Super Urban Master

Chapter 301 - Going from Urban World to Semi-Ancient Martial World

Chapter 301 Going from Urban World to Semi-Ancient Martial World

Qin Hao left. Although Li Zhanwu did everything, he couldn’t keep Qin Hao. He left with his Little Monster and his beloved woman and his Shifu.

With Bloody Demon King leading the way, Qin Hao and others passed the Soul-Sucking Array and entered the Semi-Ancient Martial World.

After entering, Qin Hao and Shi Bingying felt cool, like bathing in the Spring breeze. They could feel the Spirit Qi by simply breathing. It was fantastic. If had cultivated in this environment, they would have saved a lot of efforts.

It was a heaven for cultivators.

Seeing the surprise on Qin Hao’s face, the Bloody Demon King scolded him, “Son, don’t be amazed too soon by this little Qi. You’ll find the true heaven when we reach the real Ancient Martial World.”

“Yes, yes, Shifu.” Qin Hao said. He was too young to see through everything compared with old monsters like Bloody Demon King who had lived for hundreds of years.

Besides, this was the first time for him to come, so he would certainly be surprised.

Qin Hao and Shi Bingqing kept looking at everything curiously on the way.

They were wearing similar clothes to people living outside. But if you really wanted to name a difference, people outside were wearing much fashionable, new and colorful clothing, but here the clothes were simple.

Houses were mostly made of wood. And even brick houses were not as high as skyscrapers outside. They were 3-5 stories at most.

Walking past some towns, they could not see any modernized machines. People were mostly farming by hand and using horses and cows. It looked like Huaxia before its modernization.

One couldn’t see any factories or pollution. It was a pure and clean world.

But one thing was different. Everyone seemed to be full of spirits. They probably all more or less do martial cultivation.

Since it was the Semi-Ancient Martial World, people certainly practice martial cultivation. Even if they could not become masters, they could do some exercises.

As their temporary “guide”, Blood Demon King said the Semi-Ancient Marital World was actually not large. It was of the size of a small-to-medium province outside.

It was independent, but there was no country. There were only powerful sects, with three major ones, being the Tian Han Sect, the Ancient Sword Sect and the Saint Moon Sect. They made up of 90% of the ruling of this world. The rest belonged to some small sects.

The Jinwu Sect they were looking for was one of the sects belonging to the 10%.

And now they arrived at a small town belonging to the Jinwu Sect.

Although it was just a small town, it was much more prosperous than one outside. It had a large population with lots of wooden houses.

According to the Blood Demon King, it was because people lived a long life here, on average over 100, which was terrifying to people outside.

It was because of the clean air and lacking pollution, the Spirit Qi in the air, and people’s practice of martial cultivation. They would exercise regularly and were rarely ill. Therefore, they lived longer.

Some sects even had elixirs for people to live even longer.

Therefore, with the newborns arriving every year and the old ones not leaving the world, the population kept increasing.

After hearing the introduction, Qin Hao was impressed. It was a great place for Martial Cultivators. He now knew why Martial Cultivators living in urban world could not improve and all wanted to come here.

He was only wondering how many of them could pass the Soul-Sucking Array. Most people would either die or return.

Qin Hao admitted that without Bloody Demon King, though he might also have survived the array, it would take a month, a year, or several years to come out. But he was a Void Stage master. Others in the Spirit Stage would not be so lucky.

“Hao, there’s a tavern there. Let’s get some rest.” After entering the town, Bloody Demon King said.

“Yes, Shifu.” Qin Hao and Shi Bingying followed him.

They entered and the footman greeted them with a smile, “Welcome, please take this way. What would you like today?”

The footman led them to a clean place to sit and asked with a smiling face.

“Two teapots of good wine, three jin (half of a kilogram) of beef, four jin of fish…”

Without asking for opinions, Bloody Demon King ordered a lot. And Qin Hao smiled bitterly, with no clue whether they would be able to finish it.

After the order, the footman asked a waiter to serve them with a lot of candies in a plate wrapped by red paper.

Qin Hao said in surprise, “What’s this? Shifu, did we order this?”

