Super Urban Master

Chapter 330 - Extermination of Tian Han Sect

Chapter 330 Extermination of Tian Han Sect

As the decennial Hero Meeting came to an end, the watching crowd melted away. The bustling Hero City gradually regained its former quietness.

However, the discussion about the Hero Meeting continued. Even after years, when someone talked about this grand meeting, his face was still full of astonishment.

That youth, Qin Hao, came out of the blue and brought so many amazing and shocking memories. This young man was destined to be a forever legend being talked about in the martial world. He was also a monument that no one, whether from the urban world or the Semi-Ancient Martial World, could ever surpass. When being faced with or talked about by thousands of Martial Cultivators, he could only be looked up to or admired.

As a top master, he was looked up and worshiped by some people, but was frightened for others.

The three major sects were living in fear now. The words left by Bloody Demon King struck huge terror into their hearts. What kind of visit would Qin Hao pay to them? Now that the leaders of the three major sects had kidnapped his Shifu in person, how could he let it go at that?

Some timid ones snuck away from their sects. But unluckily, once they were found, they would be executed as traitors. Only in this way, large-scale escaping could be prevented.

Of course, many held the thought that maybe Qin Hao would only come for negotiation. If they showed him enough sincerity, he might forgive them and let it go.

So, the three sects prepared their “sincerity” and waited in anxiety for Qin Hao’s “visit”.

One day, outside the gate of Tian Han Sect came three people. A handsome but aggressive man and two pretty women whose beauty could overthrow the world.

“Who are you? Don’t you dare come to our Tian Han Sect. Round them up!” The guard hadn’t been to the Hero Meeting and didn’t know the three. When the guard and his men surrounded them, he stared at the two beauties and slavered inwardly, thinking that he would soon kill this man and take the two rare beauties in his possession.

“I am Qin Hao.” The man said lightly but the listeners felt it was like the crashing thunder hitting their heads. The guard’s filthy thoughts disappeared immediately with only fear left in his mind.

Though he had never met Qin Hao before, this name was a demon in the whole sect’s mind that no one could get rid of it.

“Hu…hurry! Sound the alarm! It’s…it’s Qin Hao!”

He screamed in terror and turned back to escape. Others followed him right away into the gate with a whoosh, and closed the gate tightly in a clonk.

Qin Hao looked at the closed door and sneered. What was the use to close the door?

With a launch of a palm, the solid and thick gate was thrown into the air, together with the men behind it. Then they fell heavily to the ground screaming. Although they were not dead, their bodies were severely broken.

“Master Qin, please don’t be angry and forgive our disciples for giving you a poor reception,” A man in his fifties said from a distance while hurrying over with a bunch of people.

Qin Hao stood at the gate against the wind, staring at the crowd marching close.

The coming people were all master hands, among which there were several in Void Stage. It turned out that not all the Void Stage masters of Tian Han Sect had gone to the Hero Meeting. Those who had come there were smashed to death on spot—they shouldn’t have been so active and rushed too ahead.

Qin Hao’s eyes fell onto the leader, the man in his fifties. This man was in the peak of the late period of Void Stage, a man who was about to step into the Peak of Void Stage and was naturally the most powerful among the crowd.

“Master Qin, forgive me for not waiting here earlier. My name is Xiao Gui, deputy leader of Tian Han Sect.” Xiao Gui came in front of Qin Hao and showed his greatest respect and best manners.

“Stop talking nonsense. You know why I come here. Now tell all of your men, those above Void Stage, to remove all their martial cultivation and both arms; those of Spirit Stage, to remove all their martial cultivation and one arm; those under Spirit Stage, to remove all their martial cultivation. Next, tell everyone to leave your sect and Tian Han Sect will no longer exist.” Qin Hao said so indifferently as if it had not been something fatal. He had no expression on his face, except a freezing look sharp like a knife.

The whole Tian Han Sect was struck dumb. As a Martial Cultivator, removing all the cultivation was unacceptable, let alone to break their arms and leave Tian Han Sect.

As a large sect, Tian Han Sect was always arrogant and, as a result, had offended numerous people. In the past, those who had been bullied could only tolerate and said nothing for fear of revenge by this powerful sect. But now, if the Tian Han Sect disciples had to leave their sect without their martial cultivation, they were doomed to be trampled to death by millions of people outside. That was the result of doing evil.

Moreover, these old fogeys of Tian Han Sect were not happy with and could not accept Qin Hao’s demand for their sect to exist no more. That was clearly the extermination of Tian Han Sect.

Tian Han Sect had existed for thousands of years. How could they agree with a young boy’s demand to erase it? At least they, the old ones, would not agree, or else they would not face their ancestors when they went to the underworld.

