The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 38

Chapter 37: Thirty-Seven Children

Yue Ming has never celebrated a birthday with friends.

In the third grade of elementary school, the classmates in the class celebrated their birthday. Although he was not invited to the birthday party, he had seen the scene where the classmates surrounded him and wished him a happy birthday from a distance.

Yue Ming does not envy his dazzling array of birthday gifts, but envy that there are so many children around him.

So on his birthday, he bought a bunch of snacks with the pocket money he had saved for half a year, and sent an invitation to every classmate in the class the week before, making an appointment to come to him on that day Eat cake together at home.

He was full of anticipation, and arranged for him all afternoon.

However, no one came.

Yue Ming lit a candle for himself and made a wish.

As he blew out the candle, he thought that he would never have another birthday.


“Make a wish! Blow out the candles!!”

I couldn’t wait to share the cake, Yoyo urged, jumping on the spot, even more excited than my birthday.

Yue Ming blinked hard.

It seems that all this is a little unreal.

Cen Sui: “I haven’t sang the birthday song yet!”

Just then everyone remembered, and they started out of nowhere, and everyone sang a birthday song in a mess.

Gu Miaomiao: “…you sing faster, everyone knows you want to eat cake.”

Yoyo covered her mouth and smiled embarrassedly.

Who, who asked mom to buy the cake when she came back from yoga class in the morning!

She can’t wait to see from the morning to the afternoon, the cake is there and no one eats… The cake will be very lonely too!

Thinking of this, Yoyo looked at Yueming who was staying in place, and asked:

“Brother Yueming, are we reconciled? Would you like to share the cake for me?”

The little girl’s eyes are too sincere and bright, and it is difficult for anyone to say anything that makes her sad when she is stared at by such eyes.

Yueming, who was surrounded by the crowd, felt his ears get hot, and said in a very small voice:

“…I don’t have…”

Yoyo got closer: “Huh?”

“…I didn’t… hate you…”

Yue Ming, who was clutching the corner of his clothes tightly, revealed his thoughts for the first time in front of so many people.

Even when it was the saddest time, Yueming never hated it.

What he hates is that he is not brave enough, not confident enough, and unable to change himself.

“It’s great!” Yoyo jumped up and down, holding Yueming’s hand with her little hand, “We’re reconciled!”

The clear voice of the little girl is like a carefree young bird.

Unlike adults, she doesn’t seem to have that fearless restraint and concern at all.

She didn’t even know where she made Yueming unhappy, but she felt that the other party seemed to be sad, so she asked for peace without hesitation. Shameful thing.

The ten-year-old Yueming couldn’t help but envy her innocence in her heart.

“…let’s get to the table for dinner.”

Aunt Zhang, who came out of the kitchen with the dishes, cooked a large table of dishes. She watched Shen Jingchuan take the small crown that came with the cake and put it on Yueming, and she was a little flattered and said:

“Really, it’s too much trouble for everyone, and I have prepared so much, I really…”

Seeing that Aunt Zhang was about to start to despise herself again out of time, Gu Miaomiao hurriedly interrupted:

“Aunt Zhang sits here next to brother Yueming.”

Aunt Zhang looked at the center of the table and waved her hand hurriedly:

“No, no, I can just sit on the side…”

Yoyo dragged Aunt Zhang by the corner of her clothes and pulled her over indiscriminately.

She didn’t understand the difference between the main house and the servants, and she didn’t know why Aunt Zhang usually ate alone in the nanny’s room.

But at least today, she felt that Aunt Zhang should sit with brother Yueming.

He will be happy.

After everyone sat down at the table, the children began to send their birthday gifts to Yueming.

Before Yoyo took out his gift, Yue Ming was actually a little worried, worried that he had received an overly expensive gift, and there was no way to give the same gift back on Yoyo’s birthday.

Although what she did for him was precious enough.

“This is for you!”

Yoyo took out a small pot of mimosa from the paper bag.

