The Divine Anime System

Chapter 54. Evolve

Waking up, Rei knew that today was the day that Emiya shirou will summon Saber.

"Rei, do you think that Saber would be able to realise that my body is made with Avalon as the base?" Eve asked wondering about meeting Saber.

"Don't worry about it, it'll be interesting to see Saber confused about this no?" Rei said getting dressed.

"Hmm I suppose so." Eve shrugged as she also got dressed.

Walking down stairs, they could see Rin talking to someone on the phone.

"Kirei? It's me. I made a pact with Archer last night so please list me officially as a Master. I also managed to summon two people as collateral because they have connections to Archer. Right now they said they would be classed as half servants so I'm having them go to school with me." Rin said waving to Rei and Eve.

"Very well. Bring them two over when you have time and I'll take a look at what's going on." Kirei said over the phone.

"Sure I'll bring them over when we're free." Rin said about to end the call.

"Wait Ri-" Kirei was cut off as Rin ended the call.

"Well then you two, let's go." She said turning to the duo.

"Sure." Rei replied as they followed her to school while Archer went invisible with the thanks of his magic.

"Say Rin, isn't the school a place where it would be hard for you to avoid sneak attacks?" Archer suddenly asked as they were walking to the school. Rei used his space laws to isolate the space around them so that people can't over heard them talk.

"Well, we masters avoid public battle with other master don't we? Therefore, I think that somewhere like the school with lots of people would have one of the least chances of getting attack by a master." Rin replied with confidence.

"Well I would disagreed with that actually. What if the master was a complete jackass who doesn't care or is a complete novice. Won't they not care about such things?" Rei said correcting Rin.

"Impossible, we masters have been trained and taught about such things and won't cause such a trivial mistake. That and also the only mage family left in the city besides my has already declined to such a state that they can't make a mage anymore." Rin said,

"Well, there is still the exception that they could make a mage." Eve said.

"Surely not, such a small exception won't happen." Rin continued to deny it.

"Well arn't you looking at the two biggest exceptions right now? Isn't the logic that people can only summon 1 servant already broken by you with summoning 3?" Rei said pointing out the fact for Rin.

"He's right master. There are exceptions in every thing." Archer said backing Rei and Eve up.

"Urg...You guys are bullying me with your numbers!!" Rin said annoyed by the fact that all three of them where against her in his matter.

"We're not against you, but rather warning you of the possibilities that could happen." Archer said.

As the group reached the school they felt a sudden pulse of prana/mana.

"And would you look at that. The small exception decided to greet us on this day." Rei said sarcastically as he examined the barrier using his space laws.

Rin frowned feeling the barrier.

"Has the magical barrier already been established?" Rin asked.

"Not fully, but the preparations are already well under way." Archer said.

"Although I can probably break this barrier right now, it would cause who ever casted this to run and hide harder than ever(though I can still find his ass)" Rei said while he thought about the last part since he could sense Shinji and Rider setting up more points of the barrier.

"Hmm, fine me and Archer will go investigate while you break the barrier once we have finished." Rin said coming to a decision.

"Sure." Rei said as he and Eve headed to class.

Entering he could see Shinji avoiding his gaze due to the fact that he could beat rider.

'Hn, fool. Don't make it so obvious that your the master of Rider goodness.' Rei though seeing how obvious Shinji was as he and Eve sat down.

Since Eve made it clear yesterday that Rei was her's with the kiss. She had been getting some scornful looks from the females while Rei got jealous looks from the males.

Homeroom went quickly as Rei and Eve ignored most of it.

"Yo Emiya, want to eat together?" Rei invited Emiya to join him at the cafe with Eve.

"Hm? sure." Emiya said since he wasn't going to eat in the council room today.

Walking over to the cafe, Eve was suddenly approached by a couple of rough looking students.

"Oi oi, cutie want to join us instead of these losers?" One of them asked as the others laughed vulgarly.

'For fucks sakes it's gonna be one of those days isn't it." Rei though annoyed as he knew what was going to happen.

"No thanks, I'd rather stay with Rei." Eve said leaning closer to Rei.

"HNN?? You whore, we invited you nicely and you dare reject us? kekekeke we'll enjoy your body gently don't worry we won't break you, much HAHAHAHA" One of them laughed out loud as the other's followed.

