The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 230: (Self Edited) Byrons Peak

After a smooth 9-day voyage, the ship arrived at Byron’s Peak, the capital of the Albio Republic. However, according to history lessons from Eisa-sensei heard on board, calling Byron’s Peak the capital didn’t sit well with the people of the Albio Republic. Originally, there was a prominent hill in the bay, which sailors used as a landmark, belonging to a person named Byron. This place was initially called Byron’s Peak. The name shifted to Byron’s Peak as the town grew at the foot of the hill.

Amidst hostility with the Isus sphere, Byron’s Peak, with its prominent hill in the bay, became strategically important due to the uncertainty of when attacks might occur. Gradually, it became the capital almost by default, though its history wasn’t something the locals boasted about.

On the Great Albio Island, there was a splendid city of Albion, which served as the spiritual capital for the people of the Albio Republic. Albion was apparently a magnificent city situated in the central part of the southern plains of Great Albio Island, around Birmingham.

Two thousand years ago, there were about three old kingdoms in the area of ​​Great Britain and Ireland, each of which ruled over an area that combined Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. However, similar to other regions, they were conquered by the Xerxes God-Protected Empire and brought under its control. At that time, Albio became the provincial capital of Albio Province established by the Xerxes God-Protected Empire.

Later, when the Xerxes God-Protected Empire fell, this region became occupied territory of the Kalghinion Empire. However, when the Catholic factions began, the Kalghinion Empire repeatedly imposed heavy taxes to fund the war effort. The burden was similar nationwide but exceptionally harsh in terms of tax rates, causing great hardship for the people Albio Island and its surrounding islands.

For those living on the island, the war seemed like a distant fire across the sea, and they didn’t seem to have much impact. Nevertheless, taxes became so high that starvation seemed imminent, leading to rebellion as the Kalghinion Empire declined from attacks on all sides. However, the Kalghinion Empire stationed large armies to guard against enemy landings in the fertile plains of Great Albio Island, making the uprising take place on Small Albio Island instead. They successfully seized Small Albio Island and advancing as far as Scotland, but they seemed unable to win battles on the plains.

Subsequently, when the Flusha Kingdom, pursuing the Kalghinion Empire, landed, they took control of the southern regions. Although they moved south, they still lost battles on the plains and were once again scattered into the mountainous areas. They managed to win battles easily in the mountainous areas, so the northern region remained protected.

About 180 years ago, there was a great war between the Isus sphere and Cocolulu sphere. This was a great war. It was an all-out war between many nations, with many battles involving tens of thousands of people, and the Isus sphere became completely preoccupied with it.

The Euphos Federation was a country that gained independence from the Kingdom of Flusha by stabbing it in the back at this time. The circumstances may be similar to those of the Galilia Union, where a capable founder swiftly initiated a rebellion, deftly manipulated various nations with meticulous planning, and successfully achieved independence. During this period, the Euphos Federation attacked and seized the southern part of Great Albio Island, which was under the control of the Kingdom of Flusha.

Historically, there was no better opportunity than this, but unfortunately, the Grand Council of the Albio Republic was in a state of chaos at the time, embroiled in political strife. The national decision-making body was paralyzed, unable to mobilize the military strategically, and merely watched as the rulers of the plains changed hands right before their eyes. From this reflection, some internal changes were made to prevent similar situations from occurring again, increasing the authority of the Chairman of the Grand Council, a position similar to that of a Prime Minister.

And that brought us to the present time.

There were four people in the cabin. Lilica Kucriricson, me, the envoy of the Albio Republic, and the secretary brought along to take notes using Shorthand method.

Shorthand Writings

“Thank you for coming all the way here, Your Excellency Yuri Hou.” (??)

“Nice to meet you.” (Yuri)

I rose from my seat and shook hands with the envoy.

“Now then, Ovelin Octar, a member of the Grand Council, I assume you’ve been given full authority as the ambassador?” (Yuri)

“That’s correct.” (Ovelin)

He seemed unperturbed.

