The Divine Anime System

Chapter 168. Overwhelming victory

Rei could feel the gazes on him flare up in anger as he laughed internally.

Due to Naru Kishima's display with copying Mayumi's movements, the rest of the contestants understood that trying to use his sequences would cause them to fail by default.

When it was the other student from the demon class' turn, they saw her use the automatic sequence which shot for her after using it once.

While it wasn't as eye catching as Mayumi's Apollo System, the student managed to score over 700 points as well.

They both got the same score was due to how fast the clay tiles where sent out. Otherwise, not only can the Apollo System track and react faster, but the damage per bullet was also stronger.

Qualifying easily for the quarter finals, Rei, Mayumi and the other student left for the Battle Boards event.

"Alright, you two go ahead. I'll go get the CAD's checked." Rei said as they nodded.

Taking the CAD's once more, Rei could see a mixture of greedy, hateful and worshipping stares directed towards him. Keeping a light smile on his face, Rei waited until it was his turn.

Narrowing his eyes, Rei could see them trying to delete his code since they couldn't use them.

'Since you want to play, I'll play.' Rei thought as he started to wipe every sequence they stored in their data base. He decided to let the other schools keep their own sequences since the competition was still just a stage for students to show off their prowess. Having everyone except for First High School fail in their magic wouldn't be amusing for the audience after all.

Walking away with the CAD's, Rei didn't forget to catch their faces when they realised their data base had been wiped out. Giving them a mocking gaze, Rei walked away.

They couldn't do anything to Rei to begin with, so when they saw his mocking gaze they could only look away since it was their fault for trying to sabotage First High School.

Reaching the venue for the battle boards event, Rei sat down in the staff area for First High once more.

"This is the second event for today, Battle Boards! After the shock First High School delivered in the previous event would they shock us once more in this event!" The commentator started to introduce the event and contestants as Mari got into her spot on the tracks.

Rei could see her nervousness as the Poseidon System was more demanding on the user physically.

Taking several deep breaths to try calm herself, Mari crouched down low as her gaze focused.

The cameras panned onto her as the timer hit one.

Neon Blue sequences lit up her battle board.

Shooting forward faster than the rest of the contestants, Mari kept her centre of gravity low so she doesn't lose balance or fall off.

Her speed kept on increasing as some people grew worried since a sharp turn was coming up.

Mari didn't slow down but instead sped up as lifted up one hand.

The water started to move as a ramp was made for her to help her speeding board to pass the turn.

Tilting her body whilst taking the ramp, Mari advanced at break neck speed.

"Holy cow! Watanabe Mari from the demon class of First High! Magic registered is called the Poseidon System! From what is registered it seems like the users is in control of all the water around them! Truly a sequence fit for being named after the god of the sea!" The commentator shouted out as Rei could see some of the military higher ups whisper to each other.

Focusing his magic onto their room, Rei eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Commander, the potential for the Apollo System and Poseidon System is unmatched for our country. If we can get our hands on those sequences-"

"Enough! Yotsuba Rei is the only person to have ever fully understood the laws of magic. Do you think he doesn't realise this? When the committee tried to copy the Apollo System, the CAD broke. When they tried to erase the Poseidon System the data base was wiped. He isn't an idiot. If he wanted us to have the sequence he would. But if he doesn't then we can't force him since we have no means to. Isn't that Right Mr Yotsuba?" The commander said as he turned to Rei.

"You surprise me. To have such an unique mutation in the Eidos code which makes you extra sensitive to people spying on you." Rei transmitted his voice into the room.

The soldier who first spoke paled hearing Rei reply.

"I'm sure that if Mr Yotsuba wanted to not let me discover you, you would have fully masked your presence." The commander replied.

"Hahaha, Indeed. But as you say, if I want to give the specialised sequences away I will. However, I don't, so no one can take them. But it's a different case regarding automatic sequences I've displayed. In a few months, I shall release the full code for every automatic sequence to the public. Should they be able to decode my simple restrictions in the sequence then take it as a gift to everyone. If they can't, then don't even dream of getting the higher-level sequences." Rei replied before retracting his senses.

The rest of the competition was again boring in Rei's eyes since they felt abysmally slow.

When the event finished, Rei couldn't wait to leave.

As he was about to leave, he saw some of the committee staff walk towards him.

"How can I help?" Rei asked sarcastically as they avoided his gaze.

"We ask for the forgiveness of Mr Yotsuba. It was an error in our judgement to tamper with what belongs to Mr Yotsuba. The database holds many important sequences for the committee so I hope you can recover the lost sequences." The one of the staffs said as Rei narrowed his eyes.

"Sure, I'll give you another chance." Rei said as he snapped his fingers. The only reason he allowed this was because Rei would be able to 'infect' every system the committee used. It maybe be useful in the future since he remembers there being several incidents when Tatsuya entered the competition.

"Done." Rei smiled as he left.

The committee was confused before they received a call informing them of the data being restored.

Looking over at where Rei left, their gaze grew fearful.

Reaching his room, Rei plopped himself on the bed as he waited for tomorrows Ice Pillar Break.


Seeing that the committee didn't try pull anything off today Rei walked towards Harumi.

"Harumi, is your domain able to cover the entire stage?" Rei asked as she nodded.

"Ok, take this as practice for you to use your magic. Try destroy the pillars in the shortest time possible whilst protecting the ones on your side." Rei smiled as she nodded once more.

Standing on the platform, she didn't change her outfit as she kept her uniform for the demon class.