“Youg man, your request may be too aggressive. Our Tian Han Sect has existed for thousands of years, and how can we disappear simply by your words.” An old man of nearly one hundred years old stood in front and said in a sulk.

Qin Hao’s eyes were fixed on that old man. His face seemed colder.

“Prime Elder, you…” Xiao Gui was in a huge worry. He knew this elder had never seen how terrible Qin Hao was and only thought Qin Hao was an ordinary powerful and arrogant youth.

“Xiao Gui, leave me alone. Let me talk to him.” It seemed that this old man had a high position in Tian Han Sect that he could overlook the deputy leader Xiao Gui.

Xiao Gui could do nothing but stand aside.

“Young man, I know what happened between you and our sect. Indeed, it was our former leader’s fault to rob your Shifu. But in the world of Martial Cultivators, the weak will stand as an easy prey to the strong. And I think, on the way to become who you are today, you must have robbed others much too.”

“What’s more, the perpetrator of this crime had died in your hands. He had paid for his acts. Except for our former leader, some other Void Stage masters in our sect were also killed by you. Thus, your enmity should have been paid off.”

“But of course, we are willing to offer more compensation. Guards! Bring that thing.”

Under the old man’s demand, several strong men carried some boxes and two big iron cages here. The people back moved to give way to these men.

Qin Hao spared no glance to the boxes but stared at the two cages. Within them, there were two strange and disgusting birds with human heads. Those were the Human-head Eagles that had kept by Bloody Demon King in the past. It was them that had guided the three major sects to the unknown island on the Indian Ocean to rob Bloody Demon King. It turned out that they had been adopted by Tian Han Sect after escaping.

On seeing Qin Hao, the two evil birds shrieked in fright and despair. Qin Hao couldn’t know them more for they had run away from his hands. Now Qin Hao stood right before them, no wonder they were desperate.

“Young man, it was the two birds’ fault to rob your Shifu. I give them to your disposition. From now on, let’s not interfere with each other.” The old man said firmly in a domineering tone.

From his tone and what he said, he seemed to be the main character today. But let’s not forget the real protagonist.

“Great. Your sincerity is so great, so nice, haha…” Qin Hao sneered loudly, “It seems that I have overrated your intelligence. So far you haven’t realized the real situation but put on your major-sect airs.”

“Master Qin, please don’t be angry. Our Prime Elder didn’t mean that…” Xiao Gui wanted to apologize but was shouted at to stop by the old man.

“Xiao Gui, we have been a major sect for thousands of years. What’s wrong with that? Where are your guts by saying that?”

“I…” Xiao Gui wanted to cry now but he couldn’t. He shouted within himself: My Prime Elder, you should see who you are confronting and then talk about guts! It’s really unwise for you to say that.

“Haha, it’s nice to see you’ve got guts. Then I have nothing else to say. Farewell!” After saying this, Qin turned back and stepped outside.

Seeing Qin leaving without taking any of the things they provided, including the two strange eagles, Tian Han Sect’s people felt a surprise and also a relief. The fright in their hearts these days finally dissipated. That legendary Qin Hao was just so-so.

Suddenly, however, someone started to scream.

“Look, what’s that?”

The crowd heard the scream. Before they could know what was happening, they had felt dark above their heads. Then golden beams were radiated from above and covered all of them at once.

They looked up in amazement and saw no sky above. Instead, there was an enormous cauldron floating in the air, covering the sun and the sky above Tian Han Sect.

Besides, the giant cauldron was still becoming bigger, as if it had wanted to cover the whole mountain where Tian Han Sect was located. If it smashed down to them, no one would survive.

“Run, run!”

Someone realized the danger and screamed hysterically.

That firm old man who had talked about major-sect guts also saw the giant cauldron. His face color changed and asked, “Xiao Gui, what’s that?”

“Prime Elder, that’s what Qin Hao can do. It’s over now. Tian Han Sect is over. And that’s your fault!” Xiao Gui had no room in his mind to show respect to the elder and accused him.

“He…He has such a magic artifact. I… I have destroyed Tian Han Sect. Oh, ancestors!” The old man howled.

“Stop yelling, Prime Elder! Run now!” Xiao had no time to care about the old man. Leaving his words behind, he flashed out first by his fastest speed

In the void, Qin Hao looked down to the anxiously escaping people and sneered, “Run? How can you run away from this!” After saying this, he pushed his hand down heavily.

“Boom, boom…!”

The loud rumble stirred the clouds in the high sky to move restlessly. People at a distance of fifty kilometers could feel the shake, as if an earthquake had taken place somewhere. Those who were kept in the dark felt the shake and thought an earthquake had really happened somewhere.

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