The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 40

Chapter 38:

It has been several months since the last unhappy meeting. Zhuang Yi was shocked by the mentality test at the Borda College. As a resident of the city where the Borda College is located, Zhuang Quan naturally knows about it, but he is also the same. Also know the identity of Shang Qingyun.

Thinking of Shang Qingyun helping Zhuang Yi at the door of Qianxing Bank that day, and thinking of Zhuang Quan taking Zhuang Yi to test his mental power before, and the other party packed the ticket that Zhuang Yi was a waste of mental power 4, Zhuang Quan wanted to break his head. Can’t figure out what is going on.

Zhuang Quan has been stubbornly reluctant to spend money. He wants to wait for his son to become a soul master, and then take out the money for his son to install it. It looks like a nobleman, so for decades, from the surface, they have The family is not considered wealthy. The neighborhood they live in is considered to be at the middle and lower level of the entire city. The surrounding neighborhoods have three schools and nine tiers, and there are all kinds of people. Zhuang Quan has lived there since his ancestors, and he has long been accustomed to it.

And Zhuang Quan’s family had something like Zhuang Yi, and the people around naturally knew about it. As neighbors who watched Zhuang Yi grow up, they didn’t believe that Zhuang Yi’s skinny appearance would be a genius. So some people want to get crooked.

I heard that some soul master aristocrats love to raise some boys who look like women. What a rich person a soul master is, extravagant and wasteful. It is not uncommon to spend a lot of money in order to win beautiful women, although Zhuang Yi is not pretty. , But the skinny is considered delicate, and it may be in the eyes of others. As the grandson of the elder Shang in the Hall of Souls, if Shang Qingyun happened to run into the Universiade and fell in love with Zhuang Yi, using their family’s power to bribe Boda Academy and pretending to give Zhuang Yi a good-sounding identity, it seems that it is not unreasonable. possible? Then he brought in Zhuang Yi pretending to be a student, and took care of him nearby. Zhuang Yi will be developed from then on!

Zhuang Quan was very skeptical about this incident. After listening to the neighbor’s words, he immediately believed it. Otherwise, apart from this, there is no reason why Zhuang Yi was kicked out of the house for one day. It was such a weird thing to enter Boda Academy after a few days.

Since affirming this guess, Zhuang Quan can’t sleep anymore.

The neighbors were all scolding him for this idiot. They knew that Zhuang Yi had this market. They should have thought of it a long time ago. Now it’s okay. He drove people out of the house and ran into the Boda Academy. There was no way to get in there. Zhuang Quan wandered at the entrance of Boda Academy for nearly a month without giving up.

Where did I think that I would meet it like this today. After just a few months, Zhuang Yi’s stature is quite tall and tall, and then wearing that exquisite and expensive clothes, his skin is delicate and fair, and the whole person is extremely handsome. Soul masters are generally noble and elegant, and Zhuang Quan immediately understood that Zhuang Yi must have had a very good life these few months!

Seeing that Zhuang En moved so quickly to stop Zhuang Yi, Zhuang Quan immediately followed, and first stopped his excited son, then he looked at Zhuang Yi’s white and tender appearance, and said with a smile: “Xiao Yi Ah, I haven’t seen each other for a few months, it’s getting better and better.”

Zhuang Yi looked at the two people in front of him, realizing that they would have no good intentions when they stopped him, and said blankly: “You don’t need to reemphasize what you said when you kicked me out that day, from the moment I was kicked out of the house. , We have no relationship anymore, we will be strangers from now on, Mr. Zhuang Quan.”

Zhuang Quan didn’t seem to hear what Zhuang Yi said, and he smiled and said: “Uncle said that that day was angry. We have lived together as a family for so many years. Which one or two sentences can cut everything off? So many The month has passed, Xiao Yi, you have not been a caregiver since you were a kid. Don’t be angry with your uncle. Uncle also regrets the impulse that day. Besides, your three younger brothers miss you very much.”

After Zhuang Quan had finished speaking, Zhuang En, who was standing next to him, immediately said: “Yes, everyone grew up together, and you are gone all of a sudden, we are not used to it.”

Zhuang Yi looked at Zhuang En’s duplicity and almost laughed. The reason why they are not used to it is because they are missing a bully, right? Seeing Zhuang En’s attitude that stopped him just now, it is clear that Zhuang En missed him is false, but it is true to be jealous of him.

