The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 231: (Self Edited) Grand Council of the Albio Republic

The ship bearing a white flag arrived on the following day. I had come to the palace of the Albio Republic. This place, named the Palune Palace, which was extremely difficult to pronounce, seemed to be the location of the Grand Council, a body similar to a parliament. Despite being called a palace, Albio Republic was a republic without a king, so it wasn’t where a king resided. Accompanied by 50 elite members of the Hou Household, I entered the palace with the intention of negotiating a treaty there.

“Now, regarding Article 24 stated that any land discovered west of Small Albio Island belongs to the Shaalta Kingdom…” (??)

The Chairman of the Grand Council, Bruno Leach, spoke. Apparently, this position changed approximately every two years, so if I were to return next time, a different individual would likely hold the same position.

“Yes.” (Yuri)

“What exactly does this clause imply?” (Bruno)

The room where the Grand Council was held was incredibly spacious. With an area of about 1,000 square meters and not a single pillar, one might worry about its structural stability. There were 371 council members present, the majority assembled now, observing as I conversed privately with the Grand Council Chairman.

Surrounding us were 50 Hou Household guards, forming a protective circle. Despite the mutual risks involved, this relationship had finally established a foundation of non-violent trust. Nevertheless, for them, this represented quite an adventure.

“I have invested a considerable amount of gold in exploring settlement lands to the west. Needless to say, this was also in preparation against the recent Crusade we repelled. Though the danger of being annihilated by the Crusade has lessened, if we were to discover land, I want to confirm our right to rule it.” (Yuri)

“I see… If land is discovered, would it not be possible for it to be shared?” (Bruno)

“That would be impossible. If your country, using national funds, were to explore and discover land, would you then report to us and propose a division for governance?” (Yuri)

“Hmm…” (Bruno)

‘The Chairman of this Grand Council is not simply appointed by a majority vote of the Grand Council but is selected through a very cumbersome procedure. This is apparently a measure to prevent dictatorship, which is common in primitive republics, but the problem is that it means that the most competent people are not necessarily chosen.

The procedure involves selecting 20 out of 371 representative council members by lottery, who then nominate 50 individuals, from whom 8 are chosen by lottery. These 8 then nominate 21, and the majority vote among these 21 determines the Grand Council Chairman. It sounds quite convoluted, but for them, it’s an excellent method of narrowing down the voting rights for the selection of the Grand Council Chairman, excluding fraud, and converging on suitable candidates.

With different types of lotteries intervening multiple times, ultimately, the election is decided by just 5.6% of all council members, making it indeed difficult for the current chairman to aim for re-election. This is a tradition that dates back more than 500 years. If the chairman’s authority regarding military power has increased, I wonder if this method of selection is appropriate.’

“We view Article 24 as a reaffirmation of common sense. Although your proposal was disregarded, the preceding Article 23 states that we do not assert ownership or lease rights over the Great Albio Island and its nearby islands. We added Article 24 to achieve balance.” (Yuri)

“Um…” (Bruno)

Bruno Leach, who seemed to be over seventy, did not appear particularly sharp-witted.

“Even if we were to intervene in your country’s war in some manner, we would not assert any ownership rights. We promise not to demand even a small island from you. This treaty aims to eliminate any inequality without favoring either party. If Article 24 is not accepted, Article 23 will be deleted as well.” (Yuri)

“I see…” (Bruno)

“Well then, I believe that concludes our discussion.” (Yuri)

That seemed to cover all the deliberations required within the treaty. Overall, it encompassed establishing diplomatic relations and ensuring non-aggression.

“It appears further deliberation will be needed for the treaty’s conclusion.” (Yuri)

“Indeed.” (Bruno)

“In that case, I shall excuse myself during that time. Deliberations might proceed more smoothly without my presence.” (Yuri)

I got up from my seat.

“Pardon me, Your Majesty Yuri Hou.” (??)

Upon leaving the Grand Council Chamber, someone of a slightly different race awaited me. It seemed they had been waiting for me. Their features were deeply defined. While people from around here or followers of the Isus faith often had deeply defined features, this person’s were of a distinctly different nature. Their skin was dark, resembling a sandy brown. I had only seen one other person like this before.

