The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 35: The Wishes of Those Who Love Heroes

「No matter how you think about it, half a year is impossible」

Once we had left the Seeker Guild, Alma couldn't endure it anymore and complained to me. With a reproachful expression, she stared at me dewy-eyed.

「I researched various things about this after I became a Seeker, but as expected, it's impossible to become a Regalia in a year. But half a year? There's a limit to how reckless you can be」

「It's not reckless at all. Didn't the old man, Harold, say that he would back us fully if we created a clan that met his requirements? With his help, we'll have a direct path towards becoming a Regalia」

「......Supposing that we can trust that old man, how are you going to create a clan that meets his requirements? And in just one week」

「I have a plan」

「What's your plan?」

「Isn't it to subjugate Beasts? That's the best way to get achievements」

When Kouga chimed in with his opinion, Alma buried her face in her hands.

「Even I know that subjugating Beasts is the best way. But no matter what reckless methods we use, we can't defeat a Beast whose ability greatly exceeds our own. When you get right down to it, the achievements from defeating regular Beasts won't be enough to change our evaluation」

「In that case, we can just recruit new allies first and strengthen our party」

「Are you an idiot? There's no way we can recruit strong allies so easily. Even if we were able to get new allies, they'll still need to go through training for coordinating with us in combat and they won't be usable in battles in just one week」

「Oh, that's right. Without coordination training, we won't be able to even fight…...」

Alma's point was correct. There was no meaning in simply gaining strong allies. It was only after you had trained each individual's movements to work together with the others, that the party would properly function as a team. When Kouga became an ally, we had to do combat training for half a month. Even if Hugo was freed from prison and became an ally right now, a week was still not enough. In any case, it would take a little more time to get Hugo's sentence rescinded.

As I had already learned Exorcism using the money gotten from the affair with the Gambino Family, as long as it was limited to the undead, we would probably be able to defeat higher ranked Beasts. But even so, it would still be impossible for us to win against undead Beasts that were at the level where subjugating them would be a big enough achievement to change our evaluation.

In other words, it was impossible to achieve the requirements with an orthodox method.

「In the first place, why did you say one week?」

「That's because our evaluation will surely be better if I set a shorter deadline」

「Even so, one week is too short. We can't do anything」

「No, one week is enough. Or rather, it might even be too long」


「It's true. Well, I'll admit that it's not a method that I would have used of my own accord」

「…...What kind of method is it? Is it a dangerous method?」

「It's not dangerous. It's not something that applies only to Seekers, and this method is often used when expanding an organization. Do both of you know what it is?」

「I don't know」「No idea」

Both of them shook their heads in unison.

「Then, I'll explain. What I want to do is--」

Just before the words came out of my mouth, I suddenly remembered.

「No. You've got such a loose tongue. It's better if you don't know」


「Phew, that was close. I just barely prevented the plan from being leaked」

「Wait a minute, Noel! The one with a big mouth is only this woman! I've never revealed any secrets!」

「That's right」

「In that case, won't it be fine if you told me?」

「No. It's pitiful to be left out. Bear with it for now, Kouga」

「N, no way……」

Kouga's shoulders dropped in disappointment. Beside him, Alma was whistling awkwardly. Reflect on your actions, you blabbermouth.

「I'll give you the details when needed. Until then, both of you make sure to rest your bodies. But, neglecting training is prohibited」

「Speaking of training, I'm meeting Leisha after this to teach each other our respective fighting styles. You don't mind, right?」

「I don't mind」

Leisha was a member of another party, but there was no reason to refuse this exchange of techniques and knowledge. Rather than trying to pull each other down, the best rivals were ones that worked hard and competed together with you.

「Noel, I have a matter to bring up as well」

「What is it?」

「It seems like they're short-handed at my lodgings. I was thinking of helping out a little during my spare time, but is that okay?」

「Do you want to have a side job? The money that I lent you should be enough to cover your immediate living expenses, right?」

Kouga was originally a slave. He had regained his freedom, but he naturally had no savings, so I had lent him money for his living expenses. The agreement was that the loan would be repaid little by little from future rewards.