3... 2... 1... START!

A sequence immediately lit up under her feat as it spread out and encompassed the entire arena.

Her eyes narrowed as she tried to do what Rei taught and tried to compress the fire within her domain.

Twelve lances of fire roared with a blue flame as her smile grew wider seeing the success of compressing the flames.

With her spare hand, she decreased the temperature of her side reinforcing the ice even further before raising a storm on her opponents' side. Sending the fire lances towards the pillars, the wind amplified their ability.


Several explosions rang out as she destroyed the pillars easily.

"WOO!!! GO HARUMI!!!!" Yaiba shouted out with excitements amongst the crowd as she found him easily before blushing and waved towards him.

For the next few day's everything went smoothly.

First High School takes 1st place and 2nd place for...

First High School takes 1st place and 2nd place again!

Once more First High School takes 1st and 2nd place! Can anyone stop them!!!

Taking the first and second place for every event in both the freshman division as well as the official division, both Rei and the First High gained a massive increase to their reputation.

In addition to this, they started to truly understand how scary Rei can be. Each event has had its own sequence developed to take first and second with ease.

Crowd Ball had the Asura System. 'Three heads and six limbs' it allows for the user to recognise everything in three directions and act upon it with six different ways to striking.

Rower and gunner had two sequences. One for solo event and one for the duos. The solo event had the Sanctuary System. A mobile fortress that allows for them to attack and defend whilst on the run. The duos had the Warship System which was the improved version on the Sanctuary System. Featuring faster movement speed and higher power output due to it requiring two casters.

The Shield Down event had the Athena System. Wielding the shield Aegis, one can rebound the damage received whilst also replenishing ones psions. There were more to the sequence, but the event didn't require the other features.

And finally, the Steeplechase Cross-Country event which was nothing more than a huge difficult obstacle race. It had the Atlas System with massively boosted the user's physical prowess allowing them to wield power of Atlas the Greek titan who had the power to hold up the heavens.

On the last few days of the competition, the situation for Mirage Bat was as expected. An overwhelming victory due to the sequence Bounce Tracker, being able to do high speed turns mid-air and strike at the orbs accurately. Some say in burst potential; The Bounce Tracker may be more superior to the mythical flight magic in that regard.

Monolith Code was also similar in terms of the outcome. Yaiba's use of the Nine Blades shocked the crowd and staff to their core as he was able to split his attention between nine blades and himself.

Attack in all directions, defend from all directions.

Not to mention, through standing on one of the blades. Yaiba achieved flight and won each match with ease granting the First High School a perfect victory of 1st and 2nd in every event.

"ALRIGHT! Y'ALL LITTLE TURDS LISTEN UP!" Rei shouted as they had rented a hall just for them.

"Since we won the competition with overwhelming victory, I've decided to cook a dinner for you little shits. Enjoy!" Rei said as countless dishes were placed in front of everyone. The aroma filled the air as the students drooled.

Giving them the ok, the students devoured the food as Rei only laughed.

The party continued as Rei realised both Harumi and Yaiba were missing. Sending out his senses, Rei found them both on the balcony.

'Heh, is the little turd confessing?' Rei thought as he walked out when no one realised and landed on the roof silently.

Looking at the two who were sharing a kiss at the moment, Rei decided to let them have their moment.

Seeing that they stopped, Rei had a grin.

"So you guys finally got together. I'd say it's about time." Rei smiled as it shocked both Yaiba and Harumi.

Turning their head quickly, they saw Rei crouching on the roof with a cheeky grin.

Harumi blushed hard as she hid her face in Yaiba's shirt.

"Sensei, why are you spying on us?" Yaiba asked feeling slightly regret that their moment was halted.

"My two precious students were missing from the party, so I had to go look for them. Little did I know that when I found them, I was hit by a face full of P.D.A (Public Display of Affection). Oh my poor eyes." Rei smiled as Yaiba rolled his eyes.

"Summer vacation is starting after we return. Are you guys doing anything?" Rei asked as he sat down.

"I'm planning to head to my grandfather's house over the holidays and pay my respects." Yaiba said after some thought.

"I was planning to take my brother out for some fun." Harumi replied as Rei smiled.

"Why don't you guys do both together? Yaiba you can introduce Harumi to your family whilst Harumi can take her brother out to have some fun." Rei said as Harumi thought but blushed understanding the hint.

"I'm not sure. My grandfather is a strict man who sees both back ground and power of the partner. I don't know if he would accept Harumi." Yaiba thought worried as his grandfather might make things hard for Harumi.

"Che, if she needs a back ground them she's a person who was personally taught by Rei Yotsuba. If you want power, then she is the person who inherited the Domain and Elemental Control." Rei retorted as Yaiba made an 'oh yeah' gesture.

"Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you're smart or dumb." Rei said as he hopped off the roof.

"If nothing else, I might come with you since your poor sensei here doesn't have anything to do over the summer." Rei said with a shrug.

"Why? Doesn't sensei have any friends to hang out with?" Yaiba asked.


'Stop, don't look at me with those eyes of pity.' Rei thought seeing Yaiba and Harumi's gaze.

"I do have friends but they're busy at the moment. Unless you want your teacher here to spend his holidays bored out of his mind?" Rei said as Yaiba nodded.

"You little shit!" Rei said knocking Yaiba's head a little.

Harumi giggled as they talked for a little longer.

Once the demon class returned to the First High School, it was time for summer holidays.

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