The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 41

Chapter 39:

It has been more than half a year since Zhuang Yi’s rebirth. Although he has been thinking about the coming of a large number of strange demons a few years later, Zhuang Yi couldn’t help but relax after seeing the peaceful days at the academy. A strange demon was found in the relic left by his parents!

The strange monster is a jelly-like unidentified creature with a certain IQ. It is different from plants or animals. It is a strange thing that has never been seen before. It is very difficult to kill. It can stick to On any object, it is like a puddle of stinking decay. Because it moves very fast, it can be lurking around at any time. Once implanted in the human body, it immediately sneaks into the human brain and quickly controls the living body thoroughly.

However, the different demons are the same as ordinary life forms. In the race of different demons, there is a distinction between high and low strength. Low-level different demons can only be implanted in the body of ordinary people or animals. The higher the level of the different demons, the soul masters that can be implanted. The higher the level, and even higher-level monsters have another skill-eating.

Higher aliens disdain to implant life forms without soul power, but like to swallow young children of humans or beasts. They stretch their bodies and wrap them tightly around the epidermis of young children. Because they do not like to eat their heads, they only follow The flesh and blood that corrodes the limbs from the outside to the inside, until the bones and internal organs are digested, and the infant who is eaten can really die. The process is very cruel.

The body of the ordinary alien monster is black, and the higher the alien monster, the more the implanter and the more eating, the body will become more and more red, mixed with the black body of the body, and the color of the monster will become more and more. Disgusting.

And at this moment, the strange demon clinging to Zhuang Yi’s hand only had a little red in it, and it was an ordinary strange demon that was a little stronger than the low-level strange demon!

Although Zhuang Yi has been reborn for half a year, his fear and dislike of the strange demon is deeply rooted in his blood. He was implanted by the strange demon in the previous life, and the process of life is not as good as death. Zhuang Yi immediately urged his spirit power to resist!

The hand that was attached to the strange demon only felt densely packed things continuously drilled into it, which was hot and painful. Fortunately, Zhuang Yi was fortunate that this strange demon was much smaller than those he had seen before. As the spirit power in Zhuang Yi’s body was urged to the extreme, the war spirit beast withered leaf butterfly appeared within a few seconds, Zhuang Yi’s other hand was holding the withered leaf butterfly’s wing-tailed dagger, fiercely Inserted into the body of the strange demon!

Ordinary sharp weapons can only cause trouble to the alien demon, but cannot cause any harm. Only things with the condensed spirit power can cut the body of the alien demon. The strange demon, who was wriggling into Zhuang Yi’s body, twitched fiercely and uttered a silent scream. The strange demon had no vocal organs, so it could not make a scream, but it can affect the soul of the soul master if it goes crazy after suffering. The force fluctuated, Zhuang Yi felt that the spirit power in his body was affected. While gritting his teeth, he continued to pierce the alien monster with his dagger, and at the same time he summoned the Scutellaria barbata, and tried to transfer a small part of the alien monster that had already penetrated into his body!

Standing by Zhuang Yi’s side, Lei Xiu stared at the strange demon. At this critical moment, it will only add chaos to Zhuang Yi. It has a natal contract with Zhuang Yi. Once the strange demon really enters Zhuang Yi’s body If you want to occupy the brain and mental space, Lei Xiu can help.

This is the first time that Zhuang Yi has used the Twin Soul Beast since he entered the second level. After he was reborn, he faced the alien monster as a soul master, which made him feel excited at the moment of crisis. Even though his face was pale at the moment, his eyes were unprecedented. Bright, and at the same time, the spirit power in the body is running faster and smoother than ever before. Except for the first infiltrating a small part of Zhuang Yi’s body by Zhuang Yi’s unpreparedness, the other monsters are all under Zhuang Yi’s obstacles. , Can’t go any further.

Feeling that the small part of the strange demons that had penetrated into his body wriggled along with the spirit power in his body, Zhuang Yi maintained his spirit power, then closed his eyes and protected the spiritual space with all his strength.