「No, I have money, but I know that the boss of the boarding house is troubled. I feel uncomfortable about overlooking it」

In other words, it was simply his kind-heartedness. What an awkward guy.

「……Understood, do as you like」

I didn't like allowing a side job, but it would probably be fine if it's only something of this level. Above all, I had no right to put restrictions on my allies' private lives just because I was the leader.

「Thank you! That helps!」

I waved offhandedly and then looked at them again.

「That's it for today's party activities. Well then, dismissed」

「Hmm, looks like the discussion is over」

Outside the window, three young people waved to one another and parted ways. Harold watched the scene with narrowed eyes.

「Noel Stollen, as expected, he’s an interesting talent」

He had learned Noel’s name when he had registered as a Seeker. After all, he was the grandchild of Over Death. It was impossible to not take notice of him.

But his Job was Talker. Harold would be lying if he said that he wasn’t disappointed by that. If Noel was a Warrior, then he would have definitely been his hero's successor.

「Yes, you were a disappointment at first. But then, undaunted by the handicap that you were born with, you started to gain fame steadily」

He was still only one of the many promising rookies in the entire Seeker profession. But Harold, who had seen many Seekers over a very long time, felt that there was a possibility that Noel was different from the other Seekers.

As a matter of fact, Noel succeeded in rebuilding immediately after experiencing the collapse of his party. He even heard that Noel had defeated the Gambino family.

Also, he wasn't disturbed by Harold's killing intent at all, despite being the weakest--a Buffer. That impressive courage made it hard to imagine that he was only sixteen years old.

「He's different from the past heroes. And that may be exactly why he might reach a new realm. A realm that no one has ever reached before」

Harold closed his eyes and recalled the memories of his hero.

「Rejoice, Brandon. That child is undoubtedly your grandson. Even if he didn't inherit your talent, he will definitely become a hero that surpasses you」

「Of course, you idiot! He’s the grandson that I’m proud of, you know?」

Harold’s revived memories were so vivid that he even heard such auditory hallucinations. Harold had been the one in charge of that legendary clan, Bloodblade Federation. Those noisy but satisfying memories never faded, no matter how many decades had passed.

「I’m back, Grandpa! I’ve come to see you!」

While he was immersed in his memories, the door was opened violently.

「Oh, I'm so tired. Why are Seekers so stupid? Good grief, I can’t do this anymore」

The person who had flopped onto the couch right after entering the room was Marion Jenkins, a Seeker Guild inspector just like Harold, and also Harold's grandchild.

Marion had apparently been fighting it out with some clan. Under the tailcoat, Marion’s shirt was speckled with spots of blood.

「Good work, Marion. Looks like you’ve just finished a job」

「They kept on complaining about my assessment so I beat all of them black and blue. I hate how the incompetent ones always try to use their petty tricks. If you have any complaints, how about showing some results instead」

「You’re absolutely right. But that's also the job of an inspector, Inspector No. 26」

「I know, I know. So stop lecturing me, Grandpa. By the way--」

Marion put on a serious expression.

「Is it true that Grandpa will be in charge of a new clan? You haven't been in charge of any clan for almost a decade now, right? Is this clan so amazing?」

Marion was brimming with curiosity but Harold could only smile wryly and nod.

The Seeker Guild had a total of thirty-six inspectors. Each one was responsible for one or more clans. But in the past decade, Harold hadn't been assigned to any clans because of his advanced age.

Of course, he was just using his age as an excuse. Certainly, he was long past his prime, but his ability to serve as an inspector had remained. Harold hadn't wanted to do it simply because he hadn't seen any clans that he felt passionate about. So, for the last ten years, he had been focused on nurturing his juniors.

「Hmm, color me surprised! What kind of clan is it!?」

「It's a team led by a young man called Noel Stollen」

「I know him! The small fry that was born as a Talker even though he's Over Death's grandson! Are you serious!? You're going to be in charge of a clan with such a small fry as the leader!? Grandpa!?」

「That's right. Do you have a problem with that?」

Marion's expression became stiff as Harold smiled and tilted his head. Marion had sensitively noticed the quiet anger behind Harold's smile.