The people who were seen bullying and growing up from childhood turned over as soon as they left. Not only did they become soul masters, they also entered the Boda Academy. The last time they met was even in the money industry. With Zhuang Quan’s temperament, they didn’t want to get from Zhuang Yi. It’s weird that it gives some benefits.

As if feeling Zhuang Yi’s mood, Lei Xiu, who was in his arms by Zhuang Yi, became the first to become impatient.

The greedy faces of these two civilians were really ugly, and at this moment, Zhuang Yi’s inner mood was ups and downs, Zhuang Yi’s anger, disgust and sadness, Lei Xiu felt the same, and naturally he was in a bad mood.

Jumping out of Zhuang Yi’s arms, Lei Xiu lightly landed on the ground, staring at Zhuang Quan and his son, and then a low warning growled in his throat.

Zhuang Quan and Zhuang En were waiting for Zhuang Yi to speak, but something like a little black cat jumped over and barked teeth at them. Zhuang Quan and Zhuang En were not soul masters and could not feel the pressure from their ranks. However, Lei Xiu’s current appearance is in his youth. Although the low voice of warning made Zhuang Quan and Zhuang En a little flustered, Zhuang Quan naturally refused to admit that he was afraid of a cat in his heart.

He took Zhuang En back a step, and then stopped looking at Lei Xiu, and instead said to Zhuang Yi; “Unexpectedly, you are living a good life now. Not only do you dress well, but even raise a cat is so smooth and smooth, Zhuang Yi ah, you also know what kind of hard life your uncle’s family has, and you have this spare money to raise a cat, why don’t you come to see uncle.”

Lei Xiu, as a beast tiger with a high IQ, has not changed his body shape after two consecutive evolutions. Although he usually does not show it, he is actually very concerned about his body shape, especially when he is considered a kitten. when!

Seeing that Zhuang Quan and Zhuang En didn’t take it seriously, they dared to pester Zhuang Yi again. Lei Xiu immediately released his spirit power. The next second, its whole body made a crackling thunder and lightning, about half a meter. The purple light kept flashing along its body, and when Zhuang Quan and his son finally looked at it in surprise, Lei Xiu took his steps slowly and walked towards Zhuang Quan and his son step by step.

The lightning flashing around Lei Xiu’s body looked a bit oozing. If he was electrocuted, who would know whether it was dead or alive, Zhuang En immediately hid behind Zhuang Quan and whispered: “Dad, it’s not a kitten, it’s a monster… …”

As a resident living near the hunting park, Zhuang Quan naturally knew about monsters, but he had never been in contact with an angry monster so close, especially when the opponent had a high-attack lightning attribute.

Zhuang Quan looked at his son’s horrified face, and then looked up to see Zhuang Yi standing there smiling and looking at the beast threatening them. He has raised Zhuang Yi for so many years and has always regarded himself as the most important elder of Zhuang Yi. He really turned his face in denial and disregarded his feelings for many years. He immediately shouted: “Zhuang Yi, I have raised you for so many years. Although there have been some misunderstandings before, today we just want to greet you about your recent experiences. You guy who doesn’t know what to do, dare to let your monsters attack us, you—”

Before Zhuang Quan’s words fell, only a thunder light flashed, and a purple light passed around Zhuang Quan’s body. From head to toe, Zhuang Quan’s whole body was trembling slightly with electricity, and he couldn’t even scream.

Zhuang En, who was standing next to Zhuang Quan, was taken aback. He was very close to Zhuang Quan. Seeing that Zhuang Quan was electrocuted, he quickly took a step back and looked at Zhuang Quan and yelled, “Dad, Dad! What’s wrong with you!” ”

Seeing Zhuang Quan’s eyes widened and unable to speak, Zhuang En wanted to reach out and touch, but was afraid that he would also be electrocuted, so he turned around and gave Zhuang Yi a fierce look, but in the next second he saw Lei Xiu’s dark red eyes staring at him. With the look in his own eyes, Zhuang En quickly retracted his gaze and continued to call his father.

Seeing Lei Xiu venting his anger, Zhuang Yi walked behind Lei Xiu, bent over and hugged Lei Xiu in his arms.

Although Lei Xiu attacked Zhuang Quan, he started very lightly, only to give him a lesson when he was electrocuted, and Zhuang Quan could recover in a while.

