The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 80: Secondary Function – PRIMUS

"Primus?" Min Hong was quizzed by the foreign term... "What is it all about?" He asked.

"It is the most important creation in existence, both old and new, ancient and modern. It is the reason why we all currently exist. It is the reason why Laws are different. Without it, everything would cease to exist." Elder Chen spoke.

"The origin of primus could be traced back to a mythical tale that was widely narrated to children and told amongst the adults of the ancient worlds."

"It began when the top experts of the ancient worlds were arguing which Universal Law was the first and the supreme."

"The ancient clans who were proficient in Space-Time Laws believed that everything in existence was contained in space and the time was born within it as a means of measuring the vastness of space."

"They argued that the since this was the case, time would be the only true unit of measurement, since it was powerful enough to measure the first creation itself 'Space'. Thus, they merged the first creation and the first unit of measurement together as one."

"Everything was born within space and all instantly come under the measuring effect of time. If you move from one point in space to another, the best way to accurately measure the change in position is with time. Thus, the Space-Time Law was born."

"Then ancient clans with bloodlines of other Universal Laws began to fight for next in supremacy. The bloodlines of the Light Law claimed that, as light moved through space, the area and points in space where it was now absent birthed darkness."

"Heh heh! That is pretty shameless of the clan with the Light bloodline." Min Hong laughed lightly at the school of thought belonging to those with the Light Law bloodlines.

"Of course, that school of thought was naturally not accepted by many, as those with the bloodline of darkness believed that, since light was born in space then definitely darkness came first. So, to them, there was no way the Light bloodlines were superior to them."

"But the Tai-Ji bloodline clan came up with a fearsome claim that shocked the entire ancient world to its core…"

"They claimed that since the very essence of Tai-Ji; which was the Yin-Yang Law depicts support and polarity, then they should be the strongest after Space-Time Law bloodlines. They claimed there was no Light without Darkness and vice-versa."

"In the face of such strong school of thought, the rest of this ancient Law bloodlines had no choice but to concede to that fact. Then, the Darkness Law bloodline won their superiority over Light Law with another additional theory."

"They claimed Darkness was omnipresent and Light was born from within it and that was why when Light shines on anything, it creates a shadow which was also a property of darkness. This theory couldn't be contended with, even to the Light Law bloodline clans."

"As a result, it was initially agreed that Space came first, followed by Time, then Darkness and then Light. but when they were to factor in the Yin-Yang bloodline's idea of polarity, these Law bloodlines had no choice but to merge and as a result 'Duality' was born."

"After that, Space-Time came together and was then believed to be the strongest. Then it was followed by Yin-Yang, then, Darkness-Light. The reason why they chose Yin before Yang was because they believed Darkness possesses Yin properties."

"Then, since Darkness existed before Light, every other ideology has to follow the same route. As a result, the battle of ideology between Life Law and Death Law bloodlines ended before it began, as they claimed that since Life was also birthed just like Light, then Death would have existed first."

"This then continued until a certain ancient clan that with a bloodline that possessed no slight aura of cultivation at all came out to drop a bombshell. One that was huge enough to reset the entire ideology of everyone back to its basics."

"They claimed that since the Yin-Yang concept of 'Duality' could force even Space-Time to merge in order to become the strongest, then what about the concept that combined Yin-Yang in the first place to form the concept of 'Duality' that they all based their beliefs on?"

"When they were asked which ancient bloodline clan they hailed from, do you know what they replied?" Elder Chen asked as he gazed towards Min Hong in expectation.

"The ancient clan with the Primus bloodline?" Min Hong voiced his guess.

"Correct! Brilliant…truly brilliant!" Elder Chen laughed as he commented in approval. Then he continued. "Indeed…they claimed to be of the Primus bloodline."

"Then in a fit of rage and a bid to cement their position at the peak, those of the Space-Time joined hands to attack these experts with no cultivation aura of any kind. Can you guess what happened next?" Elder Chen asked once again.

"I don't think so this time… I don't even know much about all the ancient clans within our 'mundane' world, not to talk of clans as ancient as the first life in creation." Min Hong shook his head as he smiled lightly.

"Good…Good! It is really life preserving for one to fully understand one's limits." Elder Chen praised before continuing.

"The result of these attacks from the combined bloodlines of two ancient school of thoughts, amounted to nothing. The members of the Primus bloodline only waved their sleeves and these two bloodlines had their control over their laws taken away from them."

