The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 39

Chapter 38: Thirty-Eight Children

“…So, that’s why you three are chasing a gang of little boys and driving more than half of the community?”

Yu Lan, who had just finished spraying with the parents of the little boys who were beaten outside, looked at the three children standing in rows.

Yue Ming looked the most embarrassed, and the torn clothes were covered in mud.


As for Gu Miaomiao, who ran into the battle on the way out to learn the piano and resolutely ran down from the car to join the battle—

She didn’t know what was going on, so she picked up a twig on the ground and greeted those little boys who were bullying more.

Gu Miaomiao, a kindergarten girl, can’t beat elementary school students, of course, but after she let Yueming gasp, Yueming turned over and punched a child, hitting three or four little boys.

Yoyo, who is not too big to watch the fun, chased after her with her short legs, and kept cheering for her brother and sister.

—fights are wrong though.

—But what my sister did must be right!

Yoyo’s firm eyes vividly interpret the literacy of a brainless fan.

“If you can’t beat it, you only know how to hide in your mother’s arms and cry, which is useless.”

Gu Miaomiao glanced at the little boys who were standing not far away and snorted coldly.

Yu Lan: “You are very promising. Now people are asking me for medical expenses, and they want me to apologize to them, or they will go to the paparazzi and tell the paparazzi that I am bullying others. What do you think?”

Yu Lan is not really asking what Gu Miaomiao should do.

After she heard the ins and outs of the matter, she actually felt that Gu Miaomiao and the others did the right thing, but they could not encourage this kind of behavior.

Just as she was about to make a phone call to call Gu Qizhou back to deal with the matter, Aunt Zhang, who went out to buy vegetables, came back.

“…what’s going on here?”

Aunt Zhang, who went home from grocery shopping, was a little dumbfounded when she saw the people in the room, and then looked closely, except for a row of little boys with painted colors, the one standing in the middle with his head bowed It’s her family’s Yueming.

Almost without thinking, Aunt Zhang subconsciously took all the faults on Yueming.

After all, it is not the first time that Yueming has fought with other children.

“I’m sorry, is it our Xiaoming who did it? I’m sorry, I’m sorry, we will pay for the medical expenses, what’s the matter with you Xiaoming? I didn’t tell you not to fight Well, why are you still…”

Yue Ming was about to explain when he heard the yin and yang of the opposite woman say:

“Your child may have done it. Not only did he fight alone, but he also brought two little girls with him.”

“You boy!”

She didn’t wait for Yueming to defend herself, and slapped Yueming’s back hard.

“Why so ignorant!”

Aunt Zhang was trembling with anger.

She looked at Yueming’s wound and felt heartbroken, but what she said was just the opposite.

And this slap completely took back all of Yueming’s justifications.

“What are you doing? Apologize to others soon, look, what have you labeled others like?”

Yu Lan didn’t expect that Aunt Zhang didn’t ask the reason as soon as she came up, so she blamed Yueming first.

Yue Ming has long been used to it.

After the repressed silence, a milky voice sounded.

“No apologies!”

Yoyo anxiously looked at the parents, then at Yu Lan, stomped her feet and said aggrieved:

“They bullied Mianmian! Smashed Mianmian! We were right!”

Aunt Zhang was taken aback.

…Why is there still something going on?

Yo Yo, who speaks for the more injustice, has a lot of truth to say, but she is so angry and anxious that she can’t say anything.

A group of parents who were dissatisfied at first heard their opinions.

“What do you mean?”

“How do you teach children? Or is it a little star, and a little star has this quality?”

“That’s right, we must apologize for hitting our children!”

Yoyo shouted, “No apology! We’re right!”

“My family taught us that if we get beaten, we should fight back, and the first one deserves to be beaten. I thought that these big brothers didn’t have a mother to teach them, so I wanted to teach them for their mothers. .”

Different from a repeater like a headless fly, as soon as Gu Miaomiao opened her mouth, it became clearer:

“I didn’t expect them to have a mother too, sorry, I didn’t see it.”

Gu Miaomiao had a good attitude and bowed very well.

…It’s just that this bow is not like an apology, but a funeral for elders who don’t know how to educate their children.

This child is quite likable when he has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth.

However, the mothers who were ruthlessly attacked by Gu Miaomiao didn’t think so.