“You can put it in the room, it looks good! It’s very similar to my brother!”

He reached out and took the small pot of greenery.

With a light touch with your finger, the leaves of the mimosa suddenly folded together, magically alive.

“…Thank you.” Yueming hugged him, afraid that a simple thank you would not be solemn enough, and added, “I like it very much, really.”

Next is a gift from Gu Miaomiao.

She sent a set of stationery, which is quite satisfactory and practical.

The one sent by Shen Jingchuan was very suitable for Gu Miaomiao. He sent a thick stack of “Golden Scroll for Winning the Championship”, “Crazy Practice of Small Questions” and “Xinghuo Reading”.

He heard that Yueming has started to study the first grade courses in advance. These are his selected teaching materials for the first grade, and they are quite practical.

Yue Ming felt very complicated when he received the gift.

Cen Sui and Yong Ze gave gifts in the same style.

Low key.

No one can see this big fingernail, at least dating back to the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

There are also red packets from Yu Lan and Gu Qizhou.

For the first time, Yueming, who received so many gifts, looked even more stupid than Yoyo.

“Make a wish, make a wish!”

Yoyo, who likes the wishing session the most, urged her.

Cen Sui, who was sitting opposite, asked curiously:

“What do you wish for?”

The more he spoke less, Cen Sui was very curious about what wishes he would like to fulfill.

Yoyo raised her hand excitedly:

“Brother Yueming, help me promise one! Yoyo want to go to the zoo! I want to see giant pandas and giraffes!”

Cen Sui was shocked, can someone help me if I make a wish?

“That, then I want too! I want to go to see Spider-Man with my parents this year! I want to shake hands with Spider-Man!”

The two little children looked serious, as if Yueming was a wishing messenger who shouldered expectations. As long as he agreed, his wish would definitely come true.

Gu Miaomiao rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Instead of asking for help, it’s easier for you two to roll on the ground in front of your parents.

However, Yueming was probably also infected by the stupidity of these two people, he nodded seriously, and asked Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jingchuan:

“Do you have any wishes for me to help?”

… Gu Miaomiao felt that his expression was like a purchasing agent waiting to collect an order.

So she also placed an order casually: “I make a wish that my sister will be smarter in the future and not be tricked by other children in the community.”

Shen Jingchuan followed closely: “I make a wish that my sister can learn addition and subtraction within ten this year, and keep her third tutor.”

Yoyo: “…”

She’s going to have a little mood!

She’s going to be angry!

Yue Ming, who received the wish, folded his hands and closed his eyes reverently.

He hopes that the wishes of these children can be realized.

He hopes that he can grow up quickly and shoulder the heavy burden on his mother’s shoulders.

But he is so hopeful that time can stop forever at this moment—

Yue Ming opened his eyes slightly, and saw Mian Mian, who placed his chin by the window, through the gap.

—At this moment, with the friends in front of you, forever and ever.

After her birthday, Yoyo vaguely felt that Yueming’s personality seemed to be gradually changing.

In the past, I would only watch them play more and more from a distance, but gradually I would take the initiative to walk into them and play with them, which is already very boring for fifth-grade children.

Occasionally Aunt Zhang would urge him to go to school unhappily, but Yueming, who has always been obedient, would secretly go against his mother’s wishes and sneak out to play in the mud with Yoyo in the yard.

The most surprising thing to Yoyo is that Yueming no longer rejects Mianmian’s approach.

Sometimes Yoyo even takes Mianmian out for a walk when she has time to practice the piano, Yueming will help Yoyo out for a walk.

And this morning, Yoyo was overtime by the piano teacher because she didn’t play the tune well. The little girl was lying on the piano keys with her mouth flat, and looked at Mianmian through the window dejectedly.

“I’ll take Mianmian out.” Yueming took his book, “It’s right next to Swan Lake, you can come to me when you’re done.”

Yue Ming led Mianmian out of the yard.

