The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 81: Primary Function – Key

East Wind Empire… Just outside the Tiandou Kingdom's borders.

Within a very dense and bone-chilling-cold jungle…

The sun was just setting gradually on the horizon as the night darkness subtly creeped into the area, which coupled with the cold showed that this jungle would be extremely lively and unbearable when it gets really dark.

The subtle crackling sounds of burning woods could be vaguely heard just at the edge of the jungle. From this spot, the borders of the Tiandou Kingdom could be seen in the distance with a lot of royal guards patrolling the area.

Three figures could be seen keeping warm around a bonfire. One was a very huge bird-like beast with silvery feather that reflected like scales and two sharp eyes that subtly shimmer anytime the light from the bonfire reflected off it.

It was currently perched right behind two human figures as its eyes dashed here and there, as if looking for something or scouting the entire area. Of the two human figures it was currently guarding, one was a male and the other a female figure.

The two human figures sat cross-legged on a luxurious straw mat, facing one another. The male had a slight bulge on his right arm which seemed to be moving of its own accord

"Elder Yun. Hong-ge has been like this for almost half a month now and he has yet to even move a bit." The female figure which was of course, Min Qing voiced her worry to the bird-like beast which happened to be the Void Soul Owl; Elder Yun.

"Calm down little child, whatever he is doing must be very essential to his cultivation. After all, you also sensed the aura he was radiating earlier."

"So, even though we can't sense any cultivation from him currently, as long as his life force isn't wavering or deteriorating, he should be safe." Elder Yun soothed Min Qing's worries.

"I know he is safe, but what are we going to do about our current situation? We obviously can't cross the border with so many of them patrolling." She asked worriedly.

"Though, I can use the owl abilities of my Void Soul Owl bloodline to soundlessly move past them, that doesn't mean they can't see me." Elder Yun explained.

"That's why we have to reign in our aura and wait. There are only a few hours left till midnight. When it gets considerably dark enough, then we can attempt to sneak past." She added.

"Then what do we do about those despicable hunters that have been tracking and chasing after us for the last two weeks? If we stay here and hide from the patrolling royal guards and they will sooner or later catch up to us." Min Qing worried once more.

"Should that happen, a fight would most definitely be unavoidable, and these patrolling royal guards would definitely be alerted and then we might be attacked from both ends." She added.

"Those despicable ants tracking me with that demon crystal aren't strong enough to slow me down, I can easily make short work of them." Elder Yun fumed.

"But that would mean I have to leave you here with the snake beast and a vulnerable Min Hong to deal with whatever circumstances that arise. That is not a risk I'm willing to take." She added.

"I and this snake beast should be able to handle ourselves here till you return. We can't have ourselves be attacked by those greedy hunters and the royal guards attacked on both sides." Min Qing voiced her thoughts.

"But what would then happen if a beast strays over and stumbles upon you guys? That would also recreate the same situation you're urging me to go prevent. Moreover, it has become my duty to protect you two."

"Furthermore, should such a situation occur, I would rather be here protecting you both, than going to fight a minor incoming danger and leave you prone to an even greater one. So, we just have to wait." Elder Yun logically refuted as they both went silent.



Way up in the clouds within Min Hong's sea of consciousness, he and Elder Chen were both still discussing, when Elder Chen's divine sense began to flicker increasingly.

"We don't have much time. I only have about a few days left and that is about two hours in the outside world. So, I will first of all tell you about the 'Eye's primary function, then I will give you two ancient techniques that I own."

"Then after that I will tell you everything I know about the ancient inheritance and give you the only advise on how to get the best inheritance within it." Elder Chen's anxiously spoke.

"As you might have already known or sensed, the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' is the key to the portal that leads to the ancient inheritance dimension. The ancient dimension can only be opened by it and you can do it with just a thought."

"Does this mean that, no other person asides the owner of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao', can open and access the ancient inheritance dimension?" Min Hong was ecstatic that no two people can access the inheritance dimension without him.

"That's correct. But you should do well to remember that, even if they can't access the inheritance dimension, they can still take away the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'. If I hadn't anticipated my condition and sent the 'Eye' through the void, you might not have it now."

"The 'Eye of Infinite Dao' might be lying in the hands of other powers of the ancient world which might have twisted perspectives about the entire world and decide that the best way to heal it or save it is to attempt several genocides."

"Furthermore, like I told you earlier, the consciousness of the 'Eye' is still in its infancy and will follow any one who exhibits those three emotional values, and that is bad guys inclusive. Don't be the cause of your world's doom." Elder Chen sternly warned Min Hong.

"Rest assured senior apprentice brother, I won't do anything stupid." Min Hong replied.

"I can see that you have previously cultivated in the body cultivation path before and from the remnant aura I can sense from you, it seems to be a dragon-type technique. Well, today is both our lucky day."

"Lucky for me in the sense that I am able to pass down a cultivation technique I had really suffered to obtain but unable to use. Lucky for you in the sense that, you get to obtain a Peak grade Bronze Tier cultivation technique from me." He added.

"I am sorry, but I would need you to explain how cultivation techniques and martial arts are ranked in the ancient worlds." Min Hong shook his head as he sighed in frustration. It seemed like everything he had known up to this point are tragically lacking.

He had just learnt that the understanding of the minor world such as the one they were currently on was severely mundane compared to that of the ancient major worlds. For example, in this world they only know about two paths of cultivation; body and Qi.