Lei Xiu, who was held in his arms by Zhuang Yi, didn’t know if it was stimulated by Zhuang Quan’s scornful look at the kitten before. He twisted his body and jumped onto Zhuang Yi’s shoulder, refusing to be held.

Zhuang Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Lei Xiu who was standing awkwardly on his shoulders. He somehow could guess what Lei Xiu was thinking in his heart. Zhuang Yi laughed in a low voice, “It’s okay, I will grow up soon. .”

Lei Xianxiang wanted to make an action to respond to Zhuang Yi, but he sensed the anomaly behind him and immediately turned his head.

Zhuang Yi followed Lei Xiu’s gaze and looked back. When he saw Zhuang Quan and Zhuang En who had recovered their mobility, he was suddenly a little surprised.

Based on his many years of understanding of Zhuang Quan, he is a typical bullying and fearful of toughness. Before he was beaten, he was called more fierce than anyone else. Once the opponent’s force exceeded him, Zhuang Quan was immediately afraid. And the reason why he dared to yell in front of Zhuang Yi was because he saw Zhuang Yi grow up, and believed in his heart that Zhuang Yi was a waste, and it could not be a soul master to dare to do so.

It stands to reason that there is Lei Xiu next to Zhuang Yi at this time, and Zhuang Quan who has been taught cannot dare to catch up.

Zhuang Quan, who was chasing after Zhuang Yi, saw Zhuang Yi turning around, he immediately said loudly: “Zhuang Yi, it seems that you also know that I am not your uncle’s business, then do you want to see your parents leave it to you? your things!”

Zhuang Yi’s eyes changed. What did his parents leave him?

Shang Qingyun helped to investigate Zhuang Yi’s first life. Zhuang Yi didn’t know that he was a summoner, let alone that his parents still had relics, so it was enough to hold an exquisite box in his hand. His parents left him something else!

Zhuang Yi has always thought that Shang Qingyun was able to confirm his identity after seeing Linglong Box. Now that I think about it, I’m afraid I’ve known it earlier. Thanks to his scheming, he has concealed it for so many years and patiently put him on him. Only after squeezing the value of squeeze out did it really reveal its face!

Zhuang Quan saw that Zhuang Yi stopped and looked at himself in surprise. He understood that his words worked. When Lei Xiu attacked him, Zhuang Quan also knew that it was useless to play emotional cards. He simply bluntly said: “You give me twenty Wan, I will give you your parents’ things, otherwise you won’t even want to see that thing in your life.”

Zhuang Yi immediately recovered from the shock, and said, “How many things do my parents leave for you?”

Zhuang Quan simply said: “Two. I don’t know where the small box went. Keep the big one.”

Zhuang Yi understood that the small box he was talking about was the Linglong box. Since the Linglong box was old and inconspicuous, Zhuang Yi had no toys to play with since he was a child. The relic left by Zhuang Yi’s parents was a box that he picked up casually outside, so he didn’t care about it anymore. This allowed Zhuang Yi, who was kicked out of the house, to take it away.

After confirming that his parents had no more relics, Zhuang Yi looked at Zhuang Quan expressionlessly and said, “I don’t have that much money.”

“You lied to you, the last time we saw you become the supreme customer of the money bank, would you have no money?!” Zhuang En said immediately.

“There are really precious things in it, but it’s not money.” Zhuang Yi said.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, just ask your friend to give it.” Zhuang Quan said, “He can get you into the Barda Academy and turn your mental power 4 waste into a genius. If you give you 200,000, it should be nothing. Questions.”

Zhuang Yi raised his eyebrows, why didn’t he understand Zhuang Quan’s words?

Zhuang En stood aside and sneered: “You have spread all over the street. Who doesn’t know that you were taken by a spirit warrior, and the sparrow turned into a phoenix. He fished you into the Broad Academy and waited close by.”

As Zhuang En said, there was a bit of jealousy in his words.

Zhuang Yi suddenly understood what they had misunderstood! In fact, he didn’t care too much about external rumors. He survived under the pressure of the Broad Academy. Naturally, he would not take the opinions of people who have nothing to do with him in the future to his heart, but Zhuang Yi couldn’t. What to tolerate is that they actually misunderstood him as Shang Qingyun’s prostitute?

Zhuang Yi’s face suddenly sank: “I have nothing to do with him, and his money has nothing to do with me. I only have one thousand for you.”