“You—you little girl, what nonsense are you talking about!”

“Don’t think we can’t hear you scolding us! Where did you learn these things at such a young age!?”

“Is this the tutoring of your family? I want to expose you! Let everyone see what you celebrities are like!”

Gu Miaomiao rolled her eyes, thinking about what kind of **** you are.

“What do you want to expose? Are your children throwing stones at our pets?”

She looked at these unreasonable adults and felt amused.

“The last aunt who threatened us so much, now her husband has divorced her, do you know?”

Gu Miaomiao was talking about the one who broke the news about Yu Lan on the Internet and bullied her classmates.

There was a lot of trouble at that time, and these idle and panic ladies also paid attention to this gossip. When Gu Miaomiao said this, they immediately persuaded a lot.

Aunt Zhang also noticed that these people began to lack confidence and were a little dazed.

So, it was these people who threw rocks first, and it was they who moved first, so Yueming would fight them?

“…Xiao Ming, did you do it to protect Mianmian and your sisters?”

Aunt Zhang asked tentatively.

Yue Ming remained silent.

On the contrary, Yoyo was afraid that Aunt Zhang would slap her brother again, so she rushed over to block between the two, and looked at Aunt Zhang tearfully:

“Aunt Zhang don’t kill brother, brother is injured, he will hurt.”

The child’s small arms can’t protect the ten-year-old Yueming, but she still tries her best to open her arms and protect Yueming.

“I don’t feel pain.” Yueming comforted the frightened Yoyo, “I have thick skin, it doesn’t matter.”

When she heard Yueming say this, her heart was even more sour.

In fact, she didn’t mean it that way, she was just worried that Yueming would provoke someone they couldn’t afford and cause him more trouble.

It is not easy for them to gain a foothold in a big city, and if they provoke any powerful and powerful people, all their hard work will be in vain.

So she made Yue Mingyu bow her head in advance, was she wrong?

“I have called the security department, and he will come with the surveillance video next to Swan Lake today.”

After being reminded by Gu Miaomiao, Yu Lan quickly took action.

She hung up the phone with a slight smile, and even gestured for everyone to sit down and talk with a relaxed face.

“If it is our children who do it first, yes, we will pay for the medical expenses, but if it is your children who are the first to flirt…”

Yu Lan took her chin and pointed to Yueming and Mianmian.

“Medical, psychological and spiritual expenses must be doubled.”

“Why double? Isn’t our child smashing a sheep? It’s just a beast, and the little boy smashes it when he is naughty…”

Gu Miaomiao: “That’s not what you said when you asked us for compensation just now.”


Whose child are you calling a beast?

It’s not that these ladies in their thirties don’t want to scold them back, but they are all powerful people.

…It’s strange to say, where did this little girl learn from the film, how can she scold people without swearing?

Yu Lan knocked on the table:

“What are you looking at? We all admit that your children did it first, apologize first and then lose money, or ask the neighbors to come out and judge the surveillance video together.”

Yu Lan had a tough attitude. The group of people looked at each other and felt that they could not afford to lose this person.

So I had to pinch my son, watching my child who was beaten with bruises and bruises apologized to the one who beat him, and finally gritted his back molars and tore the check and handed it over, asking:


50,000 medical expenses plus mental expenses per person, a total of 200,000.

Although Yueming was also injured, he bought some safflower oil at most, and he didn’t even need a Band-Aid.

Yu Lan took the check reluctantly handed over and put it into Yueming’s pocket.

“Slow walk and no delivery.”

Before leaving, there was someone who couldn’t swallow this breath and stabbed a yoyo:

“Little girl, your mother and your sister are so eloquent. If they didn’t look alike, I would have thought that your sister was born by your mother, and you picked it up from the trash can.”

Yoyo stared blankly at this resentful woman, didn’t understand her very much, thought she was complimenting Yu Lan and Gu Miaomiao, so she happily agreed:

“Yeah! My mom and sister are super super super super-great!”


The woman was almost killed on the spot by Yoyo’s innocent expression, and hurriedly slammed the door and left.

After the outsiders were gone, Yu Lan said to Yue Ming:

“Does it still hurt?”

Yue Ming shook his head.