Then, their understanding of the cultivation paths they knew was even rudimentary. There were also the realms in cultivations, understanding of Universal Laws and lastly, the ranks of cultivation techniques and martial arts.

But according to the ancient path, there were four paths to cultivation, which included mental and soul. Their realms in cultivation were only five cultivation realms, their understanding of Universal Laws was also on another level.

Therefore, Min Hong knew that there will definitely be many other things that would be completely different from this world's, this is including the rankings of the cultivation and martial techniques he was about to learn.

"I will only explain everything to you once to save time, so pay attention." Elder Chen said.

"According to the ancient worlds, there are seven tiers to all cultivation techniques and martial arts which are furtherly each split into five different grades."

"We have the White, Grey, Black, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond Tiers. Then these tiers are furtherly split into the Low, Middle, High, Top and Peak Grades respectively."

"Furthermore, some techniques are capable of crossing through grades, depending on either the user's strength, level of comprehension of the technique or the requirements and value of resources used for cultivating the technique or art."

"The body cultivation technique I am about to give you is a Peak grade, Bronze Tier body cultivation technique. But, if you cultivate it with Peak-grade Silver Tiered materials, it can rival a Peak-grade, Silver Tier cultivation technique." He added.

"The body cultivation technique is called; [The Kingmaker Codex]. Little Sun knows all about the technique and this was because, even being unable to cultivate it, the sheer brilliance and concept behind the technique was too alluring to him."

"I obtained this [Kingmaker Codex] and the Qi cultivation technique I will give you from a scholar's inheritance ground that I and my friend once explored. After many dangerous trials, he obtained the treasure he sought after, while I got this technique amongst other things."

"I know it would be very difficult, but if you were lucky enough to cultivate it with Peak grade Gold Tier materials, it will rival a Peak Gold Tier technique." Elder Chen explained.

"If…and just if, by any chance you were lucky enough to mistakenly come in contact with any grade of Diamond Tier materials, though it might not be at the top, this technique would surely rival a Mid-grade Diamond Tier technique." He fanatically added.

"Senior apprentice brother, truly, i might only know little about how intelligent scholars are, but I don't think a Bronze Tiered technique can just jump to a Diamond Tier level just like that." Min Hong felt the hype Elder Chen gave the technique was a little farfetched.

After all, according to the way they ranked their techniques in the ancient world, such a technique would have just been ranked as a Gold Tier technique that could rise into the Diamond Tier level. If that was the case, then he would have still believed him a little.

"You just forgot what I told you about open mind and that the truer a theory was with age. Just so you know, this technique was initially a Black Tier technique." Elder Chen smiled.

"What?!" Min Hong's eyes nearly rolled backwards in utter shock as his heart began to palpitate like a cheetah who just chased a prey in full speed.

"Yes…the scholar who gifted me this technique was so enlightened and intelligent, that he created a technique that could only be limited by the Grade and Tier of materials one uses in cultivating it. Elder Chen explained.

"So, this means that if you cultivated this technique using Low-grade White Tier materials, you will end up with a Low-grade White Tier technique. Likewise, if you use a Peak grade Silver Tier material like me, or a Diamond Tier material like I urge you." He concluded.

"I really want the name of this body cultivation technique; [Kingmaker Codex], to dominate every of its peers wherever it is mentioned. So, to ensure that you have a cultivation base whilst searching for these materials, that's why I'm giving you the other technique."

"This is truly mind-boggling. But if this technique is as heaven-defying as you claim it to be, why did your friend allow you to leave with it?" Min Hong asked with furrowed brows.

After all, he surely wasn't new to betrayals. Min Hong believed that, no matter how good a friend was, when it came to something as valuable as such a technique, they would definitely stab you in the back.

He had experienced it in his first life by his handler; Jack.

It was the same with the royal scheme of his second life by the assassins sent by the prime minister, and then, in this life, though indirectly via his third uncle; Min Lei. So, he was really apprehensive.

"Well, before we entered the inheritance grounds, we had already agreed that we wouldn't need to share neither the item or any information about whatever we obtained with each other."

"I also don't know what he got which is why I mentioned 'He got what he sought'."

"Moreover, the techniques obtained in the inheritance ground were directly transmitted into our minds, so there was no way others could really get it unless they searched our minds. So, there was no way either of us could have known what the other got…" Elder Chen explained.

"Well, that explains a lot…but if it was transmitted directly into your mind, how do you plan on giving the technique to me???" Min Hong was stumped.


"It's so amazing how you can wow me with your intellect and still wow me with your naivety at the same time." Elder Chen smacked Min Hong's head as he chided.

"I exist as a divine sense and the techniques exists within me, and since no oath can bind the dead, I can naturally transmit the techniques to you by simply dissipating and leaving the motes of divine sense which contains them." Elder Chen explained.

"The second technique is a Qi refining technique that I came up with a long time ago with the help of my scholar friend. It is called the [Myriad Path Codex] and to everyone else, it is a Peak-grade Gold Tier technique. But to you, it is much more than that." Elder Chen spoke.

"To me, it is at least a Top-grade Diamond Tier technique and this is because of the two underlying secret I infused into the technique. They believed the technique was just compatible with every kind of Qi, which is why it was given such a Grade and Tier."

"The first secret is that, you can only maximize the potential of this technique using the 'Eye of Infinite Dao." Elder Chen dropped a bombshell.

"What?!" At this moment, Min Hong's brain truly got the shock its life…

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