The Cheat Seed

Chapter 81: A Casual Meet With The Prodigy - 2

"AHA, Marcus... That Cheat Seed of yours, it's... hella interesting."


"What do you mean??"

The shock in his eyes narrowed as he slit his eyes. Marcus maintained his posture, just so that the young man before him wouldn't notice his surprise.

The man in front of him didn't utter a word and Marcus followed his silence. For a whole minute, they stared at each other like roosters in a fight, ready to jump at an opening.

The young man in front of him who was thought to be Raka was handsome. Sky Blue hair which was smoothened and straightened fell on his left eye, but the crystal red eyes stared straight through the hair, right at Marcus's narrow green ones.

The jawline Raka had was perfect, it was as straight as an arrow. His nose was perfectly aligned to his cool and pinkish-brown lips which were now shut fast as he stared at Marcus.

Raka's skin tone was fair and white, making the black watch on his wrist stand out. The deep blue business coat went well with the white shirt under it.

Both of them were examing each other with their death stares. Raka stood straight on the other side of his polished table whereas Marcus was still on the hall, standing in the doorway, 3 meters away from him.

Jeffrey was beside Marcus, he shot an aghast glance to his Master before bringing his startled eyes back to the man beside him.

The atmosphere was tense, the cool air inside the room seemed to go down. Both the young men did not blink. What ran inside their minds should be obvious. 'I BLINK, I LOSE'.

And when Marcus saw Raka's eyelids hang in unrest, the prodigy pulled out his trump card. 'BREAK THE SILENCE'

"I am just kidding Marcus haha...come, have a seat"

Raka's voice was pure and tranquil. It suddenly gave Marcus a sensation that he usually felt while sitting on the banks of a calm creek.

His almighty sense was relaxed when he entered the room. Marcus expelled a small wave of cool whiff without taking away his eyes from Raka. Even though his thoughts tried to tear them away from the blue-haired man and to the chair in front.

With a relaxed posture and an alert mind, Marcus took his seat on the chair directly in front of Raka, who was just like him, alert inside his mind.

"Tell me...Tell me why you wanted to see me and..."

Marcus paused as his shoulders relaxed, he overlapped his right leg on his left and tucked his chin on his right hand which was folded into a fist. His eyes were sharp as ever and were slicing its path to the red irises of the blue-haired gent in front of him.

"...tell me why you were spying on me yesterday"

Raka's eyes narrowed, even more, when he heard Marcus finish his words. The atmosphere once again picked the tense mood which was slowly fading in the background.

It was silent. Silent to an extent that they could've heard a pinfall on the cushioned floor.

Raka's elegant voice sliced the tension as he chuckled.



Raka banged the table with his fists. First, the table shook with a tremendous vibration, then came the whole tremor which rippled the entire room they were in.

His blue hair bounced, giving rise to some more extra strands of smoothened hair to fall over his left eye. The reddish iris's sparkled and his eyes magnified into a broad stare. A genuine grin was plastered wide on his face.

Right now his face screamed 'I AM IMPRESSED'


Marcus was still in his seat, shaking his head sideways as if nothing happened. His Index finger pointed up to the ceiling and his voice was deep and alert as he continued.

"Just a room? Why not the entire thing?"




The entire edifice trembled as Marcus clapped his hands together. Raka's fallen blue hair rose with a jerk and drifted vigorously in the air with the pressure that Marcus's palms vacated.

Raka's eyes instantly caught up with the limit to which it could stretch as he gaped in disbelief at the man in front of him...who was smirking at him.

"I am Impressed"

Raka admitted. He relaxed back on a Typical CEO rotating chair which was larger than he was. Raka's legs copied Marcus as his legs overlapped in the same posture Marcus kept his.

"I give up. Hehe I'll stop beating around the bush and explain things to you then"

Raka chuckled.

"I wouldn't expect any less from a person acknowledged by the one and only Davedevil"

Raka said. He angled his elbows on the chair's hand support and touched his fingers together as he brought his hands together.

They moved in a wave, starting from the pinkies and ending at the thumbs. His body was twisted slightly to his left along with the chair, but his gaze was trained on Marcus.

"Oh, So Dave told you about me, Hmm.. thought so"

Marcus nodded.

"But why the spy?... I would've met you anyways in the Unreal Academy"

Marcus asked with a quizzical grin on his face.

"Well... I wanted to know what made Dave so speechless about you... and trust me I don't regret it. The deception magic I set up on Sean was a Legendary ranked spell, which even the top 3 took an hour to see through."

"And that's also why I asked you about The Cheat Seed, it should've been either that or you were incredibly talented and all-knowing about deception magic."

Raka explained. He made sure that the words he produced had life in them. He wanted it to reach the man in front of him. His eyes were still carefully examining Marcus's placid expressions, trying to find a twitch or two.

"So why didn't you ask anything about the latter? I don't look like an expert deception mage to you?."

The conveyed reply by Marcus was a sharp question that delivered its purpose.

"Ahh, It was just my Intuition playing its part... But it got confirmed two minutes ago..."

Raka paused.


Marcus raised a brow.

"That you are not an expert at deception magic... Proof?... Heh! remember how I shook the whole room with just a bang on this table?"

Raka smirked while pointing at the table. Marcus in return nodded his head. Raka exited a grin as he saw Marcus's eyes carrying intrigue within them.

"Watch this"

Raka gently tapped the table which made it vibrate. It was followed by a tremor that shook the entire room, just like before!.

"See?... It wasn't the applied force that shook the room, but the force in which the applied force was let out."

Raka illustrated, his face was calm as he explained. Marcus remained silent. He was pretty sure that Raka was examining him.

But Marcus was intrigued, he was struggling to conserve his expression which was about to break away from his control.

"Now look at the floor, do you think this black carpet was just for decoration?."

Raka smiled as he pointed at the floor.

It was true. Marcus hadn't noticed this before but under the chair, was a black carpet that ran till the spot where Raka sat.

"This table and the carpet shook the room, not me."

Raka grinned yet again, this time pretty sure that the man before him would speak.

...And he was on spot.


Marcus's words blurted out of his mouth.


Raka's thought echoed before continuing his speech.

(Ah shit, here we go again ~ science)

"This table can multiply the applied force on my will and release it at the same quantity it was multiplied. Don't worry, It won't kill.

The carpet comes into action next. The multiplied force is then physically received by the carpet which is then forwarded towards the chairs"

Raka paused his science rap as he took in a deep breath. His face showed happiness whereas Marcus was still alerted by the genius in front of him, his heart strangely kept on warning him about something, something that was about to happen.

"And now comes the fun part... the part where I found out you weren't a mage. Errr, at least not a God at deception magic"






Raka's eyes went down along with his head as he stared at his feet.

"This whole room.."

Just as so, Raka's head jerked straight up and faced the ceiling, but his red eyes glared at Marcus.

"It's an Illusion"







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