The Cheat Seed

Chapter 82: A Not So Casual Meet

[Warning!!! An intense level of hostility detected]

[Distance is being calculated]

[Distance calculation complete]

[The hostile object is 2 meters away]

Marcus's apertures narrowed at the messages his systems let out one by one inside his mind.

His eyes, through the small slits, darted around the room and the table.

Raka was still explaining how the room had shaken before. Little did he know Marcus wasn't interested in any of that bullshit. But it did seem remarkable to him. The capacity to uncover and generate working techniques to amplify force was brilliant.

The power to intensify force could be used to make high-tech weapons as well, which could be a mighty help to revokers who excel in using ranged weapons like Kerin.

But... Putting his thoughts aside for a moment, Marcus focused on the man in front of him. The blue-haired young man was still going on about how he invented the table and the carpet.

Marcus managed to make sure that he heard what Raka said and stay alert at the same time as well. As his system had warned, Marcus was on complete guard to whatever was supposed to come at him.

"And now comes the fun part... the part where I found out you weren't a mage. Err, at least not a God at deception magic"

At that instant when Raka finished his lines, Marcus's almighty sense screamed inside him. This time with a vigor it never had before.

'Why did he say that?.... Why did he say that I wasn't a God at deception magic?'

'That's dubious'

(That's Sus)

Marcus's eyes were still narrow when he watched Raka bang the table and look down at something. His legs split up from their once overlapping stance and strengthened under his will.

A ping echoed inside his ears, ascertaining him to get ready for the incoming attack.






Marcus spotted Raka's eyes go down along with his head as he stared at his feet.

"This whole room.."

Just as Raka started saying so, Marcus saw Raka's head jerk straight up and face the ceiling, his red eyes glaring at him vigorously. The red, now glowing irises carried ill intent in them as Raka's glare intensified.1

"It's an Illusion"

Marcus's narrow eyes widened as he saw something drift its way from the table towards Raka's hand. The speed at which the black matter bolted towards Raka was unimaginable.






Within the count of 1, 4 mana-piercer bullets and a Soul breaking bullet were slicing the air, rushing towards Marcus in a frenzy.

With just as amazing a pace, Marcus trapped the bullets between his fingers. The room rippled around him as the walls started falling over.

"System what's happening?"

Marcus yelled, dropping the bullets on the grass-patched dirt ground.

[User!!! The Opponent has used God-level deception magic!!. Warning!! The adversary is not to be underestimated]

God-level deception magic?. Marcus felt his heart race with a tinge of concern. But he was a hundred times more excited than he was appalled.

Battling a strong opponent was just what he was missing. Maybe it was because of his brimming excitement that he forgot about the battle he had against a god yesterday and two of them that very morning.

"System, expand and explain the cache around the area"

[Expanding Cache]

[Expansion - 0%]

[Speeding up cache expansion]

[Cache Expansion successful]

[Expansion - 100%]

[User. The current place you are standing on is a pocket dimension. Damage done here won't affect the outside world. The room you entered previously was the pocket dimension you are currently standing on]

[Repeating with elaboration]

[User, you are currently standing on a well-set-up pocket dimension with deception magic which ranks in the God Level spells. You were not able to see through this level of Deception because of your lack of knowledge about magic spells and mana]

Realization hit Marcus as his eyes widened yet again. He remembered how Raka told him about the deception magic he set up on Sean and how even Legendary revokers found it difficult to see through.

But here he was, In a Pocket Dimension which was set up pretty well inside a facade room using God-Level Deception magic. From what he knew, even Mage Earth didn't have this power.

Yet, there was no room for assumptions. It had been 2 years since he left this world and it's barely past 2 days since his return. So he still had more to learn about the new world.

Marcus's thoughts waltzed back to the black matter which bolted towards Raka from the table.

"What was that black matter System?"

[I am currently analyzing the user's previous visions]

[Analysis progress - 0%]

[Speeding up the analysis]

[Analysis complete]

[User, The black matter you witnessed rushing towards the adversary was nothing else than AI (Artificial Intelligence) programmed Nanobots.]

[Elaborating Nanobots]

[Nanorobots are theoretical microscopic devices measured on the scale of nanometers (1nm equals one-millionth of 1 millimeter). When fully realized from the hypothetical stage, they would work at the atomic, molecular, and cellular levels to perform tasks in both the medical and industrial fields]

"But we don't have Nanobots here... yet"

[Yes User, This world currently doesn't have the technology to manufacture Nanobots. The nanobots you saw could be either the invention of the human named Raka or an item brought from another world]


[I am sorry user, The path is untracable]


Marcus sighed. His hands were balled into tight fists and they were ready to knock out anything that came for him.

The pocket dimension was vast but at the same time was plain. It was only an infinite land of grass-patched ground. (Like those wallpapers on the windows).

But Raka was nowhere to be seen. It was just Marcus, the ground, and the glaring sun in the entire piece of land.

A pocket dimension was something similar to a domain but was 100 times better than a domain and durable as well. But the cost for maintaining a pocket dimension was very, very high than the cost to maintain a Domain.

The cost variation could be almost interpreted as the discrepancy between heaven and earth...

And Marcus right now was in one of the pocket dimensions which had been silent for about 5 minutes.

Just as he was thinking about the Pocket Dimension another train of thought crossed his mind.

'Nanobots... Could Raka have invented this?... As the system said, there's no way he could manufacture nanobots using the current technology the present world had'

'Raka's first appearance was also suspicious. If what Dave said was right then Raka was a mysterious entity that appeared out of the blue. No previous documents or witnesses was proved to be confirming the identification of the man named Raka Riles'

Marcus's eyes widened automatically at the next thought that came into his mind. A thought which he desperately did not want to believe.

'Could he be the otherworldly hero?... The one before him?. The person for whom The Flame Emperor was searching for?... The Void Breaker?'


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