“Haha, it’s free for you. Our young master will be married tomorrow, and the sect owner told us to celebrate. We also have our special offer, which is a free plate of candies for everyone who dines in our tavern.”

“Oh, got it.” Qin Hao realized that it was the same as marketing events outside. They also knew these techniques.

Suddenly, Qin Hao realized something and changed his look. He hastily asked, “It’s in the territory of Jinwu Sect, and who’s the young master that will get married?”

“There’s only one young master, which is master Jin Yang.” explained the footman.

Jin Yang, seriously?

Qin Hao and others were all confused. Hadn’t Jin Yang said he would let go of Serenity House only if Shi Bingying was willing to marry him? But now she was at here. Who was he going to marry?

Had he decided to let go of Shi Bingying since he had found a better match?

Then, people of Serenity House would be in danger.

“Sir, are you, are you sure it’s Jin Yang?” Shi Bingying stood up in haste.

The footman looked at her and was enchanted by her extraordinary beauty. He was a bit lost and said, “Of, of course. It was…it was master Jin Yang.”

“Hao, what do we do?” Shi Bingying looked at Qin Hao with tears in her eyes.

Qin Hao took her hand and sat her down. He said, “Relax. The deadline hasn’t come and your Shifu and others will be okay.” He was only comforting her. He wasn’t sure himself.

Hearing this, Shi Bingying sat back down slowly and felt a bit better.

“Boy, do you know who’ll be married to your young master?” Qin Hao said curiously.

“Well, she’s as pretty as a fairy, the future wife of our young master…” said the boy excitedly.

Damn, I asked you who she was, why did you tell me this bullshit.

“Just tell me her name.” Qin Hao interrupted. He wasn’t interested in her looks.

“Well, she, she’s from the Medicine Sect. And her name is…Ye, Ye Siyu. Yes. Ye Siyu.”

Upon hearing this, Bloody Demon King didn’t respond, but Qin Hao and Shi Bingying both froze.

Ye Siyu, the daughter of Ye Tianping. They both knew her pretty well.

“How’s that possible?” Qin Hao roared, which surprised the footman a lot.

“Well, sir, this…I, I really don’t know.” The footman was puzzled by his huge reaction.

Qin Hao also cooled off and smiled to apologize, “Sorry, I… Well, serve us the food.”

“Ok, just a second.” The footman bowed and left.

“Hao, it’s ok. There’s plenty of time and we’ll go after eating.” Bloody Demon King said. He only cared about his beef and wine.

Qin Hao shook his head with a bitter smile, “Shifu, I’m not anxious. I just don’t understand why that is. Why would Ye Siyu marry Jin Yang? It’s just unbelievable. I know something’s wrong.”

“Don’t think too much. Whatever happened, just ask them and you’ll know. Now you have to eat to have the strength to fight.” Bloody Demon King demonstrated his reasoning.

Qin Hao nodded and dropped the matter.

But he was determined to destroy Jinwu Sect.

Jinwu City was where the Jinwu Sect was located. If it had been a country, then the city would be the capital of Jinwu Sect.

It was the size of the medium town and the most powerful city belonging to the Jinwu Sect.

During the two days, the city was heavily decorated. Everyone looked happy, wanting to add blessings to their young master. On the streets, it was like the Spring Festival.

In the evening, it was even more so. There were colorful lights everywhere and fireworks shooting up to the sky.

Qin Hao and other rushed all the way and did not rest except at the town. And they arrived at the Jinwu City by dusk.

“They really made a scene.” Qin Hao smirked at the crowd celebrating.

None of the people knew this young man with a smirk would make the happiness all disappear.

“Hao, are we going to the Jinwu Sect now?” Shi Bingying wanted to go there early. She was worried about her Shifu and people of the Serenity House.

“No, we’ll rest tonight.” Bloody Demon King interrupted before Qin Hao could answer. He showed a wicked smile, “I like to destroy people’s wedding, haha.”


Qin Hao was embarrassed at his Shifu’s hobby. No wonder he was called Demon King.

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