The Monkey King

Chapter 18

Chapter 17:

“Monkey run!” A familiar voice came.

“What?” The monkey looked around sleepily.

In the middle of the night, this is a wilderness, cracked ground, withered woods, and my feet are stepping on the soft withered leaves.

“Run! He’s chasing after him!”

turned his head sharply, and the monkey saw a thin man who was drawing a bow in the distance.

It was a thin face without eyes.

The boundless fear spreads in the monkey’s heart.

He ran away, hurriedly using the trees to avoid the incoming bow and arrow.

The man behind    missed three arrows, put away his longbow, turned his dagger and quickly followed.

“Run! Monkey! Run!”

ran all the way, and the monkey’s heart almost jumped out.

The wind swirled behind him, stumbling through the woods, hiding behind a rock until he could no longer hear footsteps behind him.

The stone monkey smiled wearily: “Heh…hehe…hahahaha…Queer, I escaped, and I took another life. Hahaha. Queer – where are you?” He looked around in panic, but didn’t see anything. The unexpectedly small figure.

Suddenly, my palms became wet.

Looking down, it was actually a dying bird with a long cut in front of him!

Hot blood flowed from her body, staining the monkey’s palm red.

“Chee…Chee! Don’t die! We want to cultivate immortals together! Don’t die!”

The monkey desperately covered the wound with his hands, but all in vain.

The gushing blood penetrated the stone monkey’s fingers and dripped onto the ground, causing ripples out of thin air, and the whole earth turned red.

A harsh voice rang in his ears.

The rock next to    turned into a hideous face, and the forest laughed wildly in the wind, as if the whole world was mocking.

Pairs of hands stretched out from the mud, from the rocks, and from the tree trunks, like the evil spirits breaking free, they stretched out to the sparrows protected by the monkeys!

“What are you going to do? What are you going to do! Don’t!”

Monkey panicked and ran away.

In the palm of his hand, Queer said something intermittently, but he didn’t even have the skill to listen. He was hiding everywhere, but there was nowhere to hide.

A pair of hands extending from the roots of the tree tripped him, and in a panic, the bird rolled out a few meters away, leaving a long trail of blood.

The originally empty branches above his head suddenly seemed to explode with countless red leaves, the color of blood.

The monkey wanted to stand up, but his body was tightly grasped by the hands that stretched out everywhere, and he couldn’t break free no matter what.

Those leaves gathered into a human face, a face without eyes, with its mouth wide open and roaring towards the bird!

“Don’t – don’t – ah ah ah!” The monkey opened his eyes suddenly, staring like a copper bell.

Wadu, who was half-asleep outside the house, was so frightened that he took out his “Lianzhu”.

The moonlight penetrated through the window, and the dark room was so quiet that it was disturbing, except for the shabby windows that squeaked in the wind.

Monkey looked at his empty hand in horror, and beads of sweat fell from his forehead.

“Have a nightmare again…cough…” The monkey pinched his throat with his hand, lowered his head and touched the scar left on his abdomen, looked up and looked out of the house, the moon and stars were thin in the sky.

After a long time, when his breathing gradually calmed down, he lay down on the couch and thought about something quietly.

“‘Seventy-two changes’ is the Tao of the Walker, but let me cultivate the Tao of the Enlightened One… I don’t accept the three… The Tao of the Walker can be completed in a few years, but the Tao of Enlightenment takes hundreds of years…” He muttered, as if in a dream, only I know that now he is more awake than ever.

“Sparrow…” He took out the orange-yellow feather and put it in the palm of his hand. Under the moonlight, the feathers that had been baptized through time had gradually lost their luster.

“I don’t want to wait any longer.”

The next day, he went to invite Subhuti early as before, but he was different from usual, and he didn’t say a single extra sentence.

When he was about to leave, Subhuti got up and gave him a special look, and the two of them looked at each other silently.

looked at each other for a long time, and the monkey suddenly bowed down again and said, “Master, this disciple has disappointed you.”

Subhuti just smiled and said, “Go.”

slowly exited the door, the monkey still went to the back mountain to meditate as usual.

Feng Chi only felt that he seemed to talk less and eat more, but everything else was as usual, maybe it was because of his cultivation.

In the night, the monkey turned off the lights early and lay on the bed, but did not fall asleep, as if listening to something.

Outside the house, Xu Jin, who was on duty, was yawning so sleepily.

In the second half of the night, Xu Jin, who was squatting behind the blue rock outside the house, had already fallen asleep, and the monkey crept up from the bed, took off his thick Taoist robe, and quietly climbed out of the window.

Out of the house, he looked at Feiyun Pavilion from a distance, there was no corridor, but flew towards the rock wall on the side.

The moon scatters the icy white on the earth, on the dark golden fluff of the monkey, just like that night ten years ago.

He gritted his teeth and tugged at the vines hanging from the rock wall with his hands, blue veins bursting out of his arms.

climbed step by step, leaving his scratches on the hard rock wall.

Climb up the stone wall, jumped over the cliff, dived through the garden, he galloped fast, bypassed the Feiyun Pavilion, and went straight to the destination – the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion!

Ten years of long-distance travel has deeply carved the wildness into his heart.

These midnight sneaking and anti-tracking trick monkeys have long since mastered it without a teacher.

escaped the eyes of the guarded disciples, and the monkey climbed directly from the stone pillar to the second floor.

Subhuti, who was meditating with his eyes closed in the inner room, suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look in the direction of the Sutra Pavilion.

For a long time, the inner room was silent, only the candlelight swayed in the wind.

After a long sigh, Subhuti slowly closed his eyes and continued to practice as if nothing had happened.

Through the moonlight from the window, the monkey can clearly see the stacks of bookshelves, on which are displayed rolls of bamboo slips, leather scrolls, and paper books.

grabbed a roll of bamboo slips and opened them under the moonlight, with dense text all over them.

“Bird Seal?!”

grabbed another scroll and pulled it away.

“Bug… Bug Book…”

Holding the bamboo slip, his hands were trembling, and he couldn’t understand any of these words!

“You don’t teach! I’ll learn it myself!” In the indifferent night, the monkey clenched his teeth and clenched the bamboo slip in his hand and growled.

There were faint footsteps on the stairs. In a panic, the monkey picked up a few rolls and stuffed them into his clothes, jumped out of the window on the second floor, and carefully returned to the same path.

The next day, the monkey pretended to be nonchalant and followed the wind chimes to call Subhuti early, but saw Subhuti’s room door closed and a young Taoist standing outside the door.

The Taoist saluted: “Master explained that if Uncle Sun comes, he will tell you: ‘If there is nothing else in the future, you don’t need to come over and ask for it. It’s all important to practice cultivation, and customary rituals can be avoided.’”

As soon as these words came out, the wind chimes were ignorant, but the monkey was already like a mirror.

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