"And there it goes..." Eve said with a sigh as she could see Rei having a vein bulging.

"AHH?!?! You got a problem?!?!" One of them said walking up to Rei and was about to spit onto Rei's face when Rei suddenly grabbed him by the throat and threw him across the hall causing the heart wrenching sounds.

While he was much calmer after 130,000 years of meditation comprehending the law of space, no amount of meditation will be able to calm Rei when his reverse scale is touched.

The student's stopped laughing as they looked towards Rei who's face was cold as could be. Sending dense killing intent, Rei caused some of student's to buckled over.


"Just don't kill them Rei." Eve whispered so that only Rei could hear.

"Got it." Rei said as he ran forward punching some one in the gut causing them to crash into a wall with some broken ribs. Using his momentum, Rei then round house kicked two more students breaking their arms causing them to cry out in pain. Looking at some of the fallen students, Rei could see them pissing them selves from fear.

"Disgusting..." Rei said as he stepped onto their legs and crushed them. Some of them quickly got up and tried to run away with tears and snot everywhere.

Rei was about to chase after them when Emiya ran infront of him.

"Emiya, what are you doing." Rei questioned Emiya without any emotion in his voice.

"That's enough Rei san. Don't go any further." Emiya said shielding the students who are trying to crawl away.

"Are you really going to help these trash?" Rei asked.

Emiya nodded.

"Emiya, Emiya, Emiya....You naive fucker." Rei said looking at Emiya.

"Tell me Emiya, if these guys had one day raped someone you love, would you still go as far as to save them? Knowing these failures of humans, they've probably raped someone already and yet without knowing that you still save them?" Rei asked.

"...." Emiya hesitated.


"You really are beyond saving....Come on Eve." Rei said as he walked away. Eve followed whilst the rest of the students observing the incident quickly backed away from Rei as if he was some kind of demon.

Arriving on the roof, Rei and Eve sat down enjoying the view of the city.

"Thanks Rei, for beating them up for me." Eve said as she snuggled up to him.

"Of course. They dare think about laying a hand on you in my presence." Rei said as he held Eve.

"Hahaha then you should do your best to protect this princess in your arms then." Eve giggled sweetly.

"That is a must, my princess." Rei decided to play along as he smiled.

Soon night fell as Rin went up to the roof to take out another one of the barrier points.

"Yo!" Rei said seeing Rin.


"First stop shouting, second don't say ass. It doesn't fit your image and third they had it coming. Daring to threaten to **** Eve infront of me." Rei said holding up a finger each time he said a point.


"Forget it, they were garbage anyways. But more importantly help me take out a small part of this barrier." Rin said as she walked and crouched near the barrier point.

"Sure." Rei said snapping his fingers and breaking the point.

"Well that makes it seven." Rin said as she counted the points that she broke plus one that Rei just broke.

"But honestly, this barrier is ridiculous. When activated every human body in the area will get dissolved and get harvested for their souls." Rin said frowning.

"Ara? Such a horrible barrier." Eve said looking at the seal.

"And as for who or what would need such a thing. The obvious answer is servants. Archer, would your kind do such a thing?" Rin asked.

"You are correct. Just like how you humans eat meat to get nutrients, we servants do the same to souls and get more mana reserves." Archer replied.

"Wait are they not satisfied with the mana the master gives them?" Rin asked with a frown.

"Rin I think he means that in certain situations more is all ways better. That and also Lancer san. Don't you think you've heard enough?" Rei said looking towards the water container.

"Hou? How long did you notice me?" Lancer said.

"The whole day." Rei said simply.

"Hmm well that isn't good is it." Lancer said standing up and readying his spear.

"Hold it! First I want to ask are you the one setting up this barrier?" Rin asked.

"Nope, this kind of low dirty trick is up to the mage and we as the servant just fight." Lancer said.

"Well since you servants fight, let me have a shot too." Rei said snapping his finger teleporting everyone to the school field.

"What?!" They said seeing themselves being teleported.

Switching to his combat gear Rei flared his circuits to life.

"Now then all of you stand back. I want to fight the Ireland child of light myself." Rei said with a smile, while Lancer became serious as his identity was found so quickly.

