The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Light

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The fluorescent powder was a kind of night vision powder which could not be seen under sunlight and normal light, but only through a unique tool. Xia Tian understood this principle since he was young.

Before he left, her aunt had purposely prepared this for him.

“Put these glasses on and tell me what you see.” Xia Tian handed a pair of glasses to Lin Bingbing. Due to his Insight, he did not need special glasses to see the fluorescent powder.

When Shadow left, Xia Tian sprinkled a substantial amount of fluorescent powder on him.

“You actually have this.” Lin Bingbing was absolutely surprised. She was beginning to suspect that Xia Tian was a member of the Special Task Force, because his skills could only be acquired in the force.

“My aunt gave it to me — Aunt Ye. It’s simple to use, but the key is the sprinkle timing.” Xia Tian explained.

“Give me some, I might be able to use it in the future.” Lin Bingbing reached her right hand out.

“You? You better practice your timing, or even a fool will be able to tell that you’ve done something to him.” Although Xia Tian had only been acquainted with Lin Bingbing for a short period of time, he knew her character very well. Lin Bingbing was an upright, hot-blooded lass.

A person like her was driven in everything, full of positivity. That being said, a person like her was easily negligent so she needed to be both quick and accurate if she were to do something like that.

One would need special training to perform such a task.

“Fine then, what’s so great about it anyway.” Lin Bingbing turned away. When she put on the special glasses and was able to see the traces of fluorescent powder clearly, she immediately felt better.

“Wait.” Xia Tian held Lin Bingbing back.

“What?” Lin Bingbing was puzzled. “We have to chase him, or he’ll run away.”

“You need to start using that brain of yours. He’s covered in fluorescent powder, where can he run off to?” Xia Tian took a look at their surroundings and noticed that almost everyone was watching them. The fact that Lin Bingbing was on the street itself was a mistake, Shadow would certainly notice them if they were to just chase after him like that. “You need to stop looking like that.”

Subsequently, Xia Tian approached a street lady beside him. The moment that street lady saw that she had a customer, she quickly swayed her body over. “Handsome, come on in, we’ve got amazing services, guaranteed.”

“Can you sell me your wig and your coat?” Xia Tian took 500 RMB and handed it to the street lady.

The instant that lady saw Xia Tian’s money, she removed her silk coat and her curly wig and gave them to him.

Upon receiving the items, Xia Tian paid the street lady.

“500 RMB just like that, I can call it a day now.” Elated, the street lady left with the money.

Afterward, he handed the wig and coat to Lin Bingbing. “Put them on.”

“No, they look awful.”

“Do you want to catch Shadow or not?” Xia Tian asked Lin Bingbing.

“I do.”

“Then put them on.” Xia Tian threw the items to her.

“Hmph.” Lin Bingbing glared at him. “I’ll remember this…”

Even though she was extremely reluctant, Lin Bingbing still wore the silk coat and put the wig on. With that, she looked more like the people here and attracted less attention.

“Hehe.” Xia Tian grinned when he looked at her.

When Lin Bingbing saw Xia Tian’s smile, she became even more furious. However, since the task was currently her priority, she could only put it aside for now. They began following the traces of fluorescent powder left by Shadow.

Before long, they arrived at a place called Light KTV.

“Wait.” Xia Tian held Lin Bingbing back again.

“Sir, is it just the two of you?” A service staff member appeared upon their arrival. Since Xia Tian was towing a girl along, the street ladies around them did not approach them.

“Get me a private room.” Xia Tian retrieved another 500 RMB.

“Aright, sir, please come in. Your room is room 222.” The server led them to their private room.

“Why did you bring me here?” Lin Bingbing could not make sense of what was going on.

“If you just barge into the place, they’ll think that you’re here for trouble. Don’t you think that Shadow would know something was amiss?” After Xia Tian explained his thoughts, he searched his pockets, then added, “Remember, claim the 1000 RMB for me, we used it for the task.”

“What a cheapskate. I’ll return it to you later, I didn’t bring much today.” Lin Bingbing scorned.

Xia Tian checked the place out as soon as they entered. While Shadow happened to be on the same floor, there was no need for them to rush. Besides, when he passed by Shadow’s room earlier, he used Insight on the glass window and saw a lady singing within. On top of that, Shadow, who was a lustful man, was seen touching that lady all over.

After trying, Xia Tian was sure that he was unable to see through solid walls with his Insight.

“How about we just notify Aunt Ye now?” Since the opportunity did not come easy, Lin Bingbing did not want Shadow to escape again.

“No rush, come with me.” Xia Tian left the private room and strolled outside Shadow’s room as he looked inside.

“Where are we going?” Lin Bingbing asked.

“Follow me.” Right away, Xia Tian went to the washroom closest to the private room.

“Hey, that’s the men’s room.” Lin Bingbing panicked.

“Honestly, do you think that Shadow would go into the women’s room later?” Earlier on, Xia Tian read Shadow’s lips and found out that he wanted to try something exciting with the lady, and Shadow told the singer to follow him to the washroom.

Since that was the case, Lin Bingbing could only enter the men’s room with Xia Tian.

“Quick, come in.” Xia Tian quickly pulled Lin Bingbing into one of the cubicles, and instructed her, “Be quiet.”

Although she was unsure what Xia Tian was up to, she complied. However, the cubicle was small that it was a tight squeeze for the both of them. Just as she was about to say something, they heard some noise.

Shadow placed the cleaning signboard at the entrance then pulled the lady into the washroom.

“You’re so naughty, why bring me in here?” The lady spoke in a singsong voice.

“I’ll pay you more. I like this excitement.” Shadow’s voice was extremely ravishing. To begin with, he was not tall and he had a creepy face. Now, his voice simply made him creepier than he already was.

As soon as the lady heard that she was going to receive more money, she was all smiles as she began rubbing her body against Shadow, intentionally shaking her breasts in front of him.

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