The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 69: Silence Before The Storm

"Let's meet at the usual spot, same time. I’ll be seeing you there!" Wang Xuan quickly responded.

Qing Mu's eyebrows shot up, clearly caught off guard. Because Old Chen had made it clear that under no circumstances would he be in the sickroom tonight for a public "viewing." He was done with people lining up to touch and prod him. He had even threatened that if it happened again, he would pretend to drop dead right then and there. Enough was enough!

Hearing Qing Mu's message, Wang Xuan sighed, "Come on, Old Chen. You've faced tougher challenges and shone so brightly in the Pamir Plateau. And now this? It's not like a few touches will hurt. It's just not your style."

Was that even a fair comment? Qing Mu just shook his head. I mean, Old Chen had been subjected to two straight nights of such treatment. Who would be alright with all that?

"Alright," Wang Xuan conceded. "We've still got time. Let's plan another meeting when they least expect it."

As the morning sun began to rise, painting the sky in fiery shades, a soft mist enveloped the surrounding area. With the transition from autumn to winter, the sprawling estate was bathed in a serene, ethereal glow. Tall trees dotted the property, and under the combined effect of the dawn light and fog, it looked like something out of a painting.

Having finished breakfast and with time on his hands, Wang Xuan picked up a fishing rod Old Chen had left behind and headed to the pond in the estate's backyard. Given the increasing bustle and noise of the gathering guests at the estate, Wang Xuan would rather spend the morning fishing in Old Chen's stead than endure the clamor.

The pond wasn't small by any means, connecting to a river nearby. Wild fish were abundant, and tall reeds lined its banks, providing a home for various water birds. Every so often, a bird would flutter its wings and take to the sky.

Wang Xuan found a cozy spot and, with a fishing rod in one hand and camera in the other, began taking photos. He sent some over to Qing Mu, hinting that they might cheer up Old Chen, who was probably getting stir-crazy in bed.

But instead of amusing Old Chen, the photos did quite the opposite. Is that boy seriously using that special edition rod like a stick, thrashing about and splashing water everywhere? The sight almost gave Old Chen a heart attack. He wished he could jump up and show Wang Xuan the right way to fish. If Wang Xuan was going to be this clueless, maybe it would be better if he just fell into the pond and left the rod alone.

"Check this out! I got a 22-pounder!" Wang Xuan texted, with another photo attached.

Without a word, Qing Mu showed the message to Old Chen. The picture showed Wang Xuan, rod held upside down, seemingly using it to spear a fish. To Old Chen, it was nothing short of blasphemy. That rod, a custom-made gift, was now in the hands of a complete novice. Old Chen silently vowed to give Wang Xuan a piece of his mind later that evening.

Wang Xuan could hear faint sounds of someone approaching. He sighed, realizing that his moments of peace were coming to an end. He cherished these simple times, like teasing Old Chen or enjoying a quiet fishing session. Before long, he'd be venturing into the vastness of space, and who knew what awaited him there.

Despite their efforts to appear nonchalant, the intentions of the people drawing near were obvious. Some were casually walking by the pond, others snapped photos of the birds, and a few even decided to try their hand at fishing.

Is someone important about to arrive? Wang Xuan could not help but wonder as he observed the unfolding scene. These early arrivals were clearly skilled individuals, yet they blended in seamlessly, making it challenging for an average person to notice anything unusual.

The fishermen nearby seemed leagues ahead of him in technique, carefully selecting and preparing their spots with precision. The bird photographers appeared even more dedicated, brandishing cameras worth a small fortune, indicating they were top-tier professionals. And those taking leisurely strolls or practicing Tai Chi? They exuded an aura of seasoned wellness enthusiasts.

In total, about twenty individuals had quietly dispersed into the area. To a casual observer, there seemed to be no connection among them. However, their strategic positioning made it evident they could work together seamlessly if required.

Having mastered the sixth layer of the Golden Body Technique at his age, Wang Xuan's abilities were beyond impressive. Not only did this enhance his physical prowess, but it also sharpened his mental acuity. With his heightened senses, he had a keen awareness of every subtle movement and intention of those around him.

That was why he was concerned. This group was no ordinary one; they were a formidable, well-trained bunch. Yet, he was relieved not to sense any hostile intentions from them. It appeared they were merely setting the stage, likely to escort or guard some high-profile individuals. If he'd sensed otherwise, Wang Xuan was ready to act.

However, just as he thought he'd figured out the situation, another five or six groups seamlessly integrated into the scene, further heightening his alertness.

Before long, figures appeared in the distance. Against the backdrop of the morning mist and dawn's rosy hue, their silhouettes looked enchanting. Walking on the soft grass, their youthful vitality was a sight to behold.

"Is that Da Wu? Is she arguing with someone?" Wang Xuan was taken aback, quickly recognizing the distinct figure of Da Wu amidst the group. To his surprise, it was her.

It seemed he might have overthought the situation earlier. Those people weren't here for him. Da Wu and her companions hadn't approached him, and they were still engrossed in their dispute.

