The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 34: The Resolve to Say It Was A Godsend

「Well, you know, I'm really nervous......」

Alma snorted derisively at Kouga's trembling voice.

「If you're scared, you can stay home」

「I, I'm not scared!」

「Stop it. There're people around so it's embarrassing」

It was three days after I had submitted the clan application to the Seeker Guild. A letter had arrived at my lodgings, the Stardrop inn, saying that I was to bring my party members for a final assessment.

Thus, the three of us went to the Seeker Guild.

The Seeker Guild was the largest public building in the imperial capital. Although it was a magnificent structure reminiscent of a palace, because it had no towers on its blue mansard roof and was built symmetrically, it gave the impression of being very plain. Above its front gate was a clock tower, which accentuated the overall look.

It was a very large building. I wasn't as nervous as Kouga because I had been here so many times by now, but I remembered feeling overwhelmed the first time I saw it.

The Seeker Guild did not only handle the registration and management of Seekers, but it also bought and sold Beast materials. The selling was mainly done through auctions, and it was customary to see a surge of merchants when it was time for an auction.

「Well then, let's go. You guys, watch your manners」

We passed through the front gate, and after stating our purpose at the reception desk, we were immediately ushered to a luxurious reception room. Once in the room, all three of us sat down on a blue velvet sofa.

As I was sipping the tea that a porter working in the Guild had served, Kouga elbowed me.

「H, hey, Noel」

「What’s wrong? Do you need to go to the bathroom?」

「That’s not it. I settled that before we came」

「Then, what is it?」

「After this, um……an inspector is coming, right? We’ll have an interview with that person and once that’s over, we’ll be officially recognized as a clan, right?」

「That’s right」

「Then, could it be that the inspector will be talking with not just Noel, but with me as well?」

「That might happen」

「It’s, it’s my first time, I wonder if I can answer properly?」

「I don't think that you'll be asked anything complicated so it’ll be fine」

Even if you were asked questions, it would only be about why you became a Seeker and what kind of Seeker you wanted to be in future. In short, it's just a simple compatibility test. Its purpose was to determine if you were a problematic party member.

Well, even if there were party members with bad conduct, as long as there weren't any big problems with the clan master, the application would probably not be rejected. Seekers were generally rough people. Choosing only honor students would not have worked in the first place.

I explained all these points to him, but Kouga remained uneasy.

「Re, really? Is it really going to be okay?」

「Like I said, it’ll be fine」

「Is it really true that the clan application won’t be rejected just because the inspector got offended by my answer? Is it really okay to believe that?」

「Trust me. It’s okay, it’ll definitely be fine」

As soon as anything outside of battles was involved, this guy becomes a complete chicken. Considering his background, I did think that it couldn’t be helped, but I wished that he would be a little bit more dignified.

「Noel is just being kind. I heard that if you upset the inspector, the application will be denied on the spot. If we fail to create the clan, it’ll be completely Kouga's fault」

At Alma’s sudden lie, Kouga started to panic before I had a chance to intercede.

「Th, that’s what I thought! If I screw up, Noel’s dream will end here! What should I do!? What on earth should I do!?」

「You have to apologize by dying. Kouga, it was only for a short time, but thank you for the memories. Leave the rest to me and rest in peace」

「If they’ll forgive me if I cut my guts out, then I’ll cut it! Will they forgive me, Noel? This is the only thing I can do now!」

「You guys……」

Listening to the conversation between these two idiots gave me a terrible headache. Alma, who had nonchalantly lied, and Kouga, who had swallowed the lie without thinking, were truly a duo from which you couldn’t feel even a sliver of intelligence.

「If the both of you don't stop messing around, there’s a limit to how much I can endure—」

At that time, an intense killing intent burst forth from the other side of the door.

By the time I stood up and assumed a fighting stance, Alma and Kouga had already pulled out their weapons and were staring at the door while standing in a position to protect me.

The door opened slowly. The person who emerged was a white-haired old man in black tailcoat.

「Oh, what on earth is the matter? You’re all making scary faces with your weapons drawn. Did you see something frightening?」

The old man said that with a confused face, but he was clearly lying. That killing intent had undoubtedly been released by this old man. Certainly, he was about 70 years old, and didn’t look very strong based on his appearance. His eyes and bearded mouth looked mellow, and he had the charm of a genial grandfather.

However, when I took a closer look, I could tell that he had a deep, unusually well-trained chest despite being an old man. The way he carried himself was also as light as a floating leaf. He was a tremendously strong man. He was definitely A rank.