"Then the Primus bloodlines claimed that, the principle of 'Duality', which was the core of the Yin-Yang Law which they have all conformed to, was created by them. But that was not all, they also furtherly claimed that they weren't the strongest either."

"They claimed that even their own bloodline was created from something so mysterious that even they, themselves, have not been able to understand. This was the bombshell that reset the rankings of other Universal Laws."

Elder Chen paused and allowed Min Hong to stir himself within the stew of shock he was currently in. Then, after about ten solid minutes, Min Hong finally spoke.

"This is truly confusing; does this mean there is no particular Law which is the strongest?"

"You will understand much better when you begin your inheritance trial. I have also tried to search through history, go to different places and even made some friends from these ancient clans. But they all had no clue as to which is the strongest."

"But the only thing their ancient beliefs held on to, was that below the Primus Dao, there wasn't any other universal Law stronger that the rankings they have already made. But to make everything less confusing, they ranked all laws based on when they were created."

"Thus, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wind, were termed Natural Laws. Others like; Ice, Lightning, Wood and the likes were ranked as Supreme Laws since they were mixtures of two or more Natural Laws." Elder Chen explained.

"Then the known ones such as the; Space-Time, Yin-Yang, Death-Life and the likes were termed Ancient Laws. Then they decided that other Laws on the same level as Primus or higher should be termed 'Daos'."

"This was because, to them, any existence on the level of the Primus is not meant to be termed on the same level as them. So, terming it a 'Law' sounded utterly disrespectful and it became a blasphemy to the ancient worlds."

"Thus, they came up with the term 'Dao', which sounded really befitting to these entities." Elder Chen explained.

"Wow! So which Universal Laws did you comprehend back in your prime, senior apprentice brother?" Min Hong asked respectfully.

"I comprehended the 5 Natural laws; Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wind. Then l also had 4 Supreme Laws; Force, Lightning, Slaughter and Wood. Added to all these, were 2 Special Laws; Spear and Sword. Then lastly, two Ancient Law; Space-Time and Death-Life." He explained.

"What are Special Laws?" Min Hong was bewildered by the contradicting information within his mind. His 'mundane' world knowledge was intensely clashing with the 'Ancient' school of thought.

"It is only normal for you to feel that way. I also did, back then, when I first came in contact with the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'. But, one thing that will help you the most is to understand that, the more ancient the school of thought, the more original and truer it is."

"When you enter the inheritance ground and meet the 'great creator' you will even learn more ancient truths about cultivation, Daos and bloodlines. So, always keep an open mind, expect brand-new mind-boggling information and truths."

"But as for your question, Special Laws are not really in the same realm as the Universal Laws, and there is only one, Weapon Laws. This Law is the combination of all weapon Laws such as; Sword, Sabre, Hammer, Spear and so on." Elder Chen explained clearly.

"But you haven't really explained how the Primus is related to me?" Min Hong asked.

"Haha Haha! Primus is here…within you. You have sensed it and even used it but you still didn't know." Elder Chen laughed loudly as he spoke in mystery, plunging Min Hong into deeper suspense.

"What?!" Min Hong was stumped. If he had the power of the 'Primus Dao', would he have had to end up the way he was at the moment? So, he thought Elder Chen was probably pulling his legs.

"Primus exists within the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'. It is the energy that tames the 'great creator's' aura, which is the only reason the entire ancient dimension hasn't been crushed to bits and the only reason why you're still alive." Elder Chen laughed.

"Unh? How?" Min Hong's brows were furrowed, he was still utterly confused. After all, even though his combined mental age was over 40 years, what they were currently talking about was something that most likely existed before creation at all.

"Primus is Order. It brings order to everything. You can also call it 'Balance'. It balances darkness with light, space with time, cold with hot, good with bad and so on." Elder Chen delved deeper. "It brought order to Yin by merging it with its opposite; Yang."

"That is the reason why it seemed so unrealistic and overpowered. It can basically control all Universal Laws. So, it is extremely difficult to fight against. If you attack an expert with the Primus bloodline using Darkness, they will respond with Light to cancel it out."

"They basically maintain balance between all things and as a result 'Order' is born. Laws on their own are rampaging and overbearing, so imagine bringing just five of them close to one another. It would definitely cause a catastrophe."

"Thus, Primus is an entity that merges them together. Primus is a tamer, gentle and easy. It could even tame the overbearing aura of the 'great creator', not to talk of its creations."