“This fee of 50% seems rather excessive. This is a substantial transaction. I’d like to see it reduced to around 10%.” (Yuri)

We had sent an envoy from the sea to negotiate terms, but they declined a shore invitation, opting instead for a meeting aboard the ship.

‘Well, I expected some haggling, but 50% is quite steep.’

“We also have operating costs to consider.” (Ovelin)

“I understand that. Your nation isn’t exactly in official relations with many countries during this conflict. Still, 50% seems excessive.” (Yuri)

“50% is a fair price. Unfortunately, your country has no other options.” (Ovelin)

Hmm… Well, given the prevalence of Telor speakers here now, and the ability to invite envoys from other nations for individual negotiations, it’s becoming difficult for anyone other than the big names on the first page to trade.

“That’s outrageous!” (Lilica)

Lilica Kucriricson, who was standing next to me, was clearly upset.

“Lilica, please remain silent.” (Yuri)

“But—!” (Lilica)

“Silence.” (Yuri)

‘This isn’t the place for negotiation. It has a diplomatic setting.’

“Your country has certainly made considerable profits through our company.” (Yuri)

“We are grateful for that.” (Ovelin)

After waiting for a while, it seemed there was nothing more to add.

‘I guess they are grateful.’

“Hmm…” (Yuri)

‘I see. So that’s how it is… Well, in the end, in terms of profit and loss, it would definitely be more advantageous for us to engage with them. That’s probably why they’re proposing such outrageous terms. When dealing with a long-term partner, it’s best to negotiate properly. It’s common sense. To them, we’re not that kind of partner, so they’re presenting these exorbitant conditions.’

“Then, we would like to purchase only food supplies.” (Yuri)

“For wheat, we will charge 1000 Epis per bag.” (Ovelin)

“What—!” (Lilica)

Lilica Kucriricson’s expression turned grim.

‘I don’t know the exchange rate so it’s hard to say for sure, but I’m sure it’s an exorbitant price.’

“Stay quiet.” (Yuri)

“But–… this is an outrageous pricing! They’re looking down on us!” (Lilica)

“The Witches were the same.” (Yuri)

‘I remember that old hag, Luida Gudanvier, demanding 20% of money as protection money. Considering that level, demanding 50% including negotiations involving labor is actually reasonable. It’s only reasonable in the context of extortionate pricing by gangsters, but it’s still exorbitant.’

“Well, that’s fine. However, if that’s the case, I’ll consider making a deal with you in the future.” (Yuri)

“There seems to be some misunderstanding.” (Ovelin)

Ovelin Octar stood up from his chair. Beside him, the secretary I requested from their side was taking Shorthand notes.

Ovelin Octar gazed out the window of the cabin.

“You have two options. The first is to proceed with trade under the conditions I mentioned earlier with the Shaalta Kingdom.” (Ovelin)

“I see.” (Yuri)

“The second is to seize your ship here.” (Ovelin)

“I see.” (Yuri)

‘As I expected.’

“The second option would allow us to obtain Yuri Hou-dono and Eisa Catholic Witchita even though she isn’t here. Both of you fetch high prices. We could take you as a hostage and exchange you for the nobles in your country.” (Ovelin)

‘Well, that makes sense. It would be quite profitable.’

“Considering your position, no matter how much you try to haggle, you would agree to the exchange. With Eisa Catholic Wichita and the distinguished individuals on your list… Together, they could fetch nearly five times our national budget. Do you understand why a 50% fee is considered reasonable?” (Ovelin)

“You’re even better pirates than I’d heard. I’m impressed.” (Yuri)

“I’m honored by your praise.” (Ovelin)

‘He shows no remorse. This person must be genuine, but in a sense, they are expendable. Taking hostages wouldn’t serve any purpose.’

“However, I wouldn’t say it’s very clever, but I suppose it can’t be helped.” (Yuri)

“Is that so?” (Ovelin)

“Secretary, are you taking Shorthand notes? This could become a historically significant document. It’s a serious responsibility.” (Yuri)

“Yes?” (??)