Eat grass, never run around.

Yueming will also slow down when it grazes and wait for it silently.

…When Mianmian grows up, he shouldn’t turn into a bad man-eating monster, right?

Thinking of this, Yueming took out a small packet of ham sausage from his pocket and handed it to Mianmian. Mianmian only smelled it, then lowered his head with no interest at all, and continued to eat the grass fragrantly.

Looking at this disdain for meat, it should not eat people.

Yue Ming was in a much better mood. While practicing English by the lake, he picked up a handful of weeds and a small daisy, and made a small wreath for Mianmian.

Children who grew up in the countryside are quite good at these handicrafts. The daisy wreath goes through the long ears like a girl’s small earrings.

“…do you like it?”

Mianmian looked at her reflection in the lake, smiled and baa softly, she seemed to like it.

Yue Ming watched it for a while, and suddenly said in a low voice:


Tips her head.

“I… shouldn’t have stoned you.”

“You won’t hurt yo yo, I know.”

“At that time, it was not for protection, but I was too timid, I was afraid.”

When no one was there, Yueming dared to reveal to Mianmian that he was ashamed to see others.

“I’m sorry…you’re a good monster, you don’t eat people, right?”

Mianmian watched him for a while, then slowly approached, then tilted her head and rubbed the small head of the human cub.

It is a very warm temperature.

When Yoyo hurried over, all she saw was the scene of Yueming gently hugging Mianmian.


Brother Yueming and Mianmian finally became good friends!

Yoyo’s footsteps are excited, and I can’t wait to fly in front of them and play with them in the next second.

But before she walked in, she saw something on the side draw an arc in the air, hitting Mianmian’s body neither light nor heavy.

“Ah! It’s coming!”

The boys holding a handful of small stones giggled as if they had discovered something interesting.

Then I don’t know who inside waved again, and threw a stone at Mianmian’s head again.

This time, Mianmian seemed to be hurt by being smashed, and after bleating aggrieved, she quickly hid behind towards Yueming.

“I just said that some people in our community really keep lambs as pets.”

“Hahaha, this lamb is so stupid, I don’t know who is throwing it.”

“I want to try I want to try too!”

“Ah, is the owner of that sheep going to be angry?”

“It doesn’t matter, I have seen him. He is not the owner of the lamb, but the son of the servant of the owner of the lamb!”

“Hahahaha, isn’t it, his mother is a helper for others, and he is a helper for other people’s pets?”

The cruel laughter wave after wave, yo yo is a little far away, can’t hear clearly, she can only see that these people are bad children who will throw stones at Mianmian, Mianmian is so painful, they still Laugh so loud.

Yoyo ran over with red eyes and hugged Mianmian tightly in her arms.

Indignant, she grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground, and threw it out with force but without any deterrence, crying:

“Don’t bully Mianmian! I’ll hit you!”

Most of these little boys are in grades 3 and 4. They already remember popular TV variety shows and play mobile phones proficiently. They can recognize who Yo Yo is at a glance.

“It’s the one on TV!”

“I’ve seen her! So she lives in our community!”

The little boys instantly seemed to have discovered a new toy, and wanted to come over curiously to see this little sister who appeared on TV before.

However, just when they wanted to push away Yueming, who was in the way, and wanted to surround Yoyo and take a closer look at her—


The child who was walking in the front was knocked to the ground without a word.

“…Hit, hit people!!”

“…You dare to hit my brother! I, I fought with you—!!”

Yoyo hugged Mianmian and stared blankly at a group of little boys who were scrambling together.

Yo yo is stupid, but she is very good at judging the situation at this time.

When Yueming had the upper hand, she cheered on the side, but when she saw these little boys beat Yueming to the ground with an advantage in numbers, she suddenly felt that something was wrong.

“Help! My brother is being bullied! Sister come quickly woo woo woo!!”

Beside the Swan Lake, an earth-shattering cry soon broke out.

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