The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 65: Avery-8

(Author Note:- 100 power stones in a week for 1st bonus chapter.

175 power stones in a week for 2nd bonus chapter.

230 power stones in a week for 3rd bonus chapter.)


Kylo was looking at the direction where Avery fled from embarassment.

Even though it seemed like he was looking at Avery's silhouette, his eyes were not focused there.

He seemed to be a little sad and lost. There was a lonely aura surrounding him.

[Rosa...] Kylo smiled gently while thinking about the beautiful and intelligent dark blue haired queen.

[I am doing what you said.] He continued thinking.

"Even in different world I keep following your suggestions hehe" Kylo muttered to himself in a daze.

Indeed what he was doing was the same as what Rosalyn said in their first meeting. He is making Avery fall for him.

This is not the first time he is doing something like this, and he believed this is certainly not the last time.

Maybe it would feel harsh and ruthless to many people,

[But it is not like I ever cared about other people. As long as the people I care for are safe, I am fine with any methods.]

After all you cannot conquer the world alone.

Many might say an absolutely strong person can conquer weaker worlds.

No, he can only half conquer. After all, the major reason why someone would conquer those weaker than them are only for resources.

And many of those resources might be siphoned if the conqueror does not have any trustable subordinate.

Everything Kylo does has a reason. Even making Avery, a maid had a reason. If he had to be honest with himself, then he actually never cared what their status was.

But not only did he make her his maid but also let her call him 'master'. Why? Because Kylo wanted to bury this in her subconscious that she will be always be below Kylo in hierarchy.

True her current strength is nothing to Kylo.

[But except for that runt, only I know the truth about her bloodline and what else can a high elf bloodline do.]

(Author Note:- By runt, Kylo meant Nigel)

That was why he never wanted to keep anyone on equal footings. From the very beginning he wanted to make her clear, at least in her subconscious that he will be more important than her own self.

This will take time.

[But I have to make sure I succeed.]

First making her his subordinate and then making her fall in love. This is a foolproof plan!

[Atleast from the surface it seems foolproof.]

He doesn't know. Maybe he will like her in the future. Maybe he would not. But now is not the time for that for he is constantly worried about his friends and wives in his previous world.

Suddenly his expression turned solemn when he was worrying about them. He never forgot about the possibility of betrayal.

True he did not want to believe it. He did not want to believe the possibility of anyone betraying him. Anyone among his subordinates betraying him was unimaginable to him.

[But there is nothing absolute in this world!] Kylo thought with a grim expression on his face.

Every one he was surrounded with had been with him in ups and downs of his journey. Some joined early and some joined late, but they all went through life and death situations together.

Everyone at the higher position when Kylo obtained the emperor's crown, were those who went through life and death with him. His immediate subordinates!

[Is it really possible for them to betray me...] Kylo was starting to doubt his theory when he suddenly remembered what Bai Yishan once said to him.

'Emotions are the biggest enemy of any living beings.'

'They overrule any logic. They overrule any rationality.'

'If you want to be someone great, you should know how to control emotions and not the other way around.'

'No matter what the situation is never let your feelings overpower your intellect.'

His eyes became cold once again. His aura changed as well! From doubt to determination

[It doesn't matter who it is.

If someone really betrayed me, then they must pay the price!] With slight killing intent in the air he made the decision.


[What the hell! what the hell!! what the hell!!!]

A black colored young lady could be seen traversing through rocky areas. Her face was completely red.

But it was red with both anger and embarassment.

"I just wanted a little reward." she grumbled to herself.

[hmph! stupid master always bullying me!!] She was still pouting when something suddenly clicked her.

"Hmm?" she thought with a frown on her beautiful face.

[It seems I surprisingly got comfortable calling him master] This young lady was obviously Avery who was travelling in a cave towards one of the path in order to obtain the so called purple crystal ball.

After all no matter what, she was the Princess of one of the major clans in her continent! Yes mny things happened.

Many betrayed, few wanted to take advantage of her situation and rest wanted to kill her.

[But even those young masters of other great clans wanted to take me aa concubines... No one wanted me as a maid!]

Even after she fled to this remote region of the unknown continent, she was the ruler of a region. She alone started the rule of her region!

Yes, she did take help of Nigel.

[But even without his help there aren't any who could match my cultivation base in that region!!]

But she did not mind it, she never felt uncomfortable calling her master except at the beginning.

She herself did not knew the reason and continued walking when suddenly a green arrow, seemingly out of nowhere came rushing towards her.

She yelped in surprise seeing the arrow before ducking and letting the arrow pass above her head.

"*huuu*" she sighed in relief when she dodged from the sudden surprise attack. She was truly surprised.

[Did I already enter the passageway?] she thought, finally concentrating on her surrounding.

She took a deep breath to calm her inner turmoil before murmuring to herself

"No need to think about anything else. Calm down and focus on what's in the front." She muttered to herself to make herself focus on her 'mission'.

Even though her cultivation was just second step in combat soul and although she did not awaken her bloodline, she had the unique sixth sense of a high elf that allowed her to save herself from many life endangering situations.


(Author Note:- For those who are confused about the end of the last chapter, remember that's how the flashback at chapter 44 started.)

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