The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 64: A Flash From The Past-22 (Pub)

(Author Note:- 100 power stones in a week for 1st bonus chapter.

175 power stones in a week for 2nd bonus chapter.

230 power stones in a week for 3rd bonus chapter.)


She was shocked. Because even in marriages there are very very very rare cases when someone swore a {Dao Vow}.

But Kylo just to make her trust him he is ready to take a {Dao Vow}. And this oath will be even more vicious because if, just if in case ever came a time when Kylo thought if betrayal, he will die a dog's death.

But he did not hesitate. She was touched. She felt warmth.

The warmth that she had been missing for last few months. Or maybe the warmth she felt back with her husband was just a facade.

And for the first time she showed a genuine smile, a smile from the bottom of her heart which mesmerized Kylo.

"No need my darling, I trust you." Even though she said that, Kylo did not reply.

Because he was still stunned by her smile. She was already a country-toppling beauty and only few women in the continent could truly be her competition and right now after she showed a genuine smile Kylo was dazzled by her.

Without any reply Kylo leaned and kissed her passionately. The beauty was stunned but this time, even as an act, she did not resist and responded him with similar passion.

After a minute or so they both pulled themselves back and Kylo replied. "Don't worry. Your love and your trust, I won't betray you." Even though he said with a serious face he just let out a sigh internally after kissing her.

[It would have been hell for me had she really asked me to take {Dao Vow}.]

Kylo maybe be impulsive a little during this period of his growth but he was not a fool.

[Fortunately I won the gamble.] Actually Kylo gambled because Rosalyn did the same previously with him.

This was not part of his plan.

[Everything won't go according to plans huh...] He remembered when he was making the plan with his friends and lovers, how Bai Yishan reprimanded them once.

"Loyalty is a very difficult thing to gain my darling." Rosalyn suddenly interrupted Kylo's thoughts with a weird sentence.

"Hmmm?" Kylo was little confused. [Why would she suddenly say such a thing?] He pondered deeply.

She smiled at the confused Kylo and replied "Like, trust and loyalty are three different things."

[Huh?] He right now really did not know what she was talking about. How can trust and loyalty be different.

True like is different from the rest. [After all a couple may like each other but that does not mean they cannot betray each other.

Give them enough benefits and they would not hesitate to kill their parents and family.]

After all what Kylo did with Rosalyn was a prime example whic proved how like and loyalty are different.

There will hardly be any men who did not like pretty women. And a woman as beautiful as Rosalyn... no need to say about it.

She smiled and said "I guess I don't need to explain how like is different from the rest... After all my own life is a best example."

Rosalyn slowly stood up from his embrace.

Kylo did not know what to say at this moment. After all he was the culprit. He did not feel even the slightest bit of regret. The reason Kylo was afraid of speaking now was because he was scared of revealing some clues due to some stupid errors.

After all right now, Rosalyn seemed different from what she was a minute ago! The aura, the atmosphere everything about her changed.

[It seems she fully recovered.... or atleast recovered enough to notice even the slightest bit of mistakes.

I can only hope she does not recognise any of my mistakes, if I made any...]

She neither knew what Kylo was thinking nor did she wait for his reply and just continued "Trust. This is a very mysterious emotion.

There are many instances where you might not like each other, scratch that, you might be enemies of each other... but that does not stop from trusting each other."

Kylo squinted his eyes and nodded. Why he nodded?

Because there were times even when he himself trusted his enemy. Because of his trust in his enemies, made it possible for Kylo to trap and kill them.

And whoever said 'nothing stands in front of absolute power' was bullshit!

[After all I am slowly breaking that bastard's kingdom.]

Indeed no one in his group was strong enough to compete with a kingdom as massive as Evian's! But he was already causing a ruckus in his nation.

And he even stole his wife! That was why he believed in wits more than stupid strength.

[After all that's how I survived till date.] Kylo thought inwardly with a bitter smile.

Kylo could now see Rosalyn gracefully removing her bathrobes, but he did not pay much attention to it. No he was partially concentrating on her elegance but he knew now was not the time.

"Trust is a very dark concept." Kylo muttered.

"Seems like I don't need to explain this one as well." Rosalyn said with the same smile on her face.

She started putting on the dress she wore the day before.

"I guess you are thinking about how you trusted your enemies, right?" she said with a nonchalant face.

Kylo nodded his head with surprise flashing in his eyes. [She is truly smart. What a waste that she married that dickhead.] Kylo clicked his tongue inwardly.

"Now then.... let me ask you, Will you be loyal to those enemies?" She already put on her empire line maxi dress she wore in the pub.

Kylo was stunned. He slowly understood what she meant to say.

She was just saying this in a roundabout way.

[She earlier said, she trusted me... But with this she meant to say she is not loyal to me huh...]

Seeing Kylo's eyes flashing with understanding, Rosalyn knew that Kylo understood what she wanted to say.

But it was not over yet. She walked towards him and continued,

"My darling, you are talented,

you are smart,

you are intelligent."

She stood in front of Kylo. Kylo had to raise his head to look at her. She caressed his face gently and said.

"But you lack time to fulfill your talent.

You lack smartness that is required to survive streets.

You lack experience to use your intelligence to the fullest."

This was like a new door opened to Kylo. He now understood what Nicholas Dumas meant when he once said to him one and a half year back after the auction ruckus he caused.

'Kylo today you were a mess.'

'You are smart but your smartness would not help you survive.'

'You are the type who would be called book smarts.'

'But that is not enough to survive. You need to be street smart.'

When he asked Nicholas Dumas what he meant by that, he did not reply but just asked Kylo to find by himself.

It was now that he truly understood what Nicholas Dumas tried to teach him back then.

Rosalyn started walking towards the exit door.

Kylo did not ask where she was going because he knew she would be taking an exit first. It would be a disaster if they both exited at the same time from a lodge where she spent a night with some other male only to be recognised by someone.

And it would be a catastrophe if someone recognised both of them.

Rosalyn knew after this exit it would take atleast years before they meet.

And she was not sure if they would meet.

[Would I survive till then?] was her only thought. She was reluctant but she could not risk her family's life because of her own selfishness.

After all if the continent knew she was in relationship with Kylo, they would hunt her family till the end of the continent.

That was why she turned once more to give her final advice, as someone who was a lot older than Kylo in age.

"My darling..." She said with a endearing smile.

Kylo did not reply. He just looked at her deeply.

"Remember one thing. If you want to make a woman loyal to you, you need to make her fall in love with you."

And she exited without wasting a second.


(Author Note:- Well sorry to disappoint to all those who thought there might be a smut scene when she puller her bathrobe... After all I won't forget to put R-18 tag lol)

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