The First Lich Lord

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

What did they give you as a reward? I asked Maxwell as we headed back down the path that led into the hidden valley.

Uriel is going to make me a new instrument, Maxwell said, then he quietly added, And theyre letting me back in the enclave.

I didnt care. People knew I was a Lich and my presence would cause problems. I was okay with that, having decided to take it as a challenge. If I could prove I wasnt a monster, then they were bound to let me in.

So, what was that you said about my sister?

Umm Maxwell became visibly nervous. I know you said you didnt want me to contact her, but I looked her up on social media. She took your death pretty hard and was spiraling down the drain. As it turned out, she moved after you died, to the city I live in She was trying to get away from memories.

You told her? I asked flatly. Despite me asking you not to.

Yes, Maxwell sighed. I know, it was a shitty thing to do, but it tore me up not telling her when I knew it would help her cope.

I was silent for a long time, part of me knowing how selfish Id been. Thank you, I whispered.

Anytime. Maxwell was clearly relieved. When do you want to see her again?

I dont know That was a complex question with no discernable answer.

She knows youve been going through a lot and have changed.

How did you convince her? I doubted Jessica would just blindly believe I was alive.

It was easier than I expected, Maxwell said. I told her some of the things youd said and offered for her to watch my stream. Truly, I think thats what convinced her the most. Hearing you talk and seeing you alive. Even if it was just your illusion.

Is she still watching? I asked in alarm.

Yes, but she knows youre a Lich, Maxwell reassured me. I mean, it was hard the first time she saw you without the illusion. But shes just glad youre alive, even if just in a world she sees as a game.


Maxwell used the Altar of Creation to teleport us to another altar in the mountains near my cabin. We didnt want to risk visiting Omark itself. Over four hours had passed since Tyler had died, and we werent sure if hed bound his respawn location to Omark. If he had, he would have no doubt already let the temple know of our betrayal.

Night had started to fall by the time we hiked over the shoulder of the mountain and began to descend into the valley where my cabin was built. A plume of smoke rose from where my cabin was and my stomach dropped. Without a word, Maxwell and I broke into a sprint, running at reckless speeds down the side of the mountain.

We burst into the clearing around my cabin. It was ablaze, lighting up the night. A dark form lay on the ground in front of the roaring flames.

Raven! I cried out in horror.

She was dead. I could tell that before I even reached her. Whoever killed her broke her neck and smashed in her rib cage. Her body was still warm, and as I clutched her to my chest, unable to cry, I felt more inhuman than I ever had before because I couldnt shed a single tear for Raven.

We need to get to your phylactery. Maxwell shook my shoulder, pulling my attention away from Raven. Shed been my one constant companion since saving her.

Her absence left me hollow.

Right. I got to my feet, cradling Ravens body. I laid her next to a tree near the edge of the clearing, and with Maxwell at my heels, raced away.

As we ran, I saw a few signs of someone having come this way before us. I didnt know who it was, but I could guess. It was likely Tyler. Using some divining device to hone in on the death magic given off by my phylactery. Scrambling up the steep incline that led into the small valley Id hidden my phylactery, a roar resounded from above, followed by the sound of combat.

Reaching the top, we sprinted toward the cave. There was Tyler, glowing with holy light, battling my massive undead Cerberus. As I had grown in level, Id upgraded my guardian, and he was now level 50. That being said, the creature was more powerful than most undead, and Tyler was missing his armor. None of Tylers gear appeared to have been soul-bound. The holy knight was likely wielding backup armor and weapons.

I threw Mercy at Tyler like a javelin, releasing a cry of rage. My attack surprised him. Mercy hit him in the stomach, the broad tip slicing deep, a moment before I tackled him.

Tyler had killed Raven, and though he was still much stronger than me, I let my rage direct me. At point-blank, I fired a bolt of necrotic energy into his face, targeting one of his eyes. Tylers superior strength allowed him to toss me off.

My bolt of magic had successfully managed to destroy one of his eyes. I reached my hand out and summoned Mercy back. Music began to play from Maxwell, one of the music nodes appeared above us as a thumping beat played. I was too consumed by rage to recognize the song.

Tyler was just preparing to attack me when the Cerberus snarled and leapt on him. Despite Tylers higher level, he didnt stand a chance against all three of us, even though hed managed to slay one of the Cerberuss heads. When he realized he couldnt win, he retreated, spouting something that I ignored.

Tyler tripped, and with that glorious opening, I struck, reshaping Mercy into a short heavy blade. I slammed it into his leg and felt it come into contact with the bone. He screamed in pain and I withdrew the blade. The festering wound left behind took effect immediately.

I jumped back, a spell forming around my hand as Tyler grabbed at his injured leg. A dark bolt of necrotic magic leapt from my hand, and a strand of music notes from one of Maxwells nodes wrapped around it. I targeted the spell at the wound Id just left behind and it flew true.

The bolt exploded, widening the wound and enhancing the festering effect. As his leg became all but unusable, Tyler fell onto his back. I leapt on Tylers chest, ready to plunge Mercy down, when a thought came to me. freew(e)bnove(l)

I have a use for you, I muttered.

Tyler mumbled again, but his words couldnt reach me. I ordered the Cerberus to keep him pinned and walked over to Maxwell. Can you go and retrieve Raven? I have something I need to do.

