Super Urban Master

Chapter 331 - Ice the God of Kill

Chapter 331 Ice the God of Kill

The next day, a piece of shocking news spread to every corner of Semi-Ancient Martial World.

Tian Han Sect was exterminated the day before, and its mountain was smashed down into the earth by more than ten meters. All its members and all the grand buildings were buried in the giant deep pit. The earthquake felt by people in almost half of Semi-Ancient Martial World turned out to be the shake caused by the crashing of Tian Han Sect.

Without asking, people knew it must have been done by Qin Hao. In Semi-Ancient Martial World, only that freak could do such a horrible deed.

The “visit” mentioned by Bloody Demon King the other day turned out to be such a visit, an exterminating visit with no one having survived.

Tian Han Sect had been erased. What would happen to the other two major sects?

Not long later, the news was heard that the other two, Ancient Sword Sect and Saint Moon Sect, were devastated in the same manner. Now the age of three major sects came to an end.

Following the extermination of the three major sects, the whole Semi-Ancient Martial continent was thrown into long-term warring chaos.

In the past, ninety percent of the Semi-Ancient Martial World was under control of the three major sects. Now that they were devastated, their old territories lost owners. Thus, the smaller sects that used to be suppressed emerged and fought bloodily with each other for these territories.

In the chaotic fights, one sect, Medicine Sect, grew quickly and gradually became the leading sect. Later, other sects were conquered or merged into Medicine Sect whose territories covered most Semi-Ancient Martial World. Since then, Medicine Sect became the sole major sect that no other could compete with.

Certainly, that happened much later.

After Qin Hao destroyed three major sects, he also gained all the cultivation resources of them. Except some he kept for himself, he gave all the rest to Medicine Sect.

All the resources of the three major sects had been concentrated on Medicine Sect. That was to say, Medicine Sect itself had ninety percent resources of the whole Semi-Ancient Martial World. If Ye Tianping still couldn’t lead Medicine Sect to thrive, he should just hit his head on the ground to death as an apology.

Moreover, Master Gu Hong’s cultivation of Medicine King Scripture II was smooth. His vessels and strength were both recovering. Though he couldn’t go back to Peak of Void Stage, he could become a Void Stage master. Today in Semi-Ancient Martial World, Void Stage cultivators almost died out. Having a Void Stage master like Gu Hong was enough to threaten others not to make trouble with Medicine Sect.

After giving resources to Medicine Sect, Qin Hao took Shi Bingying and Shadow on the way to Life-or-Death Array. He wanted to break the Life-or-Death Array with the two, and go into the holy land for cultivation, Ancient Martial World. He was much stronger now, so he was convinced that even Life-or-Death Array wouldn’t prevent him from becoming more powerful.

He could have waited longer when he got more strength, but the decennial weak time of Life-or-Death Array would soon end. There was not much time left for him to improve his strength. He had to grab the last time to hurry to the array.

News about Qin Hao going to break Life-or-Death Array got around fast. It caused another huge shock in Semi-Ancient Martial World. Since the beginning of Semi-Ancient Martial World, there had been some people who tried to break the Life-or-Death Array. But none of them had succeeded. As a result, no one dared to try their luck there later in the past one thousand years.

Who could have expected that someone would want to break that array again? What would be his fate in trying so? After all, he was an amazing youth whose strength had grown so quickly and terribly. Thus, the public talked much about him and his goal of breaking Life-or-Death Array. It became the hottest topic in tea houses and pubs. Some even bet money for whether he would succeed or not.

Most bet that he would fail, because they thought breaking Life-or-Death Array was too hard. Even though Qin was the most powerful man in Semi-Ancient Martial World, breaking Life-or-Death Array was still a mission impossible.

Certainly, some bet he could make it, but they were few. Few bettors meant high odds. But if they could win, that would make a big difference.

“Su Xue, little sister, where are you going?” On a mountain path, a beautiful woman in white was carrying a small bag rushing.

Suddenly three men came out in front of her and blocked her way. The leader was an arrogant man.

Su Xue stopped and looked up at the arrogant man. She then said indifferently, “Senior Mo, please let me go. I’m no longer a member of your sect. I’m free to go anywhere.”

“Humph, Su Xue, you ought to have known that once you joined, you have no reason to quit, or else you will be punished as a traitor.” The man named Mo gave a cold voice.

“But I have gained the permission of my Shifu and Sect Leader.” Su Xue defended.