The most terrifying part of the alien demon lies in its implantation. Not only is it extremely difficult to force it out of the body, but the speed is even more strange. Moreover, the most rigorous and most important spiritual space for the summoner is as fragile as an egg in the eyes of the alien.

As soon as it ran into Zhuang Yi’s brain, the three light beams in Zhuang Yi’s spiritual space suddenly radiated light, and at the same time, the small piece of soul power belonging to Lei Xiu inside, also felt the invasion of outsiders, a group of The black ball-shaped thing with only a long tail surging quickly, the tail dangling outside, flicked angrily, and finally formed a bowed attack state, as if something had compressed the fog, tiger’s The approximate body shape appeared vaguely!

At the moment when the alien demon was about to enter the spiritual space of Zhuang Yi, he was violently pushed away by these four invisible forces. Most of the alien monster’s body that was still outside merged together, and then continued to be thrown away severely by this invisible force, and fell to the floor aside.

Seeing this, Lei Xiu, who had been walking violently around, quickly rushed forward, his whole body crackled with lightning, and finally gathered into a huge ball of lightning, illuminating this secluded corner with lightning speed. The momentum hit the alien demon’s body fiercely.

Under the attack of Lei Xiu and lightning, the strange monster shrank into a ball fiercely, like a large black water stain, which was suddenly evaporated by most of the water, condensing it into a disgusting lump.

Lei Xiu slowly approached, his dark red eyes staring closely at the strange monster on the ground in the dark.

Without any vitality or spirit power fluctuations, Lei Xiu thought for a while, planted a thunder net around the alien demon, and then turned to look at Zhuang Yi.

Because of the invasion of the alien demon, the mental space in Zhuang Yi’s brain rioted. Although he sent out an extremely terrible force to drive the alien out directly, this force was too violent and made Zhuang Yi difficult. Basically, from the brain to the right hand. He was paralyzed, his brain swelled, and his soul power was running around. Although it was not very violent, it hurt him.

After the mental space in his brain stabilized slightly, Zhuang Yi gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. When he saw Lei Xiu looking at him with concern, Zhuang Yi immediately said, “Where is the strange demon?”

Lei Xiu looked aside, and when he saw that the strange demon in the thunder net he arranged was missing, Lei Xiu was stunned.

Zhuang Yi looked at the thunder net that Lei Xiu had arranged, only the floor was scorched by the thunder. Besides that, it was empty, and his face that was not so pretty at first became more and more solemn.

Lei Xiu actually did the right thing. After treating the alien demon, he did not relax his vigilance. He even carefully arranged the thunder net before coming to see him. If it was a normal alien, he would definitely not be able to escape, but this alien monster Actually disappeared, it can be seen that it is a mutant species in the alien monster!

Zhuang Yi walked to Lei Xiu’s side and looked around warily.

The birth defects of alien monsters must be reported, especially this mutant species. According to the understanding of Zhuang Yi’s last life, mutant species have a high status among alien monsters, because they are most likely to evolve into advanced alien monsters with special abilities. Because it hasn’t evolved yet, so the intelligence hasn’t improved. Like a child, if there is a grudge, he will retaliate on the spot.

There was dead silence all around, as if there was nothing.

Zhuang Yi suddenly thought of Lei Xiu’s ear buckles!

“Lei Xiu! Give your soul power into the ear buckle and try it.” Lei Xiu heard the words and quickly executed it. With the input of Lei Xiu’s soul power, the ear buckle shadow crystal immediately reflected the scene in front of him, which was different from the one visible to the naked eye. , In the ear buckle, what is presented is an energy graph!

Zhuang Yi asked Lei Xiu to look around. As Lei Xiu’s body turned, the scene in front of him changed. A corner of Lei Xiu’s body was even photographed. It was dark red in the image, while Zhuang Yi’s It was white. Although it was night at the moment, Lei Xiu’s thunder net had not yet recovered. The lightning flashed, and every corner around was illuminated. Suddenly, Zhuang Yi saw an energy pattern, which became black, lying quietly. The distance between him and Lei’s feet is less than five meters!

Zhuang Yi’s heart stunned, he bent down to hold Lei Xiu’s body, and then let the shadow crystal shine on that corner. After looking carefully for a long time, Zhuang Yi was sure that this was a strange demon.

