The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 553: Sorting Strengths & Weaknesses

[Secondly, want if I am forced to over push my strength make an abrupt breakthrough into the Ancestor Stage during battle and those three monsters awaken and take over this body, then wouldn't we be killed from within before we can even ill our opponents…] Min Hong continued;

[If you remove those four, you would find out that I'm no stronger than a Peak Saint stage or 1 Star Nirvana Stage expert…] Min Hong revealed as they all sighed stressfully…

[If you use that as your base consideration, and you add the fact that my attack power is in the 1 Star Nirvana stage; doubling that, my attacks after the boosting granted by the amour would only amount to that of a 3 Star Nirvana Stage, and I will be taking the full brunt of his attacks…] Min Hong revealed as the Little Fei duo nodded their heads again…

[So, we're still screwed?] Daniel asked;

[Not necessarily…] Min Hong replied;

[What do you mean?] Little Fei asked;

[We still have Little Bing and there is the suppression factor on their Daos, which would give me a boost on mine, if I add that to the little boost from the 'Art of Myriad Seals', we should be able to climb up to six stars of the Nirvana Stage…]

[Then if we furtherly add that to the fact, both of you would also be watching my back, then we should be able to pull it off by the skin of our teeth!]

Min Hong said as Daniel and Little Fei nodded their heads with beaming smiles;

Things didn't seem so impossible after all, they have simply been ignoring and belittling the tiny advantages they had in this battle, and now that they've gathered everything together, it seems too be a tangible whole…

[I have always thought of us as indomitable within this Empire, but to think we would be forced into the sort of corner before we even left the empire level…] Little Fei added with a chuckle;

[Hehe, it is an eye opener, and a challenge worth embracing…] Daniel added;

[Yeah… Let's use this to confirm if we are actually the strongest in this Empire…] Min Hong chipped in;

[If we can defeat these guys and survive this situation, then we can declare ourselves an elite within this Empire…] He added as their morale surged through the roof;

[But then we still have to pretend to be weak at the Imperial Seeding Tournament when we face those kids…]

[That alone makes quenches my desire to become stronger] Min Hong added

[Well, we have three personalities, who says we can't have two different lives?] Little Fei suggested;

[Yeah we can be the valiant heroes defeating Yao Demons and at the same time be the Dao Child of the Dogon Empire…]

[That way Little Fei can control that aspect of life until we find other ones for each of us…] Daniel added;

[Though that's ridiculous, it is still understandable and on the long run will help both of you adapt to life in this realm when you both have your bodies…]

Min Hong complimented the idea before adding;

[But it is about to begin, you guys should get ready!]

Min Hong added as the Yao Commander finally seemed to have stopped conversing with the 10 percent of Min Hong's consciousness that was chatting with him whilst he himself was busy chatting with Little Fei and Daniel…

It is sure that if the 8 Star Nirvana Stage Yao Commander realizes that he had been chatting with a fraction of Min Hong's spirit sense all these while, he would most likely puke blood and die on the spot…

[We are with you on this one;]


Daniel and Little Fei chorused simultaneously as Min Hong finally revealed a mischievous grin to the Yao Commander who instantly got pissed at the fact that Min Hong was not frightened in their precarious situation but could even smile;

'Tch… this kid doesn't look scared at all... Instead he is still grinning, I would say he is stupid and doesn't realize the type of bullshit he is in (but then I wouldn't want to be those cliché novels)…'

'Thus he most likely have something to rely on… Alright, since you claim to have an hidden trump card, I will make you reveal them, and then I shall make you despair…'

The Yao Commander thought to himself before looking at his team who instantly stopped laughing once they saw his expression….


Instantly, they turned beastly with growls that shook the hearts of Min Hong's group with fear that they were really about to fight demons, creatures they have never seen before in their lives…

One they have only heard in folklores, and the demons seem to know him and even his father with the respect of calling him an Overlord;

Then definitely, Min Hong was indeed the son of an Overlord, because how many experts could claim to have come across demons of this level…

These were their train of thoughts, unbeknownst to them that they were fighting beings outside their own plane of existence, an action which in itself is an extraordinary feat…

"Gong Yi, Xiao Gui, Mao My, I will leave that Elder Ken demon to you…"

"Tong Tian, Elder Fu and Gu Ming, you guys would have to take care of the Right Grand Elder demon and the Tribe Leader..."

"The Princess and Yu Ming, you will have to finish up with the Tribe Lady on time, so you can assist Gong Yi's group, and once you are done there, rush over to help Tong Tian's group…"

"When you guys are done, then come help me with this guy…"

Min Hong used spirit sense transmission to speak to them, dumping the responsibility of the battle on their shoulders to motivate them…

'Damn, to think he has found a way to make this impossible battle look like a challenge with his smart distribution of the group's power; this kid is really not simple…' Elder Fu thought to himself before adding;

'Son of an Overlord, unh… It truly shows'

'This Kid placed Elder Fu and I together to battle the Right Grand Elder and Tribe Leader, knowing that I can stall the Tribe Leader, and Elder Fu being a body cultivator in the awakening stage should be able to stall the Right Grand Elder with another body cultivator in this Tong Tian kid and his staff to provide us with support…'

'With I and Elder Fu stalling them and this kid giving us support when necessary, we should be able to hold on long enough for support from the other group to arrive… A logical thinking befitting of the son of an overlord' Gu Ming thought to himself;

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