The difference between two hundred thousand and one thousand is far, so Zhuang Quan naturally quit. He could already see that Zhuang Yi was tempted by the relic, and immediately pulled Zhuang En away: “Since you are unwilling to do the last bit of filial piety, then that thing There is no need to give it to you.”

Zhuang Quan took Zhuang En as he walked while paying attention to the movement of Zhuang Yi behind him. Sure enough, he walked along, and saw Zhuang Yi following up. Zhuang Quan looked back in hold of the winning ticket: “How about it, have you figured it out?”

“I really figured it out.” Zhuang Yi looked at Zhuang Quan and said with a sneer, “If I don’t know the thing, it’s all about it. Now that I know it, I have to get it.”

Seeing a smug smile on Zhuang Quan’s face, Zhuang Yi said in a gloomy way: “Since you refuse to hand it over, then I will ask Zhuang En, and he will definitely want you to tell me.”

As soon as Zhuang Yi’s voice fell, the spirit power of the whole body was released. The next second, the soul guardian skill that had just been subdued appeared, and a pair of white wings suddenly appeared behind Zhuang En, and they closed in the blink of an eye, closing Zhuang En’s entire body. The body is wrapped in.

Zhuang Yi has now broken through the second-level elementary level. Although he has just taken over this soul guarding beast, his skills are very similar to those of the previous Sanshengdie’s soul guarding master, so Zhuang Yi quickly took control.

He was originally an external guardian spirit master, this time the target was Zhuang En, an ordinary person, and the skills he used were only to frighten Zhuang En, and he didn’t need to really defend the spirit power, so he succeeded all at once.

Zhuang Quan was startled and saw that his son’s body was completely wrapped up. He was obviously much more experienced than Zhuang En. He didn’t panic immediately. He quickly turned his head and asked Zhuang Yi: “What did you do to him?!”

“It’s nothing, I am a soul master now. If you offend me like this, naturally you won’t give you any good fruit.”

Zhuang Yi sneered. In fact, there was nothing serious about Zhuang En who was wrapped in it, but he was electrocuted by lightning at the moment he was wrapped, so he couldn’t make a sound at this moment.

Zhuang Quan is not a soul master. He has only heard of the nobleness and terrible nature of a soul master. How can I think that Zhuang Yi has actually become a soul master, and both of them, father and son, have been attacked today!

Thinking of this, Zhuang Quan’s face suddenly turned pale. Although he treated Zhuang Yi harshly since he was a child, he was very precious to his three sons, especially the eldest son. After the new year is over, he can test his mental strength in a few months. At this time, Zhuang Quan was totally unacceptable if something went wrong because of Zhuang Yi.

If he can see Zhuang En at this time, it’s okay, but Zhuang En is wrapped in a pair of big wings. The less he can see, the more flustered Zhuang Quan is. It’s so annoying, even something like a kitten in his arms can’t be annoying, Zhuang Quan gritted his teeth and said: “You let go of my son first, and I will take you to my house to get it!”

Zhuang Yi grew up in that neighborhood and knew that there were a lot of gangsters who had made friends with Zhuang Quan nearby. Although he and Lei Xiu are still able to deal with a dozen ordinary people together, Zhuang Yi doesn’t want to provoke too much. So he slowly said: “Your home is very close to here, now I’m going to get it, and I’ll be waiting for you here.”

Seeing that Zhuang Quan was about to refute, Zhuang Yi said without any doubt: “I only let you run once. If you dare to fool me with a fake, I will not kill Zhuang because of our more than ten years of getting along. Well, but it’s okay to abolish his mental power…”

Zhuang Quan’s expression changed, he dared not bet on his son’s future, and finally left with gritted teeth.

Zhuang Yi watched Zhuang Quan walk away, then immediately withdrew his spirit power, and glanced at Zhuang En not far away in disgust.

Zhuang En was numb by Lei Xiu for dozens of seconds, and then was wrapped in white wings. Listening to the conversation between Zhuang Yi and Zhuang Quan, he was anxious and frightened. As a result, he couldn’t control one and became incontinent on the spot.

Zhuang Yi thought of the fierce appearance of this guy bullying himself before, and looking at his shabby appearance now, he couldn’t help but rejoice in his heart. His temper became tough, and at the same time, because of this, he was very resistant to Zhuang Quan’s family, and eventually he grew up with Zhuang En’s temperament so much.