I had heard that the Seeker Guild inspectors were a lineup of people strong enough to suppress rowdy Seekers, but to think that they were this strong. Rather than suppressing, wasn't this level of strength enough to massacre most clans?

「That's terrifying. Could all of you please put away your weapons now? I'm not your enemy, I'm just here to give you permission to create a clan. Let's all get along」

「I don't want to hear that from you, old man. You're the one who picked a fight with us first」

「Me, picking a fight? That's preposterous. I simply fired myself up a little so that I won't lose to the promising youngsters. Like this, one-two, one-two」

I couldn't help clicking my tongue at the old man who had begun stretching exercises on the spot.

「What a crafty old man. Hey, both of you, sheath your weapons. We must be kind to the elderly. If he becomes senile and starts pissing himself, you can't take him to the bathroom with your weapons drawn」

The old man's face twitched as I smirked. The atmosphere of the room had changed, and the two of them, who were in a battle-ready state, also relaxed. They must have been very nervous because both of them gave huge sighs of relief as they put their weapons away.

「Youngsters nowadays! No respect for their seniors......」

「It's because there is respect, that we're being friendly to you without minding the generational differences. Or did you want to be treated with care like an expensive ornament, old man?」

「I had heard that a Talker was a Buffer, but you seem to be good at making wisecracks too. I'm envious of how multi-talented you are」

After the old man coughed annoyingly, he bowed respectfully.

「I ought to have said this earlier. I'm Harold Jenkins, Seeker Guild's Inspector No. 3. Pleased to make your acquaintance」

「I'm Noel Stollen, Blue Beyond's leader」

「Hmm? The clan name in the application is different, is this correct?」

「That's correct. I wanted to change the name once we were a clan」

「I see, understood. Then, let's talk more in detail」

We sat back on the sofa and received a briefing about clans from Harold. The contents of the briefing were largely known. It was about how clans could receive requests from the country once they were created, that clans had an assessment once every six months, and that the contents of subsequent requests would change depending on the grade given at that time. Also, with regards to the assessment, it seemed that Harold would be the person in charge.

After the briefing, a quick interview followed. The questions were exactly as predicted. Kouga stuttered a lot because of nervousness, but he answered properly about his personal history and future goals. Alma had a sleepy-looking expression, but there were no problems with her replies as well.

On one hand, I was glad that their goal was to push me to the top, but on the other, it probably sounded contrived to a third party so it was a little embarrassing.

「The briefing and interview are now over. Hmm, you're a good party. Everyone is young, and while the party was formed recently, I can sense a strong feeling of trust among all of you. You're lacking in terms of achievements, but I don't think there is a problem with your abilities based on past results」

Harold smiled and took out a seal.

「All right. The application for creating a clan is approved. Once I stamp this seal, you'll be a clan. I look forward to your future achievements」

「Thank you, Harold. We'll be in your care from now on」

「No, I'm the one who will be in your care. However, I have just one question」

「What is it?」

「Do you really wish to create the clan right now?」

Unable to understand what Harold was getting at, I tilted my head.

「What do you mean?」

「For me, I couldn't be happier at the birth of a new, promising clan. But what about you, Noel? Do you have the confidence that you'll be able to increase the scale of the clan smoothly if you create a clan now?」

「Of course. I won't be here if I wasn't confident」

「You're undoubtedly talented. You're young, but if you run the clan flawlessly, you'll probably grow it into a prominent clan in three, no, two years」

「Then, there should be no problems, right?」

I had planned to become one of the Regalia within a year, but I didn't need to say it out loud. It would be best to prove it with results, not words.

「Certainly, it wouldn't be a problem normally. But whether or not you'll even have two years...... No matter how competent you are, it's meaningless if you aren't given enough time」

「What are you talking about?」

「Noel, do you know about the Regalia?」

I couldn't follow where he was going with this conversation, but I nodded for the time being.

「1st Star,『Supreme Dragon Squad』. 2nd Star,『Khan』and『Taicheong-dong』. 3rd Star『Avalon』,『Goat Dinner』,『Hundred Demon Parade』and『Lorelei』. They're a great force worthy of the name of Regalia. However, they're still far from that legendary clan『Bloodblade Federation』」

I knew that last clan name very well. It was a name I had heard countless times in my bedtime stories.