“You got their permission, but not mine. Haha…” Mo showed a sinister smile and stepped closer to Su Xue.

Su Xue was frightened into backing a few steps, “What, what do you want?”

“Haha, you know what I want. Don’t you know my feelings for you?” Mo smiled more evilly.

“I never liked you.”

“That’s not important. I like you and this is enough. There is no one else here now. If you and I achieve our consummation, then you have to like me. Haha…” In his dirty and evil smile, Mo threw himself on Su Xue.

“Ah! Help!”

Confronting with Mo, Su Xue couldn’t resist at all. She only had some basic knowledge of cultivation and was even not a Beginning Stage cultivator. But Mo was a Spirit Stage master.

So, with no doubt, she was held tightly by Mo.

“Haha, little sister. It’s not proper here, but in that bush. I can make you come to sky-high. Haha…” Mo lifted Su Xue to his chest and was about to jump into the bush when a cold Qi came roaring. One’s heart couldn’t help shivering by the coldness it brought.

Mo had a chill and stopped. His two followers were weaker and their whole bodies started to tremble.

It must be a certain powerful cultivator here with a strong freezing Qi.

“Who’s there? Come out!” Mo shouted to the empty around. His voice rolled back and forth in the mountain.

“Bullying a woman in broad daylight. What a gentleman deed.” A cold voice was heard, and a black figure showed up before them.

He was tall and clean. He had a handsome face, from which no warmness could be felt. Not only his face was cold, but his whole body had the same Qi around him, a cold Qi.

When he stood there, though the sun was shining brightly now, Mo and his men only felt freezing, as if they had slid into a world of ice.

“Who, who are you?” Mo’s voice trembled a bit. No one knew whether it was out of coldness or fright. A man who could emit such Qi must be a master among masters.

Such a master seemed only to be… At this moment, he thought of someone.

“You, you are…” This time, Mo really trembled for fear. He let go of Su Xue at once and his eyes were full of terror.

“My name is Ice,” The cold man’s voice was also cold.

Ice, a name of a single character. That was him! The most mysterious, unique and frightening person.

“You are that legendary God of Kill, called Ice the God of Kill. Hero, you may have got it wrong. This is my little sister and we are in love…”

Mo hadn’t finished his words when a cold sword gave a bright beam and pierced through his body, which, as a result, was covered by a layer of frost.

Cold Ice Sword, the unique skill of Ice the God of Kill. When he applied it, Mo was killed at once.

“Run!” Seeing Mo be killed by only one act of sword, the remaining two men screamed crazily and escaped, without a thought of resisting.

Unluckily, by their strength, they could not get away. Two beams of sword light flashed, and they were also pierced and frozen.

After killing them without effort, Ice the God of Kill withdrew his sword and murmured, “You two in love. You must have taken me as a fool.” Then he turned to Su Xue. His face was still cold, “Where are you going?”

“I, I want to look for a man.” She held herself with two arms. In front of this man, she felt both cold and fearful.

“Who are you looking for?”

“His name is Qin Hao. Could you take me away from here? I, I’m a little terrified.” Su Xue was frightened by Mo and she was afraid that some other guys would come out desiring for her.

Though this Ice the God of Kill before her was cold and frightening, he seemed to be a decent man and would not treat her bad. So, it might be better to follow him to leave here and consider the next plan. With a powerful man like him, no one would dare to bully her.

“Qin Hao?” Ice the God of Kill’s cold face changed a bit.

“You know him too?” Su Xue hurried to ask. But after asking, she realized everyone in Semi-Ancient Martial World must have known Qin Hao for his famous deeds. Her question seemed silly in front of this cold man.

Ice the God of Kill didn’t laugh at Su Xue but answered the question seriously, “I’ve heard about him a lot these days. It is said that he’s going to the Life-or-Death Array. I’m also heading there.”

Su Xue was shocked and then said happily, “What a coincidence. Do you want to break the Life-or-Death Array with him?”

Ice the God of Kill nodded, “I’ve wanted to break it for long. But I was afraid that I couldn’t make it alone. Now there emerged a powerful Qin Hao, so I think maybe I can cooperate with him. The chances of breaking it will be more.”

“You are right. You will succeed together with him for you are both brilliant cultivators. I hope you don’t mind taking me along.” Su Xue was excited.

“Fine. You can follow me.” Ice the God of Kill didn’t say more. Maybe because he was a reticent man. After agreed to Su Xue’s request, he turned right away and headed forward. Su Xue also hurried to pick up her bag and follow him close.

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