Zhuang Quan didn’t make Zhuang Yi wait too long, and returned soon.

Lei Xiu is a beast, and his five senses are inherently sharper than humans, so he first discovered Zhuang Quan’s footsteps and then reminded Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi once again wrapped Zhuang En’s body with the guardian skills of the Royal Soul Beast, just after finishing it, Zhuang Quan arrived.

Zhuang Yi’s gaze immediately condensed on the long box about 30 centimeters long. With just a glance, Zhuang Yi was sure that Zhuang Quan was not bluffing people. This thing was definitely given to him by his parents.

This box is not the same as the Linglong box in Zhuang Yi’s hands. It is a pure black box, and it is much newer than the Linglong box. However, Zhuang Yi saw sharply that the strange symbols faintly visible at the bottom of the box are similar to those on the bottom of the Linglong box. very similar!

Seeing Zhuang Yi, Zhuang Quan immediately glued his gaze to the box in his hand. He pointed to Zhuang En, who was wrapped next to him, and said, “Let my son out first!”

“You give me the box first.” Zhuang Yi stared at the long box.

“I need to know his safety before giving it to you!” Zhuang Quan hugged the box tightly, looking at Zhuang En anxiously.

Zhuang Yi glanced at him, and finally recovered his spirit power.

The white wings disappeared in the air, and Zhuang En’s body immediately appeared. Zhuang Quan immediately stepped forward and hugged the stiff Zhuang En. When he touched Zhuang En’s crotch, Zhuang Quan’s face suddenly became a little ugly.

“Dad…” Zhuang En supported Zhuang Quan and said with a trembling voice.

“Is the spiritual power still there?” Zhuang Quan asked immediately with concern.

The expression on Zhuang En’s face was stiff, and then he nodded: “It’s a bit unstable, but it’s still there.”

Zhuang Yi put the expression on Zhuang En’s face into his eyes, and sneered in his heart. Although Zhuang Quan cares about Zhuang En, it seems that he cares more about his son’s spiritual power.

After hearing this, Zhuang Quan breathed a sigh of relief, then raised the box in his hand to Zhuang Yi: “Give me the money promised before.”

“Only one thousand.”

Zhuang Quan’s face was twisted, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed, and threw the box to Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi transferred the 1,000 on the crystal card to Zhuang Quan on the spot, and then left with Lei Xiu without looking back.

After this time, Zhuang Yi believed that unless Zhuang En became a promising soul master in the future, they would definitely not dare to trouble him again.

However, before becoming a prosperous soul master, Zhuang En must first come to Boda Academy. Zhuang Yi believes that even if he enters the school, at least in the short term, he will definitely not dare to seek his own death.

The winter night is always coming very quickly. Seeing that it is almost evening, Zhuang Yi immediately seized the time, found a secluded corner nearby, and tried to open the box.

Like the Linglong box, this is a unique item belonging to the summoner, and ordinary people can’t open it at all, otherwise Zhuang Quan would have swallowed it by himself, so why would he wait until today to tell him.

Zhuang Yi asked Lei Xiu to wait. He cut his wrist with the dagger of a dead wood butterfly. The blood slowly flowed in a groove on the edge of the box, and finally gathered together along the groove of the frame of the box.

The black gleam slowly radiated, and the deep and silent light seemed to be able to swallow everything around.

Zhuang Yi looked at the light, and somehow, an uneasy feeling surged in his heart.

At the same time, Lei Xiu, who had been lying quietly by the side, immediately stood up, his eyes fixed on the slowly opening box. Its tail flicked anxiously. Seeing that the black light became more and more prosperous, the dark stuff in the box was finally about to appear in front of them. Suddenly, Lei Xiu jumped fiercely in front of Zhuang Yi, his body low and his tail In an attacking state, all the tiger hairs all over his body stood up, roaring at the contents of the box!

Zhuang Yi had never seen Lei Xiu like this before. He made a decisive decision and reached out to cover the box, but he was a step late——

The box is completely opened, and the things that have been imprisoned for an unknown number of years are seen again!

A thick black mucus rushed out of the box quickly, faster than lightning, and covered Zhuang Yi’s fingers in the blink of an eye. Zhuang Yi looked at the foul-smelling large unidentified creature, his body suddenly changed. Stiff, lightning flashes through a name in his head——Alien Demon.

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