「That's right, it was the clan in which your grandfather, Over Death, held the role of raid captain. A clan that showed off their competence in all areas and achieved an unprecedented feat. You know what that feat was, right?」

「......Depth 13, Lord among Lords, Variant(Ten Kings of the Netherworld). They subjugated one of the Variant」

The Variant was an alliance consisting solely of Lords from the deepest depths of the Abyss, depth 13.

All of its members held such immense strength that they could each annihilate a nation by themselves. The only saving grace for humanity was that they had to clear many conditions in order to cross over to the real world as they were far too strong.

But, several decades ago, one of them crossed over. Because of how overwhelming the strength of that Great Demon King was, three nations had been destroyed before the clan that Grandfather was in, Bloodblade Federation, managed to subjugate it. The calamity that had lasted only one month, was now called the『Night of Despair』.

「With the successful subjugation by the Bloodblade Federation, the Empire absorbed the destroyed nations, and with the development of the unprecedented Magic Tools civilization, it grew into a great nation. For this reason, there are some who say that the calamity was a blessing from God. But I don't think so」

Harold leaned forward and said in a strong tone.

「Beasts are neither convenient livestock nor good neighbors. We can never come to an understanding with each other, and they're invaders and humanity's rivals. If a Variant appeared again, we'll probably be easily destroyed」

「In other words, are you trying to say that a Variant will appear soon?」

「What I say from now on is off the record. --According to the report from the investigation team, a Variant will definitely appear in the near future. Noel, that's why you'll have no time to gain strength leisurely」

「I understand now」

I came to create a clan, but was told an incredible story in return. Sitting on both sides of me, Alma and Kouga were completely bewildered, and even I was finding it hard to believe. But it didn't feel like Harold was lying.

「What's the shortest estimation of when the Variant is going to cross over?」

「Most likely, one year later」

「One year later, huh」

「Noel, once a clan is created, unless half a year has passed, the results of this assessment is everything. You are promising, but both your strength and level of achievements are still unreliable. It's difficult to give the good requests to such a clan」

「Then if I assembled both strength and achievements before I create the clan, will I get the good requests right from the start? Requests that are good enough to rapidly increase the clan's capabilities as an organization before the Variant crosses over?」

「I give you my word. At that time, I will fully back you」

I had gotten a promise from him. I had only one thing on my mind after that.

「Tell me Harold, why are you giving me preferential treatment? Is it because I'm the grandson of Over Death? But I'm a Talker who failed to inherit his talent」

「I've been involved in this line of work for many years and have seen many Seekers in that time. My intuition is telling me that you're the key to defeating the Variant. It doesn't matter if you're the grandchild of Over Death. I trust your potential」

「Even if an old man that I've just met today tells me that he trusts me, I still can't put my finger on why he would do so」

「Of course, how you receive what I've said is up to you. If you don't believe my words or say that it doesn't matter to you, you're free to create the clan as is」

「Stop speaking in that way to test me. It's unpleasant」

My answer had been decided from the start. I was aiming to be at the top of all Seekers anyways. If anything, even the threat of the Variant was a godsend to me.

Grandfather's clan was able to successfully subjugate a Variant. Then, as someone who had to surpass Grandfather, there was absolutely no way I could be scared.

「One week. Just wait a week. I'll assemble both strength and achievements before then」

With a smile on my face, I continued.

「Then, at the assessment half a year later, we'll become one of the Regalia」

At my declaration, Alma turned to me, disbelief written all over her face.

Now that I thought about it, I told Alma previously that we would become one of the Regalia in a year. But plans were things that changed depending on the situation. There was no problem.

Author verifies that the setting of this novel is Europe, the Middle Ages. Why is he specifically highlighting this now? Because clothes that (by right) shouldn’t exist in this setting are appearing in this chapter.

Anyone else finds the gap in Kouga’s personality hilarious? He was so cool in the last arc, that’s it’s almost a pity but it’s funny so I like it. (๑>◡<๑)

And so, with the introduction of the major conflict set up for the future, this novel finally gets a serious end-game goal, and Noel’s ambitious goal of being one of the Regalia has now become relevant. Though he wants to do it in 6 months now. With a party of 3. Not even a clan yet.

Isn’t it interesting though that the Void is becoming less of a mystery occurrence and is really looking like an alternate world invading this one. And the fact that they made an alliance hints that they aren’t mindless beasts either. The scale of the story is really ramping up.

More new developments and half of the next chapter is the first POV from someone other than Noel in this Part. (ᵔᴥᵔ) Stay tuned!

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