“Indeed. And who might you be?” (Yuri)

“I am Hakim Halsawek. I am sent here as an ambassador from the Entak Dragon Kingdom to you.” (Hakim)

The man named Hakim introduced himself with a grand bow.

‘Ah, so he’s from that region. This person’s skin tone resembled that of the Dragon Knight I had killed. Do ambassadors like him exist? It wouldn’t be strange if they were.’

“I apologize, as I am quite unfamiliar with the etiquette of the Entak Dragon Kingdom, I’m afraid I cannot properly reciprocate… Your gracious greeting, however, is deeply appreciated.” (Yuri)

“Oh no, as the Dragon Slayer of the North, merely meeting you is a matter of great pride.” (Hakim)

“Dragon Slayer? That’s an old story.” (Yuri)

‘Eisa-sensei once said that in the Cocolulu sphere, those who slay dragons are revered as heroes. At that time, I never thought I’d meet someone from the Cocolulu sphere in my life, but here I am, facing reality. You never know what life will throw at you. Or rather, I’m not a king. There seems to be a misunderstanding but correcting it would be too much hassle.’

“I’ve heard tales of you piercing a dragon through the air with a spear…” (Hakim)

‘Well… it’s not exactly a lie.’

“It’s not a lie, but it’s not a fond memory either. We crashed together, and I lost my beloved bird.” (Yuri)

‘I used the term “beloved bird” because there isn’t an equivalent word in Terol for “beloved eagle”’.

“It was an Eagle I had raised since childhood, so it was deeply painful for me.” (Yuri)

“I see. If you would be willing, I would like to invite you to our residence later to hear more about your story…” (Hakim)

“Sorry, but I must decline. I need to attend a discussion with my mentor.” (Yuri)

Eisa-sensei is going to debate with the Archbishop of the Kalghi sect. I need to hurry, or it will start without me.

“When you say ‘mentor’…?” (Hakim)

“I’m referring to Eisa Catholic Wichita. She’s going to debate with the Archbishop here to resolve religious conflicts.” (Yuri)

“Eisa… You mean the Heretic Eisa?” (Hakim)

“That’s right.” (Yuri)

‘The Heretic, the Beast Debater, the Tower of Controversy, the Disaster of Debate… She has many nicknames. Eisa-sensei is truly remarkable.’

“I see. How about this evening then?” (Hakim)

“I cannot predict my schedule. I apologize, but I cannot make any promises.” (Yuri)

“That’s alright. When it comes to the Entak Embassy, you should have no trouble finding it. Whether it’s late at night or early morning, please feel free to visit anytime. We’ll be expecting you.” (Hakim)

It seemed impolite to linger any longer, so Hakim politely stepped aside.

“Well then, I’ll take my leave. If time permits, I’ll come visit.” (Yuri)

I nodded briefly and walked past Hakim.

At the Mirell Grand Church, a large gathering of believers had assembled. I overheard rumors about a public debate along the way, but I didn’t think it was serious.

‘This is troublesome. They’re causing trouble on their own. Or rather, there were some people in front of the main church who were clearly of different backgrounds, arguing.’

They were the elite Hou family guards who had been assigned to guard Professor Isa, and the church’s soldier monks.

“Your Excellency Yuri!” (??)

As I approached, the soldiers of the Hou Household noticed me.

“What are you doing?” (Yuri)

“They’re saying they won’t allow our security into the public debate.”

The man facing me appeared to be a soldier belonging to the church. He had something like a club hanging from his waist.

“Where’s Eisa-sensei?” (Yuri)

“She’s over here…” (??)

‘Is that so?’

“Let me through.” (Yuri)

As I spoke, the soldiers of the Hou Household smoothly split and opened the way. Immediately, I soon saw Eisa-sensei and felt relieved.

“So, these gentlemen…” (Eisa)

It seemed like she was desperately interpreting between the monks and soldiers of the Hou Household. The large number of adult men was so excited that the interpreter couldn’t keep up and looked helpless.

‘What is she doing?’

“Eisa-sensei.” (Yuri)

I called her out in Shan.

