The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 70: Popping The ‘Balloons’

Xiao Zhong, tall and poised, looked on with clear eyes and a calm demeanor. "Da Yin Yin has always had a prejudice against me, singling me out every time, and now she's twisting my intentions," she began. "I indeed wanted to approach Mr.Wang for a good opportunity. I represent a young organization called 'New Star', and we'd like you to join. But first, we need to assess your strength, which is standard for all new members."

Quickly and concisely, Xiao Zhong explained that the organization, named after the bright star in deep space that was newly discovered by mankind and became its colony, symbolized the promising futures of its members. It exclusively accepted super-geniuses or standout individuals in their respective fields, all of whom were undoubtedly young.

Wang Xuan listened silently, reminded of the Mensa club from a century or two ago on Old Earth. There was a similar vibe between the two.

However, he was not at all interested. Whether it's "New Star" or whatever, he didn't want to be a part. He realized that if the club was full of super-geniuses, they would undoubtedly attract the attention of major organizations and megacorporations. The complications and troubles that would arise from such associations would be endless.

While a newbie might jump at the chance to join for the rare opportunity to make a name for themselves, Wang Xuan would rather stay away. He did not want fame. In fact, he preferred playing the role of silent "guardian" for Old Chen, pushing his former colleague to the forefront for a while.

He politely declined Xiao Zhong's offer, expressing his gratitude and informing her of his desire to immerse himself in refining his craft in the Old Arts. He did not want to be burdened by fame.

"Mr. Wang is a pure cultivator. I understand and admire that even more," Xiao Zhong nodded, not pressing him further. She praised him highly, saying, "I have a feeling that before long, a Grandmaster will swiftly rise."

Wang Xuan took her words with a grain of salt, not letting them get to his head.

Wu Yin attempted to speak several times, but each time, Zhong Qing cut her off. Persisting, she said, "Traditionally, anyone we invite for evaluation receives a valuable gift, regardless of the outcome. For Mr. Wang, we've chosen the Serpent-Crane Eight Style Technique."

Wang Xuan scoffed at her silently. By its name alone, the technique did not strike him as a precious martial art scripture. He felt that Xiao Zhong might be underestimating him and promptly declined the offer. Recently, his focus had been on mastering the Golden Body Technique. He felt a growing urge to ask Old Chen for more scriptures to broaden his knowledge. As his guardian, he had invested so much and felt it crucial to know if those he protected were on the right spiritual path.

But he kept most of these thoughts to himself, wary of offending Old Chen's ego. A direct confrontation might get ugly. Wu Yin could barely contain her delight. She had not anticipated Xiao Wang's outright refusal and chuckled heartily. It was a rare sight to see the usually unflappable Zhong Qing taken aback.

"It’s a rather renowned form of martial arts," Zhong Qing commented, genuinely surprised. "I didn't expect Mr. Wang to be so indifferent."

Wang Xuan quickly messaged Qing Mu, seeking more details on the 'Serpent-Crane Eight Style Technique'. He was keen to gauge its worth.

Qing Mu, well-versed in martial arts, acknowledged its fame and told Wang Xuan that even Old Chen hadn't procured it.

Hearing this, Old Chen chimed in, intrigued, "Long ago, Zhang Daoling witnessed a fierce battle between a flood dragon and a sacred crane at Heming Mountain. This inspired him to develop the 'Dragon-Crane Dispersing Technique'. The term 'dragon' was later replaced with 'serpent', in line with Daoism's philosophy of simplicity."

Heming Mountain is revered in Daoism, with many considering it the birthplace of the tradition. Zhang Daoling laid the foundation of Daoism there, leaving an indelible mark on its history.

Old Chen remarked, "Let him know that he should obtain this scripture first. After mastering the 'Serpent-Crane Eight Style Technique', delving into his five-page golden book should become easier."

When Wang Xuan received Old Chen's message through Qing Mu, he paused immediately and retraced his steps. The five-page golden book was of utmost significance to him. Having just grasped its basics, he believed that understanding the Serpent-Crane Eight Style Technique might offer deeper insights. It was certainly worth his effort.

Wu Yin, upon seeing Wang Xuan return, put on a dramatic facade, feigning disappointment. It was unclear whether she was genuinely upset or simply putting on an act.

"This technique isn’t just vital for me," Wang Xuan said, directing a smile at her. He elaborated, "During his prime, Old Chen highly praised it, yearning for a chance to witness its mastery. I'd like to fulfill that wish for him."

Zhong Qing nodded with understanding and then turned her attention to a woman beside her.

The woman, with golden hair and piercing blue eyes, was beautiful in her own right. While not as stunning as Zhong Qing or Wu Yin, her figure was noteworthy, possibly due to her Western diet. She was not far behind Wu Yin in that aspect.

"Mr. Wang, your performance on the Pamir Plateau was truly unforgettable," the woman remarked, speaking fluent Eastern dialect. She introduced herself as Lorena.

Wang Xuan pondered. He was most renowned for his feat at the mountain pass, especially for his kick that fatally wounded Grandmaster Xia Qing, leaving a massive hole in the man's chest. Clearly, Lorena was hinting at something.

Warm and enthusiastic, Lorena greeted Wang Xuan with a Western embrace, stating, "I'll be the one assessing your skills shortly."

As she spoke, Wang Xuan sensed something amiss. Lorena's limbs tightened around him with steel-like strength, threatening to trap him. Anyone less skilled would have been instantly incapacitated.