As he had guessed, the strange demon is different from other life forms, so the light presented is another color. Zhuang Yi fixedly stared at the strange demon lying motionless on the ground, and he was overjoyed in his heart, Lei Xiu’s ear buckles. It’s useful, if you encounter strange demons in the future, you don’t have to worry about them lurking out of nowhere!

But the most important thing at this moment is to conquer this mutant species of strange demon.

Following Zhuang Yi, Lei Xiu also found traces of the strange demon. Seeing that Zhuang Yi still wanted to go up to deal with the strange demon, Lei Xiu immediately jumped in front of Zhuang Yi and stopped him with his body.

Zhuang Yi lowered his head to look at Lei Xiu. Lei Xiu turned his back to Zhuang Yi, his eyes fixed on the strange demon, and then released his spirit power again.

Although the condensed thunderball this time is smaller than last time, it is more refined. Zhuang Yi watched the fierce thunder and lightning flashing around the ball of light. He was shocked when he looked at it. Lei Xiu’s strength must have surpassed the ordinary level three monsters, and this blow seemed to be comparable to the level four monsters!

Just as Lei Xiu’s lightning ball was about to hit the strange monster, the strange monster lying motionless on the ground seemed to have noticed the crisis. It immediately squirmed, and its body slammed on the ground, and rushed towards Lei Xiu first!

Lei Xiu lowered his body. At the moment when the alien bounced, the lightning ball quickly hit the alien’s body in mid-air. Under the terrible lightning strike, the alien’s body was scorched into a ball again, compared to the last time. It was even smaller, crumpled, and fell to the ground in one piece. Lei Xian wanted to continue to target this high-intensity attack. At this moment, Zhuang Yi behind him immediately shouted, “Lei Xiu, be careful!”

I saw that beside Leixiu’s feet, a small piece of strange demon crawled up along its toes in an attempt to possess Leixiu. It turned out that this strange demon had already divided himself into two halves!

Lei Xiu looked down at the strange demon on his feet and let out an angry roar. This strange demon first caused a crisis to Zhuang Yi. At that time, Lei Xiu did not dare to attack indiscriminately. Attacked, this strange demon even wanted to possess its body, as if the king was challenged with majesty, Lei Xiu roared in anger, and at the same time, the purple thunder and lightning all over its body slowed somehow because of its anger. Slowly turned into white thunder.

The light was extremely hot, and it stretched out like a thunder snake in mid-air, even the air was distorted.

Seeing that the white thunder light was about to hit the alien demon, the alien demon quickly merged in mid-air, and did not dare to fight with Lei Xiu again. He only heard the sound of the ground breaking through the air, and the alien demon disappeared in place.

“Lei Xiu, chase it!” Zhuang Yi said immediately.

Lei Xiu watched Zhuang Yi staring at the direction of the alien demon’s disappearance, and finally obeyed Zhuang Yi’s order. His spirit power was quickly released, and the energy of the wind attribute accelerated its pace. Lei Xiu followed the direction of the alien demon’s escape. Quickly chasing, the figure disappeared at the intersection in the blink of an eye.

Zhuang Yi quickly followed, but because he was a second-level spirit master and had no wind attribute spirit beast, his upper right body was still frozen, unable to bless his speed, so he could only grit his teeth and ran wildly behind him.

Although Lei Xiu and the strange demon were extremely fast, Zhuang Yi never lost track of them by relying on the contract with Lei Xiu.

Seeing that the surrounding buildings became more and more familiar, Zhuang Yi was surprised.

The strange demon escaped in the direction of Barda Academy!

By the way, the most low-level spirit masters there are the best possessions of ordinary monsters!

When Zhuang Yi was panting and felt not far from the entrance of Boda Academy, he quickly sensed that Lei Xiu had condensed his breath and hid in the dark.

Could it be that what happened?

Zhuang Yi also slowed down, urging the dead leaf butterfly to converge his breath, and then following the contract, finally found Lei Xiu hiding on the side of the tree. It has stopped inputting soul power to the ear buckle, so it can’t reflect around. Energy pattern.

