The Monkey King

Chapter 17

Chapter 16:

In the dark night, the monkey came to the introspection stone in the dark.

It looks like a stone from a distance, and it looks like a stone from a close up, it is the same during the day, but nothing changes at night.

“This is an ordinary stone? Then why did the old man designate this place to cultivate his mind?” Thinking, the monkey crept up onto the introspection stone and continued to meditate in various ways.

At this time, in the grass in the distance, the two young Taoist priests looked very impatient.

“Wait, what do you think this monkey wants to do? He ran here to meditate in the middle of the night? Is he crazy?”

Xu Du, who was next to him, covered his mouth and yawned: “How can we understand the thoughts of the beasts? The master asked us to come, and we just followed. Jin, you said, could it be that he found out that we were following?”

“It’s possible.” Xu Jin nodded, lying lower in the grass.

This night, the breeze caressed the green leaves, the insects and finches in the woods chirped, the waterfall beside them galloped forever, and the two Taoists were bitten by mosquitoes in the grass.

The monkey tried various ways on the stone, but still got nothing.

“Could it be that cultivating the mind… is simply to calm the mind?”

The monkey did not go back until dawn in disappointment, leaving two sleepy Taoists in the grass.

went back to the room, and after eating the breakfast sent by the wind chimes, the monkey went to invite Subhuti in advance according to yesterday’s itinerary.

This time, Subhuti simply lay down with his back to the monkey, still studying the scriptures with relish.

“Yesterday’s practice, you can see progress?” Subhuti asked lazily.

“The disciple is stupid and has not made any progress.” The monkey bowed deeply, slowly raised his head and glanced at Subhuti, the old man still turned his back and seemed to have nothing to do with him.

“Cultivation takes years and months, disciples should not slack off.”

“Follow the teacher’s teaching.”

“Go down.” Subhuti waved his hand.


Monkey stood up and turned around and just walked a few steps, but couldn’t help but turn back and kneel down: “Master, my disciple is confused.”

“But it doesn’t matter.”

Gathering up his courage, the monkey opened his mouth and said: “The master asked the disciple to cultivate the mind, but the disciple still doesn’t know what is mind cultivation and what is progress. Could it be that he just meditated in the back mountain? What realm does the disciple need to cultivate to? Cultivation of magic? Please also ask the master to express it.”

After   , the monkey bowed down and did not move.

Subhuti turned his head slowly, got up and smiled and said, “You monkey head is so eager to learn the Dharma? The road to cultivation is long and long, and it takes hundreds of years to achieve something. You can’t bear it in just one day?”

“It’s not that the disciple can’t bear the pain of cultivation, nor is he afraid that the practice will be long… It’s just that the disciple is confused!”

“My teacher once said that your monkey head’s ‘three refusals’ have all committed all the same, even if you don’t care about the third, how can you see the first and second? With such a mind, even if you succeed in cultivating immortals in the future, you will have a big disaster. I want you to cultivate your mind in order to calm your mind. The back mountain is just a secluded place. If one day you enter samādhi and there is nothing in your heart, as a teacher, I will teach you the method of reaching the sky!”

“The disciple understands.”

“Now that you understand, let’s go.” Subhuti turned his head and continued to read the scriptures.

The monkey didn’t lift his head, just bowed his body and stood up slowly and exited the door.

This cultivation of the mind means to cultivate the mind and nourish the nature after a long time!

“What’s the matter with you? Your face is so ugly?” The wind chimes were stunned when he saw the monkey: “Master trained you?”

The monkey gritted his teeth and replied, “Old man… actually wants me to cultivate my mind…”

After saying this, Feng Chi suddenly laughed.

“What do I think it is? Cultivation of immortals is not cultivation of mind and nature, and you still think about being poor and extravagant?” After thinking about it, Fengling said: “But… Most of this cultivation of mind and nature is about daily life, and very few are It’s a special place to meditate and practice.”

Monkey went straight to the back mountain with a dark face: “I think the old man is playing with me, he just wants me to go to the back mountain to squat for three or five years.”

The wind chimes quickly chased after him and knocked on the monkey’s back with a whisk: “Monkey, don’t talk nonsense. Do you still want to kneel outside the door?”

Another day, the monkey returned to the house at dusk, and in Feiyun Pavilion, three people were whispering.

“The monkey just went to the back mountain to meditate last night?” Qing Yunzi stroked his long beard lightly, incredulous.

Xu Du whispered: “Last night, Tu’er and Xu Jin thought it was incredible. Today I went to find out. I heard from the wind chimes that the master asked him to meditate in the back mountain since yesterday, so it’s no wonder that he didn’t come to listen to the lecture. The nature of the mind is uncertain, it must be that nothing was accomplished yesterday, and it was only last night…”

“Meditate to cultivate the heart?” Qing Yunzi’s eyes narrowed slightly: “I have never heard of letting a new disciple meditate to cultivate the heart. Although it is possible, it is just based on the monkey’s mind, I am afraid that it will take ten or eight years. It’s also difficult to achieve something… After a long time, I’m afraid there will be troubles. You need to pay more attention in the future, if the monkey head moves rashly, the karma should not be taken lightly, you just need to know how to be a teacher.”