After all, she was injured to protect her daughter and her pet. Yu Lan nodded after confirming that she was not injured, and said to Aunt Zhang:

“It’s not the child’s fault, the security looked at the surveillance and said that the other party threw stones first and wanted to bully them, so Xiao Ming beat them. Don’t misunderstand the child.”

After listening to the cause and effect of the matter, Aunt Zhang also realized that she was indeed too arbitrary.

“…Xiao Ming…”

Yue Ming didn’t look at her, but took out the check in his pocket and returned it to Yu Lan.

“I’m fine, Aunt Yu. It’s my job to protect my sister. I don’t want the money.”

The ten-year-old boy pursed his lips, and his eyes flashed with sincerity.

“You didn’t misunderstand me, I’m very happy.”

As if shocked by the solemn thanks in his eyes, Yu Lan was slightly stunned.

Aunt Zhang, who heard these words, was even more caught off guard, as if she was slapped on the spot by Yueming’s simple sentence, her face was hot, and her heart shrank in pain.

She always felt that although she did not have a lot of money for her children, she had a lot of love.

But in contrast to Yu Lan, she was at a loss again.

Did she really do the right thing?

If it is true, why does Yueming show such a sad expression?

Aunt Zhang lost her mind all day. After dinner, she took Yoyo and Mianmian to the park outside the community to play, and she stared at Yoyo squatting on the pedals as a swing.

She and Mianmian squatted on a pedal, squatting on it, and they were inexplicably happy.

…Yue Ming never seemed to show such a smile.


Perceiving Aunt Zhang from time to time, she pulled the corner of her clothes and asked her with puzzled eyes.

Aunt Zhang squatted down: “What’s the matter? Do you want to go to the toilet?”

Yoyo shook her head, her little finger poked between her eyebrows.

“Auntie, don’t frown, wrinkle, not pretty.”

Aunt Zhang listened to the little girl’s innocent words and smiled bitterly:

“Yo yo, if only Xiao Ming was as sensible as you.”

“Brother Yueming is very sensible!”

Aunt Zhang didn’t think so.

If Yueming is really sensible, he should forgive her for being arbitrary, after all, everything she does is for his own good.

Yo Yo tilted her head:

“Sister said that adults deceive children when they are sensible. They just don’t like children who cause trouble for themselves.”

Aunt Zhang was startled.

“Sister also said that love is not an excuse, adults should… listen to children!”

She scratched her head, thinking hard.

“Listen to the children’s heart!”

That’s probably what it means!

Although I don’t quite understand it, it seems that Aunt Zhang wants to hear it, and this should be it!

Aunt Zhang seems to understand something, but she doesn’t seem to understand it completely.

After dinner, the children went back to their room and were about to fall asleep. Aunt Zhang accompanied Yu Lan to watch TV shows in the living room.

This is a very popular drama recently, about family education.

“…This character is quite similar to you, Xiao Zhang.”

Yu Lan is talking about a single mother in the film who is looking for a daughter to become a phoenix.

This single mother has good economic conditions and her child is very smart, but she is still strict with her child.

If it is normal, Aunt Zhang will only substitute this mother, thinking that she is doing the right thing.

But perhaps because of Yoyo’s words today, she suddenly calmed down and tried to move from the child’s point of view.

Daughter got the second place in the test, and her mother blamed her for why she did so poorly.

My daughter envied her friends who went to summer camp during the summer vacation. She told her daughter that you are different from them, and you have to go to the best university.

Under the pressure, the day before the college entrance examination, the child cut his wrists and committed suicide.

Aunt Zhang stared blankly, tears streaming down her face.

Because from beginning to end, this mother’s choice was no different from hers, and she put more pressure on Yueming.

She couldn’t imagine whether Yueming was the same as this girl, working hard at her request in a docile and sensible way, while holding a pillow and crying in the middle of the night.

She suddenly woke up and realized that she couldn’t go on like this.

She can’t let his Xiaoming, but also bear her heavy love, to embark on such a desperate road in the future.

Aunt Zhang suddenly got up.

“I… I went to bed first today, Mrs. Yu, you also go to bed earlier, don’t look too late…”

After Yu Lan confirmed that Aunt Zhang knocked on Yueming’s door, she calmly picked up the remote control and switched to her favorite movie.

On the night when Aunt Zhang and Yueming had a long talk, Yo Yo, who hadn’t dreamed late at night for a long time, couldn’t sleep well again.

And this time, the dream is different from other dreams.