Zhuang Yi knew that if the alien demon was nearby, Lei Xiu would not restrain his aura and turn off the shadow crystal, so the biggest possibility is…

Thinking of this, Zhuang Yi’s complexion became extremely bad. If it was his cause that caused the alien to enter the academy, he would be to blame for his death!

Lei Xiu seemed to sense Zhuang Yi’s mood and immediately jumped on Zhuang Yi’s shoulder and rubbed him.

Zhuang Yi sees Lei Xiu’s attitude, it seems that the situation is not as bad as he thought?

Zhuang Yi immediately took off Lei Xiu’s earrings and played it quickly. In the shadow crystal, Lei Xiu was chasing the strange monster all the way. The strange monsters were running in secluded corners. Therefore, Lei Xiu did not restrain his anger and chased him to death. While holding the strange demon, Lei Xiu’s whitish thunder and lightning became more and more violent. When it broke out to a critical point, the entire screen of Shadow Crystal was covered by a red light. When Zhuang Yi saw this section, his heart was happy. Jumping out, Lei Xiu is evolving while chasing the monster!

In the end, the red light slowly converged, everything returned to its original state, but Lei Xiu’s speed became faster!

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, the strange demon immediately flashed away and ran directly to the Boda Academy. At this time, Director Yang brought a few teachers out of the Boda Academy, and they chatted with a smile. , It seems to be in a very good mood.

Director Yang Hanyang is the general person in charge of the first grade, an eighth-level soul king master of the battle spirit system. This strange monster was chased by Lei Xiu, not to mention Director Yang.

Lei Xiu immediately condensed his breath cleverly and quickly hid to the side.

Director Yang, who was chatting with others, quickly sensed the anomaly in front of him, and saw his face sinking, his aura changed, and the aura of the eighth-level king spirit master, even Zhuang Yi felt terrified even if he was separated from the shadow crystal, that strange demon. Obviously there is still hundreds of meters away from Director Yang, and I was about to turn around and ran away. I saw a figure of a large eagle flashed behind Director Yang. The illusory eagle claws stretched forward, and immediately removed the half-dead in the air. The alien demon caught it in the claws, and finally conquered it in front of Director Yang.

Director Yang looked at the alien demon caught in his palm, and his face suddenly changed: “This thing…”

The several teachers beside Director Yang were all watching whether Yang Han, who hadn’t shot for a long time, was old. When they saw the strange monster in the hands of Director Yang, all of them suddenly flashed with surprise: “A few months ago. In the news from the northwest, the special monster mentioned in it is this?”

Director Yang’s expression became serious: “So far, only people have witnessed its existence, and no one has ever caught it alive. I didn’t expect this thing to be hidden in Midtown on the mainland. Seeing it like this, it seems to have suffered before. After an extremely fierce attack, something must have been chasing it here…”

As Director Yang said, he immediately looked around. Fortunately, as Lei Xiu was far away, Director Yang held the strange monster in his hand. It was impossible to waste time carefully inspecting every place. After ten seconds, there was nothing unusual, Director Yang. Quickly gave up the scan and said to several other teachers: “I will report this to the college immediately, and let the institute teachers of the college study it to see if it has the terrible ability in the legend!”

The teachers around nodded after hearing the words: “We can handle the matter tonight. You go back to school.”

Director Yang stopped talking nonsense, and turned back to Barda Academy with the strange demon.

After reading this shadow crystal, Zhuang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The strange demon fell into the Barda Academy. Although it was beyond his expectation, it seemed that the result was good.

Humans in the previous life, due to the silent invasion of alien demons, but there were some vicious high-level spirit masters, who liked to deprive some low-level spirit masters of their spirit power, causing some alien demons to easily pass through low-level spirit masters and control them. A senior soul master! By the time most humans reacted to the invasion of alien monsters, alien monsters had already controlled those high-level spirit masters, occupying most of the human world, and established a dynasty of alien monsters in the remote west. After an immeasurable disaster, sadly, before this, no one had ever thought that it was an invasion by a foreign demon, and they thought it was just the infighting of the soul master!

