafu is 45 years old this year. He has a wide body and a fat body, but his appearance is passable, so he is not too ugly. He was dressed in shabby clothes, with a brown waistcoat and black trousers. In addition, his face has a naive energy, and people around here generally cannot see his identity. At a glance, many people will mistake him for an ordinary coolie.

But Fan Jiafu is the steward of the five members of the Loyalty Club, the largest brother-old association in the southwest area. He is a key figure in the Pao-ge’s organization, linking the past, law enforcement inquiries, internal and external communication, and mediation of disputes. Fan Jiafu has been in power for ten years, and his ability and status are not ordinary.

He is now resting in the private room on the third floor of Liying Pavilion. In front of him is a table waiting for a banquet, with the best dishes and the most beautiful wines. Four beauties of different styles around him are serving him, pouring wine and vegetables, and chatting to relieve his boredom.

Fan Jiafu was having fun, and downstairs, Yuan’s mother was dragging a timid girl upstairs.

The girls in Liying Pavilion all know that Fan Jiafu is the lover of Yuan’s mother and the big tree behind her. In order to win over Fan Jiafu, Yuan’s mother asked the young girls in the building to serve her.

However, Fan Jiafu was a pervert in that respect, and every time he tortured people to the death, the girls in the pavilion were afraid of him.

“Mother Yuan, please forgive me!” The girl begged for mercy. She stepped back in resistance.

Yuan’s mother turned around and gave her a slap. Of course, she didn’t put too much hands on the girl when she wanted to see a guest.

“Isn’t it the first time to be squeamish? To let you accompany the fifth master is to flatter you, you are ignorant!” Mother Yuan scolded and forcibly dragged the girl to the elegant room.

Waiting for Yuan’s mother to push the girl into the private room, the girl who accompanied the wine withdrew wisely. They sighed and felt lucky.

It didn’t take long for the sisters in the building to hear startling screams.

I don’t know how many times this has happened. Some girls still feel scared, afraid that they will also be pushed to suffer by Fifth Master Fan. Some girls have become numb to the habit. The women in the brothel are bitter, and anyone can trample and bully them. They need a backstage. The fifth master of Fan is more powerful, but it is also a good thing to survive this disaster and not be bullied more in the future. It is also good to sacrifice a few girls in exchange for everyone’s well-being. So no one complained, and no one objected. The kind-hearted girl only silently prepared the wound medicine and warm water, and waited for Fan Wuye to do his best to heal the suffering girl.

After half an hour of suffering, Fan Jiafu went downstairs contentedly, the wooden stairs creaked under the pressure of his heavy body.

Yuan’s mother greeted her with a flattering expression: “Five masters, don’t you stay for a while? Are you satisfied with this girl’s service?”

“I’m satisfied, but I won’t stay if I have something to do in a while.” Fan Jiafu smiled all over his face: “I remember the little widow, and I’ll take care of it for you while I’m working in Chongqing for the past few days. I’ll post next and invite her to have a meal. I’ll be there for a while with this pungent female robe brother.”

“Oh, then I will thank Fifth Master.” Yuan’s mother smiled. Of course, she is satisfied with setting a Hongmen banquet for Xia Junxin.

As long as it can make Xia Jun feel disadvantaged and avenge her humiliation, everything can be said.

Yuan’s mother thought, Fan Jiafu would definitely like Xia Junxin’s appearance, and then put some medicine in the wine and vegetables and throw her on Fan Jiafu’s bed. She must have Xia Junxin taste what means is!

When I came out of the Liying Pavilion, there was a beeping sound in my ears.

Fan Jiafu was walking on the road with three jade **** in his hands and a cigarette in his mouth. It was the three words “Xia Junxin” that were in mind.

“After all, she is a brothel woman, and her vision is narrow.” Fan Jiafu was talking about Yuan’s mother.

He was not confused about Li Chunjiao’s matter, he could see clearly. It was Yuan’s mother who speculated on her own and gave the money without seeing the goods. It’s not wrong for Xia Junxin to deny the account. When two women fight, whoever has the most skill wins. His status should not have been involved in disputes with women, but this time he only used this matter to approach Xia Junxin.