The secretary looked up. Peering into the papers, it seemed he was meticulously recording the proceedings in elegant cursive writing.

“I believe your country is short-sighted but not foolish. I hope you reconsider your stance.” (Yuri)

“What do you mean? Whether you know it or not, this ship has its sails furled.” (Ovelin)

“And?” (Yuri)

“We know this bay inside out. There’s no way you can escape from five ships that are windward. Your country has no experience in naval warfare. There’s virtually no chance of winning.” (Ovelin)

“Well… alright. Then if we attempt to flee, it’s understood that the Shaalta Kingdom and the Albio Republic will automatically initiate hostilities?” (Yuri)

As I said this, Ovelin Octar finally began to feel a strong sense of unease. His composed expression faltered.

“… That’s how it will be.” (Ovelin)

“I want to confirm that we are not the ones initiating war. If we attempt to flee and set sail, your navy will commence the capture operation without declaring war. Is that the declaration you wish to make, according to the records of this meeting?” (Yuri)

“… No.” (Ovelin)

“Is that not it? You are the plenipotentiary ambassador. Your statements are on record. Referring to the minutes will lead to that interpretation. Or are you retracting your statement?” (Yuri)

“I… yes, that’s correct. You may interpret it as initiating hostilities.” (Ovelin)

He took the bait.

“Then, once your country’s warships upwind either raise anchor or cut it, consider it the commencement of the capture operation. Secretary.” (Yuri)

“Yes?” (??)

The hurriedly scribbling secretary looked up.

“Both parties will sign the minutes up to this point.” (Yuri)

“… What?” (Ovelin)

Ovelin Octar seemed to be in utter confusion now.

“Don’t you understand? We’re about to start a war. It’s war.” (Yuri)

As I said this, tension filled the cabin.

“Come on, Secretary, make copies quickly. We’ll need two copies, one for each of us.” (Yuri)

The crew was setting the sails.

“Your country is slow to catch on. Don’t you know we’ve sunk a lot of Euphos Federation ships?” (Yuri)

Ovelin Octar remained silent. I peered through my binoculars at the anchors of the five ships.

“No, we’ve heard the reports.” (Ovelin)

“Then, did you not anticipate that these weapons were onboard ships? It’s come at a high cost. Despite the dangling big candy in front of you.” (Yuri)

I saw the anchors of the five ships being cut.

“Raise the signal flags!” (Yuri)

As I shouted, the prepared signal flags were raised. Six Eagles soared from the companion ship.

“See, it’s the result of your country’s shallow foresight.” (Yuri)

Of the five ships, four Eagles circled back behind them, dropping something as they swooped down. However, nothing seemed to happen on the deck.

‘They must have penetrated through. Under the deck pierced by the weight of cast iron, by now, metal fragments and burning oil must have been scattered, causing casualties among the crew and sparking an uncontrollable fire.’

The remaining two Eagles flew off without dropping anything, ensuring all shots hit their marks before heading towards the harbor.

“Rest assured. I’ve instructed to leave one ship intact. The crew should be rescued. Those killed in the explosion are beyond saving.” (Yuri)

“…” (Ovelin)

Soon, smoke akin to strings began to rise from the ship. Upon the Eagle’s return, Molotov cocktails were promptly handed over and it soared once more. With the Molotov cocktails dropped, maneuvering on the deck became impossible. One of them struck the main mast perfectly, turning it into a blazing stick in an instant. The crew threw themselves from the ship and began swimming towards the one remaining safe ship.

“What’s wrong? You’re going back to report back soon. You must observe carefully.” (Yuri)

As I looked at Ovelin Octar, his face was pale.

“Rest assured. I’m not angry. Such things were anticipated.” (Yuri)

“Yes.” (Ovelin)

“We have plenty of remaining ammunition. There are 48 ships currently anchored in the harbor. I don’t expect a single one to escape. We will destroy them all, including those under construction at the shipyard.” (Yuri)

“That’s…” (Ovelin)

“What’s wrong? This is the war your country desired. You, as the plenipotentiary ambassador, signed the minutes. There’s no going back now.” (Yuri)

Ovelin Octar’s poor shoulders were shaking.

