The First Lich Lord

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

My mass-raise undead spell had worked perfectly. Unlike the spell on Mercy, the undead it raised were stronger. They were normally fifty percent of the casters level. Each of the zombies I raised with the mass-raise undead were level thirity-eight.

The death energy I added to the spell enhanced their health and resilience stats, while Maxwells music buffed them even further, making them faster and stronger. I directed a few of the zombies near Maxwell to protect him, freeing me up to fight without concern.

The melee that erupted was chaotic. As the knights had rushed to their commanders aid, theyd passed over the corpses of fallen clerics, who now rose behind them. Ten of Tylers knights had rushed to his aid. I had thirty zombies. Normally, for a cluster of holy knights fighting undead that outnumbered them greatly was no issue, but my undead were different.

We need to kill the Lich! Tyler shouted. Only two responded, the rest had either not heard him or were surrounded.

Three on one? I asked. That doesnt seem fair. I grabbed a nearby zombie, and hoping I was right, channeled death energy into it. I had an innate feeling of upgrades I could give the zombie and focused on further enhancing its strength and defense. The zombie glowed and its muscles bulged as it grew in size. Sections of the zombies skin began to harden and thicken. Thats a little better.

I admired my work. It was now level 50.

I smiled at Tyler and took a brief moment to examine one of the knights. Tyler was a level 70 holy knight, or so I sensed. I wasnt sure I could beat him even with Maxwell buffing me and my minions. The knights were a different story, I was surprised when I got a reading.

Knight of Olattee

Level: 50

Knights of Olattee are walking down the path of becoming a true paladin in service to the god of purity, Olattee. They have limited divine abilities.

After level fifty, they can undertake a holy sacrament and be elevated to a holy knight.

This zombie is likely similar to the rest and more resistant to holy magic than they should be, Tyler shouted to the two knights with him. However, I dont think this Lich possesses the same protections.

I fell into a defensive position with Mercy. Tyler had a metal kite shield adorned with the symbol of a white tree on a black background. In his other hand, he wielded a long sword. The blade glowed with holy magic. That would prove problematic.

Though Tyler was faster than me, he had many of the issues players normally dealt with. His attacks were easy to predict, made even easier by my precognition ability. The blows I couldnt dodge, I deflected with Mercy. Tyler pressed me, unrelenting, and I fell back before his hammering blows.

My zombie was taking a beating, but it was dealing out more damage than I expected. When I had an opening, instead of attacking Tyler, I jabbed at the knights. Even a small wound left by Mercy could be dangerous given enough time.

After landing a deep cut in a joint on one of the knights, Mercy became momentarily stuck, throwing me off, and a powerful over hand blow from Tyler was incoming. I wrenched Mercy free and barely had time to interpose its shaft to block the blow. It jarred my entire body and I strained to keep my guard up.

Tyler no doubt had a strength stat well over one hundred, hence why Id been deflecting his blows.

He seemed surprised that his sword hadnt cut through Mercy. Die, you foul creature!

I managed to shift the angle of Mercy and his blade slid off. Man, you are really into this RP; good for you. Though I would rather not die to fulfill your fantasy.

Tyler looked at me in confusion. What? How

Dont think on it too much, I advised. It might make your meathead brain explode.

Tyler sputtered, taken aback by my comment. That had been part of my goal. I leapt toward one of the knights fighting my zombie, reshaping Mercys blade into a needle. I rammed Mercy straight through the knights chest plate as he was winding up a heavy blow with his great sword.

The knight gasped. I yanked my weapon free and dove into a roll, sensing an incoming attack from Tyler. As I came out of the roll, I reshaped Mercy and reengaged Tyler. The attack proved lethal. From the circular hole in the knights chest plate, blood pumped out in a stream and the festering had likely already reached his heart. The knight coughed out a mouthful of blood before falling forward, dead.

Tyler cried in rage, but even as the knight rose again as a weak undead, Tyler didnt hesitate to decapitate the corpse with a back-handed blow with his long sword.

I used that moment to look around. I was in trouble. All across the ledge, the knights were finishing off my miniature hoard of zombies. It would only be a matter of time before they all came after me. The zombies tasked with guarding Maxwell were also engaged by a pair of knights.

It wasnt looking like either of us would survive. I fell back toward Maxwell, Tyler following.

If I bite it, Max, just go back to the cave and forget about me! I called as I fell back to avoid Tylers cleaving sword.

No! Maxwell said, raw anger in his tone. I wont abandon you.

Ill come back, I tried to assure him, even as I desperately blocked blow after blow from Tyler. You sticking around will just cause suffering for you. Head to the nation to the west, they would take you.