In this life, this strange monster fell into the hands of the Broad Academy. Zhuang Yi believes that with the ability of the school teacher, after research, he will definitely understand the terrible place of the strange monster. Although there are not a large number of strange monsters present, there is Understanding and precautions will definitely be much better than in the last life.

There is an entrance guard at Barda College after nightfall, one at the school gate and one in the dormitory. Seeing that the access control time was about to come, Zhuang Yi hugged him into the school and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Sitting on his bed, thinking about what happened today, Zhuang Yi raised his hand to touch the head of Lei Xiu who was sitting across from him, and whispered: “Thanks for your hard work, Lei Xiu.”

Lei Xiu looked at Zhuang Yi, then jumped in front of Zhuang Yi, his forehead resting on Zhuang Yi’s.

Zhuang Yi immediately understood, one person and one beast interacted with each other to input spirit power.

An unspeakable sense of comfort swept through Zhuang Yi’s body, as if the exhaustion of chasing all the way before had been swept away, Zhuang Yi sighed gently, closing his eyes, and enjoying it.

Lei Xiu opened his eyes, looked at Zhuang Yi’s expression for a moment, and then slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, Zhuang Yi seemed to think of something suddenly, opened his eyes and looked at Lei Xiu, “By the way, you have evolved again.”

Lei Xiu blinked. Zhuang Yi saw it. He looked up and down Lei Xiu. As the weather got colder and colder, Lei Xiu’s hair became thicker, and his body also grew fat and tiger stripes on his body. It became clearer and more beautiful than when he was a child. Looking at its bright fur, Zhuang Yi couldn’t help but touch it.

Lei Xiu was touched by Zhuang Yi from his head to the tail. He was squinting comfortably, but he heard Zhuang Yi say: “Why is the body still the same as before? Next time I will take you to an external test to see if there is any change in bone age…”

Lei Xiu’s eyes changed, he looked up at Zhuang Yi, and then jumped away without touching it.

Zhuang Yi looked at it’s tantrums, suddenly laughed, and immediately caught up with it, picked it up, and took a bath in the bathroom one by one.

Late at night, Zhuang Yi lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Today’s appearance of the alien demon was too shocking for him. He actually saw the alien demon so early in this life, and this alien demon was actually sealed by the summoner.

Thinking of the previous life, although the alien demon invaded Zhuang Yi’s body, he was unable to control Zhuang Yi, and this life is even more serious. His spiritual space is extremely repellent to the invasion of the alien, and automatically burst out all the power. Demon repelled out of the body… After the implantation of the alien monsters in these two lifetimes, Zhuang Yi was absolutely sure that ordinary alien monsters could not control the summoner at all!

Recalling the box that can seal the alien demon now stored in his space, Zhuang Yi understands that there must be a connection between the alien demon and the summoner!

If his guess is correct, then this ordinary strange monster was released by Zhuang Yi, where did the army of strange monsters in the previous life come from?

Could it be… In this world, there are actually other summoners hidden?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Yi felt cold. No matter what, he didn’t want to believe that the cruel monster was deliberately released by someone from his clan…

There should be no, otherwise, how could his parents bear the heart to give him to Zhuang Quan, who suffered so many years.

Forcing himself to stop thinking, Zhuang Yi turned over, hugged Lei Xiu who was sleeping next to him, and quickly fell asleep.

A few days later, Zhuang Yi found an opportunity to go out and gave Lei Xiu a test. After seeing the information displayed above, Zhuang Yi showed a happy expression.

Species: Thunder Tiger

Level: Level 4

Bone age: growth period

“It’s evolving so fast.” Zhuang Yi patted Lei Xiu, who was sitting gracefully on his shoulders, and said with a smile, “Although the body hasn’t grown up, it has entered the growth stage.”

Lei Xiu squinted at him, then turned his head away from Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi laughed heartlessly.

The author has something to say:

Zhuang Yi: With the token of love between me and Lei Xiu, my mother no longer has to worry that we can’t find a strange monster anymore.

Lei Xiu: Ow

[Wow Forest Experience]

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