After saying that, Qing Yunzi took out a bamboo slip from his sleeve and put it in Xu Du’s hand: “This is a treasure that Jane got by chance as a teacher. It is called ‘Lianzhu’. Write it on the bamboo slip with your finger, and the teacher will know it.”

“Follow your teacher’s orders!”

That night, the monkey sneaked back to the back mountain for self-examination again, and the two brothers who were wasted in vain naturally followed.

After such a month, the monkey still had no progress in cultivating his mind, and was very restless, and Subhuti ignored it. On the other hand, the two senior brothers could not survive and fell ill, so they had to take turns to follow.

The wind chimes know that the monkey is in a bad mood, and he still delivers meals every day, no longer mentions the matter of cultivating the mind, but just talks about him.

“Monkey, the two days have been very lively. Yesterday, the **** of Erlang, Yang Jian, sent someone to send some agate and precious jade, saying that it was a birthday celebration with the master.”

Monkey bit the steamed bun and asked, “Master’s birthday yesterday?”

“I don’t know. I don’t even know the size of the master’s birthday. Then Yang Jian doesn’t know where to find it. Maybe it’s just a name.”

“Agate Treasure Jade?” The monkey thought for a moment, then smiled: “What does the master want to do? I think the relationship between Yang Jian and the heavenly court is tense, and the master must have retreated to avoid trouble.”

“Then you guessed wrong.” Feng Chi shook his head and said with a smile: “Master has taken all the bills, but he just told people to come, and don’t spend so much money in the future.”

“Oh.” The monkey frowned slightly.

“Erlangshen’s people just walked away. Today, the special envoy of the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court arrived, and the nectar peach he sent is also said to be a birthday celebration with the master. The master also accepted all the orders.”

“Eat both sides!” The monkey couldn’t help shouting out.

“Then you don’t understand.” Fengling shook his head and pretended to be deep: “I heard that the Heavenly Court Jade Emperor is gathering an army to attack Yang Jian, but unfortunately, the Heavenly Court’s generals know that their strength is not good, so they can’t avoid the battle, only Marshal Tianpeng is invited to fight. Although there are soldiers, there are no generals. I am afraid that the conquest of Yang Jian will be difficult to achieve.”

“Marshal Tianpeng invited to fight?” Monkey was taken aback for a moment.

Fighting against Yang Jian, does Zhu Bajie have this ability?

“Then Yang Jian was born in teaching, and is the chief disciple of the third generation. I think it is too early to think that this matter will not be able to retreat early. At this time, the generals in the sky are either the same sect or the defeated generals. How can anyone dare to provoke him Yang Jian. Miss my teacher. Zun is a great immortal in ancient times, Yang Jian must be afraid that the Jade Emperor will have no way out and ask the master to throw the gift and ask him for directions. The Jade Emperor is also afraid that Yang Jian will take the lead here… As the saying goes, “I am not afraid of immortals being greedy, but I am afraid that immortals will not accept gifts.” If you accept it all, it’s fine, if you don’t accept it, I’m afraid that someone will miss you.”

Monkey smiled and said, “The Jade Emperor can invite the Tathagata Buddha to go.”

The wind chimes giggled and said, “How can the Buddha take care of this uncle hitting his nephew?”

After being silent for a long time again, the monkey suddenly asked: “Wind chimes, then Yang Jian seems to know the seventy-two transformations?”

“Well.” Feng Chi nodded and said: “The seventy-two transformations belong to the Way of the Walker, which is a profound way of Taoism. Then Yang Jian cultivated the Way of the Walker. Now that he has broken the killing calamity, and his talent is extremely high, he has reached the level of perfection. A realm that no one in heaven and earth can match.”

“Oh?” The monkey squinted his eyes and said thoughtfully: “Wind Chime, remember you mentioned ‘the way of the walker’ and the ‘the way of the enlightened’, what’s the difference between the two?”

“Those who cultivate the ‘Way of the Enlightened’ can see the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, learn the methods of alchemy, fortune-telling, and metallurgy. Knowing the number of changes, being good at expedition, can be accomplished in a few years, but there is no danger. Master has not told you about it yet, and asked you to cultivate your mind, you must have chosen the ‘Way of Enlightenment’ for you.”

Monkey widened his eyes suddenly.

“I see!”

That night, the monkey did not go to the back mountain in the dark, but lay down on the long-lost couch. It’s just a pity that I stayed outside all night and didn’t dare to leave.

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