The Divine Anime System

Chapter 53. Rider


"Morning." Rei and Eve said to Rin as they woke up.

"Morning you two, did you have a good night?" Rin asked as she sat in the living room drinking tea with Archer(I'll just call this emiya archer.)

"Yeah, i've never slept in such a nice bed before." Rei said stretching lightly.

"Now then, you can go to school and all the procedures should be done for you to transfer over." Rin said giving the two a map.

"I'll take Archer around the city for today." Rin said sipping her tea.

"Hn, good luck on the date sensei." Rei said as he took the map.

"Goodluck!!" Eve giggled giving them a thumbs up.

"B-B-BAKA! WHO'S GOING ON A DATE." Rin choked on her tea hearing what Rei said.

"Stop calling me sensei, I don't remember you or probably know you." Archer said slightly annoyed.

Rei shrugged as he looked at the two uniforms that had been delivered. Walking into a room, he got changed into the uniform while storing his combat clothing in a separate space ready to be equipped at a moments notice.

Walking out, Rei saw Eve ready and preparing to go.

"You two will be in the same class and try not to cause trouble ok?" Rin said hoping that they had some common sense.

"Sure." Rei said half heartedly.

"I'll make sure of it don't worry." Eve said holding onto Rei's hand as they walked to school.

"Hey Eve, shall I just teleport us there? Won't it be easier." Rei said with his hands in his pockets.

"Nope I wanna enjoy the scenery for a while." Eve said with a small carefree smile. Rei smiled and followed her enjoying the scenery as well.

People turned their heads towards the duo as they saw their natural beauty. Walking side by side. One tall and hansome, while the other beautiful.

"Say Eve, we should hurry before we're late." Rei said as he looked at the public clock.


"Fine, let's go." Eve sighed as she sped up towards the school leaving him in the dust.

Rei could only shake his head as he jogged after her.

Soon they reached the school.

"So we should go to the principles office first before class." Rei said looking at the instructions left by Rin.

"Hmm, I wonder which class we would be in." Eve said walking next to Rei.

"Well let's just hope we're with Emiya's class." Rei said as he approached the principles office.

*Don don don

"Come in." A voice called out from the room.

Walking in, Rei and Eve could see an aged middle man with streaks of white in his hair showing his age.

"Ah, I believe Rei and Eve?" He asked seeing the two walk into the room.

"Yes, is there any paper work we need to sign?" Rei asked politely.

"Hahaha don't worry about it. Rin has already signed all the necessary procedures. All you need to do is report to class and get your timetable." The principle said with a smile.

"You will be in the homeroom class of Fujimura Taiga. She should be here at any moment now." The principle said.

*Don don don

"Look at the timing. Come in!" he called out as Taiga walked in.

"Hi~ I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on. Fujimura Taiga, Nice to meet you~" Taiga said with a slight bow.

"Rei/Eve. Nice to meet you." Rei and Eve introduced themselves.

"Now then, I believe you should head to your homeroom soon Fujimura san." The principle said pointing at the time.

"Ah!!!!" Taiga shouted with a comical face.

"You two follow me!!!" She shouted as she ran off to the homeroom.

Rei smiled warily seeing Taiga rush away. Eve giggled with a hand on Rei's shoulder.

Bidding farewell to the principle, Rei and Eve chased after Taiga.

Standing outside the door they waited to be called in.

"We have two new student today so treat them nicely. Come in you two." Taiga gestured to Rei and Eve.

The male students muttered in awe looking at Eve, while the females muttered about how handsome Rei was.

"Nice to meet you I'm Rei. Hope we get along." Rei said simply.

"Nice to meet you I'm Eve Hope we get along."

Eve said with a smile and a small wave.

"Ohhh!!!!" The males started to cheer seeing how friendly Eve was.

"QUIET!!! Now you two can sit in the seats behind Emiya Shirou."

"Hai~" Eve replied cheerfully.

All the males felt their heart pound seeing her cheerfulness.

Sitting down, Rei waited until the end of homeroom before talking to Emiya Shirou.

"Emiya san are you able to tell me and Rei a bit about this school?" Eve asked politely.

But before Emiya could even respond, Shinji walked over cutting him off.

"Mah, don't follow this loser, let me guide you Eve chan." Shinji said as he brushed his hair with his hand.

Eve frowned in slight displeasure.

"Don't talk to her you fucking creep." Rei said with a contemptuous stare.

"You!! And who are you to make decisions for her?!?!" Shinji replied enraged by the contempt that Rei looked at him with.

"Let me answer that." Eve said as she stood up and walked over to Rei. She leaned down and kissed him on the lips for the entire class to see.

Gasps could be heard seeing how bold Eve was.

Separating after a few long seconds, Eve sat on Rei's lap with her hands wrapped around his neck. She looked at Shinji once more and said.

"He is mine and i'm also his. I'm sure the rest should be explanatory right." Eve said with a smile making the point clear to Shinji and the class.

Shinji looked at the scene absolutely livid. He stormed off in a fit of rage.

"Mah mah Eve, already marking down your territory huh." Rei whispered in her ear.

"Of course, I need to let these people know what's off limits." She replied with a smile as she got off.

"Now then Emiya san, are you able to show us around?" Eve asked with a smile.

"Sure." Emiya replied as he took them around the school.

The day ended quite quickly as Rei and Eve got to see the whole school.

Walking home, Rei suddenly felt a presence near his range.

"Ara? So impatient. He wants to kill you already." Eve said as she continued to walk pretending to not know their there.

"Yeah, let me handle this." Rei said as he made sure not one was near by.

"Now then, Rider san I believe? Is your master so impatient to try kill me the same day?" Rei called out towards Rider.

Materialising, Rider looked towards Rei.

"How did you know I was here." She asked clearly confused about this.

"Let's just say i'm a half servant." Rei said handing his bag to Eve who stepped back to watch.

"So are we gonna fight or do you want to leave? But don't worry I won't kill you." Rei said as he stretched a little. He then suddenly pinched the air infront of him.

"My my, so rude attacking me without saying." Rei mocked as a blade appeared pinched in between his fingers.

"Wha-?!" Rider said before she was pulled towards Rei and kicked hard in the gut causing her to fly back.

"Shall make this fair on you? Hm...why not." Rri said as he traced Rider's nameless dagger/nail in his hands.

"How do you have my phantasm!? Wait it's not the same." Rider said as she went on guard.

"Your right, it's just a fake. But even then it should be enough." Rei said as another nameless dagger shot up from below Riders feet causing her to quickly fall back. Countless copies of the nameless dagger appeared continuing to try stab Rider.

Crouching down, Rider shot forward towards Rei with her maximum speed.

"Competition with speed? Sorry but i'm way above your league." Rei said as he disappeared. Reappearing next to Rider, Rei grabbed her by the scruff of her neck.

"KUAH!!" Feeling the grip Rider tried to struggle but failed. She tried to stab Rei with her weapon again. Grabbing her wrist, Rei easily disarmed her.

"Now then, Rider san. Why don't you go back while you can. There are still much use for you after all." Rei said as he let go of Rider's neck.

"Now go before I change my mind." Rei said walking back to Eve. Rider quickly left the scene.

"Now then Eve let's go back." Rei said as he took his bag back.

"Yep, shall we hurry there?" Eve asked.

"If you wish." Rei said as he took Eve into his arms and teleported them back to Rin's mansion.

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