Rin was shocked seeing magic circuits on Rei's body.

'Is he a mage?!?!?!' She thought.

"Trace on..." Rei muttered as he prepared to trace out Gae Bolg.

This time it was Archers turn to be shocked as how Rei uses the same magic as him.

Summoning Gae Bolg, Rei went into a combat stance while looking at the shocked Lancer.

"Now then Lancer, entertain me." Rei said dashing towards Lance.

Bringing the spear to block the attack, Lancer then used the momentum to switch his guard into a side sweep. Doing the same, Rei twisted his body as he swung Gae Bolg to parry the attack.

Sparks flashed as Rei and Lancer continued their attacks.

Stabbing Gae Bolg into the ground, Rei vaulted over Lancer as he kicked backwards towards him. Bringing up the shaft of the spear, Lancer redirected Rei's kick to the left and stabbed the spear towards Rei's head.

Using the momentum of being pushed off, Rei spun his body for Gae Bolg to intercept the stab.

Both of them retreated backwards as they stared at each other.

Archer's face was serious as he could tell that Rei is improving the accuracy of his weapon creation every time they clashed making it closer to the original every moment.

Rei launched towards Lancer one more time as he stabbed Gae Bolg forward. Fainting the attack Rei dragged Gae Bolg in a arc and swung at Lancer with an overhead slash. The two spears clashed as it gave Rei the chance to thoroughly examine the structure of Gae Bolg. His soul power scanned the entirety of the spear as they continued the power struggle. Suddenly, Rei found a component deep within the weapon that he had never seen before and smiled.

"So that's why..." Rei said as he jumped back.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Rei suddenly started to laugh shocking everyone at the outburst.

"Lanc- No I should call you Cú Chulainn, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have allowed me to find what I have always been missing in my creations. And now you shall be the first to witness this, feel proud of yourself." Rei said as he untraced Gae Bolg.

[Unlimited Blade Works ---> True Unlimited Blade Works

Noble phantasms are now equal or better quality than the original]

Eve smiled at the notification.

"Come! TRUE GAE BOLG!!!" Rei shouted as a dark red aura exploded out from his hand. A piercing light caused every one to shield their eyes as the Gae Bolg in Lancer's hand shook feeling another true version of himself nearby.

The light died down as they looked towards Rei. Standing tall, Rei had red lightning sparked around him.

"Now then Cú Chulainn, lets start round 2." Rei said as a oppressive feeling washed over the area originating from True Gae Bolg.

Jumping at Lancer once more, Rei swung True Gae Bolg horizontally. Lancer parried the blow but was suddenly launched back as Rei was allowed to put more force into Gae Bolg without it breaking.

Chasing after Lancer, Rei continued his flow of attack causing Lancer to only retreat.

"Fuck fine then you forced me." Lancer said as he jumped upwards gathering energy in Gae Bolg.

Seeing the, Rei did the same and gathered energy in True Gae Bolg.

Two simular flashes of black and red stood opposite to each other as they shouted at the same time.

""GAE BOLG!!!!""

Two arrows of red energy collided in the middle causing the ground to crash and shatter. The two cursed spears clashed while True Gae Bolg started to push Gae Bolg back slowly.

"Nani?!?!?!" Lancer said shocked that Rei's Gae Bolg is beating the original little by little.

An explosion happened as the two spears where flung back to their owners.

Grabbing his spear back, Lancer looked at Rei.

"Which heroic spirit are you? I've never heard of a spirit that can copy noble phantasms and beat the original." He asked face serious.

"Well, I haven't died yet so i'm not a spirit." Rei said with a shrug.

Just as Lancer was about to say something Emiya walked out of the bush seeing the scene and quickly ran away.

"Well, I'll go take care of the witness." Lancer said flashing away before anyone realised.

Untracing True Gae Bolg. Rei switched back to his uniform and walked back to the group.

"Rin I know you have questions and I'll answer them later. Go save the student first." Rei said pointing over to where Emiya was.

Rin quickly ran to help Emiya while Archer followed.

"Congrats Rei on evolving your skill." Eve said as she hugged him.

"Yeah. Let's go watch Shirou summon Saber now shall we?" Rei asked as he reverted the space back to what it was so that the damage from the battle disappeared.


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