What am I supposed to tell your sister then? Maxwell demanded. That I abandoned you to die?

What? I instinctually turned toward him, giving Tyler an opening, and he took it.

A searing pain radiated from my leg as Tyler finally landed a blow. The holy magic enchanting his blade tore at me and I scrambled back, crying out in pain. At least I tried to with a weakened leg.

Zeke, no! Maxwell cried out in horror.

I stumbled, giving Tyler another opening, and this time he rammed his glowing sword through my chest.

Searing pain blossomed out and I fell to my knees.

Finally, I got you, Tyler snarled, gripping the hilt of his sword with both hands. The blow had removed most of my chest, the only reason I was still alive was because I was a Lich. The holy magic ate away at me, just like the festering wound Mercy left behind did.

Just as Tyler was about to rip his sword upward and finish me off, I heard Maxwell. Tyler, wait! Hes from Earth, hes human. Please hear me out!

A confused looked crossed Tylers face and he looked between Maxwell and me as the fighting across the ledge all but stopped.

Bullshit! Tyler snarled.

I closed my eyes, knowing that might be my last few moments with a body I could use to defend myself. There was a boom, and I snapped my eyes open. Tyler stood ridged and his hand fell limp a moment before he fell forward, dead, and the holy magic faded from his sword. The back of his skull had been blown off by an unknown magical attack.

Looking around the ledge, the other still surviving knight was being hammered into the ground by a barrage of magical attacks. During the fight, my world had only included what directly affected me and Maxwell. Now I saw the defenders of the enclave had finished off the remaining knights and had come to our aid.

I was pretty close to death. My health continued to tick down, and to top it off, I was out of mana and death energy. Maxwell came over to me, a worried look on his face.

Sorry, was all he said before he gripped the hilt of the sword and pulled it out of my chest.

Having it removed almost did more damage than the initial blow. But with the blade removed, my body began to regenerate health on its own as my natural regeneration kicked into full drive.

Death core, I gasped through the pain, pointing at a fallen cleric.

Right! Maxwell rushed over to the cleric and cut into him. It was a gruesome task, but I was in desperate need of death energy.

A few dwarves and elves were crossing the body-covered ledge, headed straight for us. I recognized Dorfin, Talfin, and Bith. Also with them was Uriel. All of them, except Bith, looked upon the battlefield in disgust. A few of my zombies were still moving, though they were all dismembered at this point.

Well, I never guessed you were a Lich, Bith chuckled.

Uriel headed toward Maxwell, concern written across her elegant features.

That I am, I gasped, pain flaring up from my chest.

Nasty wound that, Bith said. Mind if I take a look?

Go ahead.

Bith stepped closer. Its been infected with some kind of holy affliction, Bith said after peering closer. Wont heal on its own.

Figured as much Maxwell returned and I held out a hand for the death core.

With the core in my hand, I could feel the death energy within. It was different than the death energy I generated, but I felt like I could use it. Might want to step back, I warned the others.

When theyd moved to a safer distance, I crushed the core. The dark energy swirled around me, and I pulled as much in as I could. Most of the energy was lost, but I gained enough to partially heal myself.

My health bar filled almost halfway before it ticked down again.

For anyone else, we would bring you back into the enclave after helping us like you did, Uriel said. But we cannot. It would be strange to let a Lich in, and you were banished. I dont think the elders would let it slide.

What? We risked our lives for you! Maxwell said indignantly.

Ezekiel might just be the exception, Bith said. Though Lichs are always bad news. I assumed you were some other kind of death creature. Ive never heard of a Lich who wasnt mad and power-hungry.

You will still be rewarded, Uriel assured us. We just cannot bring you in.

Thank you, I said, wincing in pain.

Here, let me help you with that, Bith said, even as he began to channel a spell.

It took Bith a lot of work to remove the holy affliction from my body. The deep wound in my chest made it harder to completely purge the holy magic. As he worked, Maxwell went with the other dwarves to look over the fallen knights and clerics.

How about for a reward, I use the knights armor to build you a set? Bith asked after he finished healing me. Given some time, I can likely corrupt or purge the holy magic out and build you a nice, powerful set of armor.

That would be amazing, I said. I looked to a small pile of death cores that had been collected. They were quite powerful. Most of them were small, but the ones from Father Mathis and the knight Id slain were much bigger. Would these help with that?

There were a lot more uses for death cores than just me absorbing them or using them to create undead.

Aye, they would be. Bith collected the death cores up. I was certain they were more than the greedy dwarf needed, but I didnt say anything. It was interesting using my magic to heal Normally I do quite the opposite. I would be willing to do it again if you ever needed it.

Ill keep that in mind, I chuckled. But hopefully I wont need it for a long time.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢

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