Of course, you going to bring her back? Maxwell asked.

Not how youre thinking. There was no known way to resurrect NPCs in this world. At least not that I was aware of. But I need to stay here to prepare.

Maxwell headed off and I set to work. The spell I was planning on using was a ritual magic Id learned when preparing to become a Lich. Ritual magic spells were different than most spells: they didnt have level requirements. So long as you had the knowledge about how to cast the spell and were able to provide the materials, you could accomplish it.

Even when I had thought this world was just a game, Id decided against using this spell. Even back then it seemed like a dark spell. In some ways, darker than even the magic used to make me a Lich.

What are you doing? Tylers voice broke through my concentration.

I had cleared a flat area of dirt and was now tracing out glowing purple lines of magic. Fixing what you broke.

The ritual spell was over ten meters in diameter and took a lot of time to set up.

What do you need me for? Tyler demanded, struggling under the Cerberus.

Ill leave that up to your imagination, I snapped and continued to work.

Even though the dirt wasnt completely level, the ritual lines leveled themselves slightly, some raising a small amount and others sinking deeper into the soft soil.

The moon had come up by the time I was finished, and I was thankful to see it was a full moon. I designed the diagram with three circles spaced evenly along the outside edge. In the center of the diagram was another, smaller circle, divided into three equal parts, and spreading out from it were runic lines.

In each section of the circle, the runic lines followed a different pattern. One circle was connected to the center by sections resembling chains. Another was connected by what looked like winding rope, and the third constituted of smooth sweeping patterns, almost like calligraphy.

Maxwell returned carrying Ravens body. What is all of this?

Its too complex to explain right now. I looked at the skyit was near midnight. I hadnt realized how long Id been working. Lay Raven in the middle, and then help me with Tyler.

Maxwell carefully laid Raven down in the middle of the glowing purple spell diagram.

Hes going to sacrifice me! Tyler screamed as Maxwell and I dragged him toward the ritual diagram.

Mate, you killed his cat. The least you can do is be a nice, willing sacrifice. Maxwell punched him in the face, stunning him into silence.

Keep him standing until it starts. I left Maxwell supporting Tyler in the circle connected with chains. Then get away. I wouldnt want you getting caught up in this.

I ordered the Cerberus to place one massive paw in the circle connected with ropes. Part of me was sad to be destroying the Cerberus, it had served me well. But it wasnt intelligent and I needed the energy it harbored.

Stepping into the final circle, I activated the spell. Mana flowed out from me, passing down the purple, swirling lines, turning them black. It reached the center, and the ropes and chains turned pitch-black, coming to life. Maxwell leapt back when the chains wrapped around Tyler, whod regained just enough sense to scream.

Energy freely flowed out of the Cerberus, and before long, it collapsed as the last of its death energy was drained. Most of the energy pulled out of the Cerberus pooled around Raven, but some of it traveled toward Tyler.

Tyler was resisting the spell more than I thought he would. Most players didnt know how to resist something like this. I only knew about it because Vito had me study soul magic. Gradually, Tylers defenses caved. First, a small amount then in a torrent, soul energy was ripped out of him. Since he was a player, this wouldnt have any long lasting effect on him. I thought, at least. I did know it would take him longer to respawn after a death like this.

After the soul energy was pulled out of Tyler, he hung limp, all but dead and only kept alive by the spell. The death energy was converted into dark magic by the ritual, and a maelstrom of soul energy and dark magic picked up Ravens body, consuming it.

I was surprised that some of the mass of the Cerberus was consumed as well, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. The maelstrom of energy lasted for nearly ten minutes before it subsided and deposited an obscured form at the center of the ritual. The form was bigger than Raven had been, but I couldnt tell anything more than that.

A pulse of energy came from Tyler as his lifeforce was sacrificed, and then another pulse came out of the form in the middle.

Once the spell ended, and I took a tentative step toward the figure curled up in the middle. It began to move, and I examined it, receiving a description and read over it in shock.



Level: 51

Werecats are the counterparts of werewolves in more ways than one. Werecats are significantly weaker physically than werewolves, but are magically potent creatures, despite their diminutive size. Werecats also cannot spread via infection like werewolves, and can only be created by powerful ritualists and natural reproductive methods.

Raven stirred a bit more and got to her feet. Maxwell, Raven, and I stood in stunned shock. Then her eyes latched on to mine and she rushed toward me. She was stark naked, had pale white skin, with a tail covered in black fur coming out of the bottom of her back, and came up to chest height on me.

I pulled her into a hug.

I was so scared she said, and started to cry.

I patted her head softly, smilingas much as I could with my emaciated appearance. Her hair had the same pattern as her lynx fur, with a solid black stripe running through the middle. She even had lynx-like ears sticking up from the top of her head.

Maxwell approached and held out a cloak that he draped over her. Was this your intended spell?

No I think because I used a player and the ritual wasnt able to take his actual soul, the spell changed itself.

When can we go home? Raven asked in a small voice.

Unfortunately, we cant, I said sadly. I think our days of peaceful living are over for now.

Good, Raven said with surprising blood thirst. I take it youre done hiding?

I looked at Maxwell and smiled. Yes, I am. Its time we tried to make a difference in this world.


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