“Who is this Xia Junxin?” Fan Jiafu said to himself.

It turned out that I came here to check Xia Junxin. This woman did not smoke, which harmed their Loyalty Society.

The line of Juntian Village and Zui Tonight is an important node on the road of Zhongyi Society’s smoke. Now that the channel is gone, I have made a lot of money and lost a lot of money. Leng Desheng, the old man, tipped him off and told Xia Junxin like a monster. But even monsters need to take care of them if they can’t get along with them.

This Xia Junxin not only needs to get to know him, but he also needs to settle an account with her.

Fan Jiafu walked towards the pier facing the night, and the small courtyard he bought was in front of him.

When he walked to the door, Fan Jiafu was about to enter the house when it suddenly became dark and his head was covered by something.

Got sacked!

Fan Jiafu struggled with his life. A sap hit the back of his head, Fan Jiafu’s body was tough, he survived the attack, and he remained awake.

To be able to mix into a steward in Brother Da Pao’s hall, they are all capable people. Fan Jiafu did not fall, and he turned around and attacked.

Although he can’t see it, he can hear the sound, and the desire to survive makes him burst out with infinite power. Really fierce as a bear.

However, no matter how ferocious it is, the flesh is no match for the attack of sticks like raindrops. Fan Jiafu was knocked unconscious by someone alive.

“Passed out? Let’s see if I’m still alive, I’m a little heavy.” One of the attackers asked.

“Alive, let’s take it to the car and transport it away.” The leader instructed.

“I said fourth brother Liu, can you let me take a breath first? This Fan Laowu is too powerful.” The man under his hand said humanely.

“Why don’t you hurry up and wait for someone to come?” Liu Si was also tired, but couldn’t he rest?

Under his orders, several people carried Fan Jiafu onto the trolley. The hemp rope tied the man, gagged his mouth, and pulled him out of the city.

“Is this guy really the steward of the Loyalty Society?” someone asked.

“Of course.” Liu Si firmly said: “I have followed him for several days, and there will be no mistake.”

“Our eldest sister, she really does a great job. Now our Qingyuntang is really going to be famous all over the world!”

“Don’t be shy! Even if you are famous, all of you will restrain me. Our Qingyuntang is Qingshui! If someone is not eyeing the eldest sister, will the eldest sister do it?”

“I know that, and I’m not that kind of person. Can’t you just be happy?”

They are all from Jianghu, who hasn’t had the dream of being prestige?


After Han Meng came, Xia Junxin began to inquire about Fan Jiafu.

It’s not her style to sit still and just put people in sacks.

After Liu Si and others arrested the people, they transported them out of the city and locked them up according to Xia Junxin’s plan.

The place of this detention is Juntian Village. The people in the poisonous nest are almost cleaned up, and everything in the village can be used.

There is a large dungeon in Juntian Village, which is used to detain criminals.

Liu Si thought that Xia Junxin had made a big move, but for three days in a row, Xia Junxin seemed to have forgotten about it.

Liu Si couldn’t help reminding Xia Junxin.

Xia Junxin said calmly, “We’ll talk about it in a few days. Remember that three meals a day are enough for the water pipe, but no food for him. It’s unhealthy for a person to be too fat. Help him lose weight.”

The Loyalty Society, the name of this Brother Pao organization sounds good, but it is full of beasts.

Fan Jiafu is a big cigarette dealer, human trafficker, and arms chief. Even though he looks fat and looks silly, he is really vicious. Xia Junxin didn’t have the slightest burden on this kind of person.

Starve him for seven days.

After seven peaceful days, Xia Junxin went to Juntian Village to meet with Fan Jiafu.

She and three cronies walked up the mountain, watching the scenery along the way.

Although this place is not hidden, but the terrain is difficult to defend and difficult to attack. She plans to use this place as a secret base and develop it well. Might be useful in the future.

“Big sister…” Yulan hesitated.

“What’s wrong?” Xia Junxin asked.

“Is it really necessary for us… to meet the Loyalty Society?” Yulan was full of doubts.

Qingyuntang is doing very well now. There are good people here, and they live an upright life.