“Oh, Yuri-san. Ah, I’m sorry for troubling you when you’re so busy…” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei seemed quite relieved to see me. She must have been in a difficult situation.

“I will do the talking! Who is the representative?” (Yuri)

I switched to Telor language and yelled at the top of my lungs. Then, a man wearing an arrogant-looking helmet ornament appears, and it seemed to be him.

“I am the security chief of this church.” (??)

“And?” (Yuri)

I spoke in Telor to the most pompous among the soldier monks.

“Are you saying you refuse to allow our escort into the church and yet, you want to gather citizens for a public debate?” (Yuri)

“Yes! We can’t let non-believers into the church.” (??)

‘What a fool he is.’

“Given the public debate that has been convened, what if an assassin were to infiltrate the crowd?” (Yuri)

“We will handle security!” (??)

“And if the translator were harmed, how would you take responsibility for that?” (Yuri)

“I will take responsibility.” (??)

‘Sigh. Dealing with fools is exhausting. More importantly, while the Albio Republic’s Grand Council seemed to recognize the translator as Eisa-sensei, I wonder if the church is unaware?’

“Can you handle it? If harm comes to this woman, the ceasefire and treaty negotiations will be null and void. It will escalate into a major interstate issue, affecting the future of the Albio Republic. Are you prepared to shoulder that responsibility?” (Yuri)

“Hmm…” (??)

‘Eisa-sensei is a notorious heretic, with a bounty on his head. It’s inconceivable that there are no Catholic spies in such a large city. If there were any, they’d gladly carry out an assassination. Since she’s a wanted person, there’s no need to seek permission to assassinate her. If they succeed, they’ll earn a fortune and might even be canonized. It’s an opportunity they can’t afford to miss.’

“First of all, under these conditions, I won’t allow a public debate. Cancel it. Tell His Excellency, the Grand Archbishop, right away. Now!” (??)

“Hey! Send someone over here!” (??)

As the security chief gave his orders, one of his subordinates ran off in a hurry.

“Yuri-san.” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei spoke up.

Perhaps in preparation for the special occasion, Eisa-sensei was wearing a loose-fitting black monk’s robe with a hood and intricate embroidery on the sleeves. It was completely different from what I imagined. Her hair was tied up and she was wearing a hat.

‘This is the first time I’ve seen Eisa-sensei dressed like this. Judging from the slight smell of camphor, it seems possible that she has carefully stored away some clothes she wore during his time in the Papal States.’

“It seems that the people who have read my translation of the Holy Scriptures would like to hear me speak. I would like to continue speaking to them without cancelling the event if possible…” (Eisa)


I almost blurted out.

“Why not rent a hall somewhere?” (Yuri)

When I succinctly presented the solution, Eisa-sensei looked surprised.


“If we can’t rent a hall, why not just find a corner of the harbor to have the discussion? We don’t need to borrow a church from another sect…” (Yuri)

‘I think that’s the worst choice, honestly. We were supposed to continue the exchange of letters, so I thought we’d have a casual meeting for about an hour. But it seems Eisa-sensei intends to give some kind of missionary speech here in this church, probably the main headquarters of the Kalghi faction in the capital.

No, no, no. If you do that, your partner will definitely get upset. Even though I’ve done plenty of unorthodox things against the Yakuza, that idea is just plain bad.’

“…I apologize, you’re right. I was a bit blind to that.” (Yuri)

Eisa-sensei looks like she was cooled off a bit.

‘That’s bad. Perhaps she had reverted to the old days when she was like a sharpened razor. At least do it in a non-religious facility. There’s no need to go to the most sacred church of another sect and start a fight there. That’s just crazy.’

“Well, anyway, let’s cancel the public debate.” (Eisa)

‘I just have a bad feeling about this. In fact, while it’s good they figured out the translator is Eisa-sensei, that’s something I’d prefer to keep quiet for the sake of our Holy Scriptures sales strategy. A public debate? Keeping it secret is the key to maintaining circulation.

“Let’s rent a hall or something, gather the readers together, have a short question and answer session, and call it a day.” (Yuri)

“Yuri Hou-sama!” (??)

The monk returned.

“They’ve agreed to allow security for the escort. Please proceed inside.” (??)


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