The Divine Anime System

Chapter 169. The hidden clan: Ketsu

For the first few weeks of the summer holiday, Rei lazed around with nothing to do. The Yotsuba family didn't looks for trouble, he didn't need to make any new sequences. Nothing major happened.

For a busy body like Rei, doing nothing at all felt awfully foreign for him.

"Master, would you like to vent yourself out on me then?" Fey asked with a smile.



Fey would often ask this of Rei who rejected with a harsh no each time.

'When will that little turd tell me he's going to visit his grandfather. I'm bored...' Rei thought as he glanced at the news. Once against it was still the same old news about his sequences.

Turning off the TV, Rei laid on his back.

"Fey, what should we do?" Rei asked seeing if Fey had any idea.

"Why not go out for a walk?" Fey asked as Rei shrugged.

"I don't know..."

"Then how about we go to the city centre?" She asked again as Rei nodded.

"Sure, I've never really went there." Rei replied as he stood up.

Looking in the closet for anything to wear, Rei realised he only had what he would wear to school and his indestructible set.

Grabbing one of the spare outfits, Rei decided to edit the Eidos code so he could change the appearance.

Black pants, white shirt and a black jacket. It looked quite formal.

'Well I'm supposed to be above the age of 44 so I'll have to dress a little more formally.' Rei thought putting on the clothes.

Walking downstairs, Rei saw Fey with her maid outfit again.

"Alright come on." Rei said as she nodded.

Leaving the house, Rei didn't forget to lay down a Sequence to restrain any intruders.

Doing a light jog through the air with Bounce Tracker, Rei was able avoid the mass of people going to the busses and trains.

Landing lightly, Rei drew the gazes of people around him since he dropped down from nowhere.

Ignoring the gazes, Rei decided to look at the stores available.

"Which store do you want to go to first?" Rei asked as Fey looked around.

"Why not the cold weapons store? We can see what kind of weapons are available in this era." Fey suggested as Rei nodded and made his way to the store.

Just from the store window, Rei could see weapons like katanas, daggers and shurikens. Most of the weapons were the more iconic ones to be on a person's mind when thinking of Japan.

Walking inside the store, Rei saw the counter person look at him.

"If it isn't Mr Yotsuba. Genius of magic. What brings you here to my humble store?" The boss asked.

He looked quite common as his hair was short, spiky and black. Black eyes and a slightly square face.

"Nothing much, just looking around." Rei smiled as he looked at the weapons.

They were ok, not the best nor the worst since the creator was able to bring the impurities out of the metal.

Seeing the Kunai's, Rei realised that he could make the Flying Thunder God in this world.

"How much for the Kunai?" Rei asked turning over to the boss.

"Fifty credits for one." He said as Rei raised an eyebrow.

'How expensive.' Rei thought as fifty credits could allow for a person to eat to their hearts content for a full day.

"I'll take a hundred Kunais." Rei said walking to the counter.

"I don't have a hundred Kunais, only fifty. If you take the whole batch, I'll only charge you 2250 credits." The boss said as Rei nodded.

It was essentially five Kunais for free.

Paying the credits, Rei stored forty-nine Kunais in his space.

Since he had gotten what he wanted, Rei decided to allow Fey to take him shopping while he examined the limits of a single Kunai and how much stress it could take.

'Let see. The basic theory for the flying thunder god was space time ninjutsu which was barely explained in detail. BUT, with some basic reverse engineering I should be able to simulate the effect. There are a few ways to do teleportation. The folding paper theory which involved two points on a piece of paper then folding it so the two points are closer. However, that is more reminiscent of a portal rather than instantaneous teleportation. The next way would be exchange/beacon. Through a catalyst, one would be able to pin point the location before switching themselves over with the catalyst itself or an object nearby. The last one which is the harder one, co-ordinates. However, it is not the simple longitude, latitude bull shit but much more. Especially since the Earth moves every second. The co-ordinate you put down a few minutes ago might send you to outer space. So, unless the co-ordinates are forever changing and updating (which is possible with sequence casting) then co-ordinate teleportation will kill you more than help you.' Rei thought giving the Kunai a twirl across his fingers.

'The movements shown in Naruto were instantaneous teleportation. So, in order for me to simulate Flying Thunder God, I would need the catalyst (this Kunai) to either A- switch locations with me. OR B- give me something to switch with. The best way would be B as I'll be able to reuse the Kunai. But how do I keep the link which might be all the way across the world?'