‘Now that he has seen this weapon, he must have realized that naval battles were no longer feasible. It’s like an adult twisting an infant’s hand.’

“Now, here’s the proposal. If the Albio Republic cooperates, I’ll lend them those Eagles for free. They’ll have to purchase the actual incendiary weapons, though.” (Yuri)

‘Since the Eagles only bond with the Shanti, they cannot be wielded as weapons by others. Demonstrating the power of the eagles was beneficial. It will also leverage treaty negotiations favorably.’

“…What do you mean?” (Ovelin)

“It’s for the Euphos Federation. As you can see, with these, we can gain overwhelming superiority in naval battles. Use them to burn down their ships as much as you like. Their national power reliant on maritime trade will weaken. It won’t be easy for them to send reinforcements to Great Albio Island either. Fulfilling the long-held aspiration of reclaiming Albion is not beyond the realm of possibility. Or is the five-year annual national budget more important than Albion?” (Yuri)

Four ships were completely ablaze before my eyes. Black smoke billowed from bow to stern, drifting in the wind.

“Why would you propose such a thing? If you can render all their warships useless, then surely you could land troops and occupy our capital.” (Ovelin)

“It’s because your country is not aligned with the Catholic faction. I only crush the Catholic-aligned countries. I have no interest in claiming this island.” (Yuri)

‘Supporting weapons is an effective strategy. It allows other countries’ citizens to use weapons to harm the enemy without sacrificing their own. There’s no hassle as they will do it on their own and we don’t have to use our own ships.’

“Go back and confer with the Chairman of the Grand Council. Decide whether to ally with us or consider us enemies.” (Yuri)

“…I see. It seems you’re quite the remarkable hero beyond what I’ve heard.” (Ovelin)

‘A hero, huh. This guy talks in a way that sends chills down my spine.’

“If no ship raises a white flag within five hours, we’ll destroy both the ships harbored and the city indiscriminately. Any ships attempting to depart from the harbor during that time will also be destroyed. Tell the ship owners not to set sail if they value their ships.” (Yuri)

“Yes.” (Ovelin)

“The terms for the ceasefire will be that all our ten ships be fully supplied with provisions. Despite the one-sided aggression, this war was provoked by your country. It’s fair, wouldn’t you agree?” (Yuri)

Then, I handed the draft treaty I had prepared in advance to Ovelin Octal.

“Take this and go quickly. That captain may not be smart enough to let the ship sail away. I do wish for peace with your country, so I’d prefer not to cause too much harm.” (Yuri)

“Understood. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.” (Ovelin)

“I understand your position. Now, hurry.” (Yuri)

As I said that, Ovelin Octal descended the rope ladder and transferred to the boat he had arrived in.

“Is this really okay?” (Lilica)

Lilica, clearly still furious, asked.

“Their attitude! I absolutely cannot forgive them.” (Lilica)

“Forgive them.” (Yuri)

‘This incident may become a valuable asset in the future. The Albio Republic is a stronghold of the Kalghi faction. If the Watashi faction spreads, there may indeed be future conflicts. At that time, if a country has been a close friend that has never betrayed us and has treated us with sincerity, it will be difficult to abandon it. If we can draw a line in our relationship, they will not use friendship as an excuse to pressure us into providing technology.’

“They’ll quickly change their tune. If you act angry, they might even send bribes.” (Yuri)

“And if they don’t?” (Lilica)

“There are only ten of those warheads completed. I’ll sink six more for now, and then they’ll realize it’ll be cheaper to give us some grain than all the ships in the harbor. Once we have the resources, we can come regularly and extort them each time. After all, they’re the ones who started this fight.” (Yuri)

‘Either way, we come out ahead.’

“…Should we agree to a truce?” (Lilica)

“A truce is different from ending the war. There’ll be a truce in about a week.” (Yuri)

When I stated the obvious, Lilica chuckled softly.

“Indeed, you are the man I have high hopes for.” (Lilica)

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