"Oh! Right!" Min Hong exclaimed in apprehension and awe. "So, the Primus is the dreamy, gentle and subtle energy present within the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'." He added.

"Yeah! That's correct!" Elder Chen smiled at Min Hong. "So, Primus helps you to tame every Law you comprehend and find a way to make them cohabitate." He added.

"Every Universal Law, on its individual self, is strong but possess a fatal weakness which is its opposing Universal Law. So, to make it whole and get rid of this flaw, Primus joins both Law together and make them exist as one."

"Furthermore, Water Law is great. But, when you fuse it with Earth, it births the Wood Law which is the greatest source of vitality and healing."

"Before one can breakthrough into the Samsara or Nirvana stage, one must be able to comprehend a tiny bit of the Death-Life Law. Otherwise, one would not be able to tap into the concept of Karma which is the pivot on which Reincarnation relies solely."

"This is why so many experts die at this stage. This is because, when breaking through to the Samsara or Nirvana realm, one would truly die but it is your understanding of Karma and comprehension of Death-Life Law that would bring you back to life."

"So, if your understanding about these entities is not deep enough, one might not be able to return from the grip of death. This is how dangerous it is. Moreover, Death Law and Life Law are two repulsive entities and having them both with one person is also disastrous."

"The two Laws might aggressively repel each other and wreak havoc within the expert which would result in hell for the expert. He would not be able to die because of the Life Law, but he would be relentlessly tortured by the Death Law." Elder Chen explained.

"So, either ways getting to the Nirvana or Samsara stage is no ordinary matter unh?" Min Hong muttered in thought.

"Yes, it is deadly, no matter how you look at it. This is why experts take a really long time before attempting the breakthrough. They need to make sure that their comprehension of these two Laws is enough to do so."

"The ones who tried to break through but failed, usually have a certain resource that can ensure their deaths afterwards. Others would have their friends around to put them out of their demise."

"Although we still have some who choose to live with it, and these sorts of experts are the worst to be around. This is because they can initiate a killing spree out of the blue, battle to death with anyone, since if you kill them you will eventually be helping them."

"They do not fear death. In fact, they set out in search for it. Different powers usually look for such experts to help them battle their opponents. It's like having a soldier whose utmost desire is to die, but is also planning to take as much enemies as possible along."

"But, in your case, with the aid of the Primus Dao, you would be able to truly sense when your comprehension of both Universal Laws is equal. Then the Primus would help you merge them together, and make them coexist as one Super Law."

"But, your comprehension of these Universal Laws depends solely on you. All that the Primus will do for you is to help you merge them together." Elder Chen explained.

"If it is so, why didn't you mention the Primus as part of your Laws earlier?" Min Hong asked.

"That is because, I didn't comprehend it. Primus is an ability of the 'great creator'. After a very long time, it developed its own sentience. But the current Primus is still in its infancy and only answer to whomsoever it pleases."

"But, the only kind of people it likes are those who sincerely exhibit the three emotions within the trial for the acknowledgement of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'." He explained.

"So, the enhancement ability of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' appears when the Primus Dao had set a balance and 'Order' amongst all the Universal Laws you have comprehended. As a result, you will be able to merge any two Laws together and use it to battle."

"You will even be able to cross-merge Universal Laws. Like combining the Laws of Wood and Light to boost your regenerative and healing properties. Also, you can merge Space, Time and Lightning to boost your speed to the extreme."

"You can also use Gravity, Earth and Metal to boost your defence. Then, there is also the one I usually use the most; Merge the Yin and Death Law with my attacks to increase fatality. Works like a charm." Elder Chen praised.

"Wow! Primus is really kick-ass!" Min Hong was awestruck as he fantasized merging these Laws together like a milkshake before serving his enemies a drink of fear and then death.

"You should also understand that the more Laws you merge together and the more frequently you use the Primus Dao which is also the 'Eye of Infinite Dao', the more mental energy you drain." Elder Chen poured cold water over Min Hong as he warned.

"I totally understand. Since these abilities are linked to the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' and it uses my mental energy as a source of fuel, it is only normal that happens." Min Hong replied.

"So that is that for the secondary function of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'." Elder Chen spoke.

"Up next is its primary function which is its use as a key into the inheritance dimension. Then I will also tell you some truly big secrets you need to keep with your life." He added.

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