'If I were to use the stratosphere as a worldwide satellite... It would work! Using the stratosphere as a consistent variable, I'll be able to keep track of all the Kunai's without using too many psions! Using this, I can place an RTR sequence which detects the user's intent and cause the Kunai to expel a slight amount of personal psions. The sequence would then exchange the user with the burst of psions allowing for the teleport to happen. However, I can also incorporate the folding paper theory to reduce the time it takes to teleport over long distances.'

'The Kunai will have to be reinforced as well as be able to store psions. Which would then allow for the person to use them multiple times in a fight. And if the opponent begins to understand, then they can reabsorb the psions and faint the kunai throw to land an attack.' Rei though solidifying his theory.

Bringing up his tablet, Rei started to write down his sequence in the middle of their shopping.

"What are you up to master?" Fey asked seeing Rei stop.

"Just writing a new sequence." Rei replied quickly as his hands never stopped.

With no regard to his surroundings, Rei's sequence started to get bigger and bigger as he had to make sure a lot more safety features were installed as the instantaneous movements would rip people in half if not done properly.

The entire sequence took him twenty minutes to write as he put down the pen and finished.

Trying to zoom out on the sequence, Rei realised he couldn't so instead he put it on display.

In the end, Rei's sequence was like a beacon in the air due to how much he had written down.


Rei heard a familiar voice nearby before turning over. He saw both Yaiba and Harumi in casual clothing whilst craning their necks up.

"Yaiba, Harumi." Rei called out retracting his sequence.

"Sensei!" They both called out as they jogged towards him.

"What was that sequence?" Yaiba asked. Something needing that much writing couldn't be simple.

"Teleportation. It's called Flying Thunder God." Rei replied keeping the original name. Yaiba and Harumi were shocked at the mention of teleportation but at this point, if Rei couldn't do it then they would find that weird instead.

"So why did it take so long for you come contact me?" Rei asked with a raised eye brow.

"Sensei, you never told us where you live nor have you told us about your phone number. How are we supposed to know how to contact you?!" Yaiba said as Rei paused.

'Oh yeah, I've never told them have I?' He thought.

"The only reason I found you was because on the news it said you could be creating in new revolutionary sequence in the middle of the shopping district so me and Harumi came as quick as we can. It was also then I saw a blinding tower of sequences shooting up into the air." Yaiba said as Harumi nodded.

Rei realised they were both holding each other's hands as if natural and grinned.

"How come you were together? Maybe a little private moment together?" Rei grinned as They both blushed.

"Hahaha, alright. Fey, help me place this back in the house." Rei said as Fey nodded and received the Kunai.

Crouching slightly. Her body flashed into the air raising up a cloud of dust signifying how much speed she was able to muster using the Bounce Tracker.

In less than a minute she returned.

"Master I've done it." She said landing softly.

"Un. Well Yaiba, lead the way." Rei smiled and gestured at Yaiba.

"We need to go pick up Harumi's brother first. He's still at the park." Yaiba said as Rei nodded.

Much like Harumi, her brother had black hair and green eyes. He looked around the age of five.

"Nee san!" He cried out seeing her.

Waddling his little feat at her, Harumi smiled and picket him up.

"He's called Ito Akira. Or Aki for short." Harumi smiled as she brought Akira to Rei.

Looking at the child in front of him, Rei could tell he had the same talent as Harumi.

"Harumi, he's the same as you. He's got great talent for domains." Rei smiled as he rubbed Akira's head.

"Really?! I thought sensei said it was rare?" Harumi said surprised.

"It seems like it has to have something to do with your bloodline then." Rei shrugged as they made their way to the train station.

The ride took a few hours before they got off the train. Seeing as it was quite far into the country side, Rei and the group followed Yaiba closely.

"Sensei have you heard about hidden clans?" Yaiba asked to which Rei nodded.

"My clan is a hidden clan. Ketsu, an ancient clan which was used to be known for their illustrious footwork which, when paired with magic, made them a formidable force. We were almost wiped out during the war as we took the battlefields with power. The clan hid away in the mountains so that we may survive. The only reason I'm allowed to bring all of you is because my clan gave me permission." Yaiba confessed.