Then again, he thought, it seemed implausible for such an elite group to be prepping and guarding for Da Wu and her young friends. Wang Xuan speculated that a more important figure might be due to arrive, and the youngsters had inadvertently arrived early.

Not too concerned, Wang Xuan continued fishing... or rather, "spearfishing", then sent his catch to Old Chen. It was amusing to test the old colleague's patience and cardiovascular endurance.

"Hmm, Da Wu's approaching," Wang Xuan pretended not to notice, continuing his leisurely fishing spree.

"Xiao Zhong, don't push it..." Da Wu's voice trailed over. Wang Xuan's eyebrows shot up. The person Da Wu was arguing with was clearly influential, not even daunted by Da Wu. Given the name "Zhong", could it be someone from the Zhong family, who presented the Bodhi Technique last night?

He frowned. What is Da Wu up to? She led Xiao Zhong right to me. Logically, Da Wu wouldn't want the Zhong family to get close to him, considering she disrupted the ambiance last night.

He felt that Da Wu was being deliberate. Besides being outspoken and broad-minded, she was also crafty. Was she trying to pit him against Xiao Zhong, hoping for an unexpected confrontation? Or did Da Wu know of Xiao Zhong's "plans" and purposely brought her over to throw her off track?

Wang Xuan, without hesitation, dropped the precious fishing rod - a prized possession of Old Chen - ready to make himself scarce. With both influential figures and "ambitious young people" crowding this place, he didn't want any part in the unfolding drama.

"Little Xuan!" Da Wu called out to him, walking briskly across the grassy field, waving her hand as she neared the reed pond.

Sighing, Wang Xuan resignedly turned back and approached her with a smile. Now closer, he could clearly see the young individuals accompanying Da Wu. Undoubtedly, they were at that age where youthful vigor and early maturity coexist. Among them were faces representing both the East and the West. The four men, though varied in appearance, all had a commanding presence. The three women were vivacious and full of youthful charm. Da Wu and another woman stood out the most, albeit with contrasting styles and demeanor.

The brilliant morning sun highlighted Da Wu's impressive silhouette. Her fiery temperament was not apparent at the moment. Instead, her other captivating attributes were accentuated. The other woman, with her natural beauty, looked extraordinarily pretty. Her youthful exuberance and clear, lovely eyes reminded one of a freshman entering college. This pure essence, combined with her unadorned appearance, would easily earn her the title of "campus beauty." Standing at around 172 cm, with her long hair fluttering, she could easily captivate both young and older men alike.

Whether it was Da Wu or this young woman of about twenty, both were undeniably eye-catching. Wang Xuan observed them with an appreciation for beautiful things. He marveled at them. The two women, each embodying a different form of beauty, were a feast for the eyes when standing side by side. The innocent looking girl smiled serenely under the sun, introducing herself gently and courteously. As he suspected, she was Xiao Zhong.

"Zhong Qing?" Wang Xuan was taken aback by the name.

"Love at first sight can lead to a lifetime of regret. Don't be deceived by her appearance, Little Wang. Xiao Zhong has a history of taking people for all they're worth," Da Wu warned with a playful grin, her arms crossed, already undermining Xiao Zhong.

"It's Zhong Qing," Xiao Zhong corrected with a smile, emphasizing the 'Qing' for clarity. She stood tall and elegant, saying, "Da Yin Yin loves to tease and make up stories. She has quite the temper, and honestly, I'm scared of her."

Wang Xuan was touched. Xiao Zhong might appear like a student, but her words subtly showcased her formidable prowess. Da Yin Yin's reputation as a big-tempered tease was playfully highlighted.

Da Wu, with her head held high, adjusted her hair and glanced mockingly at a certain part of Xiao Zhong, saying, "Don't be fooled by Xiao Zhong's innocent face. She's deceived many and has very little scruples."

"Little Wang," Da Wu said, her combative spirit evident, "I must tell you, not too long ago, Xiao Zhong was plotting against you. Her cunning nature has been nurtured by the influence of her family, especially Old Zhong." Da Wu spilled the beans, speaking so swiftly that Xiao Zhong couldn't interrupt. "Just a while ago, this lady from the Zhong family was discussing plans to assess your combat capabilities and gauge your true strength, all while keeping herself uninvolved. She planned to meet you on this beautiful morning, hoping for a seemingly accidental and beautiful encounter. Trust me, she would have come across as graceful, pure, and sincere, leaving you with a splendid impression before waving goodbye. But her true motive? She just wants you to be her pawn in the future. That's so Xiao Zhong!"

Wang Xuan was stunned. Not because he was afraid of being used by Xiao Zhong, but because Da Wu was surprisingly combative and confrontational today, especially against Xiao Zhong.


Retained the name “xiao” for Wu Yin’s nickname for Zhong Qing to differentiate the word play by Wu Yin aimed at the latter’s unfortunately less developed breasts. Only the nicknames for Wu Yin and Xiao Zhong will remain exclusively this way to highly the jabs those two threw at each other's' way.

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