The world is a little chaotic, and Qingyuntang is like a paradise. The good reputation is slowly spreading, and they can continue to hide and accumulate strength. It doesn’t seem like a good idea to fight against the biggest Brother Pao organization now, it will definitely trouble you, in case…

Even if you are lucky enough to win, the people who are absorbed will be mixed, and the atmosphere of Qingyuntang will be difficult to maintain.

Of course, she didn’t have a good idea either.

Xia Junxin reassured: “You look too high on the Zhongyi Society. Their power is mainly in Rongcheng, and the foundation of Bayu is not so deep. There is no need to be afraid. Besides, now Fan Laowu is in my hands again. Wait for the information from his mouth. , we can unplug, take over, and renovate the points of the Loyalty Society in Bayu one by one. After that, Qingyuntang is the first church entrance in Bayu.”

Yulan nodded, she was still a little suspicious. Big sister said so simple, can it really be realized? ?

Xia Junxin smiled lightly and said to himself, “Girl, just wait and see.”

What Xia Junxin didn’t say is that the average Pao Ge organizes a non-military army, and it is not difficult to deal with. Their numbers are terrifying, but they are an informal mob after all. Inside the organization, there are many villains who are greedy for profit. When they really fight, they control the leading helmsman and the steward, and the opposite side becomes a mess of loose sand.

She continued: “Yulan, you don’t need to think too much when you are expanding your territory. If you want to make a plan and wait for a perfect moment to act, then you will never have the courage to do it.”

Opportunity waits for no one, and now the opportunity is in her hands.


The dungeon of Juntian Village is a natural underground cave, which is damp and heavy with moisture.

The iron chains explained that Fan Jiafu was locked to the wall, and he was lying in the thatched pile, especially weak.

Xia Junxin said that he would not give anything to eat, and his subordinates really would not give anything to eat.

In seven days, the well-known steward in the southwest has lost two laps.

“Five Master Fan, the brothers have not been well entertained these days.” Xia Junxin sat in front of Fan Jiafu with an elegant posture.

Fan Jiafu’s teeth itch with hatred, and he said, “Sister Xia, you are amazing! You are the first to dare to attack the people of the Loyalty Society, and you have astonishing courage.”

Although drinking water will not cause you to die directly, it is really uncomfortable to be hungry without food.

“Thank you for the compliment.” Xia Junxin pulled out a smile. He heard the threat in this guy’s words, but she wasn’t worried at all.

“I came today to discuss a business deal with Mr. Fan,” Xia Jun said in his heart.

Fan Jiafu snorted coldly and said, “Sister Xia, please speak.”

All of them have used kidnapping and **** methods. Would this be an ordinary business conversation?

Xia Junxin: “I want the land deeds of all the branches and halls of the Zhongyi Society in Bayu, and use these land deeds or something of the same value in exchange for your three meals a day.”

Hand over an estate and let him have a meal, otherwise he will have nothing to eat, only water.

He was fat and didn’t know how long he could last.

“Hahahaha!” Fan Jiafu laughed loudly: “Sister Xia, you are too imaginative. How can my life be so valuable? I used this trick on others twenty years ago. I can hold it! Don’t think about it.”

“Whether you can hold it or not, you will only know if you try it. Fifth Master, I have told you the way to survive. It is up to you whether to do it or not.” Xia Junxin finished speaking and summoned Yulan.

Yulan entered the dungeon with a pot of fragrant spicy boiled fish, followed by fragrant white rice, fish-flavored shredded pork, whitened salt, and pork ribs soup.

Fan Jiafu stared at the dishes, his saliva couldn’t help gushing out.

He closed his eyes, didn’t look, didn’t think, but he couldn’t resist the smell of meat and vegetables digging into his nose. He was extremely hungry, and at this moment really wanted to sell the property to eat.

“Hold it back! It’s okay, it’s all I play with the rest…” Fan Jiafu persuaded himself.

Xia Junxin is eating, when Fan Jiafu does not exist.

Very hungry, he will give in eventually.

Let’s see how long he can last.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-2020:49:36~2020-05-2218:12:54~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 120 bottles of Xiaoruizi; 10 bottles of Guoguo; 2 bottles of lazy words; 1 bottle of cats who want to eat fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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