"Harumi and her brother because... They want to see who I've picked. As for sensei and Fey, it's because sensei understood the laws of magic so there is no real reason for sensei to do harm to the clan." Yaiba said as Rei nodded.

"Well you're not wrong. I just want to make sure my two darling students get together without anything going wrong." Rei smiled as he looked at them both.

"Though I must say, this concealment sequence is pretty well made. If I didn't know any better, I would have missed it completely." Rei said grabbing his pen.

Tapping a few spots casually, Rei opened a temporarily gap which allowed them to pass through.

While Yaiba and Harumi were numb to Rei's moments like this, the Ketsu clan were not.

What greeted them was a group of people with their eyes wide open in shock. Some of them even had their jaws dropped.

"I'm home grandfather." Yaiba said as he bowed.

"Mn, Yaiba mind introducing your guests." His grandfather said as he knew who they were but the rest of the clan didn't.

"Yotsuba Rei, my teacher. Fey, my teacher's maid. Ito Harumi, my lover and Ito Akira her brother." Yaiba said as Harumi blushed hearing Yaiba called her 'my lover'.

"We have a lot to deal with this summer. Yaiba take the guests to the spare room. Yotsuba sensei, would you mind following me for a chat?" Yaiba's grandfather said as Rei nodded.

"Fey, follow Yaiba. Also take these four Kunai's and distribute it amongst yourself." Rei said as Fey nodded.

Watching them leave, Rei followed Yaiba's grandfather and two others which he presumes as his parents.

Entering a room, Yaiba's grandfather sat down in a refined position along with the two others.

He gestured Rei to sit down.

Sitting down with his legs crossed and his right arm resting on his knees whilst his head was resting on his right hand. Overall, Rei looked too relaxed which made Yaiba's grandfather twitch at the corner of his eye before closing them and reopening them.

"I am Ketsu Fukuro. Head of the current Ketsu clan. To my right is Ketsu Lena, mother of Yaiba. And to my left is Ketsu Genzo, Yaiba's father." Fukuro introduced as Rei nodded.

"Yotsuba Rei, Yaiba and Harumi's teacher. As well as Harumi's backer since her parents aren't around." Rei said as Fukuro nodded.

"The main reason we want to talk to you is about their relationship as well as Yaiba's future as the clan head." Fukuro said seriously.

"Following the clan rules, Yaiba would have to stay within the compound keeping the clan safe until his offspring, the next clan head, takes over. Therefore, it must mean Harumi would have to stay within the compound as well." Fukuro said as Rei narrowed his eyes.

"Why must she stay as well?" Rei asked as he doesn't understand why they must stay in the compound.

"Because they must protect our holy grounds left by our ancestors." Fukuro said as Rei frowned.

"Can't you just copy the books or whatever is in the holy ground then? Why stay locked up in this prison. Also what about wanting to preserve the clan? This wasn't what Yaiba told me." Rei asked.

Fukuro shook his head as he frowned.

"We can't. The holy ground isn't something we can enter. We are also under a pledge to keep the holy grounds safe until the 'inheritor' comes. As for what Yaiba told you, it was a lie so he doesn't know the real reason until the time comes." Fukuro replied.

"A pledge? What kind of pledge makes you stay locked up." Rei asked.

"We don't know the details but our ancestors have said the pledge was called. 'Vow under the higher realms. Whoever disobeys shall be reduced to ash never to reincarnate' The only reason Yaiba was allowed to be out was because until the future clan head turns seventeen, they're granted some freedom. " Fukuro replied.

'Higher Realms!' Rei frowned.

"And from what we have heard from Yaiba, you've mastered the theory of magic so we want to see if you could help us. But seeing your reaction, it seems like you understand this vow." Fukuro said with some anticipation.

"Just a little." Rei said.

"Then we implore you to examine our holy grounds. So that there may be hope for Yaiba and our future generations to leave this prison!." Fukuro did a dogeza along with Yaiba's parents.

'No wonder he was so cheerful, he wanted to enjoy the last years of his life outside.' Rei thought. However, due to the butterfly effect he brought along which caused Yaiba to be in love with Harumi. He might have chosen her over this vow which he didn't even know could kill him.

'This is probably why he never appeared. He was taken away to become the clan head either this year or the next.' Rei thought before nodding.

"Bring me to the holy grounds."

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