「……W, well, I'm just happy that Grandpa is back to active duty. Yup……」

「Marion, what about you? How are things going with the management of Hundred Demon Parade?」

「It’s impossible. Nothing can be done about them」

With arms crossed, Marion made a noticeably vexed expression.

「In the first place, the reason why Hundred Demon Parade became a Regalia is because the clan master, Lioud, is excessively strong. The strength of the other clan members is middling. Despite that, Lioud is a proud and lazy person and only does the requests that he likes. The sub-master is working hard to support the clan, but he’s so exhausted that it's quite a pitiful sight」

「That’s troubling, isn’t it……」

「I’ve tried all sorts of methods, but if this continues, they may drop out of Regalia. I mean, if you think about the other clan members, that might actually be better. Shit! If only Lioud got serious, they would be the 1st Star in no time!」

「Marion, I understand how you feel, but it's strictly forbidden to help them in a way that goes beyond your position as an inspector. It wouldn’t be in the best interests of both sides」

「I know! You’re so naggy!」

Noel had wondered about the preferential treatment from Harold, but the people called inspectors all favored the clans they were in charge of without exception.

Not only was the performance of the clan that they were in charge of linked to their own evaluation, but all the inspectors also loved heroes. Because they were the people in the shadows who couldn’t become heroes themselves, they loved the heroes who had taken center stage and were shining brilliantly.

「However, if Hundred Demon Parade drops out of Regalia, I'll feel uneasy about the fighting strength that we’ll have for X-Day…… We had such high hopes for them……」

「Oh yeah, about that, it looks like the prediction for X-Day has changed」

「Huh, then when is X-Day now?」

「Half a year later」

「Half a year later!? Didn't the prediction say that it was one year later at the earliest!?」

「Things like predictions change, Grandpa. His Majesty will soon declare a state of emergency, and he appears to be making the high-ranking officials from the imperial capital take over the defenses of each major city. The encroachment rate of the Abyss caused by the Variant is not ordinary after all. The whole country will be swallowed in no time. We can’t oppose that unless our defenses can keep pace with it」

「Half a year later…… Then……」

Noel’s words crossed Harold’s mind.

「Then, at the assessment『half a year later』, we’ll become one of the Regalia」

Did that young man already know that this would happen? No, that’s really impossible. But, even then, I can't see this as just a simple coincidence.

「Grandpa! He~y, Grandpa!」

Harold, who had been lost in his thoughts, came back to his senses with Marion’s call.

「It's okay. I'm listening properly」

「I see. That's why I wanted to ask Grandpa about--」

「Which clan we can trust to take command on X-Day?」

「Yes, it’s about that. The army and the other Seekers will be defending the cities, so it's the Regalia that will fight against the Variant. Normally, the logical choice would be to leave it to the 1st Star Supreme Dragon Squad, but……」

「You’re worried because the clan master, Victor, is old, right?」


In consideration of Harold, who was also an old person, Marion gave a small nod.

「It’s not something you need to worry about. Everyone becomes weaker in both mind and body when they get older. Victor knows that as well. It's better to leave the command to another clan」

「In that case, it’ll be either of the 2nd Star clans, Khan or Taicheong-dong」

「No, Both of them aren’t suitable」

「Huh, why?」

「Khan is a special clan that consists only of blood relatives. That's why their teamwork is better than any other clan, but they lack the ability to command those who are not their kin」

「That’s true……」

「The clan master of Taicheong-dong is from another country. That's not to say that he can't be trusted, but in a battle to protect the country, it's the Seekers from this country who will exhibit the greatest strength after all. This will also have an affect on those under whoever is in command」

「I see…… Then, we’ll have to choose from among the 3rd Star clans……」

「What are the other inspectors saying?」

「Everyone else said that even though there were problems, it would be best to leave it to Supreme Dragon Squad. But they were worried after all, so they asked me to get Grandpa's opinion」

「What an unreliable bunch……」

「It can't be helped. Grandpa is the only one left who knows the details of the battle against the Variant. Everyone else doesn't know what to do」

Harold only remembered now that Marion had mentioned it. Of the people who had known that battle, almost all of them were no longer around. His beloved wife, colleagues and Over Death had all died.