She utilized a blend of techniques from jiu-jitsu, wrestling, and joint dislocation, aiming to subdue Wang Xuan in a swift move. The grip she had on his shoulder seemed to be an attempt to dislocate his scapula. Is this her so-called "assessment"?

Though proficient in the Golden Body Technique and unafraid of physical harm, Wang Xuan's expression shifted the next moment. A radiant light emitted from Lorena's forehead, signaling a psychic attack. She wasn't just skilled in ancient arts but also practiced modern ones.

Amidst what seemed like a simple embrace of greeting, a struggle ensued. Without hesitation, Wang Xuan flexed his arms forcefully, responding with even greater strength, challenging her in a test of endurance. He was not concerned at all. Her psychic assault was futile against him. He was on the verge of forming a rudimentary spiritual domain.

Lorena let out a painful yelp. Choosing to engage up close with someone who had mastered the sixth layer of the Golden Body Technique was clearly a miscalculation on her part. Her curvaceous figure, which was already noteworthy, now seemed on the brink of rupture, especially when she realized her psychic attack was ineffective. Fear took hold.

A sharp, breaking sound echoed, followed by an even more agonizing scream from Lorena.

"Let go!" Several voices cried out in alarm, faces filled with horror. Had he literally crushed her?

Lorena's eyes rolled back, clearly indicating something was amiss. Coupled with the gruesome sound of what seemed like flesh tearing, the situation became eerie. Wang Xuan froze in place. The person he held tightly in his arms appeared to be genuinely injured. He hesitated to release his grip, fearing the sight of blood and gore, suspecting that something on her chest might have ruptured.

I’ve already defeated a Grandmaster with a single kick before. If I crush another expert like this, what kind of infamy would I gain? The thought greatly concerned him.Finally, he slowly let go of the woman he was embracing. To his relief, there was no blood on her chest, and his worst fears did not materialize.

Wait, why is the front of her dress torn apart? What just happened? Fortunately, her skin seemed unharmed beneath the shredded fabric. He quickly averted his eyes and let go of Lorena, allowing her to collapse onto the ground.

"No one's dead, and nothing's broken!" Wang Xuan exhaled, relieved that he would not have a dark incident tarnishing his reputation.

"So it was a 'beauty enhancer', huh? No wonder, the Zhong lineage always loves their deceptions," Da Wu remarked proudly, giving Zhong Qing a disdainful look as he spoke.

Behind them, four young men had figured out the situation. They exchanged whispers and comments among themselves. "Ahhh… Lorena had enhancements. No wonder her figure seemed so impressive. Seems like no one can truly compare to Wu Yin."

"But man, he really went all out on her! Talk about being cold-blooded!"

Another young man, clearly of Western origin, gave Wang Xuan a thumbs-up and, speaking in broken Eastern dialect, remarked, "Awesome!"

Wang Xuan's face twitched slightly before he approached Zhong Qing with a blank expression.

Zhong Qing instinctively took a step back before stopping herself, a momentary loss for words crossing her face. After all, Wang Xuan had previously taken out Xia Qing with a single kick, and now he had nearly crushed another in his embrace. His reputation was indeed fierce. She managed a smile, explaining, "Actually, our plan today was to have someone don the newly-developed transmaterial armor and spar with you. But since Lorena jumped the gun, let's say you've passed."

She then handed him an ancient-looking scripture book. The cover read: "Snake-Crane Eight Style Technique."

"Thanks," replied Wang Xuan, eager to leave the scene.

From afar, he noticed a representative of the Old Earth authorities making his way to the scene. It now made sense why so many had arrived earlier — to ensure safety. Additionally, three elderly gentlemen seemed to be approaching with intent. They likely had important matters on their minds. Wang Xuan quickened his pace, keenly aware of the scrutinizing gazes from the deputy and the three elders. Am I becoming a person of interest?

He decided he should discuss this with Old Chen. He needed to lay low and not become too much of a focal point. As the day wore on, Old Chen's condition did not improve. The sentiment grew that he might not survive the night, prompting many high-profile figures to pay their final respects.

By evening, most of the expected visitors had paid their respects, all waiting for tomorrow's "conference." Wang Xuan also made his appearance, going through the motions of paying his last respects to Old Chen.

Before long, the two of them gathered, lifting the black sword to delicately cut a fine mark on the pristine, jade-like bone. In an instant, a strong surge of mystery factors erupted, swiftly permeating the surroundings.

"Old Chen, this is the mystic bone buried beneath the Buddhist ancestral ground. I'm having second thoughts," Wang Xuan whispered.

"And you thought shoving me inside by myself was a good idea?" Old Chen felt a chill down his spine, realizing Wang Xuan had pushed him in, while staying outside himself.

Wang Xuan was again exhausted to the point of feeling faint. Breathing heavily, he stared into the mystical land, sensing that something was off, but it wasn't the demonic chaos he had imagined. Inside the realm, a gentle rain drizzled, water flowed beneath a quaint bridge, and the silhouette of an ancient town appeared and disappeared in the misty rain. It painted a serene picture reminiscent of the ancient river towns of the South.

In a fleeting glimpse, Wang Xuan saw an enchanting beauty in a red dress, holding an oil-paper umbrella, her figure graceful. As she strolled through the misty rain in a picturesque and poetic way.

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