The raging fire in the dream spread all the way along the mountains, turning the whole sky into a hellish red.

The man in the fitted suit stood on the observation deck, quietly watching the forest engulfed by the fire.

“…Mr. Yueming, the fire has completely burned, and more than ten monsters have been captured, but the figure of the forest lord has not been found…”

His subordinates glanced at the burning fire, sweat dripping from their foreheads.

“Although catching monsters is also very important, if this fire continues to burn, I am afraid it will be difficult to end, otherwise we should clear the obstacles and let the fire brigade in…”

“Not in a hurry.”

The handsome young man, who always greeted everyone with a smile, was calm and calm, watching the terrifying fire engulfing the entire forest in front of him.

“If we don’t catch the biggest monster for a day, we can’t stop for a day.”

He had a smile on his lips, but his eyes were so cold.

“Even if this fire burns down the entire forest, he will be captured at all costs. This is all to protect the safety of mankind.”

Youkai shouldn’t exist in the world at all.

The peaceful coexistence of humans and monsters is a joke.

His men glanced at him.

That being said… How much selfishness he wants to use to enter the political world, only he knows.

Then, Yoyo’s perspective kept changing, as if she had passed through this terrifying fire, through the depths of the unknown jungle, and saw something that had not been burned by the fire yet. A secluded cave.

“…the fire is out of control.”

At the exit of the cave, a lion with a golden mane stood against the light with a calm voice.

“The people outside came to me, you can follow me, but the risk is very high, I can also point you to a way, you can escape, but whether you can escape, you need to look at yourself.”

The girl just woke up, her mind was confused, and it took a while to figure out what was going on.

Graduation trip, the school took them to the Nagasawa Mountain in C city for camping, she was not physically fit, she accidentally slipped down the hillside, woke up and lay here.

“…you rescued me after I slid down the narrow road?”


She looked at the tall and majestic lion in front of her, and was shocked for a long time before she recovered her voice.

Although… there are indeed urban rumors that there are monsters that can eat people in Nagasawa Mountain, but this is still different from what she saw with her own eyes.

She shrank back in fear.

“You, you are… a monster? This fire outside was… someone set it up to catch you…”

“That’s right.”

If it was usually a monster alone, she would be scared and scream, but now I heard that the whole mountain was on fire, and under the impact of successive changes, the monster was not so bizarre.

Either be eaten by the monster or go with him, the girl quickly made a choice.

“…Okay, I’ll go with you.”

The golden lion glanced back at her, and after a while, he bent his knees slightly and motioned her to climb up.

For the first time, the girl saw a living and talking lion, she tremblingly climbed up the lion’s back, and grasped his mane tightly so that it would not fall off while running.

—The people outside came to arrest him.

—He is a terrifying monster, a species very different from humans.

The girl had goose bumps all over her body.

The lion did not know what he was thinking with the girl who was running for his life, just when they were lucky enough to pass through the sea of fire and prepare to break through the slightly weaker encirclement—

The lion did not expect something happened.

“…I, I hit him!”

The girl trembled softly with a little surprise for the rest of her life.

After throwing a large sharp stone at the lion’s head with all his strength, the lion who was surrounded and suppressed was caught at the weak side, and a sedative gun completely hit him.

The lion fell to the ground.

The lion that was rushing all the way inhaled a lot of smoke, and was physically exhausted.

He didn’t guard against the girl lying on top of him at all, and he didn’t even know when she hid such a large stone.

From the girl’s point of view, Yoyo stared blankly at the lion that lost its ability to resist being dragged away, bound like a beast to be slaughtered.

The man who set fire to the mountain did not know when he heard the news.

“Caught you.”

The lion is dying.

Yoyo didn’t know what they wanted to do, but when she saw the big lion with a beautiful golden retriever being dragged away so roughly, her heart was suddenly twitched.

…he looks so sore…

…why hurt him…he also saved people, he is not a bad monster, he is a good lion…

But Yoyo couldn’t move, she could only watch the lion being thrown into the trunk of the van.

At the last moment when the door was closed, she met the lion’s eyes.

Amber-like eyes.

Slowly, disappointedly, closed.

Such intense sadness was clearly conveyed to her without words.

Yoyo stared blankly before realizing—

He was taken.

It was she who helped the bad guys who caught him.

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