The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 554: The Battle Begins

'This Kid placed Elder Fu and I together to battle the Right Grand Elder and Tribe Leader, knowing that I can stall the Tribe Leader, and Elder Fu being a body cultivator in the awakening stage should be able to stall the Right Grand Elder with another body cultivator in this Tong Tian kid and his staff to provide us with support…'

'With I and Elder Fu stalling them and this kid giving us support when necessary, we should be able to hold on long enough for support from the other group to arrive…'

'A logical thinking befitting of the son of an overlord' Gu Ming thought to himself;

'This Fei Hong guy pitted us against this Elder Ken…'

'Mao My would be the main force of attack whilst I and Gong Yi would obviously barrage him from the flanks with our own techniques…

'That way we should be able to hold out long enough for help to come from the Princess' group…

'But this challenge is really roiling my blood and I believe we can defeat our opponents first…' Xiao Gui also thought to himself;

'So, we are facing this lady unh?'

'Moreover, this Yu Ming girl also seems capable, and if we consider her prowess to be in the 2 Star Saint Stage or even rivalling a 3 Star Saint Stage it would really make things easier…'

'I can stand my ground against a 4 Star Saint Stage expert and take my leave in the presence of the 5 Star Saint Stage expert, so defeating this 6 Star Saint Stage expert with the help of a 2 Star or 3 Star Saint Stage expert, our chances of pulling it off is solid…'

The Princess also thought to herself as she looked at Min Hong some type of way;

'That is surely the thinking level of a young master of an overlord; peerless and valiant…' She was almost getting smitten whilst in battle;

'But it would still take the Princess and Yu Ming, about half an hour before they defeat that lady, and if they then support out group, then we should be able to end ours ten minutes after…'

'This means, Tong Tians group would not receive help against the Right Grand Elder and Tribe Leader, for 45 minutes; can they hold out that long?'

'But even if they did, it would still take all of us another 5 minutes to defeat all of them, and an hour at max if we are lucky, but the question is; can Fei Hong really handle an 8 Star Nirvana Stage expert for an hour before receiving help?'

'Though we don't know his cultivation or power level, but with someone of your age there is still a limit to what you can become even if you a monster…'

'Well, if they claim that you are the Son of an Overlord, then I will believe it if you hold out for an hour with that demon…'

Gong Yi was the only one who was explicitly concerned about Min Hong's battle amongst them all, because he was the calmest and the most intelligent amongst them, and perhaps, that is why Min Hong feels closer to him than anyone else, even rivalling the Princess, herself…

On their way here Gong Yi had offered to slow down their ship so that he can say goodbye to Min Qing;

When they were onboard the ship, Gong Yi had recognized the talents within the mission and opted to make Min Hong the leader which enabled him to distribute tasks and ranks to all of them back then…

He was also the only one thinking about if he slept well, during their stay within this tribe, and now currently concerned about his battle with an 8 Star Nirvana Stage expert…

All of them thought simultaneously scheming against their opponents until a point in time when both groups simultaneously knew that the other group was done with giving orders and arranging tactics, and the air around was so tense it was nearly roiling visibly, until it finally shattered…

It was Elder Ken that made the first move, targeting Xiao Gui by stretching his arm and shooting bone spurs at him to the good fortune of Min Hong's group because that fell in line with his tactics; the first positive result Gong Yi noticed that was as a result of Min Hong's tactic actually working as planned…

But before he could finish that thought process, Mao My personally took it upon herself to counter Elder Ken's attack by sending a huge blast of wind to rip the barrage of bone spurs into shreds, and the fact that she could subconsciously do that showed him that Min Hong had great judgement…

Gong Yi did just sit there thinking at all; He whipped out his Sabre and countered Elder Ken's opening with a bellow;

"Sabre God Vengeance!"

He pumped his sword full with Flame Dao Qi which burst through his sabre configuring itself to the technique of his saber art, as the arc of flame slash viciously landed on the left rib area of Elder Ken's amour;


The Elder Ken demon traveled about 30 meters backwards as the Gong Yi Trio moved past the rest of the demons to go battle their opponent, concluding Min Hong's second group… 

Up next, as the Left Grand Elder and the remaining three saw one of their comrades being pinned down, they counted it as an initial loss because whoever deals the first damage amongst booth groups would determine who gets the first confidence boost, and they lost it miserably;

'Tch that lousy mouthed idiot!'

The Yao Commander thought in embarrassment;

'Its their turn to shell out an attack now and I am sure it won't be that brat with the 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline, and because I am here, these kids would obviously not dare attack out of fear of my own retaliation, which means it is either one of this grown men…'

The Yao Commander thought to himself as he looked to the rest of his group who nodded simultaneously confirming that they have arrived at a similar ideology, as they prepared to receive attack from either Elder Fu or Gu Ming,

But that was until they realized that Min Hong's group was still approaching and they hadn't made any attacking movements yet, but were instead revealing smug smiles as they approached them;

'Why aren't they attacking!'

The Right Grand Elder was the first to comment on the strange situation as things weren't going according to what they had anticipated and their opponents were still revealing smug smiles…

Then all of a sudden the sounding of an homing object rang out from below;

~Pssiiuu~! The sound of a speeding object resounded through the air…

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