「……Marion, what do you think? Which clan do you think is suitable?」

「Me? For me……」

Marion agonized over the choice for a long time, and then finally declared.

「I think Hundred Demons Parade is suitable」

「Why is that?」

「Certainly, the clan master Lioud is a shithead. However, his strength is one of the best in history. No, I think Lioud is the strongest Seeker of all time. I’m sure Grandpa is aware that he had already reached EX Rank long before he became a Seeker when he was 15 years old」

Harold knew Lioud’s strength very well. As well as his numerous amazing heroic exploits.

「But can Lioud take command?」

「There’s no need for him to take command. If he charges into the enemy lines as the commander-in-chief, everyone's morale will inevitably rise. It's impossible to completely control the fiercely individualistic clans in the Regalia anyways. In that case, since there’s no need to give detailed instructions, Lioud, who can lead everyone with just the strength of his arm, is most suited to be the commander-in-chief. He has that much power. He should be motivated if the opponent is a Variant」

「I see, you have a point……」

It wasn't a bad suggestion. Marion had envisioned the actual battle much better than those who had taken the safe choice of pushing for Supreme Dragon Squad without deep contemplation. If it was any day before today, Harold would probably have agreed with Marion's plan.

But then, Harold had already met that young man.

「Which clan do you recommend, Grandpa?」

「I recommend Noel Stollen」

「Huh? ……….HUHHHHHH!? Isn’t that the Seeker that just created a clan today!?」

「No, to be accurate, the creation of the clan is still pending」

「Then he hasn’t even created a clan yet!? There’s no way a guy like that can be the commander-in-chief! Grandpa, have you gone senile!?」

Harold laughed out loud when he saw the flustered Marion.

「What are you laughing at!?」

「Hahaha, no, I’m sorry. I was thinking that it’s understandable for you to be surprised」

「Of course!」

「Would you like to make a bet, Marion? My recommendation of Noel, and your recommendation of Lioud. Let’s bet on which of the two will be in a better position to be the commander-in-chief in six month’s time. If you win, I’ll give you my position as the Head of the Jenkins family」

Marion’s eyes lit up at Harold’s words.

「……Grandpa, are you serious about that?」

「Of course, I'm serious」

「……By the way, although I think that there’s only a snowball’s chance in hell of it happening, but what happens if I lose?」

「At that time, you will enter a bride's school. Be reborn as the best lady who has completely mastered proper etiquette and housework」

「What!? Are you serious!?」

Marion Jenkins, granddaughter of Harold Jenkins. Eighteen years old. A young woman who had inherited her mother's beauty and well-endowed figure. Her blonde hair with bright orange streaks was tied into a ponytail. That glamorous hair made the blooming young woman appear even more charming.

Even if a grandfather's tendency to see his grandchild in a favorable light was factored out, she was an unparalleled beauty. However, she was regrettably too crude and violent. At this rate, no matter how blessed with looks she was, no one would take her as a bride.

He had no intention of spouting old-fashioned sayings like, a woman should live like a woman. However, it was Harold's wish for her to at least have the bare minimum in grace and refinement.

「What will you do? If you are afraid of losing, it’s okay for you to pull out of the bet, you know?」

「D, don’t mess with me! Who’s going to pull out? I’ll take that bet!」

At that moment, Harold had a big smile on his face.

How many of you realized that Marion was a girl before the reveal at the end? And I wonder how many people will understand the effort required to make sure that there was not a single “she” or “her” in that entire section so that the reveal wasn’t spoilt. The Japanese language doesn’t use pronouns much so it was easy in the original but that’s not true for English…

I love that the author finally gave us Over Death’s name after so many chapters though.

Isn’t Lioud far too OP!? But I’m really looking forward to when they fight over the commander-in-chief’s seat. But that’s still far away, Noel still has to create a clan! Back to more normal stuff next chapter though, yet again, some of the chapter is a POV from another character. Who will it be this time. Stay tuned!

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